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sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2011

Mudar de hospital: a luta
Parte II: bater contra as paredes

Há muito, muito tempo, numa galáxia muito muito longe...

Depois de ter ido ao Júlio de Matos pedir a transferência do processo, resolvi aguardar para dar algum tempo para o processo seguir viagem e para que no Santa Maria, ao receberem o processo, me marcassem consulta.

Neste compasso de espera, aqui ficam mais alguns dados sobre o passado.

No seguimento da saída do Dr Pedro Freitas do Hospital Júlio de Matos, e ainda com Íris Monteiro em plenas funções, marcou-me uma consulta com um psiquiatra, do qual não me recordo o nome, ainda jovem. E lá fui eu falar com o Sr Dr. A meio da consulta, da qual não tenho a data, pergunta-me ele: “Mas afinal porque é que lhe marcaram consulta comigo?”

Fiquei sem saber que resposta dar. Estava plenamente convencida que deveria ser o psiquiatra que trataria dos casos de transexualidade no hospital devido à saída do Dr Freitas. E o que lhe disse foi que tinha sido a Íris a marcar. Ele, coitado, lá me explicou que não tinha experiência nenhuma com pessoas transexuais e que ia contactar a Íris para saber os porquês. E a consulta acabou aí, e nunca mais o vi. Nem nunca mais tive contacto com qualquer psiquiatra lá.

Agora há datas que me faltam, mas a sequência dos acontecimentos está correcta. depois de algum tempo de espera, resolvi dirigir-me ao Júlio para pedir uma cópia do ofício em que tinha sido enviado o meu processo. Depois de me encontrar na posse da cópia, telefonei para o santa Maria para marcar consulta com o Prof Dr Rui Xavier Vieira, convencida que na altura da consulta o processo já lá estaria, visto as consultas serem quase sempre marcadas para um mês ou mais depois. Lá ma marcaram para daí a um mês e tal, e lá veio outro compasso de espera.

Nos entrementes, mais uma recordação. Quando ainda andava a fazer a segunda opinião com o Prof Dr Rui Xavier Vieira, e por sua ordem, estive duas manhãs e um dia inteiro a fazer testes psicológicos num piso lá para cima do Hospital. Nunca na minha vida tinha feito tantos testes de enfiada. Bem, mas fiquei a saber que possuo uma mente sã.

Veio a consulta e a minha confiança era tanta que assim que entrei no consultório retirei da minha mala a cópia do ofício e entreguei-lhe para ele ver. Com tanta sorte que, em vez de retirar o ofício (estava sem óculos) retirei um outro documento que nada tinha a ver. O Dr viu, e perguntou-me o que tinha ele a ver com o documento, e só aí é que vi o meu erro. Bem lá lhe entreguei o documento certo e nessa altura fiquei a saber que o processo não se encontrava lá.

Bem, fiquei desiludida, furiosa, zangada, uma mistura de emoções. Saí de lá e dirigi-me logo ao Júlio de Matos. Expliquei o caso e fui informada que a cópia do processo tinha sido enviada e que para enviarem outra vez tinha de ser o Prof Dr a requerer. Como já era tarde, regressei à base e uns dias depois, não me recordo bem de quantos, fui novamente ter com o Prof Dr para ver se ele requeria o processo. Durante esse tempo, ia telefonando para o Santa maria para ver se já lá tinha chegado. Cheguei a ligar para os arquivos, a ver se se encontrava lá arquivado por alguma razão, mas baldadamente. O processo não se encontrava lá. O Prof Dr recusou-se logo a pedi-lo, coisa de que já estava à espera. E fui para casa remoer.

Nos entrementes, mais uma recordação. Quando tive alta do internamento da tromboflebite, começei a pensar como iria resolver o problema do tratamento hormonal. Qualquer pessoa que conheça um bocadinho sobre as pessoas transexuais sabe que a hipótese de parar com o tratamento está completamente fora de questão. Mesmo com risco de vida. Voltar atrás é que não. Nunca. Portanto depois de muito labutarem, as minhas pequeninas células cinzentas deram-me uma ideia. Para parar com a ciproterona e poder diminuir as hormonas só havia um caminho a seguir: os tintins (testículos) fora o mais rápido possível para evitar mais danos provocados pela testosterona que produzem.

Vai daí, num dia em que a Lara foi falar com o Dr Décio Ferreira, mandei recado por ela para a possibilidade de os retirar as soon as possible. O Dr Décio atenciosamente prontificou-se logo a fazê-lo assim que a Ordem dos Médicos o autorizasse. Ou seja a OM sobrepõe-se a tudo, mesmo ao bem estar de pessoas que ao serem forçadas a continuar o tratamento hormonal possam pôr a sua vda em risco. E com o andar da carruagem bem podia dar-me um piripac e ir desta para melhor de vez que os nossos grandes cirurgiões ficavam com a consciência bem tranquila protegidos pela autorização (ou falta dela) da OM. Gostei de ver o nível de preocupação demonstrado porquem tão ciosamente afirma a pés juntos ser um defensor das pessoas trans e do seu bem-estar.

Mais dias se passaram e decidi-me a ir ao Júlio de Matos falar com a psicóloga Catarina Soares pois sabia que também tratava destes casos, a ver se, ou ficava com o meu processo, ou arranjava maneira de o reenviar. Isto, entretanto, já em Junho deste ano, pois o tempo foi passando (não pára).

A Catarina Soares declinou logo o ficar com o processo (já tinha pedido o seu envio, não havia volta a dar) e foi procurá-lo para o mandar enviar registado e com aviso de recepção. Quando regressou com o processo, fiquei a saber que o mesmo tinha sido reenviado uma segunda vez, depois da minha ida ao hospital a indagar.

Depois disto tudo, mais precisamente a 29 de Julho deste ano, fui com a Lara (que ia ter uma consulta com o Rui Xavier Vieira) ao Santa Maria, e aproveitei para perguntar por ela se o processo já lá estava. O professor novamente disse que não e perguntou porque razão não me davam o processo em mãos para eu o levar. Aproveitei o facto da Lara se dirigir à secção dos relatórios clínicos para pedir o seu para poder alterar finalmente o nome e género na sua documentação (já tem o processo concluído desde Novembro de 2007, data em que recebeu a autorização da Ordem dos Médicos para as cirurgias) e dirigi-me à secção onde o Santa Maria recebe o correio para ver se tinham registo da chegada dele. mas não, só se tivesse ido registado.

Com tudo isto veio o verão, mais um compasso de espera, pois no verão pára tudo (ou quase tudo). Em Setembro lá fui novamente tentar falar com a Catarina Soares, pois o processo insistia em não aparecer no Santa Maria. E foi quando fiquei a saber uma coisa interessante: das duas primeiras vezes o processo tinha sido enviado e devolvido pelo Santa Maria. As razões ignoro-as mas o não conhecimento de que o Prof Dr Rui Xavier Vieira dava consultas lá não me convence. Falei com a chefe da secretaria que muito simpaticamente me garantiu que o ia enviar uma terceira vez (a da Catarina que era para ter ido registado e com aviso de recepção nunca seguiu) registado e com aviso de recepção, e para eu lá ir na semana seguinte que me fornecia uma cópia do ofício.

Bem, lá fui na semana seguinte, recebi a cópia e dirigi-me ao Santa Maria para ver se já se encontrava lá. E, finalmente, lá estava ele.

Tinha demorado desde 29 de Junho de 2010 a 16 de Setembro de 2011 a ir do Hospital Júlio de Matos ao Hospital de Santa Maria. E a minha vida parada e a ficar cada vez mais velha.

Fim da segunda parte
Parliament condemns daily violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
Parliament called today for an end to the discrimination and violence suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people on a daily basis both in the EU and outside it and stressed that gender identity disorders should not be treated as psychiatric conditions.

European Parliament: World Health Organization must stop treating transgender people as mentally ill
In a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament has called on the World Health Organization to stop considering transgender people as mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is currently classified as a ‘mental and behavioural disorder’ in the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases.

"Quem gosta de transexual é hetero, normalmente casado", diz modelo Lea T.
A modelo e transexual Lea T. é a convidada do próximo programa “De Frente com Gabi”, que vai ao ar no domingo (02), no SBT.
Lea T. fala com Gabi

I’m retiring two years early...after sex change!
A sgop manager can retire two years early...thanks to a sex change.

Debate on transgender issues tonight
NUI, Galway’s Literary and Debating Society will present a Transgender Panel Discussion in the Kirwan Theatre, main concourse, this evening at 7pm.

[Ireland] [Letters to the Editor]
Gender re-assignment surgery not cosmetic
Amach LGBT Galway Ltd condemns TD Brian Walsh's recent comments about transgender people made in The Irish Times on September 14. Contrary to his assertions, gender re-assignment surgery is not cosmetic. It is not taken lightly by transgender people, or by the professionals involved in the long process of stringent intrusive medical and psychological assessments. To deny any vulnerable members of our society necessary treatment undermines an inclusive health care system. Denial of personal identity is damaging mentally and physically with long term consequences to the individual and our overstretched health care system.

[Australia] [Media Release]
Arrogance, Hypocrisy & the new World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, version 7 (SOC v7)
In an act of breathtaking hypocrisy the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) has released pathologizing guidelines for the treatment of intersex children and adults who reject their birth assignments.

Trans candidate makes Canadian history in Ontario
In the suburban riding of Mississauga–Brampton South, Christin Milloy is making history as the first out trans candidate to run in a Canadian provincial election.

After demise of ‘don’t ask,’ activists call for end to military ban on transgenders
With homosexuals now able to serve openly in the military, the gay rights movement’s next battleground is to persuade the Obama administration to end the armed forces’ ban on “transgenders,” a group that includes transsexuals and cross-dressers.

Wal-Mart Adds Transgender Protections for Employees
Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart has added gender identity to their list of protected categories for employees.
Walmart Adds Transgender Provisions To Employee Non-Discrimination Policy
Walmart adds gender identity, expression to non-discrimination policy

Maricopa Community Colleges policy now protects transgendered
Now that Maricopa Community Colleges has added transgender people to the list of groups that cannot be discriminated against, one possible result could be more students.

Officials discuss hate crimes at HRC meeting in Castro
City officials, state lawmakers, and others discussed anti-LGBT violence and related issues at a recent meeting of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission that was held in the Castro.

Violent Attacks On Transgender People Raise Alarm
A series of shootings and violent attacks put Washington, D.C.'s transgender community on edge this summer. Police hesitate to call the attacks hate crimes, but they've stepped up their patrols. Still, the transgender community is demanding more action.

A journey in genders
Tall and thin with long blonde hair, trim eyebrows and manicured fingernails, Shayla Thomas feels feminine. Given a passing glance, the Springfield resident, engineer, parent, two-time divorcee and friend, might look it too. But give her a closer look, and her face and body give away the fact that Shayla, according to genetics, is a male.

Transgender Veteran Speaks About Being Discharged
A soldier who served in the Army National Guard for a decade and was discharged two weeks before "don't ask, don't tell" was removed from service because she is transgender.

GLAAD and KISS 108 partner for transgender equal rights
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) on Sept. 26 applauded the efforts of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) in partnering with local radio station KISS 108 to launch a public service announcement supporting transgender equal rights.

Two People Shot on Seaman Street Tuesday Night
A 33-year-old man and a 20-year-old transgender resident shot on a porch on Seaman Street Tuesday.

Let taxpayers foot sex-op bill: panel
From same-sex marriage to sex-change surgery!
A state panel advising Gov. Cuomo wants taxpayers to foot the bill for transgender residents to get “sexual-reassignment surgery,” allowing them to change their physical characteristics from a man to a woman or woman to man, The Post has learned.
New York’s costliest-in-the-nation Medicaid program would cover the tab.

Prison Guard Assaulted Transgender Inmate and Others, Says D.A.
A Pittsburgh prison guard has been arrested and charged with sexually or physically assaulting over 20 inmates, including a transgender woman.

South Texas police chief accused of sending constable transgender porn
Primera Police Chief Joe Rodriguez is accused of sending porn to a constable, according to
WATCH: S. Texas constable accuses police chief of texting pornographic images of trans women

quinta-feira, setembro 29, 2011

European Parliament asks WHO to depathologize transgender identities
Europe and especially the European Union like to proud themselves as pioneers in human rights. Today, the European parliament acknowledges that within the EU human rights of transgender, gay, lesbian and bisexual persons are still violated. Moreover the Parliament calls upon the EU commission and the WHO to depathologize trans identities. Taking into account the historic UN resolution “Human Rights, sexual orientation and gender identity” from earlier this year, the parliamentarians address a range of areas of concern to the European Commission and EU member states.
TGEU welcomes EP's call to WHO for depathologization of transgender identities

Schools must stop spreading homophobic and transphobic messages
In schools across Europe young persons are being harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Homophobic and transphobic bullying is an every day reality in the lives of many. It is time to react – especially in view of several national studies and reports warning that there have been a number of suicides among young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons feeling rejected by their peers and families.

European Parliament welcomes recent UN developments on sexual orientation and gender identity
Today the European Parliament joined the United Nations’ call for safeguarding the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the world. The text was co-signed by 6 out of 7 political groups, and adopted with a very wide majority.

Travesti é morta em Recife com pauladas na cabeça
Polícia de Recife investiga morte de travesti assassinada com pauladas na cabeça.
A Polícia Civil de Recife, capital de Pernambuco, está investigando a morte de uma travesti na orla da praia de Boa Viagem, Zona Sul da cidade. O corpo da trans, que não teve seu nome divulgado e trabalhava na área como profissional do sexo, foi encontrado no último dia 20 com marcas de pauladas na cabeça.

[Reino Unido]
Homem quase morre ao cortar pénis para ser mulher
Andy Cass, actualmente conhecido como Kirsty Cass, vivia infeliz no seu corpo de homem e decidiu tomar uma medida radical e quase mortal: amputar o seu órgão sexual com uma faca. O caso sucedeu em West Sussex, na Inglaterra, há cerca de dois anos.
Dad: I nearly died after DIY sex swap
British man cut off genitals with a utility knife in desperate attempt to become a woman
Transgender woman tells of DIY surgery

Killer of Kentish Town transsexual shows ‘no remorse’ as jailed for second time
A judge refused to shorten the sentence of a man convicted for the second time of murdering a Kentish Town transsexual - saying the killer showed no “hint of remorse”.

Former forklift truck driver retires two years early – after becoming a WOMAN
A former forklift truck driver is set to retire two years early after undergoing a sex-change operation.
Lizi Ninnim, who was born Roger, qualifies for early retirement since she became a woman 12 months ago.
But she says: 'I wouldn't recommend it as an easy route to an early pension - it would make your eyes water.'
(Photo: I'm off: Lizi Ninnim, left, at her retirement party - which has come two years early after she underwent a sex change)

Two steps forward .. Turkey and LGBT
Turkey has taken one small step forward for LGBT recognition with, for the very first time, a government minister meeting LGBT representatives.

Third gender slam 'virulent' bureaucracy
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders and intersex people (LGBTI) have accused the bureaucracy of the country of playing an antagonist role in establishing their identity.
They said this while calling on Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai at his official residence today. During the meeting, the 20-member delegation, led by lawmaker Sunil Babu Panta, demanded citizenship rights to third genders.

'All of us have a role in ensuring the transgender a life of dignity'
31 contestants walk down the aisle contesting for the crown in one of the biggest transgender beauty contest in the state at BOAT on Monday last.Mona Okram of Singjamei Sapam Leikai bagged the Miss Transgender 2011 while H.Ashananda, Thoubal, and Pebam Bonita of Canchipur, took the first and second runners-up position.

[New Zealand]
Owner vows to fight dog death charge
A transsexual charged with reckless ill-treatment of an animal says she will appeal if found guilty.
Annabell Quor, 75, is accused of leaving her dog to die of heat exhaustion at The Palms Shopping Centre roof-top car park just before Christmas. The SPCA has brought the charge.

Petition against transgender discrimination to be presented to owner in London
People from around the world have shown support following alleged threatening incident at farmers market
Still a long way to go on trans rights in Ontario

Out Coworkers Are Better Coworkers, Says Study
A new study says people who are open about their sexual orientation are better team players than those who aren’t.

Social Security Administration Changes Gender Notification Policy
It happened quickly and quietly, making virtually no headlines: The Social Security Administration changed its gender notification policy last week, a shift that avoids outing transgender workers.

Not conforming to gender is not a disorder, says group
People who do not conform to their gender roles or cultural expectations do not have a disorder, declared the health association for professionals who treat transgender patients.

Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are
One of the first things Thomas Lobel told his parents was that they were wrong.
The 3-year-old had learned sign language because he had apraxia, a speech impediment that hindered his ability to talk. The toddler pointed to himself and signed, "I am a girl."

[USA] [Commentary]
Fox News: Still Transphobic Despite Progress
Just when you thought it was safe...maybe... to watch Fox News cover trans issues.

Transgender prostitute, friend robbed man, Fairfield cops say
A man seeking the services of a transgender prostitute was held against his will and robbed at a local hotel.

Lawrence City Commission approves gender identity ordinance
It took more than a two-hour discussion that ranged from restrooms to rights to religion, but Lawrence city commissioners late Tuesday approved a controversial provision providing new legal protections to people who are transgender.
Lawrence commissioners support transgender as protected class
Lawrence adds gender identity protection

Fairness Campaign Spotlights Discharge of Transgender Soldier
The Louisville Fairness Campaign is drawing attention to the exclusion of gender identity from the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and a soldier who was discharged for being transgender.
Discharged Soldier Wants DADT Repeal To Include Transgender

Lawmakers Consider Discrimination Legislation
Ohio lawmakers revisited the idea of protecting members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer community on Tuesday.
Lawmakers renew push
Bill seeks protections for gays
Gay-rights bill resubmitted

DA: Pa. prison guard sexually assaulted inmates
A suspended state prison guard was arrested on charges that he sexually or physically assaulted more than 20 inmates -- including a transgender inmate and others imprisoned for child-sex crimes -- then attempted to cover up his crimes.
Prison guard held on 92 abuse counts

LGBT bathroom at Rio samba group praised, criticized
There are three bathroom options now for revelers at the Cidade de Deus shantytown’s samba headquarters: his, hers and LGBT.

El empate discrimina
Las mutilaciones a la ley antidiscriminación han llevado a que, "para alcanzar un acuerdo", deje fuera la identidad de género.
¿Qué pensaría usted si se enterara de que el Senado está a punto de aprobar una ley contra la discriminación que deja fuera a los más discriminados? Entre los vicios del empate político que anquilosa a nuestro Parlamento, se halla uno particularmente nefasto: durante su tramitación, algunas leyes son deformadas por los acuerdos, a tal punto que no responden a su espíritu original.

quarta-feira, setembro 28, 2011

European Parliament to Consider Gay, Transgender Issues in Debate on June’s United Nations Resolution
The European Parliament is to debate tomorrow (Tuesday) recent developments around sexual orientation and gender identity at the United Nations, and the role the EU has played/can play in them.
European Parliament resolution on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity at the United Nations

Transgender woman says she has been left ‘half man’ by NHS surgery refusal
A transgender woman from Burnley has accused the NHS of leaving her “half man, half woman” by refusing to pay for her breast surgery.
Transsexual builder wants boob job on the NHS

Father desperate to be a woman almost dies while performing DIY sex change with a Stanley KNIFE
A father almost bled to death after he tried to slice off his penis during a DIY sex change.
Kirsty Cass, formerly known as Andy, was so unhappy living as a man that he took a Stanley knife to his genitals and tried to sever the organ.
Miss Cass, from Crawley, West Sussex, was unable to stop the bleeding and had to call an ambulance. She was taken to Royal Surrey Hospital where doctors saved her life by reattaching the penis.

Judge upholds 21-year sentence for trans woman’s killer
A man convicted for the second time of killing a transgender woman has had his original sentence upheld.

Britain: gender may go from passports
The United Kingdom is considering removing gender categories from its passports out of respect for transgender and intersex people.

Livelihood project for transgenders
Hijiras, for whom begging on trains have been the principal means of earning their livelihood so far, are set to undergo a dignified change, courtesy an endeavour of Sakha, a community-based organization for transgenders, to impart earning skills to sexual minorities. Satyasundar Mishra, president of Sakha, said 50 hijiras have been taking part in a three-day training on mushroom cultivation. The organization would impart beauty parlour and tailoring skills too, he said.

Ladyboy Claims Mistreatment
Mr. Worarat Sonyod, a ladyboy, aged 50 claimed he was mistreated by a Pattaya Police Volunteer while he was driving home, after finishing his massage work on Sunday at 3 am.

Discrimination in Ontario Catholic schools
Discrimination extends beyond the treatment of queer youth in Ontario Catholic schools, in both the silencing of students with alternative views and in rules governing hiring practices.

Senator Kay Hagan Co-Sponsors Employment Non-Discrimination Act
Today, Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) announced that she has signed on as a co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), federal legislation that would prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. With Hagan’s support, every Democratic member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, which has jurisdiction over ENDA, is a co-sponsor – as well as Republican committee member Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL). Hagan has been a strong supporter of equality in the Senate, voting for hate crimes protections and the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and we are glad to see her continue that leadership by becoming an ENDA co-sponsor.

Study: People More Comfortable With Out Co-Workers Than Closeted Ones
New research supports the notion that people who don’t hide their sexual orientation are not only more pleasant to be around, but also perform more effectively in the workplace by improving teamwork.

Revised "Standards of Care" for transgender, transsexual and other gender noncomforming individuals to be released September 25th, 2011
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) will release a newly-revised edition of the Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, on September 25, 2011 at the WPATH conference in Atlanta.
The Top 10 Things Trans People Should Know About the New Standards of Care
[Commentary] WPATH: Reparative therapy on transgender youth “is no longer considered ethical”

The Illicit, Perilous World Of 'Pumping'
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is launching a public safety campaign Monday. It follows many cases of procedures gone wrong at the hands of unqualified surgeons, including 'pumpers' who illegally inject industrial-grade silicone into patients. The practice leads to dire health problems, even death. Guest host Jacki Lyden learns more with Laura Rena Murray, who recently reported this issue for the New York Times, and Dr. Malcolm Roth, the new president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

College district considers new harassment measures
The Maricopa County Community College District’s board is considering adding transgendered men and women to the list of groups protected from harassment.
Community Colleges Considering Adding Transgendered to List of Protected Groups

Switching genders requires more than surgery
Dr. Loren Schechter thinks the surgery he performs to help people change genders is much more than a medical procedure.
It's the final result of a person's often torturous and years-long effort to have his or her body conform to the gender he or she feels, he said.

Murder suspect believed to cross dress
A man wanted in a Halifax County murder is now officially a suspect in the Wednesday killing of a man in Roanoke Rapids.

Justicia otorga identidad femenina a ocho transexuales
La Justicia en lo contencioso administrativa porteña otorgó la identidad femenina a ocho transexuales que habían presentado un recurso de amparo para que tanto en su partida de nacimiento como en su DNI figure su nombre de mujer.
Mudar de hospital: a luta:
Parte I: a saga inicia-se

Há muito, muito tempo, numa galáxia muito muito longe...

Num pequeno planeta num pequeno sistema solar perdido nos braços de uma galáxia em espiral, existiam pedaços de terra que emergiam da vastidão de um oceano. No extremo ocidental de uma dessas massas de terra vivia um povo em decadência, já muito longe dos seus tempos áureos. A capital desse povo chamava-se Lisboa. Eu vivia na periferia dessa capital.

Existiam dois hospitais na zona de Lisboa que tinham equipas para os processos de transexualidade: o Hospital Júlio de Matos e o Hospital de Santa Maria. No Hospital Júlio de Matos encontravam-se o Dr. Pedro Freitas e as psicólogas Íris Monteiro e Catarina Soares.Em Santa Maria, por exemplo, exerciam esta função o Prof. Dr. Rui Xavier Vieira e o Dr. Daniel Sampaio.

Iniciei o meu processo no hospital Júlio de Matos em Fevereiro de 2006,com a psicóloga Íris Monteiro e posteriormente com o Dr. Pedro Freitas. Em Dezembro do mesmo ano, inciei a 2ª opinião no Hospital de Santa Maria, a meu pedido, pois usualmente a 2ª opinião era feita nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, o que me levantava problemas económicos relativos à ignorada quantidade de vezes que me teria de deslocar a Coimbra, com o Prof. Dr. Rui Xavier Vieira.

Em Fevereiro de 2008 acabei as consultas da 2ª opinião. O relatório, esse, só o vi em Novembro de 2008 (tem a data de 7/11/08). Só para obter este relatório demorei mais de dois anos e meio. Curioso como por várias vezes o próprio Prof. Dr. Rui Xavier tem afirmado que o processo completo (com a 2ª opinião incluída) demora dois anos, quando só um relatório emitido por ele demora mais do que esse tempo. O normal, pelas informações que recebi, é serem entre uma a cinco consultas para a 2ª opinião, pelo menos nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra. As minhas foram 13, salvo alguma que me tenha esquecido de apontar.

O processo própriamente dito roda todo à volta das cirurgias. A grande preocupação é que a pessoa tenha vontade em se submeter a elas. A identidade de género da pessoa não passa de um pormenor, um acidente de percurso. O foco são as cirurgias. São feitos testes para despistar posíveis doenças mentais que possam existir, sendo que no caso de existirem o processo é imediatamente terminado. Poder-se-à presumir então que a transexualidade fornece uma qualquer espécie de imunidade a qualquer doença psíquica? Sinceramente não me parece. A realidade é que não sabem diferenciar a transexualidade de uma doença psiquiátrica..Portanto mesmo que apesar de se ter uma qualquer doença psíquica poder-se ser transexual, essa realidade é automaticamente negada,

Curiosa também é a percepção que o psicólogo que me acompanhou na 2ª opinião teve do meu tratamento hormonal, Pedro Pechorro de seu nome. Eu iniciei o meu tratamento hormonal algum tempo antes de iniciar o processo (um ou dois anos, mais ou menos). A hormona que tomava chamava-se Premarin e mandava vir pela internet através de uma pessoa conhecida. Um belo dia decidi procurar na net informação sobre este composto hormonal, que efectivamente foi o que me desenvolveu o peito, e descobri um facto que achei deveras curioso: era sintetizado da urina de éguas grávidas. Nunca mais me esqueci disto e mencionei-o numa qualquer consulta como facto curioso. O resultado disto foi esta frase que consta do meu relatório de 2ª opinião: “(...) Diz que tem as mamas desenvolvidas porque bebia urina de éguas grávidas,”

Não preciso dizer que moro em Almada que nesta altura já se encontrava bastante urbanizada. Portanto estão a ver os problemas que teria: descobrir picadeiros ou outros sítios que tivessem éguas, saber se estavam grávidas e se alguma encontrasse nestas condições passar os dias atrás dela à espera que urinasse e guardar a urina bem acondicionada.

Levei o relatório para a psicóloga Íris, que notou logo que o mesmo não se encontrava assinado, entre outros problemas. Para encurtar uma história longa, depois de andar várias vezes entre os dois hospitais, que ainda demorou alguns meses, pois não podia fazê-lo todos os dias, e tinha de esperar amiúdas vezes por consultas, que podem espaçar um ou mais meses entre elas, lá consegui resolver o imbróglio.

Entretanto algumas coisas se tinham alterado no Hospital Júlio de Matos. O Dr Pedro Freitas, nos finais de 2007, tinha abandonado o Hospital Júlio de Matos para, soube-o posteriormente, ir para o ILAS (Instituto Luso Americano de Sexologia), entidade privada, onde, penso eu de que, continuou a trabalhar na mesma área. De notar que no Hospital Júlio de Matos tratava da parte de endocrinologia.

Como resultado, ficou o Dr Carlos Fernandes a tratar da parte endocrinológica.

A 24 de Março de 2009 fui internada na Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital Garcia de Horta com uma trombose venosa profunda illofemoral-popliteia total oclusiva na minha perna direita. Saí a 27 de Março e tive de parar o tratamento hormonal durante um ano. O nome vulgar é tromboflebite, e embora não haja causa-efeito. soube depois que a idade, o tabaco e o tratamento hormonal encontram-se entre as coisas que as potenciam.

No ano anterior, sensivelmente em Outubro, numa consulta com o Dr Carlos Fernandes, já com a minha intuição a querer dizer alguma coisa, perguntei se não seria boa ideia reduzir o tratamento hormonal para metade. Estava a tomar dois comprimidos de Zumenon e dois de Ciproterona 50mg por dia. Como resposta foi-me dito que se diminuísse as doses por metade só fariam metade do efeito.

Quer dizer, ninguém precisa de ir a um médico, qualquer que seja a sua especialidade, para ouvir que metade de uma dose qualquer de um qualquer medicamento produz metade do efeito. Penso que isso é obvio para toda a gente. O que eu quereria ouvir era, por exemplo “dada a sua idade e o facto de fumar, a minha opinião é que deve reduzir as doses para evitar possíveis problemas futuros”. Ou seja, dizer-me o que eu não sabia e não o que é evidente..

Depois de perder a confiança neste médico, porque a perdi, estive à volta de um ano com o processo parado devido à tromboflebite. Quando decidi que já tinha parado por tempo suficiente, regressei ao Hospital Júlio de Matos para retomar o tão abruptamente parado processo.

Mais novidades: a psicóloga Íris já tinha saído do Hospital para o ILAS, embora ainda lá fosse para não abandonar os seus pacientes. E os problemas começaram aqui, com as marcações para as consultas. Seria ela a marcar, mas não atendia telefonemas, ou seja, não havia maneira de a contactar. Enviei emails, pois entretanto arranjei um endereço de email dela, e nada, nem uma resposta, nem um contacto, o tempo a passar e o processo parado.

A última vez que a vi pessoalmente foi em Março de 2010, no Anfiteatro III da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Nova, no Campo dos Mártires da Pátria em Lisboa onde se deu uma conferência intitulada “MUDANÇA DE SEXO na clínica, no bloco, na pessoa” onde ela era uma das oradoras. Nessa altura contactei-a pessoalmente e ficou acordado que responderia aos meus mails e foi quando me deu o seu email . No Dia 22 de Março enviei o seguinte email :

“Bom dia Drª Iris
Como acordado aqui lhe envio este email com o pedido para que o meu processo seja transferido para o Hospital de Santa Maria. Assim, agradeço-lhe que o faça seguir com a maior brevidade possível, visto já ter estado mais de um ano sem qualquer avanço significativo. Penso que isto significa também que necessitarei que junto com ele siga o relatório da avaliação da equipa que me acompanhou no Hospital Júlio de Matos, que passará a ser a segunda opinião.
Assim, agradeço-lhe que me informe se necessitarei de tomar alguma acção, ou se a Drª pode tratar de tudo sem necessitar de mim.
Um beijo
Eduarda Santos”

Dia 24 de Março enviei um segundo email com o número do meu telemóvel que, embora soubesse de antemão que já o tinha dado, alguma coisa podia ter acontecido, mudar de telemóvel e o número perder-se, por exemplo. No dia 31 de Março enviei um terceiro email. Até hoje espero resposta.

O tempo foi passando, a Íris deixou de ir ao Júlio e eu e outras pessoas a ver o tempo a passar. O Hospital também se deixou ficar. Visto que houve a saída de um elemento, seria de esperar que os seus pacientes passassem para outro, Catarina Soares, por exemplo. Mas não. Saíu, saíu, e os processos lá ficaram a ganhar pó.

Não faço ideia porque motivo Íris Monteiro abandonou completamente os seus pacientes no Hospital Júlio de Matos, sem ter tido o cuidado de passar os processos para outra pessoa. Para mim não me parece uma decisão ética, no mínimo. Também o próprio hospital poderia ter tido esse cuidado, visto os processos estarem a ser feitos lá. Como impressão parece-me que o hospital não estará muito interessado em continuar com estes casos, apesar de continuarem. Mas o tratamento dado ao meu processo e a outros que sei estarem na mesma situação não me parece ser o indicado.

Também penso não ser necessário referir a implicação desses abandonos (Pedro Freitas e Íris Monteiro) para a obtenção do relatório para poder alterar nome e género. Já tenho 53 anos, estou desempregada há mais de um ano, já não recebo subsídios e agora que o governo tem um programa específico para desempregados de longa duração, estou encravada sem ter a quem requerer o dito relatório. Claro está que inscrever-me sem essas alterações está definitivamente fora de questão. Mas isto é para ser abordado mais para a frente.

Até que um belo dia me fartei de tanta falta de respeito por pessoas que têm a sua vida parada demonstrado pelo Hospital, e fui eu própria pedir a transferência para Santa Maria, pois nunca fugi de um desafio. Também não conheço na zona outro hospital que tenha estas consultas pelo SNS. O ILAS é privado, portanto só serve a quem tem dinheiro. Desempregadas ou vão para Santa Maria ou para o Júlio de Matos.

Fica aqui a denúncia de situações que acontecem e que raramente ou nunca são mencionadas, e exemplos da forma como muitos psiquiatras e psicólogos tratam as pessoas transexuais, um belo exemplo vindo de pessoas que afirmam sempre que estão lá para ajudar. Não considero estes exemplos como éticos nem como exemplos a seguir. Espero que ajude a alterar qualquer coisa no atendimento às pessoas transexuais.

Infelizmente este tipo de casos não são excepção. Acontecem muito. E continuam a acontecer porque quem se encontra a fazer processo tem sempre receio de que, se falam ou se reclamam, antagonizam os psiquiatras e psicólogos com as evidentes consequências para os processos, que ou ficam em banho maria ou é-lhes mesmo negada a sua transexualidade como retaliação.

No dia 29 de junho de 2010, com o número de saída 4479, o processo seguiu. Ou assim pensava eu.

Fim da primeira parte.

terça-feira, setembro 27, 2011

WPATH anuncia novos standards of care para transexuais e pessoas de género não-conforme
Houve brindes de champanhe e ondas de aplausos quando a WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health), conhecida internacionalmente como os peritos sobre saúde transexual, transgénero e queer, anunciou os novos Standards of Care (padrões de tratamento) para a saúde de transexuais, trangéneros e pessoas de género não-conforme num simpósio no Emory Conference Center em Atlanta.
[Commentary] New Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People

Burnley transexual left ‘in limbo’ after NHS refuses to fund breast op
A Burnley transsexual says she has been left 'half man, half woman' after doctors refused her breast surgery.
Cathy Ann Daniels, 57, formerly known as Keith Stanstead Daniels, underwent a £60,000 sex change in London 18 months ago.
But the former builder, who has three children, claims her GP in Burnley will not refer her for a £5,000 breast operation on the NHS to complete her transformation.
Health bosses said breast augmentation was a cosmetic procedure, not routinely funded by NHS East Lancs. (Photo)

Report exposes Netherlands anti-transgender policies
On Sept. 13, Human Rights Watch issued a critical report about the policies of the Netherlands regarding transgender people. The Dutch government is refusing to officially recognize their transgender citizens’ new genders until they have undergone sex change surgery and sterilization.

A transwoman was stabbed to death in Basaksehir district of Istanbul yesterday, in her house.
Via email

Family environment does matter after all
A lesbian couple in Australia has lost their foster son after posting an objectionable photo of him on Facebook.
One of the women is hoping to undergo a sex-change operation, while the other is hoping to bear a child through artificial reproduction. The two dressed the six-year-old boy -- who, along with his 12-year-old sister, was placed with the couple in 2009 -- as a girl and posted the picture of him on the social networking site.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) tells OneNewsNow that homosexual liberals claim it does not matter whether a child is raised by two women, two men, or a husband and wife. But he begs to differ.

Anti-discrimination policy for transgender students weighed
For Julian Melson, the clarity of a hard-won sobriety six years ago made two things apparent.
He needed to start over with his education. And he needed to face the fact that he was a man.
The acceptance he found of his new identity at GateWay Community College was crucial in attaining a certificate, he said. That’s why he hopes the Maricopa County Community College District formally recognizes transgendered people as a protected group.

Transgender activist Jessica Lam helps plan conference at Florida International University
Years before Chastity Bono shocked Cher with the news that she was becoming Chaz, Jesus Lam Sr. had a similar talk with his mother, Yolanda.
“I don’t want to see you wearing a dress in front of me,” Yolanda told her first-born son, now Miami transgender activist Jessica Lam.
"I said, ‘Mom, I don’t need to wear a dress in order to be a woman,’” Jessica said in an interview. “I’m more than just the sum of my body parts and what I wear.”
(Photo: Jessica Lam, flanked by sons Jesus Jr. and Christopher)

Comunidad trans se capacita en el campo de las microempresas
Representantes de los 25 cantones de la provincia del Guayas se reunieron para conversar y aprender sobre sus derechos y también acerca de los negocios que han emprendido.
Para brindar capacitación y fortalecer la identidad transexual y transgénero, la asociación Silueta X organizó, este fin de semana, el segundo “Encuentro Intercantonal microempresarial trans”.

Una puerta abierta a la salud
Travestis, lesbianas, hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Quienes por prejuicios muchas veces quedan afuera del consultorio ahora tienen un espacio propio en hospitales.
Generar confianza
Hospital turno noche
El caso de Salta

segunda-feira, setembro 26, 2011

WPATH announces new standards of care for transgender and gender nonconforming people
There were champagne toasts and rounds of applause as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health released on Sunday its newest Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People at a symposium at the Emory Conference Center in Atlanta.

Colectivo transexual catalán lamenta que acuerdo del PP y CIU comience a dar frutos envenenados
Desde la Asociación Catalana por los derechos de las personas transexuales, inmigrantes y sus familiares, TranZ&People, Marta Salvans, su Presidenta, lamenta profundamente que el acuerdo entre Alicia Sánchez Camacho presidenta del PP de Cataluña y el grupo de “Convergència i Unió” empiece a dar frutos envenenados a las personas transexuales y sus familiares.

[Nepal] [Commentary]
Recognizing the rights of third gender
Last week, Australia made significant progress toward recognizing transgender rights. The country now makes it easier for its citizens to apply for passports that reflect a third gender - neither male nor female. Importantly, the government will no longer require citizens to present proof of gender reassignment surgery in order to change the gender on their passport from the gender on their birth certificate. India has included a third gender category on its passport application since 2005, however the label “E” for eunuch has been controversial. Bangladesh just added a third category this year as well, using the term “other.”

Sex change procedure: Teen dies mysteriously 3 years after operation
A teenage girl who had a sex change operation nearly three years ago died on Saturday morning.
According to the family, B block resident Muhammad Saeed’s daughter Ruqqaiya had a sex change operation a few years ago and had been living as Faislur Rehman for the past three years.

Transexuais na TV? Não, obrigado!
Jin Xing, a famosa bailarina chinesa, uma das principais figuras da dança contemporânea, afirma que foi excluída como juíza de um concurso de talentos televisivo por se ter submetido a uma cirurgia de correcção de sexo.
Autoridades chinas expulsan a famosa transexual de televisión, Jin Xing, por "causar malas influencias"

Transman wins new birth certificate
Sydney transsexual man Conor Montgomery has won his fight to have his birth certificate changed from female to male after a battle with NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, who had initially refused to issue an amended certificate.
Montgomery, 51, a member of lobby group Sex And Gender Education (SAGE), applied to have the recording of ‘female’ on his birth certificate changed to ‘male’ in April last year but his application was refused on the grounds that he had not had any kind of genital surgery.

[USA] [Petition]
End discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans experience unnecessary and inhumane discrimination every day. Whether it's the risk of being deported because our marriages aren't recognized by the federal government, denied a job or fired from a job simply for who we are, bullied to death in schools, refused full parenting rights, or denied adequate and appropriate health care/coverage, LGBT Americans do not have access to the same civil rights as non-LGBT Americans.
Our country is better than this, and we ask the Obama Administration to take any and all steps necessary in order to make LGBT Americans fully equal in all matters governed by federal civil law in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.
This petition is supported by GetEQUAL (

Niño transexual, es defendido por su padre también trans, en su derecho utilizar baños chicos en escuela
Niño transexual es defendido por su Padre, también transexual, en su derecho a usar el Baño de Chicos en Escuela de Georgia, EEUU. Reciben más de 40,000 Firmas de Apoyo
Un padre del Condado de McIntosh, Georgia, EEUU ha solicitado a la Junta Escolar que permita que su hijo transexual utilice el baño de chicos como le corresponde.

Q and A: City’s proposed gender identity ordinance
There are bound to be some questions at Lawrence City Hall next week.
City commissioners at their Tuesday evening meeting will consider an ordinance that will make it illegal for employers, landlords, merchants and other business owners to discriminate against people who are transgendered.

Fairness ordinance supporters take to the streets
Members of the Eastern Kentucky University Alphabet Center stood Friday afternoon in front of The Paddywagon encouraging passersby to sign a petition and gain information about fairness.

Supporters rally for Chrishaun McDonald, demand “Free CeCe! Drop the charges!”
A young African American transgender woman was attacked by a group of white men outside of the Schooner Tavern on Lake Street in South Minneapolis, early on the morning of June 5, 2011. Chrishaun (CeCe) McDonald and her friends were on their way to the grocery store when they were attacked by patrons of the bar with transphobic and racist slurs, and one person bashed Ms. McDonald’s face with a glass beer mug. Although Ms. McDonald was the target of a hate crime, she was singled out and charged with second degree murder after one of the attackers was killed.

Hagan announces support for federal LGBT employment protections
North Carolina Democrat Kay Hagan will sign on as co-sponsor to Employment Non-Discrimination Act

Transexuales se capacitan de forma profesional para salir de las calles en Ecuador
Los cursos de belleza son abiertos al público, pues también asisten madres de familia
“La vida es muy difícil para nosotras por el rechazo de la gente, ya que eso nos empuja al trabajo sexual en las calles”, dijo Michelle, mujer transexual de 31 años que ha decidido dejar esa actividad para dedicarse a cuidados de belleza.

domingo, setembro 25, 2011

Life sentence for murderer Leon Fyle who strangled transsexual prostitute Destiny Lauren
A 23-YEAR-OLD man was jailed for a minimum of 21 years after being convicted of murdering transsexual prostitute Destiny Lauren.
Destiny Lauren murder: Leon Fyle jailed after retrial

Cirurgias não alteram género da pessoa
Veio a público recentemente um artigo datado de 2003 em que o Vaticano define a sua estratégia relativa às pessoas transexuais e intersexuais.

Police news : Transvestite stabbed to death
Shamir Mussan, a transvestite aged 32 and living in La Rue Volcy Pougnet at Port Louis, dreamt of having a family. He was living the perfect love story with Ibrahim Kalil, 40. He wanted to adopt a child and lead a peaceful life. However, destiny willed it otherwise.

Quack held for turning men into eunuchs by castration
The Delhi Police have arrested a quack who was hired by eunuchs to castrate men after giving them sedatives. Khalikuddin, who claimed to be a doctor, confessed his involvement in 20 such cases. Police said he charged Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per operation. The police have recovered various medical equipments used by the accused in conducting the surgeries.

Transgender woman sues police, city over treatment during detention
A transgender woman claims she was pulled from her vehicle at gunpoint and mocked for her sexual orientation by Winnipeg police officers who mistook her for a criminal.
Winnipeg police and city face law suit from transgendered woman

[USA] [Commentary]
Why Everyone Should Oppose “Gender Identity” Policies at the UN and Elsewhere
Recently Family Watch’s Director of Communications, Lynn Allred. testified at a hearing of the largest district of community colleges in the United States opposing a proposal for these colleges to add “gender identity” (i.e., transgenderism) to their nondiscrimination policy. Family Watch helped stop a similar proposal in 2008.

Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Policy Debate Comes to a Head at Maricopa Community Colleges
Maricopa Community College's governing board faces a big decision next week as their nondiscrimination policy is challenged.

Crossdressing cafeteria worker turns stomachs of parents, kids
Parents of students in a California school district have been stunned by word that the school is allowing a man who works in the lunchroom to dress like a woman, wearing exposed bra straps and a spaghetti-strap top that would not be allowed for students.
And a law firm addressing the issue said those are exactly the circumstances that are fueling a popular uprising against a state legislative plan that would require schools to indoctrinate children as young as 5 with the idea that homosexuality, transsexuality and other alternative lifestyles are not only acceptable, but to be looked at as models.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
State Shouldn't Pay for Transsexual Prisoner's Gender Re-Assignment Surgery
A transsexual woman in California housed in the men's prison because her genitalia is still male, has been denied surgery at the expense of the State, that would have legally altered her gender from male to female, thereby allowing her to be housed in a women's' prison rather than a male prison. According to the Los Angeles Times, Lyralisa Stevens is serving 50 years to life for killing a woman in San Bernardino in a dispute over clothing. She has been petitioning for two years to have her gender re-assignment surgery, a procedure that typically costs anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000 for transsexuals outside of the prison system.

Emory Hosts International Conference on Transgender Health
The world’s leading experts will gather this week to discuss the latest advances in research, education, clinical service and advocacy for transgender and transsexual people and their families. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) convenes its biennial symposium at Emory University September 24-28.

Businesses Rally For Fairness
For more than two years, the City of Richmond has been considering a fairness ordinance, but the city commission has yet to approve one. Friday night, a group of twenty five downtown business owners joined together with Eastern Kentucky University's Alphabet Center to host "Fairness Over Main."

Empowering Transgender Citizens
Over the weekend of September 10-11, transgender Marylanders and allies met at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Baltimore (GLCCB) in two full day sessions. This event was the first of its kind from Equality Maryland's Transgender Education Project. Coalition partners Gender Rights Maryland, the Transgender Working Group, the Mautner Project (a National Lesbian Health Organization), and Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive (HIPS) joined with local and national leaders and activists (including members of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force field team. Funding was provided through the Equality Maryland Foundation, Gender Rights Maryland, private donors and local businesses.

"Babs" Casbar Siperstein Elevated at DNC
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) met in Chicago on September 9 and 10 where they selected Barbra "Babs" Casbar Siperstein as the first openly transgender member of its executive committee. The Windy City Times reports that when a colleague asked her to be good at her first meeting, she replied, "I don't know about good. I'll be careful."

Basic Rights Oregon to Host Trans Justice Leadership Conference
Following the recent approval of trans-inclusive health care for City of Portland employees, Basic Rights Oregon is hosting a Trans Justice Summit to train leaders in the push to ban trans healthcare discrimination statewide.

BREAKING: Corrections Officer Cleared in Prisoner-Assault Case
The investigation launched into allegations of sexual assault of an inmate by a corrections officer at Riverside Correctional Facility, the city’s only female prison, was closed yesterday, according to Shawn Hayes, spokesperson for Philadelphia prisons system.
Cops: No sex charges against jail guard accused by transgender inmate

Peritajes confirman intervención de terceros en incendio que afectó a transgéneros de Talca
Peritajes del Cuerpo de Bomberos de la ciudad de Talca establecieron que existió intervención de terceras personas en el incendio que afectó a cuatro mediaguas de emergencia ocupadas por transgéneros en pleno barrio rojo de Talca.

sábado, setembro 24, 2011

II Jornadas de Saúde Mental/Psicologia e Cuidados de Saúde Primários

29 de Setembro (Quinta-feira)
Moderação: Henrique Botelho (Médico MGF, Director Executivo ACES Ave I - Terras de Basto)
João Décio Ferreira (Cirurgião Plástico, Lisboa)
15h00 Debate

30 de Setembro (Sexta-feira)
Moderação: Ângela Bouça (Psicóloga, ACES do Porto/Gaia VIII - Centro de Saúde Barão do Corvo, Gaia)
com Agrado na escola
Helena Oliveira (Psicóloga, Serviço de Psicologia e Orientação, Escola Secundária Alcaides de Faria, Barcelos)
Doenças da moda? percursos de sabedoria?
Cristina Fabião (Psiquiatra e Psicanalista, Braga)
Transexualidades - do preconceito à realidade
Manuel Damas (Médico e Sexólogo, Centro Avançado de Sexualidades e Afectos, Porto)

Justiça, Direito, os encontros, os desencantos
Salete Anjos (Jurista, Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho, Braga)
16h15 Debate

Travesti é morta no Rio de Janeiro enquanto aguardava ônibus
Homens matam a tiro travesti em ponto de ônibus na Zona Norte do Rio de Janeiro

Mulher Melancia é descrita como travesti em site gringo
Site dos Estados Unidos usa foto de Mulher Melancia para anúncio de travesti

Man guilty of Destiny Lauren murder in Kentish Town
A man has been found guilty of the murder of a woman in her north London home following a retrial.
Man found guilty in retrial over transgender woman’s murder
Destiny Lauren murder trial - Leon Fyle found guilty for second time at Southwark Crown Court

NHS spent £60,000 on operations to make me 100% man
SIPPING on a pint and chatting about football, Lee Carter seems like any normal bloke.
If you walked past him in the street you wouldn't give him a second glance.
But Lee, 43, lived most of his life as LISA and in the past three years has undergone extensive surgery and hormone treatment to become a man.

City's sex-change mayor and mayoress celebrate civil partnership
Cambridge's first transgender mayor and mayoress have tied the knot – and entered a civil partnership together.
Former city councillors Jenny Bailey and her partner Jennifer Liddle, both of whom were born as boys but went through gender reassignment later in life, made history when Ms Bailey was chosen as first citizen of the city in 2007.
(Photo: From left, Nina Bailey, Jennifer Liddle, Jenny Bailey and Val Presland outside Shire Hall)

Home Office considers genderless passports
British passports could scrap any mention of a person’s sex for the sake of ‘transsexual equality’, the Home Office says.

[Ireland] [Commentary]
State must attempt to enact realistic transgender laws
THE Gender Recognition Advisory Group recently presented a long-awaited report to Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton outlining recommendations for a scheme to allow transgender people to apply for legal recognition in the form of gender change on their birth certificates.

Transsexual actress slams prejudice
A famous dancer says she was axed as a judge on a TV talent show because she has had a sex change.
Jin Xing was contracted to appear on eight episodes of Feitong Fanxiang, a contest for professional singers broadcast on Zhejiang TV.
However, on Monday night she received a call from the show's director, Chao Chi-tai, to say she had been dropped because "her transgender identity could have negative effects on society".
Jin Xing says kicked off reality show for being transgender
China removes transsexual dancer as talent show judge
Dancer sacked from Chinese talent show because she’s transgender
Watchdog denies barring dancer from TV show over sex change

[New Zealand] [Commentary]
Transgender discrimination
Back in June a furore erupted at, New Zealand's leading feminist website.
It's a space dedicated to airing concerns about abortion, pay equity, political representation of women, sexual abuse and violence against women.
More frivolous topics such as cupcakes and transcripts of mother-preschooler discussions also feature.

Garrison introduces bill to protect transgender rights
A high profile private members' bill to protect transgender people from discrimination was re-introduced by Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca MP Randall Garrison in the House of Commons on Wednesday.
Trans bill reintroduced in House of Commons

Transgender controversy for London's Trails End
Karen Clarke-McIlwain and Dani Dominick had an unorthodox introduction last June.
Dominick, living in Windsor at the time, posted a line on Kijiji identifying herself as transgendered and in need of a place to live in London. Clarke-McIlwain responded, acknowledging she didn’t know what “trans” meant but had a room to offer.
[Commentary] Ontario Farmer’s Market Gets Fresh With Trans Worker
[Commentary] A very clear case of discrimination

Bono boosts visibility of trans people, but discrimination persists
As the first transgendered participant on Dancing With The Stars, Chaz Bono had controversy swirling around him before he even set foot on the ballroom floor.

Trans American Military Stories
Nearly 300,000 transgender people may have served in the military — even though the government won’t officially allow it. Here are their stories.

[USA] [Commentary]
Repeal of DADT for LGB's, but not T's
One minute past the stroke of midnight on Sept. 20, the long-awaited repeal of President Bill Clinton's 1993 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy went into effect.

New bills target LGBT discrimination in housing
Legislation was introduced on Thursday in both chambers of Congress that would amend existing federal law to protect LGBT people in the housing and credit markets.
John Kerry, Jerrold Nadler Introduce Federal Gay Protections Bill
Kerry Legislation would outlaw LGBT discrimination in housing, credit
Kerry, Nadler Propose Fair Housing Bill for LGBTs

Calif. court nixes surgery for transgender inmate
A transgender inmate who has lived as a woman since 1993 is not entitled to state-funded sex reassignment surgery or to be transferred to a women's prison, a California appeals court ruled Wednesday.
Inmate loses bid for taxpayer-paid sex-change operation
Trans Inmate Denied Reassignment Surgery

Randy Thomasson Says Lawrence King's Cross-Dressing Provoked Own Murder
Randy Thomasson of the Christian conservative group Save California says gay teen Lawrence King provoked his own murder, media watchdog reported.

Police looking for motive in Hayward motel room slaying
Police are searching for a motive behind the slaying of James "Lucie" Parkin, 36, who was shot and killed in a Hesperian Boulevard motel room Tuesday evening.
Police received reports of a single shot heard coming from the La Quinta Inn near A Street shortly after 6 p.m. and found Parkin suffering from a single bullet wound to the upper torso.
Parkin, who had recent addresses in San Ramon and Newman, was taken to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead.
"It does not appear to be random; we just don't know why it happened," police Lt. Roger Keener said.
Parkin was a pre-op transsexual who preferred to be referred to as a woman, according to Raynetta Lewis, the director of the Seventh Step Foundation, a halfway house where Parkin stayed for six months in 2009.

Pioneer Program Battles Transgender Discrimination
The District of Columbia has launched the first government-funded program in the country to help transgendered women and men overcome workplace discrimination.
It's been a violent year for transgendered women in D.C. with one murder and multiple assaults. It's no surprise for Latisa Mormon, who 's been a sex worker in the District.
DC's Project Empowerment Program Needs Support

Man shot trans woman after being turned down for sex
A 20-year-old man arrested last week for allegedly shooting a transgender woman in Southeast D.C. solicited the woman for sex and attempted to rob her at gunpoint before shooting her in the neck as she sat in her car, according to a police arrest affidavit.

City to consider ‘gender identity’ as protected class
Lawrence city commissioners now are ready to begin a debate about whether transsexuals and others who don’t identify with the gender of their birth deserve new protections from discrimination.

MTPC releases four new "I AM: Trans People Speak" videos
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) on Sept. 20 celebrated the release of four new videos in the "I AM: Transgender People Speak" multimedia public education campaign.

Activists Stage Protest on Steps of State House
LGBT activists staged a protest on the steps of the State House on Tuesday, Sept. 20, but overcast weather and a general lack of interest from passersby kept attendance fewer than two dozen people.
Activists from GetEQUAL Massachusetts and JoinTheImpact gathered on Beacon Hill to speak out against the lack of transgender protections in the workforce-especially in the military. The repeal of ’don’t ask, don’t tell’ officially took effect earlier on Tuesday. And activists pointed out that trans soldiers remain in the closet.

National trans advocate speaks in Charlotte
Federal policy changes are important, says National Center for Transgender Equality leader

House holds discrimination bill hearing
The measure to ban discrimination against LGBT Pennsylvanians at the statewide level came before a panel of state legislators this week.
The House Democratic Policy Committee heard testimony Sept. 19 from several supporters of House Bill 300.

Houston Community College teacher accused of referring to trans students as ‘freaks,’ ‘weirdos’
Donny Leveston, an English teacher at Houston Community College, is under fire for allegedly referring to transgender people as “freaks” and “weirdos.” The comments were made during an in-class student discussion of a paper written by the instructor entitled “Taboo: Incest and Homoeroticism.” According to a transgender student in the class, Leveston closed the discussion by saying, “I don’t care what those people do, as long as they keep it away from me.”

Sexoservidor transexual, uno de los 35 ejecutados en Veracruz
Un sexoservidor transexual, conocido como Brigitte, es una de las 35 víctimas, cuyos cuerpos fueron dejados ayer por la tarde frente a la Plaza Las Américas, confirmaron fuentes del gobierno del estado.

WE ARE NOT ALONE, parts I & II, about the realities of transgender women in Quito, Ecuador. Glimpses of their lives and hopes, but also of the problems they face in a society that doesn't respect human rights for everyone.Two organization supported this work Kimirina and Schorer.

Fundación =Iguales solidariza con transexuales de Talca
Fundación =Iguales, a través de su presidente Pablo Simonetti, solidarizó con la organización Transgéneras por el Cambio de Talca, cuyas integrantes se vieron afectadas por un incendio que destruyó cuatro mediaguas que habitaban luego del terremoto de 27 de febrero de 2010.

quinta-feira, setembro 22, 2011

[UK] [Commentary]
Genderless Passports... Another Daft Lib Dem Idea
PASSPORTS will no longer state the gender of the holder thanks to a daft new idea from, yes, the tail-wagging-thedog Lib Dems.

LGBT gains recognition from government for first time
Minister of Family and Social Policy Fatma Şahin, who met with civil society organizations on Wednesday to discuss violence against women, also invited a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender [LGBT] organization to the meeting, the first time the LGBT community has been represented at a meeting organized by the government.

Transgenders get global aid
The state's 4.5 lakh members of MTH (men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender and hijra) community have a ray of hope to fight HIV. For the community can now look forward to Pehchan, a new project under the Global Fund to strengthen and build the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide HIV-prevention programmes.

Transsexual dancer barred from Chinese TV show
A transsexual dancer in China has criticised the authorities for not allowing her to be a judge on a TV show due to her sex change.

Liberal MP Hedy Fry resurrects transgender rights bill championed by NDP’s Bill Siksay
Hedy Fry is carrying on retired NDP MP Bill Siksay’s fight for transgender rights in Canada.
On Monday (September 19), Fry, the Liberal MP for Vancouver Centre, introduced Bill C-276 in the House of Commons.

On Day Hailed as Civil Rights Victory, Activists Say Trans Community Was Forgotten
Hours after President Drew G. Faust led a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and the return of the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps to Harvard, Lecturer Timothy P. McCarthy ’93 and a number of students spoke out against the University’s decision.
Trans service members, veterans still face discrimination
DADT Repealed, But Not Before Interrupting These Women's Careers

[Commentary] For Transgender Americans, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Not Enough

New Connecticut employment laws effective Oct. 1
Effective October 1, 2011, Connecticut employers with three or more employees will be prohibited from discriminating against an applicant or employee based on gender identity or expression.

Gaurav Gopalan’s Death Ruled a Homicide
The death of Gaurav Gopalan, a Washington aerospace engineer and theatermaker, has been ruled a homicide by the D.C. medical examiner.
Gopalan Death Ruled Homicide
Death of man found in Columbia Heights ruled a homicide
Gay engineer’s death ruled a homicide
DC Police: Death of Gaurav Gopalan Ruled a Homicide

South Florida Transgenders Cheer On Chaz
Bono's Participation On "Dancing With The Stars" Pleases Local Transgenders

Marauding Gang of Drag Queen Bandits Captured in Florida
A trio of drag queen bandits who’ve been accused of stealing “thousands of dollars of filmy fabrics, sequins, feather boas, and other accessories” from stores across Florida have been apprehended, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
'Drag queen gang' in shoplifting spree
Florida's fun-loving (cross-dressing) criminals
Men in wigs accused of stealing boas and bras

At Northwestern University, Gender-Neutral Housing Progress in Peril
Five years ago, then-McCormick freshman Mykell Miller entered Northwestern University facing the same adjustments all new students must deal with: Learning to live with a roommate, sharing communal bathrooms, and living away from home for the first time. But Miller also found himself navigating some seemingly unchartered waters.

Five charged with beating, stabbing man to death in Little Village
Three men and two women have been charged with murder in the death of a 28-year-old man who was beaten and robbed after leaving a transgender bar in the Southwest Side’s Little Village neighborhood early Saturday.

Berea City Council votes to create human rights commission
As supporters chanted outside city hall, the Berea City Council voted 6-1 Tuesday night to adopt an ordinance creating a human rights commission.
The ordinance calls for the commission to investigate claims of religious, racial, sex, age and physical-disability discrimination in the workplace, housing and public accommodations.
The ordinance does not extend protections to gays, lesbians and transgender people, but two council members said after the vote that an ordinance to include those protections would be proposed later.
Berea council backs human rights panel - but not protection for gays

LGBT toilet at Rio samba group praised, criticized
There are three toilet options now for revelers at the Cidade de Deus shantytown's samba headquarters: his, hers and LGBT.
Inodoro LGBT en escuela de samba en Río recibe elogios y críticas

Declaración pública de senadora Ximena Rincon ante atentado a transgeneras por el cambio
Con el objetivo de acelerar al máximo las investigaciones que se desarrollan en torno al incendio que destruyó cuatro de las cinco mediaguas que Transgéneras por el Cambio tenía en la ciudad de Talca, la Senadora por el Maule Sur, Ximena Rincón, entregará asesoría jurídica a esta institución.
Nuevos antecedentes de incendio intencionado a transgéneras de Talca
Investigan incendio que destruyó viviendas de transexuales en Talca

Atención en Salud para transexuales ya es política de Estado en Chile
El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) anunció hoy “revolucionarios cambios en la atención que desde ahora recibirán las personas transexuales en los servicios médicos del país” luego de que en el 2007 dicha organización propusiera un amplio e integral plan sobre la materia al Ministerio de Salud y cuya ejecución inició tímidamente con unprograma piloto un año más tarde.
Actor transformista de telenovela aplaude medida que beneficia a los trans

Una ley contra la discriminación que discrimina
La comunidad trans –integrada por transexuales, transgéneros e intersex– es quizá la más discriminada de nuestro país. Históricamente, estas personas se han visto expuestas a toda clase de violencia, tanto en las calles como en sus hogares. Para mostrar la crueldad de los agresores, basta recordar dos casos del último tiempo: el de Sandy Iturra, transgénera de Valparaíso, atacada en la calle con un bate de béisbol, con tal brutalidad que su rostro quedó completamente desfigurado, perdiendo la visión de uno de sus ojos. Y el reciente atentado incendiario, ocurrido durante las fiestas del 18, contra las mediaguas en que vivía un grupo trans de Talca, su precario hogar desde que el terremoto echara abajo la vieja casona que las albergaba.