Governo da Paraíba promete investigar esfaqueamento de travesti
Em reunião com militantes, governo paraibano diz que vai investigar morte de travesti

RO: Travesti é morta com 7 facadas em Ji-Paraná
Uma travesti conhecida como "Bibi" foi morta com sete facadas na madrugada de hoje, no bairro São Pedro, em Ji-Paraná (Rondônia). De acordo com testemunhas, a vítima estava nas proximidades de um posto de gasolina quando saiu com um caminhoneiro.
Travesti é encontrado morto com 7 facadas em Ji-Paraná

El Tribunal de Estrasburgo decide no reexaminar el caso de Alexia Pardo
A Alexia Pardo, que lleva años peleando en los tribunales el régimen de visitas de su hijo porque considera que es discriminatorio por su condición de transexual, no le quedan ya más posibilidades, al fallar la Gran Sala del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos que no reexaminará su caso. La decisión, que le fue comunicada la semana pasada, supuso un jarro de agua fría para Alexia Pardo porque sigue insistiendo que todas las sentencias dictadas en Lugo y fuera de Lugo son claramente discriminatorias hacia su persona. (Foto)
Gender bender: Bhavna becomes Bharat after 18 yrs
Bhavna Dhuda of Magharvada village of Junagadh district stopped wearing skirts, bangles even going to the girl's high school in her native Keshod town on turning 18. She told her mother that she was sprouting a moustache and felt like a boy. A chromosome test confirmed it. For the last five months, Bhavna is called Bharat and now enjoys company of boys in the village.
Transgenders to celebrate in Kolkata Saturday
The city hub Metro channel, accustomed to seeing protests and rallies by political parties and other organisations, will see a huge gathering of the third sex Saturday celebrating the annual transgender day.
[India] [Film]
Now a movies on transgender community!
Queens! Destiny of Dance is one of the upcoming movies based on the transgender community of India. The movie has got curious viewers intrigued who have lined up to see what the movie's going to be like.
[India] [Film]
‘Narthagi’ – Fighting to be heard
Of late the graph of Tamil cinema has taken a new dimension. More films are released which makes the audience sit up and think about various happenings around them. These days, audiences are opening up to accept newer themes belonging to varied genres. There is one more film going to be released shortly, which will be a forerunner for similar films to be released in future. For the first time ever, a film based on the life of a transgender will be released in Tamil.
Man gets life for sex slaying of male nurse
A Vancouver Island man has been given a life sentence for the brutal sex slaying of a male nurse.
Kim Winslow Rothgordt was found guilty of second-degree murder for hitting James Shannon, 52, at least 10 times with a hammer before jamming a candle into his right eye, piercing his brain, after the pair had consensual sex in February 2008.
Student admits frolic with transvestite
A 19-year-old student pleaded guilty at the Syariah Court here to indecent behaviour with a transvestite.
Anti-Equality Legislation Moving in the States
With many state legislatures facing adjournment dates in the next few weeks, anti-equality lawmakers around the country are ramping up attacks on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Harmful legislation has already passed in a few states and is advancing in others.
[USA] [Commentary]
With Respect, Please Stop Misrepresenting Me
While I appreciate all of the support, I am setting the recordnstraight: I am a heterosexual woman, who happened to have born intersex, and yes, I did have a transsexual medical condition, yet that has been treated and corrected. I urgently ask the gay and transgender communities to stop inaccurately identifying me as “transgender” because this falsehood is continuing to make my battle even more difficult.
[USA] [Commentary]
More Maryland Mickey D's Bathroom Transphobia
Here we go again. Another Maryland transwoman who is getting transphobia served with her Big Mac.
U.S. Department of Labor Moves to Protect Transgender Employees From Discrimination
Updated Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Bars Discrimination Based on Gender Identity
States Advance Protections Against Gender Identity Discrimination
As the Nevada legislative session draws to a close, two bills protecting transgender individuals passed the Senate and now head to a favorable vote in the Assembly. Senate Bills 368 and 331 passed 13-8 and 11-10 respectively, both outlawing transgender discrimination in housing and public accommodations. A third bill, Senate Bill 180, failed 10-11, and would have designated violence based on gender identify or expression a hate crime.
Transgender and homeless Chicagoans get IDs at Center
Dozens of transgender and homeless Chicagoans obtained state IDs and other documentation at the Center on Halsted April 22. The secretary of state set up shop at the Center and issued free state IDs to homeless people and also helped transgender people update their IDs to reflect new names and gender presentations.
Jenice Armstrong: Videotaped attack shows teen's intolerance toward the transgender
On a YouTube video gone viral, two female customers savagely attack a transgender woman at a McDonald's in suburban Baltimore
Attack on transgender woman prompts rally
McDonald’s Transgender Attacker Has Assault Arrest In Same McDonald’s
Weighing Solutions to Hate Crime After Brutal Baltimore Attack
Maryland Delegate Calls for Trans Anti-Discrimination Bill Following Attack
Video brings hate crimes to light
Trans woman speaks out about Baltimore's McDonald beating
Assault on Maryland Transgendered Woman May Be a Hate Crime
[Commentary] Staff editorial: A needed transformation
[Commentary] The Assault on Chrissy Lee Polis: The Not So Innocent Bystanders
[Commentary] Evil is the indifference of good men and women
[Commentary] An epiphany in Rosedale
[Commentary] A Perfect Storm
Being transgender: Advocates say sexual identity is in the mind, but does the public get it?
[Commentary] After the Baltimore McDonald's attack, trans people are newly resolute
Transgender Male Brings Employment Discrimination Suit
Urban Treatment Center in Camden, New Jersey hired El’Jai Devoureau to do a job that (under the center’s rules) only a male can do: watch other men urinate.
Bill to protect transsexuals from workplace discrimination advances
A family therapist in Las Vegas told a Senate committee on Wednesday that she has been fired twice on grounds she was a transsexual.
Vegas Hotel Apologizes to Trans Woman
After security guards booted a transgender woman from the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino for using a women's restroom, hotel officials have issued an apology to the woman and the entire LGBT community.
Cosmopolitan responds to backlash over report on banned transgender guest
Where do you pee at Cosmopolitan if you’re transgender?
UPDATE: Cosmo welcomes back banned transgender guest
The Wrong Amount Of Wrong: Barred For Life From The Cosmopolitan For Being Transgender
Las Vegas hotel ejects, bans transgender guest; now says it regrets the incident
Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas apologizes for banning transgender guest
[NY, USA] [Film]
Film 'Renee' Explores Controversial Life of Transsexual Tennis Star
In 1976, Renée Richards walked onto the court of the La Jolla tennis championship as an unknown housewife from Southern California. Her 6-foot-2-inch frame was clad in a super-short white tennis skirt, her size-12 feet stuffed into feminine white sneakers. For Richards, who was actually a highly successful ophthalmologist and formerly a man named Richard Raskind, the unknown-housewife ruse fell apart as quickly as her opponents’ game. Richards swept the tournament, and woke up the next morning as the most famous transsexual athlete in history.
City Council defends rights of transgender individuals
The Rochester City Council has called on Governor Andrew Cuomo and the State Legislature to ensure equal rights and protections for all New Yorkers regardless of their gender identity and expression.
Rochester City Council Calls For Gender Identity Rights
Local lawmaker proposes anti-discrimination bill
Dan Miller, now the controller for the city of Harrisburg, doesn't want what happened to him 20 years ago to happen to anyone else.
Mr. Miller was fired from his accounting job by a boss who said homosexuality "incapacitated him from properly discharging his duties."
LGBT-rights bill gets another shot
Anti-Discrimination Law Advances Through City Council Committee
Professor Terminated for Being Transgender
A transgender professor was denied tenure and fired from Southeastern Oklahoma State University for her gender identity. Rachel Tudor, who is transgender, was told by the school's human resources department that she could only use the single-use handicapped restroom after she underwent gender reassignment surgery.
[Petition] Reinstate Dr. Rachel Tudor
Bill To End Nashville's Gay Protections Law Clears Tennessee House
The Tennessee House on Monday approved a bill that would repeal Nashville's newly-approved gay protections ordinance.
Trans Protections Approved in Dallas
A vote of 3-2 added nondiscrimination protections for transgender workers in Dallas County Tuesday.
Equal Trans rights Dallas: Local mom objects to kids exposed to 'that'
San Diegan speaks in Texas on transgender issues; Dallas County votes to add rights
TX giving marriage law second look
The Texas legislature is working on closing a loophole that deals with transgendered individuals who are married.
Two Conflicting Laws Are Making Issues For Marriage Clerks And The Legislature Is Looking To Remove The 2009 Allowance And Go Back To The 1999 Court Decision
[Commentary] Texas, Maryland Resist Transgender Legislation

El Inadi le entregó un DNI a un joven que padece disforia de género
Nació mujer pero vivió toda su vida como hombre. Ahora en su DNI figura como Alejandro Iván Iglesias. El joven transexual se hizo conocido por su participación en Gran Hermano, donde emocionó al público con su fuerte historia. (Foto)
Un "Gran Hermano" recibió un nuevo DNI, respetando su identidad
Sida: realizan una campaña de salud en la comunidad transexual
El Ministerio de Salud desarrolla trabajos de prevención y detección de posibles portadores en grupos de transexuales. Es para evitar la expansión del virus, que ya afecta a 660 correntinos.