Michel Kazatchkine: Why are human rights so central to the AIDS response, in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as everywhere else?
I am thrilled to have been appointed, last Friday, as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Candidatas ao Miss Bumbum 2012 consideram desleal a participação de transexuais no concurso
Desleal. É assim que a vice Miss Bumbum 2011, Graciella Carvalho, classificou a atitude dos responsáveis do concurso em aceitar, neste ano, candidatas transexuais.
Spanish court bars transgender asylum seeker
Spain's National Court (Audencia Nacional) has denied the asylum claim of a transgender Colombian national. The individual, whose identifying details were not reported in the original story by Spain's El Diaro De Cádiz, had been living in Spain since 2000 but entered deportation proceedings in March 2011. Despite urging from no less an advocate than the UN High Commissioner on Refugees to grant asylum in this case, the Court denied the application because the person only made the asylum claim based on sexual identity after deportation proceedings had begun.
Oxford gets rid of traditional gender-specific dress code
Students at the prestigious University of Oxford in the United Kingdom will no longer have to wear gender-specific academic clothing after concerns that the policy, which has been in place for centuries, is unfair to the transgender community.
Oxford University changes dress code for transgender students
Oxford dress laws to suit transgender students
[Commentary] “Men Prancing Around in Skirts” at Oxford University?
Would YOU back your 16-year-old if he wanted to change sex? How Miranda Parram is fighting for her son's human right to wear make-up
Whether it’s the fact that her skirt is too short, her heels too high or her make-up too liberally applied, 16-year-old Ashlyn Parram looks a typical teenage girl — keen to push the boundaries of what is acceptable to her parents and elders.
But while Ashlyn may seem, on the surface, to be just like her friends and classmates, there is one profound difference between her and them.
Transgender Rose makes film on cricket betting
Rose Venkatesan becomes the first ‘transgender’ in the country to be making a film. Rose would be directing a film, tentatively titled as Cricket Scandal, which would go deep into the art of ‘betting’ on international cricket matches. Born as Ramesh Venkatesan, the highly education Rose found later that she had been having feminine attributes and transformed into a beautiful woman.
Malaysia looking to boost “moral education”, but LGBT activists cry foul
The Malaysia education ministry is looking to increase “moral education” for all students in the country. At present, the curriculum is only being taught for non-Muslims in the country.
Miss Singapore Universe 2012 finalists debate transgender issue
A marine fuels trader, an art director and a social entrepreneur are among the 14 finalists vying for the title of Singapore’s Miss Universe 2012.
Facing the media for the first time on Sunday afternoon at the Shangri-La hotel, the 14 took to the stage to introduce themselves and why they are taking part in the competition.
Whittled down from a field of 100 applicants, this year’s finalists are between 18 to 24 years old.
Miss Universe-Singapore to admit women with sex change
Transgender debate hits Miss Singapore Universe 2012
Tribunal supports defence force abuse victim in Brunswick West
A transgender former naval officer who suffered years of abuse from peers and superiors says a recent tribunal win will pave the way for other victims to seek entitlements.
Transgender Pride Parade marshal Jenna Talackova on sex, life and reality TV
Vancouver beauty queen opens up about life after the Miss Universe Canada pageant
Transgender Studies Quarterly: Announcement and CFP
General Editors Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker are pleased to announce that TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly will be published by Duke University Press, currently planned for launch in the first quarter of 2014. TSQ aims to be the journal of record for the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies, and to promote the widest possible range of perspectives on transgender phenomena broadly defined. Every issue of TSQ will be a specially themed issue that also contains regularly recurring features such as reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces.

Asesinan a homosexual en Lázaro Cárdenas
Un sujeto baleó a varios sexoservidores la madrugada de este domingo en el municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas, lo que provocó la muerte de uno de ellos.

Un homosexual protagoniza el suicidio 70 del año
Debido a las constantes depresiones que sufría, un homosexual, bajo los efectos del alcohol decidió atentar contra su vida por sexta ocasión, logrando en esta ocasión escapar por la puerta falsa al colgarse con un lazo del marco de la ventana, dentro de su domicilio, ubicado al sur de la ciudad, además de ello, horas antes había discutido con su ?novio?, con quien incluso se lío a golpes.

Capturan a homosexual
El dirigente de los homosexuales, Nagahi Marcelino Espinoza alias "La Daniela" fue detenido por elementos de la Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones al ser acusado del delito de lesiones por agredir a otro sexoservidor en la calle de Miér y Terán esquina con Las Casas.
La captura de Nagahi Marcelino Espinoza fue en cumplimiento a la orden de aprehensión que libró en su contra el juez séptimo de lo penal en la causa 112/2012 por el delito de lesiones cometido en agravio de Juan José Cortés Reyes.
Exitoso lanzamiento Campaña Cuidado el Machismo Mata 2012~
El pasado jueves 26 de julio se llevó a cabo en el Paso Ahumada de Santiago, el lanzamiento oficial de la Campaña Cuidado el Machismo Mata 2012, coordinada por la Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres. Al lanzamiento también se unieron las mujeres y feministas de Talca, Osorno, Valparaíso, Concepción y Puerto Montt en sus respectivas ciudades.
Denuncian cierre técnico del Programa Nacional de Sida
75 Organizaciones exigen normalizar la entrega de los medicamentos
Intersexualidad y diversidad corporal, un debate pendiente
Llamados antes como hermafroditas, componen el grupo más invisibilizado de la pluralidad sexual y pugnan por que se los respete sin forzarlos a tratamientos quirúrgicos para encasillarlos en la calificación de hombre o mujer.

"Es muy difícil si la única imagen de gente como vos está en manuales"
Intersex y definido como "hombre trans", explica que, además de cambios legales, son necesarios e imprescindibles los culturales. En su adolescencia se descubrió que su cuerpo femenino "era diferente, estaba incompleto y que esa diferencia y esa incompletud amenazaban su identidad de género así como su identidad sexual". Todo esto entre comillas, asignables al discurso médico. A unos procedimientos exploratorios le siguió una cirugía reconstructiva, a esta otra más y en total ocho años de tratamientos.
Denunciaron por discriminación a transexuales a dos inmobiliarias puntanas
Gema Rosales, titular de una asociación de travestis y transexuales, dejó asentado ante el INADI el problema de una amiga para conseguir una propiedad con la nueva identidad que le dio la ley de género.