Júlia Pereira: “Nunca deixei de ser discriminada e o medo acompanha-me”
É a primeira dirigente transexual de um partido político português e integra as listas do Bloco de Esquerda pelo círculo eleitoral de Setúbal. Júlia Pereira fala de discriminação no acesso à saúde e ao emprego e pede mais mudanças na legislação
Indian sprinter Dutee Chand wins major victory for intersex and gender inclusion
The Court of Arbitration for Sport struck down the use of testosterone levels for preventing athletes from participating as women in sports.
Trans model Andreja Pejic launches first cosmetics ad campaign
Transgender supermodel Andreja Pejic has released her first campaign video for a cosmetics brand.
We call on the Amnesty International Council to stand firm and support decriminalisation of sex work and protect the human rights of sex workers
NSWP and our allies take this opportunity to express our support for Amnesty International’s draft policy calling for the decriminalisation of sex work, which is to be tabled for adoption at the International Council Meeting, 6-11th August 2015. Amnesty International is facing a backlash from campaigners for proposing a policy that seeks to uphold the human rights of sex workers.
Justiça decreta a prisão preventiva dos 5 suspeitos de matar jovem travesti em SP
Dois são procurados pela Polícia Civil; um dos presos revelou ter usado madeira para espancar
Kellie Maloney says transgender acceptance 'lagging'
Attitudes towards transgender people are "20 years behind" those towards gay, lesbian and bisexual (LGB) individuals, Kellie Maloney has said.
German watchdog rules against Facebook’s anti-trans real name policy
Campaigners say policy is ‘cruel’ to trans and gender variant Facebook users
NGO "CI" T-EMA "initiated the development of new medical standards on "Transsexualism"
On July 17, 2015 the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine approved the composition of the multidisciplinary working group for development of medical standards (unified clinical protocols) of medical care for “Transsexualism” during 2015-2016. Besides 22 medical specialists workers of public organization “CI T-ema” representing interests of patients composed the working group.
Trans pride march to take place in Jerusalem, despite threats
The 14th Annual March for Pride and Tolerance in Jerusalem will take place tomorrow, to celebrate the diversity within the city and challenge those who continue to oppose LGBT rights in Israel.
India transgender politician who ran for president shot dead
Two men have confessed to her murder
Alice Springs intersex advocate highlights perils of 'normalising' surgery
Alice Springs intersex advocate Georgie Yovanovic says medical intervention on intersex people without consent is an abuse of human rights.
Australians' transgender journeys continue as Caitlyn Jenner media storm subsides
As US reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner's latest show on her transition to life as a woman premieres, Australian transgender women talk about their complex quest to be themselves while society plays catch up.
Four Corners meets transgender sex workers
“It’s all about sex. Sex to survive.”
The next episode of the ABC’s Four Corners series looks at the hidden world of transgender sex workers in Australia.
Stronger transgender rights needed, says former human rights commissioner
Mary Woo Sims says the code should be explicit in the protection it has
‘I’m not just a trans person, I am a person: Advocate’
Event marks Pride Week in Grand Falls-Windsor
watch laverne cox share her wisdom on love, trans* issues, and being a gemini
Laverne Cox—the breakout star of Orange Is The New Black and trans* activist—has no shortage of wisdom. We recently had the opportunity to pick her brain for life advice for our August issue (read that full interview here), and then she made our year by stopping by NYLON's offices to keep the conversation going. Watch the video above for her most poignant advice on relationships, self-love, trans* issues, and being a Gemini.
Transgender Porn Is A Best-Seller, But Is It Good For Trans People?
Mainstream America is just starting to learn about transgender people, thanks to Caitlyn Jenner's momentous interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer and shows like "Transparent." But in the porn world the popularity of transgender porn has long been the industry's open secret.
First steps of Pentagon review on trans service underway
The Pentagon has started its first steps of reviewing the U.S. military’s ban on openly transgender service and has scheduled a meeting with top brass on the issue, a defense official said Wednesday. The news was first reported by USA Today.
Dismantling military's transgender ban to begin Monday
Discovery Digital explains sex and gender terms in new video
"Sex and Gender Terms Explained" is a new video produced by Discovery Digital on their network, Test Tube. It provides clear definitions of common terms related to gender identity. The video explains the difference between sex and gender, and defines need-to-know terminology including, "transgender," "genderqueer," and "gender expression." They also make an important statement that, "Identity is everything to so many. It's personal, it's important, it's about affirmation." That explains the need to educate and increase understanding among those both outside and inside the LGBT community.
Kiehl to introduce ordinance adding sexual orientation, gender identity as protected classes
Juneau Assemblyman Jesse Kiehl is drafting a city ordinance that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the private sector, including public accommodations and housing. He says he decided to work on the ordinance after local residents discussed the issue with him.
Trans woman killed in Fresno
Fresno police are investigating the death of someone who was stabbed on a city street late last week by a person in an SUV.
Colorado speech pathologist helps transgender community find a voice to fit their gender identity
It's been a pivotal year for members of the transgender community, ranging from mass-media visibility to legal protections.
Florida Man Charged in Shooting Death of Transgender Woman
A Florida man has been charged with murder in the death of a transgender woman who was found fatally shot in a Tampa park last week, authorities said.
Your Comments: Readers react to story about Smith College admitting transgender women
In response to an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal criticizing the increasing number of women's colleges now accepting transgender students, Smith College President Kathleen McCartney fired back this week, framing the issue as a civil rights matter, not a money matter.
Smith College president Kathleen McCartney on admitting transgender women: 'Our decision reflects a concern for civil rights, not business'
Transgender teen killed in George County was beaten to death
A transgender teen was beaten to death by a George County man and buried under some debris on the man's father's property on Odom Road, a lead investigator on the case told the Sun Herald.
Autopsy Report: Transgender Theodore Teen Killed by Blunt Force
Transgender Woman: I was Attacked Because of Who I am
20-year-old Nicole Clark said she was beaten and assaulted Monday night because she is a transgender woman.
Board OKs transgender guidelines for high school sports
New York became the 38th state to adopt some form of guidelines or policies Wednesday regarding transgender students seeking to play on either the boys or girls teams at their high school.
Life as Sara
What it's like to be a transgender woman when you’re not Caitlyn Jenner
"Preconceitos e discriminação são a minha história de vida"
Júlia Pereira pode tornar-se a primeira deputada transexual em Portugal. A bloquista conta como lutou pela sua identidade e que perdeu trabalhos por ter feito a transição para aquilo que é: mulher.
Precisamos falar sobre transexualidade
A transexual Renata Peron estava na praça da República, em 2007, quando foi agredida por nove rapazes. Os resultados dessa agressão estão presentes até hoje: um dos golpes fez com que perdesse um rim. Diariamente, ela precisa beber três litros de água, não consumir carne, além de outros cuidados.
'Nunca tive pretensão em ser mulher. Sou homem!', afirma Rogéria
A atriz fala sobre sua entrada em Babilônia e desabafa: 'entrei para somar, não para julgar'. Ela também dá detalhes sobre o clima entre atores e produção nos bastidores da gravação da novela da Rede Globo
Travestis fazem pose na cadeia após roubarem 'cliente' em Jundiaí
Homem parou para contratar programa; foi roubado e agredido, diz Guarda.
Grupo foi encontrado em hotel com os pertences da vítima.
Third Party Intervention in Three French Sterilisation Cases
TGEU, together with ILGA-Europe and Amnesty International, submitted a Third Party Intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in three cases against France concerning forced sterilisation in legal gender recognition (Niçot v France, Garçon v France, AP v France) on July 24, 2015.
Joint Statement: recent attacks on LGBTI people in Turkey
IGLYO, ILGA-Europe, ICRSE, SWAN & TGEU have written to the Turkish government to express their grave concern about the lack of a political response over recent attacks, discriminatory treatment and incitement to violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Turkey.
India statistics include trans people for first time
Report finds 16 transgender people died of suicide last year, though activists say the real number is much higher
[New Zealand]
Palm. North toilets to go gender neutral
Palmerston North City Council is leading the way on gender neutral toilets – its staff are researching appropriate signage for facilities throughout the city.
Trans pledge undermined by tactics, says Pride ex-director
Focus on trans support not resignations, says Vancouver parade coordinator
Positive transitions fill Transgender Project
When Gayle Roberts decided to transition from male to female back in 1995, she feared she would lose her job as a high-school physics teacher.
NCTE Welcomes Sincere "I Am Cait" Debut
This past weekend, Caitlyn Jenner's long-awaited documentary series I Am Cait premiered on E! network. Part of an eight-hour long television series, I Am Cait chronicles Caitlyn Jenner's gender transition and her struggle for acceptance.
Drag pageant rules excluding ‘pre-op’ transgender contestants met with confusion, condemnation
Promoters say new rule extends inclusion, is not discriminatory
A chat with the US army’s openly-trans* soldier Shane Ortega
Last week, news about Shane Ortega, the US army’s first openly-trans* soldier made waves on the internet.
Was the victim in brutal Fresno killing a transgender woman? ‘We may never know.’
In the early-morning hours of Thursday, a person in a tan SUV beckoned Kenton Craig Haggard over to the vehicle. Wearing a knee-length dress and a white cardigan, Haggard crossed the street.
Transgender murder in California leaves community fearful and angry
Teen arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke
A man has been arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke.
Last Wednesday morning, India Clarke joined the list as at least the 11th trans woman in the US to be murdered this year.
Now Keith Lamayne Gaillard, an 18-year-old, has been booked on charges of first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a violent criminal.
India Clarke: Arrest made in connection with murder of Tampa transgender woman
Man wanted for questioning in India Clarke's murder arrested
Competing trans legal events set to take place in Chicago
In order to provide individuals with a cost-effective alternative to the National LGBT Bar Association's Lavender Law Conference—Transgender Law Institute, a number of attorneys who work on trans legal issues got together and created the first-ever Trans Law Symposium. Both events will take place Aug. 7, just blocks away from each other.
New Question Surfaces for Transgender Leaders in Boy Scouts
Now that the Boy Scouts of America has voted to end its ban on gay adults, another question of sexual identity comes from Jane White, a St. Louisan that is transgender. Will she be able to rejoin the scouts?
Omaha deejay accused of punching transgender woman charged with hate crime
An Omaha deejay has been charged with a hate crime after he was accused of storming into a women’s restroom at an Omaha bar and assaulting a transgender woman.
Transgender woman scores small victory in NM
With the gaining popularity of Caitlyn Jenner and the eminent lift of the ban on transgender people in the military, there have been a lot of wins for the transgender community. But there was one win in New Mexico that didn’t grab the headlines.
Texas Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Allowing Houston Voters Chance to Repeal City’s Pro-LGBT Ordinance
Houston’s lesbian mayor put her pro-homosexuality politics above the rule of law.
Judge: City must count signatures in anti-gay activist's petition
Houston We Have a Problem! Four Things You Need to Know about the Suspension of HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance)
A federal judge said being transgender is a mental disorder. Here's why he's wrong
A federal judge on Monday dismissed a key legal argument that could allow a transgender teen to use the bathroom at his school that corresponds with his gender identity, telling the boy's attorneys that they now face an "uphill battle," BuzzFeed's Dominic Holden reported.
Judge drops part of transgender nondiscrimination lawsuit
Federal judge dismisses Title IX claim in trans student’s lawsuit
Mujeres Transexuales piden a la Iglesia acabar con la discriminación
Mujeres transexuales exhortaron a la cúpula católica a poner fin a la violencia y la discriminación, así como a los crímenes de odio en "nombre de dios". En una manifestación realizada a las afueras de las oficinas de la Arquidiócesis de México ubicadas en Durango #90, colonia Roma.
Mutilan y asesinan a una mujer transexual en Argentina
La Policía de la provincia argentina de Córdoba (centro) investiga el asesinato de una mujer transexual, que fue encontrada sin vida en una obra en construcción con signos de abuso sexual y de tortura, informó hoy la Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans (Falgbt).
Masacraron a golpes y castraron a una travesti
Conchita Wurst estará em Lisboa
Conchita Wurst vai estar em Portugal em Agosto a convite do Trumps.
Tem-se noticiado que Júlia Pereira se encontrava num lugar elegível por Setúbal para deputada. É falso. Encontra-se e 8º lugar. O Bloco nunca elegeu mais de dois deputados por Setúbal, sendo que nas últimas eleições perdeu um dos deputados. Imaginar-se que vai recuperar 7 lugares nestas eleições e, no mínimo, naive.
Paranaguá mobilizada em defesa de travesti; personalidade local que foi agredida
A travesti e atriz Micheli Matuzzi, 38, ícone cultural da cidade de Paranaguá, desde os anos 90, quando passou a desfilar no Carnaval da cidade, foi brutalmente espancada na manhã desta segunda-feira, próximo ao terminal rodoviário e o estádio da cidade. De boa família e aceita pela alta sociedade de Paranaguá, ela é estrela do teatro local e a agressão mobilizou os fãs e amigos que pedem Justiça.
Catholic Church issues ban on transgender godparents
A bishop has determined that a 21-year-old trans man may not serve as a godparent of his nephew.
Spanish bishop: transgendered person may not serve as godparent
Dying wife inspired biker to have sex change
A biker barman has undergone a Caitlyn Jenner-style transformation after receiving the deathbed blessing of his wife.
Transphobia to be targeted as MPs review transgender equality
Discrimination and challenges faced by UK trans people to be investigated in areas including education, health and criminal justice
Swedish Facebook debut for gender neutral 'hen'
A new gender neutral pronoun sparked headlines in Sweden on Monday when it made its debut on social media as Scandinavia's biggest gay pride festival kicked off in Stockholm.
Dutee Chand wins landmark case against the IAAF
In a decision that will reverberate across international athletics, and the wider sporting landscape, the runner Dutee Chand has overturned the IAAF regulations governing female athletes competing in elite athletics, solely on the basis of arbitrary blood testosterone levels.
'Science has to Precede Policy, Not Other Way'
Champion Sprinter Wins Landmark Case To Let Her Compete As A Woman
Centre considers separate loos for transgender patients in hospitals
Hospitals may soon have to build separate toilets for transgender (TG) people and provide 'TG' as an option in their admission forms. The government is considering a proposal making it mandatory for hospitals to fulfill this provision, in line with the Supreme Court directive seeking separate toilets and special medical care for transgender population.
Making transgender transparent at Bendigo Writer’s Festival
One of Australia’s best known authors will be in Bendigo next week to put transgender issues on the agenda for regional areas.
Gloria Halvorsen finds happiness in life as a woman
Saint John resident spent 50 years as a male before deciding she 'couldn't live hiding anymore'
Saint John transgender woman fights to change birth certificate
Vancouver City Hall flies trans flag for first time to kick off Pride Week
While Abbotsford flew the Pride flag for the first (and possibly last) time and Surrey never flown it at all, the City of Vancouver marked another first today: flying the trans flag for the first time.
Pride and trans flags raised at Vancouver City Hall for Pride Week
Trans People Review And Analyze ‘I Am Cait’
ThinkProgress invited three trans people and one ally to watch the premiere of Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show ‘I Am Cait.’ We wanted to know what they thought of Jenner, her coming out process, and the first episode of the groundbreaking series. This is their review.
World record-holding bodybuilder comes out as transgender
'Being a total alpha male and transgender definitely makes me unique even in the transgender community'
The world record-holding bodybuilder who invented the ‘Kroc rows’ has comes out as transgender.
Janae Marie Kroc, 42, describes herself as a ‘transgender/genderfluid Alpha male/girly girl Lesbian in a male body’ on her Instagram account, where she has been posting selfies for more than a year.
World record powerlifter transitions to Janae Marie Kroc
Everything You Need to Know About the Debate Over Transgender People and Bathrooms
This is the latest civil rights fight over America's restrooms
DOJ Declines to Weigh in on Exclusion of Transgender People from ADA Protections
Yesterday in a Statement of Interest filed in the case Blatt v. Cabela’s Retail, the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to weigh in on the constitutionality of an explicit transgender exclusion written into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Today is the 25th anniversary of the passage of the ADA.
DOJ slammed for ducking on trans exclusion in ADA
Colorado transgender woman challenges Aetna's denial of coverage for surgery
Aetna's refusal to pay for gender reassignment surgery prescribed by doctor violates Colorado law, advocacy group says
TLDEF Challenges Discriminatory Health Insurance Coverage Denial
George County man accused in transgender teen's killing due in court Tuesday
A George County man accused in the murder of a transgender teen is due in George County Justice Court on Tuesday for a preliminary hearing in the case.
Josh Vallum, 28, of Odom Road, is held on a first-degree murder charge in the killing of 17-year-old Mercedes Williamson, a transgender teen from Theodore, Ala., whose birth name is Michael Christopher Wilkins.
Poet creates first class for transgender poetry
Trace Peterson, a poet at the forefront of the push for transgender representation in poetry, will soon pioneer what she says is the country’s first course in transgender poetry.
Texas Supreme Court to lesbian mayor: repeal transgender ordinance, or put it to vote
The highest court in Texas has guaranteed that a controversial "equal rights" ordinance, imposed by lesbian Houston Mayor Annise Parker, will be subject to a referendum by the city's residents, if not repealed entirely.
Gloucester County transgender student granted trial after hearing in Norfolk
A transgender Gloucester County teen who is challenging his school board over a restrictive bathroom policy will get his day in court.
Gloucester: Judge 'unlikely' to grant injunction in transgender student's lawsuit
Transgender teen’s fight to use boy’s restroom moves forward
Transgender boy barred from men's room testifies in sex discrimination case
Judge dismisses part of transgender teen’s lawsuit; has not ruled yet on motion for injunction
Part of lawsuit on school transgender bathroom policy tossed
Rio de Janeiro prisons seek to protect transgender inmates
When Estefanie Ferraz went to prison, she had been living as a woman for around a decade, had undergone more than half a dozen plastic surgeries including breast and cheek implants to enhance her feminine looks, and was saving up for a sex change operation.
Júlia Mendes Pereira poderá vir a ser a primeira deputada transexual eleita em Portugal
Júlia Mendes Pereira pode estar a caminho do Parlamento pelo Bloco de Esquerda (BE).
Eleição de deputada transexual pode fazer história no Parlamento
Portugal pode vir a ser um dos primeiros países da Europa a contar com transsexual no Parlamento
Esquerda portuguesa aposta em candidata transexual para deputada
Transgender equality to be historic first inquiry for new Women's Committee
The new Women and Equalities Committee, set up in June to scrutinise the Government's equality policy and led by Maria Miller, has announced that its first inquiry will look into discrimination against transgender people in the UK
Transgenders Facing Stigma Get Strongest Support From Parents
“We don’t know the scientific reason behind the birth of our transgender -children, but we strongly believe they are children of God”, said a group of parents who have accepted their transgender-children challenging the societal norms.
Transgenders plan website to get jobs
In a bid to provide transgenders with employment opportunities, a website was launched during a festival organised by Bharathi Kanamma Trust here on Sunday.
Trans March in St. John’s “an important radical act”
Province’s first-ever collectively organized Trans March takes over streets of downtown St. John’s a day ahead of the city’s annual Pride Parade.
Jennifer McCreath running for federal election in Avalon
Local activist Jennifer McCreath says she plans to be the first openly transgender person to run for federal election.
Janet Mock Co-Anchors MSNBC Show and Talks Trans Murders and #BlackLivesMatter
Janet Mock made history this weekend as first trans person to co-host mainstream cable news show.
I Am Cait reviews round-up: A fake, forced, boring reality TV series despite earnest intentions to help promote trans issues
Caitlyn Jenner's E! documentary doesn't deal with trans issues as well as other US reality TV shows such as 'I Am Jazz', say US critics
'Mom, I'm Trans': Comparing Our Coming-Out Experiences to Caitlyn Jenner's
These Are the U.S. Trans Women Killed in 2015
This year has already demonstrated why activists continue to decry an 'epidemic' of fatal violence directed at transgender women.
Conference unites black activists; focuses on transgender lives
Leaders of black activist groups from around the country are gathering in Cleveland this weekend to share thoughts, ideas and stories at a conference aimed at furthering the creation of a modern-day civil rights movement to address systemic problems of police brutality and socio-economic deprivation.
Calif. students now given six ‘gender identity’ choices on college admissions applications
Questions about gender identity and sexual orientation have been added to admissions applications used by the University of California system, including no less than six choices for students when checking off their “gender identity.”
Judge to issue opinion in transgender student's lawsuit
A transgender teenager's lawsuit against Gloucester Public Schools over a policy requiring him to use a private restroom is going to court Monday.
Trans woman shot dead in Guyana
Sex worker argued with client who wanted a refund
A transgender woman was gunned down last week in Guyana.
Nephi Luthers was shot in the chest at around 2.35am on Wednesday (22 July) morning in the capital Georgetown.
Bloco aposta em transexual para deputada
A Assembleia da República pode vir a contar com uma deputada transexual pela primeira vez na sua história.
Travesti é assassinado com tiro na cabeça, em Alta Floresta do Oeste, RO
Dupla chegou de moto e disparou contra a vítima, que morreu no local.
Suspeitos perguntaram nome do travesti e atiraram após ouvirem resposta.
Um travesti de 45 anos foi assassinado na noite de sábado (25), em Alta Floresta do Oeste (RO), na Zona da Mata. Segundo a Polícia Militar (PM), a vítima estava em casa, quando foi alvejada por uma dupla que chegou de moto e fugiu logo após o crime. Os suspeitos ainda não foram localizados.
Becoming Julie
Being the only transgender on a small Hebridean island meant having to lead a double life. Susan Welsh talks to the remarkable Julie Clarke, whose journey has been both heartwarming and brave
Book by transgender campaigners lets young readers decide gender of the main character
Tiny, the hero of Sarah Savage’s Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?, is equally fond of dressing up as fairy, a knight and a football player
In a first, government survey recognises transgenders as third gender
The death report said that 106 transgenders were killed in accidents and 16 allegedly committed suicides last year
This Video of a Mother Sharing What She Learned as the Parent of a Trans Teen Is Nothing Short of Inspirational
That old adage that children can teach their parents a thing or two is certainly true for the Culpepper family in upstate South Carolina.
Fresno police release new details in murder of transgender victim
Kenton Haggard, 66, was killed on Blackstone and Cornell avenues around 2:30 a.m. Thursday.
Fresno police release new information on stabbing of transgender person
'Prison within prison': a transgender inmate's years-long battle for treatment
Michelle Norsworthy, sentenced in 1987, spent six years seeking hormone treatment and survived a gang rape, even as requests for surgery – and to be transferred to a women’s prison – have been rebuffed. But she’s not quitting
'I am Alena': life as a trans woman where survival means living as Christopher
If Caitlyn Jenner represents an elite gender transition, Alena represents those left behind. Her mother’s disapproval, the threat of violence in the deep south and a lack of medical care means she must live in a male body she considers a ‘shell’
Local transgender people still face a struggle in 2015
When the Olympian and reality TV star known as Bruce Jenner appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair in June under the new identity Caitlyn, it may have seemed that the world was opening the door toward a greater public acceptance and understanding of what it means to be transgender.
Health care outside both the male and female checkboxes
Jackson Nightshade is counting down the days until open enrollment for government-subsidized health insurance begins again in November. The 28-year-old Las Vegas resident identifies as multigender, and for many years, health insurance seemed too pricey and too discriminatory.
New York home defaced with anti-gay slur
'Jenner Fags' spray-painted on a home in Wynantskill, New York
The home of a New York gay couple was vandalized with the slur ‘Jenner fags.’
Culpado de homicidio capturado em jundiaí
O procurado Júlio César Câmara, 30 anos, foi preso na manhã desta sexta-feira pela equipe de investigação do 6º Distrito Policial, na rodovia Vereador Geraldo Dias, em Jundiaí. Ele foi localizado com auxílio das câmeras de monitoramento da Guarda Municipal de Jundiaí, que flagraram seu veículo passando pelas proximidades do Terminal de Ônibus Urbano Vila Hortolândia. Ele estava foragido da penitenciária, onde cumpria pena pelo crime de homicídio doloso.
“Me via como uma travesti”, revela Thammy Miranda sobre antigo corpo
Filha da cantora Gretchen, a atriz Thammy Miranda foi a convidada do “Programa do Jô” desta última sexta-feira (24). No talk show, ela falou sobre a sua mudança de sexo, os motivos que a levaram à transformação e como se descobriu homossexual.
Life when you feel neither male nor female
Two teenagers speak to BBC Scotland about their experience of being non-binary, people who do not identify as male or female.
President Signs Gender Recognition Act
On July 22nd the Gender Recognition Act was signed into law by President Michael D. Higgins.
Irish President signs progressive Gender Recognition Act into law
Taiwan mother of transsexual man helps mainland parents learn to accept their kids
Not many people know the real name of "Mama Kuo." She has not been referred to by her real name for 11 years now. But she is respected just the same, and has a strong influence over many young people.
Rural Saskatchewan couple describes transgender love story
Five years ago, Brice Budd made the decision that would change forever his life and the life of his wife, Pat.
B.C. NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert brings back transgender rights bill
A B.C. NDP MLA is hoping that the fourth time will be the charm for his transgender rights legislation.
Right-Wing Senator Wonders Which Bathroom Trans Troops Will Use
Conservative Republican Senator Jim Inhofe expressed confusion about which bathroom transgender troops would use once the ban is lifted against transgender Americans serving openly in the military.
Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Transgender activists in L.A. protest fatal stabbing of Fresno victim
Conflict arises between Fresno police, transgender activists over identification of murder victim
East Bay Teen Undergoes Fertility Treatment Before Transitioning to a Man
Nicole Carman is at a fertility center in the East Bay, the recent Pittsburg High School graduate is here to undergo egg retrieval, the surgical removal of eggs from her ovaries so they can be frozen and stored.
Bay Area Transgender Teen's Journey to Preserve the Dream of Being a Parent
Transgender Del. inmate embraces new name
“What’s in a name?” is a loaded question for Lakisha Lavette Short.
University of Iowa clinic sees demand for transgender care
Providers with the relatively new Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Clinic at the University of Iowa want to keep the waitlist for initial consults short.
Transgender community fighting for equality
Baltimore Pride celebrates 40 years this weekend, but those in the transgender community said they still face issues like discrimination and physical and sexual violence constantly.
March and rally for Baltimore Trans Uprising
Transgender identity: The next fight for equal rights
Christine Jorgensen, Caroline Cossey and the power of role models: Transgender in Pennsylvania
When PennLive asked transgender readers to share their experiences, one of the questions posed was: How old were you when you saw or heard about a transgender person for the first time? How did you first see or hear about transgender people?
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston’s ‘bathroom bill,’ sets up ballot fight
The Texas Supreme Court gave Friday the Houston city council 30 days either to repeal a civil-rights ordinance allowing opposite-sex bathroom use or place it before the voters on the November ballot.
The Texas Supreme Court Just Upended Houston’s LGBT Protections
Texas Supreme Court says city must repeal HERO or put it on ballot
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
City of Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) suspended
Man accused of attacking transgender woman at Seattle park
Police say a 28-year-old man harassed and assaulted a transgender woman Thursday in Seattle's Cal Anderson Park.
Police arrived at the Capitol Hill Park just before 4 p.m. after getting a call about an assault. Officers spoke to witnesses at the park, who said they saw a man harassing a transgender woman.
Adeus, Malva! Falece aos 99 anos a Travesti mais idosa do Mundo
Malva faleceu na semana passada, chilena que aos 17 anos cruzou a Cordilheira dos Andes para viver na Argentina em busca de liberdade. Ela manteve-se bem humorada em seus últimos dias de vida.
Em fim chegou ao final a vida de Malva , uma referência a mim, que como uma cidadã Travesti tenho a história dela, algo que gostaria que fosse semelhante na minha trajetória de vida também, ter o direito de viver por muitos anos, e morrer por idade e não em consequência da falta de direitos que a população de Travestis e Transexuais sofrem no Brasil e em muitas partes do mundo, principalmente nos países da America Latina.
Pidieron a los demás países avanzar en el mismo camino Argentina lidera la reivindicación de derechos de las personas trans
La Organización Mundial de la Salud destacó la ley de Identidad de Género de Argentina, que fue aprobada hace tres años. Eso permitió que más de 4.300 personas trans pudieran inscribir su documento de identidad con nombre y sexo a elección.
I Can't Afford to Transition: The Unseen Costs of Being Transgender in 2015
Ari Klamka, 28, is a lot like his peers—when he found himself in need of money for a special project, he created a GoFundMe page. But he wasn't looking to make a movie, or support a charity, or run a marathon. He was looking for the right to become himself.
Klamka is transgender, and he's facing an unfortunately common problem in the modern landscape of transgender issues: The cost of fully transitioning is prohibitively expensive.
TGEU Guides on EU Law
TGEU’s two guides on EU law provide an overview and summary of EU law that is relevant for trans people living, working, visiting or claiming asylum in the EU.
Both guides cover the areas of discrimination in employment, discrimination in the access to and provision of goods & services, crime victim’s rights, and asylum.
Homem é preso suspeito de matar travesti em São João Batista do Glória
Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16 em MG.
Segundo a Polícia Civil, suspeito teria um relacionamento com a vítima.
Um andarilho de 46 anos foi preso suspeito de estrangular um travesti em Sao João Batista do Glória (MG). Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16, mas o caso só passou a ser tratado como homicídio quando o laudo da necrópsia apontou a esganadura.
Travesti que morava em Cidade Ocidental é morto a pauladas as margens da BR40 próximo ao Pólo JK
Gabriel de 27 anos, morador do bairro Parque Nova Friburgo "A" em Cidade Ocidental, morava com sua vó depois de perder sua mãe anos atrás.
De acordo com uma testemunha que passava pela manhã no local, J.C.L que não quis se identificar avistou o homem travestido com roupas femininas caído no chão sem as roupas e foi verificar a situação, quando chegou mais perto avistou muito sangue e percebeu que a vítima não estava mais com vida, e imediatamente acionou a PM.
Conheça a história da professora transsexual Luiza
Ela é exceção em uma triste realidade na qual pessoas trans são marginalizadas do convívio social e do mercado de trabalho.
10,000 urge Government to let trans people self-identify
A Petition to the UK Parliament to allow transgender people to self-define their own legal gender has gained nearly 10,000 signatures.
Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender
'I thought about suicide': Caroline Cossey, the first transgender woman to pose for Playboy, reveals how her life fell apart after her gender identity was suddenly exposed
The 60-year-old model first appeared in the magazine in 1981, a year before News of the World outed her as transgender
After attempting suicide, Caroline found her confidence again and eventually revisited the popular magazine
She explained how she saved up for sexual reassignment surgery on her own by working as a showgirl
Sussex Police fly the flag for the trans gender community
To show its support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, Sussex Police will fly the ‘trans flag’ from its base during Brighton’s Trans Pride celebrations this weekend.
Poland parliament passes first trans recognition bill
'It was the first time we heard policymakers recognizing that trans citizens need to have their dignity assured'
Poland passes first gender recognition bill
HDP’s Paylan submits Parliamentary Question to Minister of Interior on LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek, Discrimination, and Violence against LGBTI
Garo Paylan, an HDP member of parliament from Istanbul, asked Minister of Interior Sebahattin Öztürk about the attack against LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek.
Transgender life in Ukraine officially labeled as 'disorder'
Fridrih Chernyshov was 19 years old when he told his parents he wanted to change his sex. Their reaction mirrored that of Ukrainian society to the issue of transgenderism - a lack of understanding, active discouragement, and a breakdown in relations.
Uncovering Mongolia’s transgender community
"I can’t think of anything more terrifying than the idea that a large part of our identity relies on facts and things we can’t control or even know exist.”
Greenwich calls for end to forced trans surgery
Independent Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich MP, has released a discussion paper calling for the NSW government to remove the requirement for trans people to undergo gender reassignment surgery in order to change their gender classification on government records.
Girl to have gender dysphoria treatment to become a boy
A teenager has been cleared by the family court to continue dysphoria treatment to transition from a female to a male.
#InTheirWords: 'A lot of trans people feel like they will never be loved'
Angelica Ross, 34, was engaged once, but her fiancé asked her to keep it a secret. That's because Ross is a trans woman and her fiancé didn't want other people to know.
"A man is able to take me to a restaurant, but he's not able to take me home to mom," Ross said. "Society is still not at a place yet where they see us as family."
India Clarke, K.C. Haggard Are The 10th and 11th Trans Women Killed in 2015
On July 21, 2015, India Clarke, 25, was found in a park at the University Area Community Center in Tampa, Florida. The black trans woman had been beaten to death.
On July 23, 2015, 66-year-old K.C. Haggard was stabbed on a Fresno, California, street. The transgender woman’s murder was caught on video.
Why Are Blood Banks Rejecting Transgender Women?
Jasmine Kaiser and Lisa Scott are suing one of the world’s largest blood companies for turning them away for being transgender. The company insists all trans women are banned from donating under federal guidelines. Do federal officials agree? They won’t say.
The absurd reason the FDA bans many transgender women from donating blood
White House: DOD plan for trans service the ‘right approach’
President Obama believes the review the Pentagon has set up is the “right approach” to allowing transgender troops to serve in the U.S. military, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday.
Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Caught On Camera: Transgender Person Stabbed & Killed In Street
Activists call California transgender woman's stabbing death a hate crime
Transgender slaying exposes a gender ‘education gap’
The investigation into the slaying of a transgender woman this week has advocates calling for more sensitivity training for law enforcement officers.
Advocates plan #BaltimoreTRANSUprising march Friday
On the eve of Baltimore Pride, transgender advocates plan to march from Charles Village to Mount Vernon Friday to raise awareness of the struggles trans people face in the city.
SVSU adds gender identity to its nondiscrimination policy
Saginaw Valley State University officials have updated the institution's nondiscrimination policy to include gender identity and genetic information protections.
Charlotte Motor Speedway, other large sports venues clarify transgender inclusion for restrooms
Local transgender activist receives affirming responses from Speedway, Panthers' Bank of America Stadium and Knights' BB&T Ballpark
Charlotte Sports Venues Clarify Transgender Policy for Public Bathrooms
City Council unanimously supports transgender protections
The City Council unanimously approved six ordinances and two resolutions in support of transgender rights at Thursday night’s Finance Committee meeting.
Utah LGBT leader says more help needed for transgender
The new leader of one of Utah’s most important LGBT organizations marvels at the rapid progress made on gay and lesbian issues, but says the growing transgender community still faces harsh discrimination.
Professora transexual é demitida e acusa escola de preconceito
A professora de filosofia Luiza Coppieters, de 36 anos, começou a lecionar no Colégio Anglo Leonardo da Vinci, em São Paulo, em 2009. Na época, ainda não havia assumido a transexualidade e era conhecida pelos alunos e professores da unidade particular como “Luizão”. Em 2012, deu início ao processo de transformação com o uso de hormônios femininos. No começo, usava roupas largas para que as transformações não ficassem visíveis para os estudantes e docentes. Porém, em 2014, resolveu deixar o medo de lado e revelou para todos que era transexual. Segundo ela, foi a partir daí que os problemas com a direção do Anglo começaram a surgir.
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía-Sylvia Rivera recibe con estupor y condena el asesinato de una mujer transexual en Alicante
ATA-Sylvia Rivera condena el cruel asesinato de una mujer transexual en Alicante, así mismo pone de manifiesto el estupor que nos produce el trato “vejatorio” que algunos medios han dispensado a la victima, tratándola en masculino y refiriéndose a su identidad sexual como travestí.
The Second Transgender Film Festival London Announces Its Lineup
After its successful first outing last year, the Transgender Film Festival London is returning to the Cinema Museum on August 15th for its second edition.
Transgender teenager says NHS protocol needs to change
A transgender teenager from Dorset says the system needs to change after he tried to take his own life when doctors said they couldn't help him.
Pride event in Glasgow admits ‘mistake’, will now allow drag queens
The Free Pride event in Glasgow that banned drag queens for being ‘offensive’ has now admitted their mistake and will now welcome any performers of any gender.
Italy Becomes Sixth Nation To Allow Trans Self Identification Without Surgery
Thanks to a recent Italian Supreme Court ruling, Italy has now become the fifth nation to acknowledge that trans people have the right to self identify without requiring genital surgery or medical intervention.
Polish Parliament makes trans history
On Thursday, July 23 lower chamber of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), passed the Gender Accordance Act, the country's first gender recognition legislation in history. Being part of a long parliamentary procedure and under constant criticism and attacks coming from conservative media, after its initial submission by Anna Grodzka, Poland's first openly trans MP, in May 2012, the Act passed today with an overwhelming result of 252 votes for, 158 against and 11 abstaining.
[Middle East]
What does it mean if you are transgender in Middle east?
What does it mean that you are transgender in Middle east ?
Means you will be less than anyone in the community will suffer exclusion and discrimination
Means that your family accusation crazy that did not retract your thinking be expelled from their lives and the unit your destiny
Means you lose the tenderness mother/love/ family
Means that you will be harassed and harassed everywhere
Trans people shouldn't need to have surgery to change their birth certificate
Gender reassignment surgery is expensive, invasive and not always wanted by every transgender Australian. So why is surgery required in New South Wales before a trans person can change their birth certificate to represent their lived identity?
Transgender activist Kyra Rees wins court battle over IDs
The Newfoundland and Labrador government will change the Vital Statistics Act to allow transgender people to change their birth certificate and government identification to match their gender identity.
A Vital step for human rights in N.L.
BC Liberals kicked out of Vancouver Pride parade
‘We’re taking a hard line because it’s important to the trans community’: VPS
B.C. Liberal Party won’t march in Vancouver Pride parade
Pride Toronto seeks trademark on Dyke March, Trans* Pride
Organization says it’s a defensive move, but one critic says ‘nobody owns’ widely used names.
Renee Richards Blazed The Trail For Transgender Athletes
If the Arthur Ashe ESPY Award for Courage were around 40 years ago, Richards would have won it hands down.
We’re Failing Trans Women of Color
India Clarke is the tenth transgender woman of color to be murdered in the U.S. this year, and the media still can’t get her story right.
Trans Activist Mara Keisling Explains The Equality Act
This is a good, succinct briefing on what the bill will do. It's being introduced in Congress tomorrow.
STUDY: Being Young and Trans Is Not the Result of a Hormonal Imbalance
Researchers in Los Angeles say they've learned that the feelings around transgender identity aren’t a result of misaligned hormones.
Miss Major: The Bay Area's Trans Formative Matriarch
Janetta Johnson was broken. It was 1997, and she had just completed a stretch in prison for prostitution. Johnson, an African-American transgender woman, had been incarcerated with men and denied gender-affirming health care. Out of custody and living in Tampa Bay, Fla., she wanted to enter a drug and alcohol treatment program, but of the seven she tried, not one would accept her unless she agreed not to be Janetta, not to be a woman. She could enter their programs, but only if she pretended to be a man.
AP, Florida Media Call Transgender Homicide Victim A "Man Dressed As A Woman"
The Associated Press violated its own guidelines while reporting on the homicide of a transgender woman in Florida, joining several state-based news outlets in misgendering the victim and referring to her as a "man dressed as a woman." The incident is the latest in a trend of media mistreatment of transgender victims of violence.
Friends, family remember slain transgender woman at vigil
Friends, family remember transgender slaying victim India Clarke
Transgender woman Meagan Taylor released from jail
Meagan Taylor, the transgender woman who spent more than a week segregated in the medical unit at Polk County Jail, was released late Wednesday night, according to advocates in the Des Moines transgender community.
Meagan Taylor, Black trans woman arrested and held in isolation, now frtarget="_blank"ee!
Black Trans Woman Meagan Taylor Released from Iowa Jail
Freed From Iowa Jail, Black Trans Woman Meagan Taylor Speaks
TransTech launches national tech and employment assessment
TransTech Social Enterprises, a creative design firm and training academy announced today they will be conducting a national assessment to connect the trans community directly to employment and educational opportunities. The assessment will act as an application and skills evaluation to guide TransTech's relaunch of their training academy and programming. This fall TransTech is refreshing their educational and work programming by including a membership structure. The new memberships will be based on individualized education and professional support to guide members along their pathway to employment.
Northwestern, Lurie Children’s help transgender youth find voice
Northwestern and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago teamed up on a new approach to helping transgender teens express their identities.
Queer trans man leaves impact at Northwestern and beyond
Dr. Kai M. Green has crisscrossed the country, having been born and raised in Oakland, California, and then at age 15 moving to Massachusetts to attend an all-girls boarding school and then on to Williams College. Next it was off to Los Angeles to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Southern California.
Mid-Michigan universities complying with new OSHA guidelines for transgender people
Boys’ room.
Girls’ room.
Most people don't pay much attention to which toilet to use, it's second nature.
A Film For Hopeful Trans Youth: 'Crossing The Divide'
Alia Ismail, a local trans masculine young adult, spent his youth discovering who he was, moving to multiple cities around the state and attending Crestwood High School in Dearborn Heights, all while growing up in a bi-cultural family. Now living on his own and attending college, he has begun filming and sharing his transition in a documentary titled "Crossing The Divide," set to launch in October 2016.
ECU establishes transgender policy for club & intramural sports
East Carolina University is now the only public university in North Carolina with a transgender policy in place for their club sports and intramural programs.
New York Schools Get Guidance on Supporting Trans Students
The New York State Education Commissioner released the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Guidance to school districts this week. The guidance release was prompted after the Education Chancellor received a letter from Gov. Cuomo asking the Department to take action to ensure the implementation of Dignity for All Students Act. This letter cited a report by the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) which highlights the discriminatory conditions that New York transgender students have been facing.
TLDEF Applauds New York State Education Department for New Guidance Designed to Protect Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students from Discrimination
Transgender sex worker shot dead in Guyana
The Guyana Transgender United group yesterday expressed shock at the murder of one of its members late on Tuesday night.
Police say they are probing the murder of transgender commercial sex worker, Noel Wilson Luthers, alias 'Nephi', who was shot while reportedly involved in a discussion with a man in the heart of the capital.
"Los hombres gay discriminan a las trans"
Alejandra Spinetti, presidenta de la Unión Trans del Uruguay, dice que luchan contra la hegemonía de los gays
Oltra manifiesta la "condena firme" del Consell al asesinato de una mujer transexual en Alicante
La consellera de Igualdad ha enfatizado que para el gobierno autonómico es "una prioridad" trabajar en la lucha contra los crímenes de odio "especialmente desde la prevención y la atención a las víctimas"
Michelle Visage slams ‘bulls**t’ decision to ban drag performers from pride
RuPaul’s Drag Race judge Michelle Visage has hit out at a decision to ban drag queens from performing at a Pride event in Scotland.
Pride event in Glasgow is now welcoming trans, but not cis, drag queens
“Ridiculous”: World lambasts Pride event’s decision to ban drag queens
Rape and Police Violence Carried to Parliament with Tanal’s Parliamentary Question
Mahmut Tanal, the Republican People’s Party’s member of parliament from Istanbul, submits question to Minister of Interior Sebahattin Öztürk about the experiences of trans activist Kemal Ördek.
Govt worried transgenders bill could lead to scrap of Section 377
The Centre is worried that the private members' bill on transgender rights could provide a strong opening for decriminalization of homosexuality which the ruling BJP is opposed to.
Transgender children: what’s behind the spike in numbers?
Oliver Geoghegan sips hot chocolate as he strives to explain the confounding question of his gender.
[New Zealand]
Agender backs gender neutral fitting rooms
Agender is expressing support for Farmers’ move to gender neutral fitting rooms.
Fitting Rooms Are About Safety, Not Gender Politics
All-Transgender Modeling Agency is Set to Launch
Apple Model Management L.A. is ready to trans-form the modeling industry as the world’s first agency to represent all-transgender models.
Jim Inhofe: Where will transgender troops go to the bathroom?
Sen. Jim Inhofe, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, opposes the plan announced last week by the Pentagon to allow transgender troops to serve in the military, saying “it wouldn’t work.”
Trans Students Meet with Ed Secretary, Call for Stronger Guidance for Schools
Last month, transgender and gender non-confirming students were invited to a student roundtable with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) applauds Secretary Duncan’s commitment to hearing the voices of transgender youth. NCTE Board member Bryce Celotto and NCTE intern Romeo Jackson were among the students participating.
OSHA announces new guidelines for transgender restrooms
The National Center for Transgender Equality requested OSHA to develop a guide to protect restroom access for transgender employees.
Tampa, Fla. Sees Tenth Trans Woman Murdered in U.S. in 2015
India Clarke, 25, was found beaten to death in a Tampa park. Police are searching for leads for an unknown suspect.
Transgendered person found murdered in Tampa
Another Black Trans Woman Killed In Florida
Transgender woman found dead at University Area Community Center
Man dressed as woman found dead in Tampa park
Body found near University Community Center
Family pleads for help in Tampa center murder
Black Transgender Woman Profiled While On Vacation, Now Stuck In Iowa Jail
Meagan Taylor, a 22-year-old transgender woman of color, has been sitting in an isolated Iowa jail since last Monday simply because she was profiled for her identity.
Trans Politician Kristin Beck on Caitlyn Jenner, the Pentagon, Chelsea Manning & Running for Congress
The retired Navy SEAL and transgender advocate spoke to Katie Couric about recent advancements for trans people
City could amend code to prevent discrimination
The city could vote to spend $100,000 to put in place measures to prevent discrimination toward people who identify as transgender.
New York Responds to Critics, Issues Statewide Guidelines for Trans Student Inclusion
Groups that have championed the cause of LGBT students say the new guidelines go a long way toward protecting vulnerable children.
N.Y. Gay Bar Accused of Discriminating Against Trans Woman Over Bathroom Use
Billie Matthews says it was particularly disheartening to face alleged bias in an LGBT space, and was joined Monday by protesters calling for a boycott.
Allentown bar accused of discriminating against transgender patron
Chattanooga nondiscrimination ordinance clears final hurdle and challenge
Before a full room, and a row of people holding signs that said "protect our privacy" and "political correctness gone amuck," Chattanooga's nondiscrimination ordinance cleared its last hurdle and challenge Tuesday.
Ben Hall Signed Dave Wilson's Trans-Phobic Petition to Amend City Charter
Houston Community College Trustee and ardent anti-LGBT rights activist Dave Wilson is at it again.