Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, julho 31, 2009

Descubren que neuronas tienen resistencia natural al VIH
El hallazgo, realizado por dos científicos, plantea la posibilidad de desarrollar nuevos tratamientos capaces de detener al virus mediante el uso de terapias génicas. Los glóbulos blancos son el tipo de célula más vulnerable al virus.

EUA: Califórnia reduz verba destinada a soropositivos
Além de recentemente proibir o casamento gay, o estado da Califórnia, nos EUA, anunciou outra medida que afetará muitas pessoas — dentre elas muitos homossexuais — devido uma drástica reduzida em programas contra HIV e seus tratamentos.

Tribunal Constitucional chumba casamento entre homossexuais
O programa eleitoral do PS volta a falar do casamento entre homossexuais. Mas o Tribunal Constitucional considerou que a Constituição não o permite. Casamento é exclusivamente para heterossexuais.

Países islámicos, en contra - Acredita ONU a organización gay brasileña
Se trata de la Asociación Brasileña de Gays, Lesbianas y Transgéneros, que en un hecho histórico, obtuvo el estatus de ONG consultativa. México, Guatemala, El Salvador, así como otros países latinoamericanos, le dieron el voto favorable.

Bank says no to Dutch drag queen
How hard can it be to get a bankaccount as a drag queen? As Karoline On Line, Miss Drag queen Holland 2007, found out, very hard.
It took Dutchman Krijn van der Spoel, the man behind one of the most popular drag queens in The Netherlands, a year to get a new bank account approved. He tried to open an account with three of the leading banks in The Netherlands, ING, ABN Amro and SNS Bank, over the passed year but was refused each time. (Photo)

Bombs explode on Outgames track
An athlete was injured and other participants were frightened when three bombs were thrown onto a track during the World Outgames before a relay race. One was only a few feet from where a sleeping infant had been only moments before.

Sex change ops under review in Sweden
The Swedish Board for Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) has launched a review of the healthcare alternatives available to transsexuals seeking to change gender.

[Pakistan] [Blog/Commentary]
Being Trans in Pakistan
An intellectual bloggy friend who lives in Lahore, Pakistan, has written a terrific article analyzing the implications of the recent Pakistani Supreme Court ruling which gave Pakistan’s trans community legal recognition. He also explores why the trans/intersex members of Pakistani families are so marginalized.

[Pakistan] [Blog/Commentary]
Pakistan’s Undesirables: ‘Dealing with’ the Hijra Problem
There has been a lot of hype few days back in media and in the blogosphere about the radical pro-people Supreme Court. Some of these “radical” decisions include orders to destroy poultry feed which contained Pork , probably Pakistan’s public enemy number one and “granting of rights to the Hijra community, the traditional indo/pak transgendered community.

Man, I feel like a woman
Former world surfing champion Peter Drouyn always knew he was a woman trapped in a man's body.
So the Tweed Heads resident underwent a sex change to free herself.

(Photo Crystal Spencer/Tweed Daily News -Former surfing champion Peter Drouyn, now Westerly Windina has her sights set on making it big in the legal world.)

[Australia] [Blog/Commentary]
Transgender & Being Sexual: The Double-Edged Sword of Transphobia
Editors' Note: Guest blogger Bayne MacGregor (aka Battybattybats et al) is an Australian crossdresser/ genderqueer/ bi-gender goth who has suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for around 19 years.

Political Notebook: Congressmen face uphill battle to pass pro-gay immigration reform
Excerpt: He [Solomonese] defended HRC's stance on the ENDA bill, arguing that the strategy had set the stage for passage of a trans-inclusive ENDA by the House this year. "We did the work. We never wavered. And here we are," he said.

D.C. Mayor Cuts LGBT Funding
Excerpt: Some of the proposed LGBT-related cuts include reducing a grant for Transgender Health Empowerment from $150,000 to $60,000 and reducing two grants for the national lesbian health organization the Mautner Project from a combined total of $210,000 to $70,000.

Houston Mayor Proclaims Trans Day
With over 100 people in attendance, Trans activists in Houston had a reason to celebrate as the city's mayor proclaimed last Saturday “Transgender Center Day” in honor of the center’s first anniversary.

Report: A Trans Mental Health Crisis
Thirty-one percent of transgender residents of Massachusetts have considered suicide in the past year, compared with 2% of the state's non-trans heterosexual population, according to a new report.

Homosexuales denuncian discriminación en Panamá
La población gay, lésbica, bisexual y transexual panameña es una minoría sexual vulnerable a las violaciones a los derechos humanos, denunció hoy la Asociación de Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá (Ahmnp).

quinta-feira, julho 30, 2009

Países votam contra entrada de ONG brasileira na ONU
A Associação Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (ABGLT)
ganhou na última segunda-feira, 27, o status de consultora do Conselho Econômico e Social das Nações Unidas (ECOSOC). Mas para isso, o Brasil enfrentou os votos contrários de 12 países: Argélia, Belarus, Camarões, China, Guiné-Bissau, Indonésia, Iraque, Malásia, Paquistão, Federação Russa, Arábia Saudita e Sudão.

Transsexual attacks priest during Mass in Italy
Police in Milan detained a Brazilian transsexual on Sunday after he stripped naked in front of the altar during Mass and began to attack the priest who was presiding over the Mass.
(Photo: The transsexual man who attacked a priest at St. Babila in Milan)

Commissioner Hammarberg urges full respect for transgender persons’ human rights
The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, urged today full respect for the human rights of transgender persons, the Council of Europe informed. Hammarberg published today an expert Issue Paper on “Human rights and gender identity.”
“Transgender persons should have their human rights fully respected” says Commissioner Hammarberg
TGEU welcomes milestone transgender rights document

[South Korea]
Korea's first transgender supermodel
A contestant on a television show became Korea's first transgender supermodel.
Choi Han-bit, 23, a former student at the Korea National University of Arts advanced to the finals of the SBS pageant program "The Asia-Pacific Supermodel Contest 2009."

Choi Han Bit is the First Korean Transgender Supermodel (Photo)
Transgender Woman Makes Cut in Super Model Contest

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
O'Leary Exposed: NARTH Opponent of Trans Rights is Delusional, or a Liar
Excerpt: His article makes several misstatements of fact, and builds on them to construct an argument against human rights for transgender people that requires refutation. So, let’s start with some of his gems:

[USA] [Blog/News/Television]
UPDATE: Dr. Phil Show Agrees to Pull Problematic Segment on Transgender Children
Yesterday, we posted about how the Dr. Phil Show had planned to re-air a problematic segment about transgender children and asked that you reach out to the show. GLAAD also reached out to the producers to voice concerns and ask them not to air the show.

School won't apologize for turning transgender student away at prom
The controversial topic of equal rights among gays, lesbians and transgenders has been brought to light recently, as "Jeremy" met with George Washington High School officials in hopes to get closure on the issue. Jeremy was turned away from his senior prom back in may after he wore a dress. School officials say there should be a transgender policy at the Department of Education. (Photo)

Death of woman in voodoo rite investigated
Investigators in New Jersey are trying to determine what killed a 20-year-old transgender woman who died during a voodoo ritual.

Escolar transexual denuncia cruel bullying homofobico
Fue pateado en las cercanías del liceos por sus compañeros para “convertirlo en mujer” y una compañera fue cambiada de colegio sólo porque es transexual. Ayer junto a un amigo fue amenazado de muerte. El brutal caso de discriminación, ya fue denunciado por Movilh ante el Mineduc y la Dirección de Educación de la Municipalidad de Santiago.
Joven transexual es golpeado por sus compañeros

Diputada del ARI presentó un proyecto de Ley por la identidad de género del colectivo trans en la Provincia de Bs. As.
La diputada provincial por Buenos Aires Maricel Etchecoin Moro, integrante de Jóvenes por la igualdad (JxI), una de las agrupaciones fundadoras del ARI, presentó el lunes pasado un proyecto de ley para que travestis, transexuales y transgéneros sean llamadas/os por su nombre de género ante las entidades administrativas provinciales.

Unas 20 personas quieren cambiar su identidad de forma legal en Río Cuarto
Desde que se abrió un espacio para la Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Transgénero de la Argentina (Attta) en el área de Derechos Humanos de la Municipalidad de Río Cuarto, el debate sobre la situación de estas minorías sexuales quedó abierto en la sociedad.

quarta-feira, julho 29, 2009

Protocolo assinado hoje em Penamacor - Espanha cede 20 linces-ibéricos para reprodução em cativeiro em Portugal
Até ao final deste ano, Portugal deverá receber 20 exemplares de lince-ibérico (Lynx pardinus), vindos de três centros de reprodução em Espanha. O Fado, o Eucalipto, a Espiga e a Erika são alguns dos animais visados por um protocolo assinado ao início da tarde de hoje entre o ministro do Ambiente e a sua homóloga espanhola em Penamacor, junto à Reserva Natural da Malcata.

Descarga mata dezenas de peixes
Espécie protegida afectada em São Martinho do Porto

Novela da Record constrói personagem trans com sensibilidade e jeito real
A Rede Record provou na última segunda-feira, 27, que mesmo em uma emissora declaradamente evangélica não há como fugir da presença da diversidade sexual no cotidiano das pessoas. No capítulo que foi ao ar na segunda da novela “Mutantes – Caminhos do Coração”, o ótimo Gilberto Grawonski (foto) entrou na trama como a trans Valquíria Star, que volta da Itália à vida da filha e de sua ex para pedir perdão pelo sumiço.

UN: Brazilian Gay, Lesbian Group May Join Debates
The United Nations granted official status to a gay and lesbian organization from Brazil on Monday, allowing it to participate in U.N. meetings ranging from health to human rights.
ABGLT ganha status consultivo junto à ONU
Acredita ONU a organización gay brasileña
ONG brasileira é a primeira do Sul a conquistar status consultivo junto à ONU

Participantes são agredidos no World OutGames 2009
Considerado uma maneira de celebrar o orgulho gay nos esportes, o World OutGames 2009, que está sendo realizado em Copenhague, Dinamarca, teve como desfecho da primeira noite muitos participantes agredidos, vítimas de homofóbicos contrários ao evento.

Transsexual says college failed to address harassment
Janet Merner hasn’t had an easy life. As a transsexual, she says she’s been teased, denied jobs and, most recently, forced to quit school because of constant harassment.
(Photo: David Bebee, Record staff - Janet Merner, front and friend Jenna MacAskill protest outside of Conestoga College. Merner claims she was discriminated against by the college due to being a transgender person)

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Transgender prisoners sentenced to rape
Prison officials need to do more to protect inmates from sexual assault. And there is one group of inmates whose vulnerability has gone all but unnoticed -- and that's people who are transgender.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transsexual bashing: An ugly reality in the closet
Good News: Over the years since the Stonewall riot and through the work of Harvey Milk, the gay community has made some progress toward equality and tolerance in our culture.
Bad News: This progress for homosexuals and lesbians has not been the case for those who are transsexual.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Mother’s Tale: Life With An Adult Transsexual Child, pt 5
Some time ago, my mother wrote a piece about what life is like living through the transition of her son to her daughter. This is the final part of the article. I want to thank all the people who have read what my mother wrote. Too often we hear from the gays, lesbians and transpeople in the Community, but we often do not hear the stories of the parents. That is changing too. Thank you.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Is Isis King Distancing Herself From the Trans Community?
Last Friday Larry King featured several trans guests in a show called "The Secret Life of Transgenders." Included were Alexis Arquette, Stu Rasmussen, Ryan Sallans, and Isis King. You may remember Isis last year from being the first transwoman to ever be on America's Next Top Model.

[USA] [Blog/Television]
Dr. Phil to Re-Air Problematic Transgender Episode
The Dr. Phil program plans to re-air an October 2008 episode that misrepresents transgender children and features the biased view of an anti-LGBT activist.

Ark. woman's death was 'God's choice,' N.J. voodoo priest says
Houngan Hector Salva, a native of Vineland, claims he can improve people's fortunes, get the incarcerated out of jail and return lost lovers. But he, too, answers to a creator who does not grant interviews.
That's why the mysterious death earlier this month of Lucie Marie Hamilton, 20, a male-to-female transgender woman from Little Rock, Ark., who traveled to the voodoo priest's home in Camden County for a spiritual cleansing, can't be solved on an earthly level, he said.

She Waited More Than 70 Years to Become a Woman
There are the two lesbians who are celebrating a seventy-year romance. And now a septuagenarian who clocks in as one of the oldest transexuals in America to undergo survery. What makes Renee Ramsey of Philadelphia so special — besides her age? Well for one, she's a 20-year military vet.

Federal Judge Says State Not Obligated to Pay for Sex-Change Surgery
New York state is not obligated to pay for gender reassignment surgery for a Medicaid recipient, even though it provided coverage for individual procedures that are necessary preliminaries to the change, a federal judge in Buffalo has determined.
Western District of New York Judge Charles J. Siragusa in Rochester ruled that Morgana Ravenwood's constitutional rights under the 14th Amendment were not violated by the denial of coverage.

No Medicaid for Sex Changes in New York

Survey: Third of Mass. transgendered weigh suicide
Nearly a third of transgender residents in Massachusetts have considered suicide according to a new survey by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

terça-feira, julho 28, 2009

Polícia paraibana prende trio de jovens acusados de matar travesti
A polícia da Paraíba prendeu na tarde do último sábado, 25, em João Pessoa, um trio de adolescentes que é acusado de matar uma travesti conhecida como Bianca. Dos três, dois deles são menores de idade. Bianca teria sido assassinada porque eles estavam com raiva dela por ter tentado fazer sexo oral neles.

Parada de Cuiabá leva 40 mil pessoas às ruas
Capital de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá realizou no último sábado, 25, sua 7ª Parada da Diversidade Sexual. A novidade neste ano foi o dia, um sábado, já que a caminhada era realizada sempre em uma sexta-feira. Segundo os organizadores, o evento levou pelo menos 40 mil pessoas às ruas cuiabanas. (Photo)

Encuesta revela fuerte rechazo a los homosexuales en las escuelas brasileñas
El 87% de la comunidad escolar brasileña tiene algún grado de prejuicios contra los homosexuales, según revela un informe elaborado por la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP) y difundido hoy por la Agencia Brasil (oficial).

Grupo brasileño de gays y lesbianas participará en debates de ONU
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas concedió el lunes un estatus formal a una organización de gays y lesbianas de Brasil que le permitirá participar en reuniones de la ONU sobres asuntos que va desde la salud hasta los derechos humanos.

M2F Transgender kept in male prison
A trans woman, serving a life-sentence for manslaughter and attempted rape claims the court denying her application for residence in a women's prison violates her human rights.

Northern Lads Going Mad For Transsexual Kim
NORTHERN blokes are going nuts for transsexual pop babe Kim Petras.
They’ve fallen head over high heels for the shapely 16-year-old, despite the fact Kim used to be a Tim.

McCreath wins gold
Transsexual athlete Jennifer McCreath has finished the marathon at the 2009 Outgames in Denmark, making her the first person in world history to run a marathon in a third gender catgory specific for transsexuals, winning a gold medal for the achievement.
…She was the only one running in the category, but still. It’s definitely a landmark.

Egyptian man-turned-woman sues al-Azhar
An Egyptian man-turned-woman has filed a lawsuit with the prosecutor general against the president of al-Azhar University for refusing to re-admit her after the sex-change operation.
(Photo: Sally got a sex-change operation and was kicked out of al-Azhar university)
When Sayyed Met Sally

Transgender gets admit card for teacher training
A member of the transgender hailing from Chettikulam near Vadugaptti in Theni district was issued the admit card to join the Government Teacher Training Institute, Tiruppur, during the counselling conducted here on Sunday.

Lady Boy Refused Sex Opp Found Dead In Pattaya Home
On 26th July 2009 a Thai lady boy with a history of drug use and mental health problems was found dead at his home in Soi Toongglom Tanman. Several medications were found including weight loss tablets and sedatives. (Photo)

[South Korea] [Blog/News/Film]
Lee Na-young becomes a father in transgender role
Lee Na-young (Maunday Thursday, Ruler of Your Own World) is taking on a transgender character in her next film role, one year after she was last seen in the Kim Ki-duk film Dream.
The movie is called Dad Likes Women [아빠는 여자를 좋아해] and unfolds around Lee Na-young, a photographer who is sought out by her child born of a college relationship. The wrinkle is, the son is looking for his father, not knowing that he has since undergone a gender transformation and is now living as a woman.

Permiten a hombre trans jugar fútbol profesional
En un hecho histórico, un joven transgénero de 25 años se convertirá en el primero en ingresar a uno de los clubes profesionales de balompié australiano. Primero tendrá que someterse a una cirugía para remover sus órganos sexuales femeninos.

Pride Parade's message of community and respect
Excerpt: For Sandra Bornemann, who held hands with her transsexual husband Julien Davis, Pride represents much more than sexuality. “It’s about visibility as well, because in the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community, the T is often invisible,” Bornemann said. “We’re showing that it’s not so invisible.”

[USA] [Blog/Television/Commentary]
Dr. Phil Continues Anti-Queer Crusade by Picking on "Gender Confused Kids"
Excerpt: Dr. Phil has some nerve to say this is a "sensitive topic", while continually referring to these children as "confused" and bringing anti-LGBT speakers such as Glen Stanton of the notorious hate group Focus on the Family. Another problem is that he mistakenly mixes up the terms "sex" and "gender."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Free Sex-Swap Ops Under ObamaCare Plan
Barack Obama’s proposed national health care plan will offer free sex change operations and require commercial plans to cover the surgical procedure if they do not already do so.
“Instead of allowing insurance to compete by offering different benefit packages, the Democrats are considering insurance mandates to cover exotic benefits that individuals may not want to buy such as [....] sex change operations,”
writes lawyer and conservative political analyst Phyllis Schlafly.

New bill could help expand hate crime laws
Gay, transgender or disabled people might have more protection under a new U.S. Senate bill that expands the reach of hate crime legislation.

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Renee Ramsey: what her transition means for understanding trans issues
At 77, Renee Ramsey has become one of the oldest people to undergo gender reassignment.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Mother’s Tale: Life With An Adult Transsexual Child, pt 4
Some time ago, my mother wrote a piece about what life is like living through the transition of her son to her daughter. Much of what my mother has written so far has concerned life in Georgia. The LGBT Community in Georgia was far from accepting. Indeed, many of the gay and lesbian people I met in Georgia outside of Atlanta were more than willing to ignore me once they knew that I was transsexual, and it was worse if I reveled that I was also lesbian. The online community was far worse to me than the people I met in Georgia, at least most of that time. What follows are my mother’s feelings about what happened, and what went on.

Transgender Activists Protest Recent Attacks
Dozens rallied in Jackson Heights, Queens on Sunday, following reports of two recent alleged attacks against transgender women, to demand that Albany pass legislation to stop the violence.

Transwoman’s Quarrel Ends in N.Y. Cop Shot
In a bizarre series that would fit into an episode of a TV drama, a New York City police officer was shot when he intervened in a lover’s quarrel. The woman, it turns out, is a male-to-female transsexual, and the gun that injured the officer went off when it hit the ground and went off accidentally.

segunda-feira, julho 27, 2009

Transsexual Protests Detention in Men’s Prison
A transsexual convict in the UK has gone to the High Court challenging detention in a men’s prison, saying it violates her human rights under European law.
The prisoner, in her 20s and serving a life sentence for manslaughter and attempted rape, is legally female and her birth certificate has been amended accordingly, the court heard.

Canadian Government Denies Montreal Pride Grant $$
The conservative Canadian government doles out grant money from a "Marquis Tourism" purse, the idea being that by helping underwrite cultural events, the government will be promoting tourism and bolstering the national economy.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
14: Transgender Victims of Rape
There are very few statistics available for the rate of rape among transgender individuals. One small study showed that 13.7% of transgender respondents had experienced rape or attempted rape. Another study shows that 50% of transgender respondents had been raped or assaulted by a romantic partner — and among all groups of people sexual violence is a common form of intimate partner violence.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Mother’s Tale: Life With An Adult Transsexual Child, pt 3
Some time ago, my mother wrote a piece about what life is like living through the transition of her son to her daughter. This part is shorter than the others. I am using the natural breaks in the story.

Ex-police commissioner in running for rights panel
It's no secret that former Police Commission president Theresa Sparks is on the hunt for a job - and it's appearing as if she didn't have to look far.

Transgender Day honored in Houston
There was a landmark celebration for a center that's thought to be the first of its kind anywhere.
The Transgender Center in Houston is celebrating its first anniversary. Houston City Councilmember Jolanda Jones came to a read a proclamation commending the center and included a message from Mayor Bill White proclaiming July 25, 2009 "Transgender Day" in Houston.

[PA, USA] [News/Commentary]
Behold, The World's Oldest Living Tranny!
The nightly news loves stories about trannies. People think they're odd and don't understand them and don't want to talk to them. Just like old people! This story about a 77-year-old transgender woman is going to freak everyone out!
77-Year-Old Receives a Sex Change

domingo, julho 26, 2009

Sex change inmate seeks prison move
A transsexual prisoner serving life for manslaughter and attempted rape committed while she was a man has claimed the refusal to move her to a women's prison is a violation of her human rights.
[Blog/Commentary] Transsexual Inmate Has A Beef With The System
Trans woman demands move to female prison

Transvestite dies after fight with customer
An Indonesian transvestite died 12 hours after a fight with his “customer” who had refused to pay for services rendered.

Bill 44 passes in Alberta legislature
The Alberta government ushered in controversial changes to Alberta's human rights laws early Tuesday morning, bringing a five-week battle over the nature of rights to a close.
Bill 44 introduced to Alberta's Human Rights Act the right for parents to pull their children from classrooms in which teachers discuss sexual orientation, sexuality, or religion. The parental rights amendment was included with a motion to enshrine gay rights in the province.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Mother’s Tale: Life With An Adult Transsexual Child, pt 2
Some time ago, my mother wrote a piece about what life is like living through the transition of her son to her daughter. As a note, my mother refers to me as Paul and by ‘he’ in referring to past events before I went full time.

Lily McBeth: transsexual teacher leaves profession
Lily McBeth made headlines three years ago when the popular New Jersey substitute teacher transitioned from male to female.
Now she’s
back in the news as she makes a decision to leave the substitute teaching arena.

Transgender mayor accused of showing too much skin - Video
It is not news that the mayor of Silverton, Oregon is transgendered. Citizens have known that. But what has brought attention to Mayor Stu Rasmussen is what he wore to a meeting on a hot day, reportedly violating the city's dress code.
Mayor’s Skimpy Dress Draws Complaints
[Blog/Commentary] Formal complaint filed against transgender mayor regarding attire

[DC,USA] [News/Commentary]
Trans Bathroom Safety: The "Pee in Peace" Campaign
Earlier this month the DC Trans Coalition launched their “Pee in Peace Campaign.” This campaign aims to spread the word and start enforcing the DC laws that are already in place regarding restroom use in public spaces -Laws the protect the harrassment of DC Residents who attempt to use public restrooms which match their gender identity or gender expression.

Discriminan a travesti de Plan Social
Alejandra Ironici denunció que le sacaron “de manera injustificada” un plan jefe de hogar que tenía desde hacía dos años. “Aducen cuestiones de asistencia cuando no falté nunca”, aseguró.
Selenia Alejandra Ironici, tal su identidad de género, denunció a Diario UNO que se siente discriminada por su condición de travesti. “(Las travestis) No sólo luchamos por nuestra identidad de género sino por la posibilidad de tener un trabajo, una educación y un acceso a la salud, dignos”, señaló.

sábado, julho 25, 2009

Travestis e transexuais são os mais afetados pelo preconceito na escola
Em uma sala de aula da 1ª série do ensino fundamental, uma professora pergunta a seus alunos o que eles vão ser quando crescer. Um diz que será médico, outra conta que pretende ser professora. Mas um dos estudantes de 7 anos responde sem titubear: “Quero ser mulher”. A declaração chocou a escola, por isso, o menino e seus irmãos tiveram que procurar outro lugar para estudar. Foi assim que a transexual Beth Fernandes, 40 anos, hoje “mulher de fato e de direito”, como ela mesmo define, foi vítima da homofobia pela primeira vez.

[Denmark] [News/Events]
A week to stand up proud about who you are
Denmark has always maintained a historical reputation for sexual liberation, tolerance and progressive social policies in regards to lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer (LGBTQ) issues. In 1930, Danish painter Andreas Wegener became the world’s first transexual. Her memoir, Man into Woman, (written under the name Lili Elbe) has become a transexual bible. From 1951-1953, George Jorgensen underwent a series of operations in Copenhagen to become Christine Jorgenson, whose international celebrity was used to educate people about transexuality.

U.K. officer educates police on transsexualism
Members of the Calgary Police Service attended a workshop on transsexualism Wednesday conducted by a transgendered officer from the U. K. to learn more about diversity issues.

Padre de dia, 'drag queen' de noite
Big Mama Capretta é um sucesso no meio musical norte-americano (Foto)
Homossexual assumido não esconde o seu orgulho - Sacerdote de dia, drag queen à noite

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Stu Rasmussen: transgendered mayor gets clothing complaint
Stu Rasmussen is not your typical mayor. But then, he is also not your typical trans person.
Complaint: Transgender mayor showed 'too much skin'
Trans Mayor's Skirt Too Short

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Mother’s Tale: Life With An Adult Transsexual Child, pt 1
Some time ago, my mother wrote a piece about what life is like living through the transition of her son to her daughter. Unfortunately, through the various problems with the blog, this story has not been posted until now. Starting today, I will begin posting her story in increments. There will be several parts to this story. Thank you, Bridgette, aka Sei.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
How Many Days Pass Between the Murders of Transgender People?
Every three days, a transgender person is murderedsomewhere in the world. And that's just what's being reported.
Trans Murder Monitoring Project reveals more than 200 reportedmurders of trans persons in the last 1 1/2 years.

After recent attacks gay advocates' rally in Queens to support victims
After two transgender women were brutally attacked on the streets of Queens in recent weeks, the borough's gay community is rallying around them to decry the ongoing prejudice that they say enables such violence.
Leslie Mora, 30, was attacked June 19 in Jackson Heights by two men who shouted anti-gay slurs and hurled a belt at her, cops said.
Less than three weeks later, on July 8, Carmella Etienne, 22, was pelted with rocks and beer bottles by two other men in St. Albans, police said. The suspects also threatened to cut her throat.
In response to the attacks, the Queens gay community has scheduled a rally Sunday to raise awareness about violence against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

Trans Teacher Retires Frustrated
Few job calls and an alleged prejudice from members of a New Jersey school district's board were sources of frustration a transgender substitute teacher cited that led to her resignation.

Health: 77-Year-Old Gets Transgender Operation
Recently Chastity Bono announced she was having surgery to become a man. A transgender center in Montgomery County is busier than ever. Medical Reporter Stephanie Stahl has the exclusive story of one of the oldest patients to make the switch.
Renee Ramsey is recovering from the surgery that she's been dreaming of for decades. (Photo)

[MA, USA] [Commentary]
Another front for fairness
AT A HEARING at the State House last week, supporters of a bill to ban discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression outlined the myriad barriers that confront transgender people - those who are born male but live as females, or vice versa. Unlike those whose religions or sexual orientations expose them to discrimination, transgendered people might not be able to avoid the issue when applying for jobs, apartments, or loans. The truth may become evident from a check on a Social Security number or a search of credit reports.

Working the streets in Old Goucher
Nicole wanted to be a lawyer but instead, at the age of 23, is "on the stroll" on Calvert and on East 21st streets, at 1 a.m. this past Saturday, searching for the next trick. "She" is a "he," working the Old Goucher neighborhood in Lower Charles Village, an area notorious for liaisons with transgender prostitutes.
Nicole's story is typical - parents addicted to heroin, grandparents to alcohol, dropped out of high school at 17, sexually confused, hit the streets as a teenager to be sold to older men, robbed, raped, battered and abandoned. Nicole's story is also atypical - rents an apartment, stays away from drugs and raises two younger siblings.

The Coup in Honduras and a Rise in LGBT Violence
Last month, a military coup in Honduras ousted the country's President, Manuel Zelaya, and threw the country into a spiral of chaos complete with violence, curfews and a worried return to the type of Latin American politics that's a little less Democracy and a little more free-for-all. But is another side effect of the coup an increase in violence toward LGBT people.
Honduras: Golpe de Estado piora situação de gays

sexta-feira, julho 24, 2009

Rogéria quer volta da letra S na sigla do movimento
Rogéria está preocupada com a parcela de simpatizantes do Brasil e quer fazer uma campanha pela volta da letra S na sigla que identifica o mundo do arco-íris. Em entrevista ao jornal carioca O Dia nesta semana, a ícone trans disse que é contra a sigla LGBT e pede a volta da nomeclatura GLS. (Foto)

Transgendered cop gives diversity lesson
Louise Worsfold is a successful female police officer, national athlete, and motivational speaker -- but things weren't always this way. In fact several years ago she wasn't a successful woman at all -- she was a man.

[USA] [Film]
Sex change: The last time they'd seen her, she was a star quarterback named Paul McKerrow ...
It's not easy to summarise American filmmaker Kimberly Reed's remarkable new documentary, Prodigal Sons, but she has her own way of introducing it to audiences.
"You know how it is when you grow up, leave home, and change a lot? Then you return home to find that your parents and family don't get you any more? That's what Prodigal Sons, essentially, is all about."

(Photo: Kim after surgery and pictured bottom left as a baby in yellow with her brother Marc and parents.)

CUAV restructures staff
Excerpt: Grace Lawrence, a transgender woman who once had hot battery acid poured on her face and body, is one person who's benefited from CUAV's services. Lawrence, who said the group has provided her with counseling and also helped her get plastic surgery, "really helped me to not be afraid when I walk on the street." She urged others to donate to the nonprofit and said, "If I were rich, I would commit a million dollars or so to CUAV...."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Why I don't support hate crime legislation
The topic of hate crimes has been in the news a lot lately with the movement of the Matthew Shepard Act through Congress and the trial and conviction of Lateisha Green's killer. Many may take it as a given that all members of the queer and trans communities support hate crime legislation and convictions. This is not the case, though. Myself and many other queer and trans organizers and activists oppose this approach to violence against our communities.

Transgender teaching sub won't return
Lily McBeth, a substitute teacher from Little Egg Harbor Township, became a national symbol of acceptance for transgender Americans in 2006 when the Eagleswood and Pinelands Regional school districts kept her on the job despite protests from some parents.
But McBeth said the number of teaching assignments she got from both school districts dwindled from 10 to 20 calls when she was William McBeth to just one or two calls per semester. McBeth sent a letter to Eagleswood Township officials stating that she will not return in the fall and she plans to send a similar notice to the Pinelands Regional School District.

Transgender teacher retiring (Photo: Lily McBeth )

The Politics of Pronouns
"Another Cross-Dresser Found Dead"
"Murdered Man Dressed as a Woman"
"Cross-Dresser Murdered in Albuquerque"
These headlines don't sit well with Janice Devereaux, facilitator of Transgender New Mexico. The first comes from the Albuquerque Journal. The second, from KOB Eyewitness News 4's website. The third, from KRQE News 13.
(Eric Williams - Transgender New Mexico Facilitator Janice Devereaux stands in Roosevelt Park, close to where the murders took place.)

Transgender mayor's clothes spur complaint
Rasmussen defends choice of clothes at youth meeting
[Commentary] Appropriate dress is reasonable expectation

quinta-feira, julho 23, 2009

Há muito tempo que não escrevia. Há mesmo muito tempo. Não é que se tenha passado alguma coisa de muito especial neste tempo todo. As coisas continuam no mesmo marasmo cultural e sociológico de sempre. Continua a discriminação a vitimizar as pessoas transexuais, como sempre, e quase semanalmente tenho de publicar no meu blog e no PortugalGay mortes trans ocorridas por esse mundo fora.

Nas últimas eleições não fui votar pela primeira vez desde há muito tempo. E porque não fui? Não, não foi por causa da minha documentação estar ainda no masculino. Isso é sempre desagradável e incomodativo, mas como sempre faço, digo com um ar muito natural e desinteressado que “sou transexual, é por isso.” Depois faço aquele ar inocente de “Há algum problema?”

Muito pior do que isso é o arranjar emprego onde na documentação aparece um homem e na foto uma mulher. Como na maioria dos casos nem se chega às entrevistas, vejo-me impossibilitada de me defender ou de justificar a discrepância entre a foto e a documentação. Devo ser logo posta de lado, penso eu de que.

Não. Não fui votar porque simplesmente considerei que não valia a pena ir. E porquê? Bem, porque ia votar para o parlamento europeu e para quê? Há quantos anos não existem propostas e recomendações relativas à população T que pura e simplesmente são completamente ignoradas pelos sucessivos governos, sem sofrerem penalizações de qualquer espécie? Então se é assim, ia votar para quê? Para oferecer com o meu voto mais um tacho a um membro de um partido e continuar a nem sequer arranjar um emprego? Talvez a maioria das pessoas que não foram votar também pensem assim, cada uma no seu caso, obviamente.

E dito isto, também o panorama nacional não se apresenta nada promissor. Vem aí um novo governo. Ou seja, ou continua o PS, afirmando ser da esquerda moderada e implementando políticas de direita (mas ainda há quem acredite nisto???), hostentando a bandeira da luta contra a discriminação, segundo afirmações do seu secretário geral e presentemente primeiro ministro, José Sócrates, mas que inexplicavelmente vê a discriminação existente na não aceitação do casamento homossexual, e não a vê na inexistência de uma lei de identidade de género em Portugal, ou na lacuna existente no artº 13º da Constituição Portuguesa ao não mencionar a identidade de género. Mais, nem a vê em relação à homoparentalidade. Muito selectiva esta luta contra a discriminação. Como governante, e se considera uma atitude discriminatória, que faça as leis para corrigir. Debates? Debater o quê, se já assumiu que é uma discriminação? Que governe e corrija, é o que se exige, não que se emaranhe em debates em que toda a gente já sabe quais as posições de cada um. Ou então vem aí uma coligação centro direita (PS) com a direita declarada (PSD), o que a acontecer posso desde já preconizar o adeus ao casamento homossexual, ou um governo de direita, que apesar de tudo o que fizeram no passado, continuam a inexplicavelmente obter votações expressivas.

O resto? Temos um PCP com teorias ultrapassadas, no meu ponto de vista, com um historial homofóbico e transfóbico, que segue uma linha que por esse mundo fora deu azo a muitas ditaduras. E uma ditadura é sempre uma ditadura, seja de direita ou de esquerda.

Temos um CDS que se tenta postar o mais à direita possível, e nem vale a pena perder mais tempo com ele.

Temos um BE, que seria talvez a possibilidade mais viável de se dar uma hipótese a quem nunca governou mas que até tem umas ideias. Teve uma boa actuação quando da audição parlamentar sobre a transexualidade, mas claudicou depois, metendo este tema na gaveta, quem sabe por não ser muito do seu agrado. Mas não vejo outras hipóteses.

Assim, vamos ter ou o PS, ou o PSD, ou coligações entre eles. Nada de novo no panorama político português.

Bem, falando de outro assunto, por causa da tromboflebite que tive, não pude ir à consulta com a psicóloga no Júlio de Matos pois pura e simplesmente não estava em condições. Mandei uma sms a avisar que não podia ir e a pedir para me marcar outra daí a um mês. Não obtive resposta. Mandei outras entretanto que também não tiveram retorno, apesar de entregues. Tentei ligar a diferentes horas do dia e nada. Ou seja, como a nova administração do Hospital Júlio de Matos parece determinada em acabar com as consultas de transexualidade lá, despacharam algumas pessoas que trabalhavam neste tema. Com o resultado que se está a ver, a minha psicóloga foi uma das que saíram, e só vai lá por especial favor para com quem tinha consultas com ela. O que faz com que os serviços administrativos nunca saibam quando aparece. O que torna impossível qualquer contacto com ela, visto que não responde a sms nem atende chamadas.

Quando fui à última consulta de endocrinologia, depois de estar três meses sem qualquer tratamento hormonal e de pelo menos eu já notar os efeitos perniciosos da testosterona a regressarem, o endocrino foi da opinião que ainda não devia retomar qualquer tratamento depois de ver as análises, e remeteu-me para o Garcia da Horta para que quem me atendeu nas urgências assuma a responsabilidade do tratamento, talvez por julgar que não ganha o suficiente para essa responsabilidade, penso eu. OK, compreendo a posição, embora não concorde com ela, pois ele devia era estudar estes casos (não, não fui a única) e estudar qual o tratamento mais viável, ou seja, o que ofereça o menor risco possível.

Bem, então pedi uma carta com a opinião profissional dele que não devia retomar o tratamento, e que como única hipótese válida de eliminar a testosterona seria a remoção dos testículos. É que sem tratamento hormonal não há mais nenhuma coisa a fazer. Pois bem, também se recusou. A desculpa? “cirurgias eram com o cirurgião, não com ele”. Bem, tembém não era eu que queria ser operada por um endocrinologista, queria era um fundamento clínico para poder bater-me por isso rapidamente.

E estou nisto há mais de três meses e não se vê luz ao fundo do túnel.

Portanto, e é com pesar que digo isto, esqueçam o Hospital Júlio de Matos para fazerem o vosso processo. Se ainda estiverem lá há pouco tempo, mudem para Santa Maria. Mal por mal, sempre se pode contactar com quem trata dos processos. Mas o Júlio de Matos, esqueçam.

Como corolário de tudo isto, encontrei uma entrevista dada pelo Sérgio Vitorino à revista TimeOut Lisboa intitulada “Vem aí um Verão Quente de homofobia” em que descobri esta pérola: numa referência à restante agenda LGBTT em que dizia que outros temas têm sido negligenciados, Bruno Horta (o entrevistador) pergunta-lhe: “Refere-se à defesa das pessoas transgénero?” que obteve a seguinte resposta “Não só. A homoparentalidade [adopção, reprodução assistida, filhos biológicos, etc.] é mais importante ainda.”

O mote está lançado. Temos em Portugal pessoas que arriscam a vida ao fazerem um tratamento hormonal agressivo tanto para os rins como para a corrente sanguínea, e que sofrem de tal maneira perseguições que existem casos como a Gisberta e como o da Luna. A Tamara morreu por causa do tratamento. A Salomé teve um avc sensivelmente na mesma altura em que eu tive a tromboflebite, ambas por causa de um tratamento agressivo dado por demasiado tempo, pois os processos em Portugal, apesar das afirmações médicas indicarem uns dois anos, demora muito mais tempo. Os endocrinologistas só se interessam pelos níveis hormonais e pelo estado dos rins. Se o peito cresce ou não, ou se se está em risco de sofrer uma trombose ou um avc é-lhes indiferente.

E de repende considerar-se que a homoparentalidade é mais importante? É uma discriminação óbvia, tão óbvia como o casamento homossexual. Mas ninguém morre ou fica em risco de vida por não poder casar ou por não poder adoptar, enquanto que qualquer transexual (pelo menos as femininas) corre risco de vida. A nível de activismo LGBTT parece que as prioridades estão a ficar todas trocadas. Homofobia e transfobia corremos tod@s o risco de nos tornarmos vítimas. Discriminação idem, embora uma pessoa transexual corra um risco acrescido, mas prontos. No restante, as outras discriminações que andam tanto em voga ultimamente não acrescem risco de vida a ninguem, por não casarem ou por não poderem adoptar.

Mas o risco das pessoas transexuais é bem real. As questões sobre a homoparentalidade são tratadas de forma discriminatória, isso é um facto. Mas o dizer-se que é mais importante que o risco de se ser transexual, tenham juízo.

Como dizia, o mote está lançado. Quando acabar a discriminação do casamento gay, ninguém espere que assuntos T venham à baila. O que virá a seguir será a problemática da homoparentalidade. Identidade de género? Hummm... o timing não é o correcto, como é usual, fica para depois, etc,etc,etc ... ad aeternum ...

Report Warns Murder Rate Against Transgendered People Is Rising
A new report has found an estimated 200 transgendered persons were murdered from January 2008 to June 2009; which is enough to say that every three days a transgendered person is killed somewhere in the world.
Every Three Days, a Transgender Person is Murdered in the World

União desiste de recursos contra gratuidade de cirurgias para transexuais
A União desistiu, no último dia 8, dos recursos que ainda poderiam reverter a decisão favorável à ação civil pública promovida pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF) que garantia a cirurgia gratuita de readequação sexual. A decisão é definitiva e transexuais de todo o Brasil podem realmente realizar a operação de transgenitalização pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

BH: Transexuais poderão usar nome social na escola
A cidade de Belo Horizonte aceitou na última quinta-feira, 16, que transexuais e travestis usem seus nomes sociais em documentos escolares como histórico, matrícula e chamada de toda a rede municipal de ensino.

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
LJ Drama - Let She That Fights Against Monsters Beware, Lest She Herself A Monster Becomes
Ironically, some of the most horrible vitriol and hatred directed attrans women comes from the women's community. People like JaniceRaymond, author of the shameful "The Transsexual Empire", GermianeGreer before she became less vocal in favour of her own career as amedia person, and that one who writes in the Guardian sometimes, youknow, the trans people should be forbidden from having surgery becauseit's inconvenient for my politics one, started out with the best ofintentions. They saw the way society treated women like second classcitizens, and they wanted to do something about it.

Gender clinic reopens
Transgender activists have welcomed the decision to reopen the Gender Dysphoria Clinic at the Monash Medical Centre.

[USA] [Commentary/Television]
Chloe Prince navigates marriage and family after gender transition — on ABC 'Primetime' tonight
Chloe Prince was born male, and, like many other trans women (born male with a female gender identity), she went through gender reassignment surgery after living as a male into adulthood and struggling with her gender identity..
It should also be noted that, in 2003, Chloe Prince was diagnosed with a type of intersex condition that indicated the presence of two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. How this particular combination of chromosomes figures into Chloe’s female gender identity is not for my speculation. (Photo)

Family Navigates Unchartered World of Gender Transition

Frantic call to 9-1-1: 'She's dead'
A tape of the 9-1-1 call made from a Camden County townhouse where a 20-year-old Arkansas woman died July 11 features crackling static, a long gap of silence and shock in the voices from the home.

[USA] [Commentary]
The Enemy Within: There's A Bigot In My House
I always like to share life events with all of our readers because I know that someone must be going through the same thing as I am when I write them, and in turn I hope that my stories help you to know that you are not alone in the world.
My partner and I have been together for 8 years. We have a very solid relationship, but there's just one problem, make that two, his mother and his stepfather.

Belton Man Faces Judge on Murder Charges
A Belton man who neighbors said wanted to become a woman has been charged in his wife's death.
Michael Adams, Jr., 37, appeared in court Monday, July 20. He has been charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of the mother of his children, Amber Hartwig, 36. Police said that Adams shot Hartwig while their two children were in the house.
(Photo: Michael Adams Jr. (July 20, 2009))

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transgender Criminal Suspect Will Turn Herself In … When Breast Implants Heal
Only when her breast implants heal from plastic surgery will transgender criminal suspect Mitchelle E. Anthony turn herself in on charges of robbing a Family Dollar store.

Venezuelan government moves to establish greater LGBT rights
The Venezuelan National Assembly has voted to pass a bill for gender equity and equality through the first round of discussion.