Transfofa em Blog

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quinta-feira, outubro 31, 2013

Ceará: “Vivia em um corpo que não era meu”, diz transexual constrangida no Enem
Aos 14 anos, a estudante Ana Luiza Cunha assumiu a transexualidade. Cearense tem apoio dos pais, quer mudar os documentos e fazer cirurgia.

Transgender Miss Universe contestant misses out on title but still a “winner”
Miss Universe Canada competition, transgender Jenna Talackova
Although she again failed to reach the top five of the Miss Universe Canada competition, transgender Jenna Talackova has been labelled a “winner”.
Trans contestant fails to get past top 12 in Miss Universe Canada competition

Transgender people in Vietnam: P2 – First steps of the painful journey
Thailand is believed to be one of the best places for transgender people to go for gender reassignment surgery, but the cost is too great for most Vietnamese transsexuals. Many of them choose cheaper but more dangerous ways to get the body they desire.
Transgender people in Vietnam – P3: No pain, no gain

Transgender student wins partial victory against U of M
A transgender student at the University of Manitoba has won a partial victory in his human rights complaint against the school.
Damien Leggett was transitioning from female to male while enrolled in the university's Inner-City ACCESS program in social work.

GLAAD's Tiq Milan to The New York Times: trans people are an integral part of the LGBT movement
GLAAD's Tiq Milan responded to the following questions posed by the New York Times, "Does it still make sense to think of trans rights as part of the gay-rights movement? Or at this point, is it a different campaign with different goals?"

California Wants to Protect Transgender Students; GOP Targets Them
f the names of the organizations and funders gearing up for the next big battle in California's Culture Wars sound familiar, that's because they are. In addition to the campaign's chief strategist, many of the same organizations and funders that came together to sponsor Proposition 8 five years ago, are teaming up for a signature gathering campaign to place an initiative on the November 2014 ballot that would overturn a bill that providing protections for transgender public school students, which was recently signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.

Transgender case under investigation at Florence High School
Transgender student reportedly 'harassing girls in the bathroom'
Fox Nation Touts Fake Story About Transgender Student Harassing Girls In School Bathroom

Transgendered woman files suit over denial of free breast screening
"I'm just a person like anyone else," Jennifer Blair said.
At 62, these are the autumn years of Blair's life.
"I have the same hopes, the same dreams, the same concerns as any other woman," she said.
Transgender woman sues after denied free mammogram

Being transgender in Michigan
Part of the LGBT community is confusing to a lot of straight people and, really, some gay and lesbian people. The "T" in LGBT. Transgender people.

Mecklenburg commissioners vote to add transgender protections
6-3 vote brings county policies in line with city's, federal government regulations

New Report Reveals Transgender Employment Experiences
A new report published today from our friends at Make The Road New York, one of our coalition partners fighting for transgender civil rights, reveals the employment experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming people. More than 250 people were surveyed, including a test to determine if employers discriminate in their hiring practices.

Petition drive to repeal San Antonio LGBT non-discrimination ordinance fails
An effort to repeal San Antonio’s LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance died Tuesday when opponents of the measure failed to gather the required signatures to put a referendum before voters.
Bias-ordinance repeal bid lacks signatures

quarta-feira, outubro 30, 2013

Was Lou Reed the First Out Rock Star?
Soon after Lou Reed’s death at age 71 on Sunday, Rostam Batmanglij of Vampire Weekend tweeted that the legendary rock star was “maybe the first out songwriter,” an allusion to his purported bisexuality. During his lifetime, Reed was famous for his sybaritic pursuits and unorthodox lifestyle. But was he bisexual?

Criança hermafrodita luta pelo direito de decidir sexo
Aos 13 anos, uma adolescente moradora do bairro Santa Rita nasceu com os dois sexos, já fez sua escolha pelo sexo que quer ficar, mas ainda enfrenta um problema que a vem perseguindo desde seu nascimento: a falta de recursos financeiros para realizar todo o procedimento de consultas e operação. Sentindo a dor da neta, sua avó procura a imprensa na tentativa de sensibilizar mais pessoas para conseguir dinheiro para ajudar a criança a sair desse problema e, assim, dar continuidade à sua vida.

Travesti é morto a tiros em rua do Setor São Francisco
Dois homens se aproximaram em uma moto e efeturam vários disparos contra a vítima

Organizaciones trans andaluzas exigen no más demoras de la ley integral de transexualidad y amenazan con iniciar una huelga de hambre
Hace un año dieron comienzo los trabajos de elaboración de una ley de no discriminación por motivo de identidad de género y transexualidad para Andalucía, impulsados por ALEAS-IU. En diciembre de 2012 se registró la primera propuesta de ley, consensuada por las asociaciones Conjuntos Difusos-Autonomía Trans y Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía-Sylvia Rivera con el grupo de Izquierda Unida Los Verdes-Convocatoria por Andalucía (IULV-CA). No obstante, este texto fue retirado en febrero de 2013 debido, según se nos informó por parte de la diputada Alba Doblas de IULV-CA, a que la entonces consejera de Presidencia, Susana Díaz, había realizado un informe negativo al respecto, en el que se hacía referencia a ciertos aspectos de la parte de menores.

Un grupo de padres exige que la Junta rechace la petición de la niña transexual
Un grupo de padres del colegio en el que estudia una niña transexual de seis años han pedido a la Consejería de Educación que dé marcha atrás en las pautas que ha fijado y que instan al centro concertado de Málaga a respetar la identidad de género de la menor. Los padres firmantes le reprochan a la Junta de Andalucía que haya actuado sin consultar a las demás familias del centro y sin pensar “en los posibles efectos” que esta decisión “puede provocar en el normal desarrollo social y psicológico del resto de los alumnos”. La Consejería de Educación asegura que no va a retirar las directrices enviadas al colegio y ha informado a la Fiscalía Superior de Andalucía de que el centro se niega a acatarlas.
Cien padres del colegio del menor transexual solicitan a la Junta una reunión urgente
Padres del colegio del menor transexual piden reunirse con la Junta para abordar el tema
Un colegio concertado se niega a respetar la identidad de una alumna transexual a la que trata como discapacitada
La Junta sigue estudiando abrir un expediente al San Patricio
El colegio público de La Zarza acepta respetar la identidad de género de una alumna transexual

Joaquín Villalón Díez descuartizó a su amante embarazada y mató a dos transexuales en Madrid
Mató a su amante, a pesar de estar casado y con dos hijos, y la descuartizó con una sierra mecánica.
Asesinó a un transexual prendiéndole fuego y dos semanas después, a otro ahogándolo en la bañera de su casa.

Putin asegura que los homosexuales serán bienvenidos a los Juegos de Sochi
El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, aseguró hoy que todos los deportistas y aficionados serán bienvenidos a los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Sochi 2014 independientemente de su nacionalidad, raza u orientación sexual.

Russian Asylum Seekers Surge in US, Gay Laws Seen as Factor
The number of Russians seeking asylum in the United States spiked by nearly 16 percent this year, a jump that comes amid anecdotal evidence that more and more Russians are petitioning for stateside sanctuary based on claims of persecution due to their sexual orientation.

Focus On The Family, Alliance Defending Freedom, NOM Leaders Reportedly Met With Author Of Russian 'Homosexual Propaganda' Bill
Last week, we reported that National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown had just gotten back from a Moscow planning meeting for the 2014 World Congress of Families gathering in Russia. Brown confirmed his participation to Rachel Maddow, telling her “we are proud to work with our allies in Russia and around the world to protect marriage as the union as one man and one woman.”

Elecciones: “Lo de ayer, para nosotras fue histórico”
Ayer 3500 integrantes de la comunidad transexual, travesti y transgénero pudieron votar de acuerdo a su identidad autopercibida. No hubo obstáculos ni se repitieron los inconvenientes con los padrones que se registraron durante las primarias.

terça-feira, outubro 29, 2013

Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
Hoje temos uma das mais emblemáticas músicas tanto de Lou Reed como a nível T.

ARTIGO: QUAL É O PAPEL DAS TRAVESTIS IDOSAS NA SOCIEDADE Psicólogo reflete em artigo sobre a construção que a sociedade faz das travestis idosas
Segundo Geertz (1989), o homem tem necessidade de se organizar e criar regras para o contexto em que vive. Caso contrário, sua vida seria um caos. Isso é a cultura. Não há natureza por si só. Ela é imediatamente mediada pela cultura.

Campaigner Paris Lees tops Pink List 2013
A woman from Hucknall has been named the country's most influential lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person.

New Eastbourne transgender support group launched
Sussex transgender people are set to benefit from a new support group.

Football mad father who once attempted a DIY sex change now living happily as a woman whose only interest in the game lies in ogling Robin van Persie's fixtures
Kristy Cass, 51 used to be football-loving man Andy
Always felt like a woman and attempted to cut off own penis in desperation
Survived massive blood-loss and later underwent sex change on the NHS
Now appreciates football for a different reason: the handsome players
'I used to be all Manu - but there is only one Persie I’m interested in now'

Irish state ‘marginalising’ transgender community
A transgender woman campaigning to be recognised in Ireland has lambasted the State’s “embarrassing” attitude to her community.

Fear of rejection still biggest barrier to coming out for trans community
Over 2,500 people a year call the Gay Switchboard Dublin support line, which has said many LGBT people living in rural Ireland face isolation from the community.

Gender Identity Act Malta (Proposal 2010)
On Dec 10th 2010 the proposal for a Gender Identity Act was tabled in the Maltese Parliament.

Moldova overturns anti-gay ‘propaganda’ law with hopes of joining EU
Moldova has overturned its ban on gay “propaganda”, enacted in June, with a view to joining the EU next month.
Moldova Overturns Antigay Law, Seeks EU Admission
MEPs welcome the annulment of Moldovan ‘Propaganda Law’

Kuwaiti MPs: Amnesty International must stop aligning itself with ‘deviant gays’ instead of really oppressed people
MPs in Kuwait have spoken out against Amnesty International for criticising proposed medical tests to detect and ban gay and trans people from entering Kuwait, and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
Kuwait MPs defend gay travel ban plan

Geelong puts trans and intersex health care on the agenda
LGBTI youth organisation GASP played host to a forum in Geelong last week to address inequalities in health care faced by young trans, intersex and gender diverse individuals in regional and rural areas.

‘Supermum’ Shelley Argent helps save Brisbane trans clinic
A large donation on behalf of former PFLAG national spokeswoman Shelley Argent has allowed Brisbane’s only specialised transgender clinic to remain open at a new location at Teneriffe.

[New Zealand]
Safety of women prisoners 'must not be compromised'
New Zealand First wants the Government to ensure that appropriate measures have been put in place to protect women prisoners when transgender prisoners are transferred out of male prisons into female prisons.
NZ First MP's prison risk claims met with sighs

Petition Drive Underway To Overturn Law Giving New Access To Transgender Students
A petition drive is underway to overturn legislation signed into law by the Governor Jerry Brown that would make accommodations for transgendered students in California’s public schools.

Transgender woman sues after being denied free breast cancer screening
The legal definition of "female" is at the center of a new lawsuit.
Jennifer Blair, a transsexual woman, is suing for the right to get free breast cancer screenings.

School says transgender boy’s rights trump girls’ privacy in bathroom
It’s a liberal world gone mad at one Colorado high school, where the rights of one transgender student have trumped the rights of other students forced to share a bathroom.

Pro-family activist wonders why school applauds teen's gender disorder
A New Hampshire 17-year-old transgender student has been crowned the school's homecoming king.

Gay community in mourning over loss of 'Icon'
El Paso Police have identified the man who died while in their custody Sunday morning, after an incident in West El Paso.
He was 36-year old Fernando Gomez. Friends tell us Gomez was better known as transgender performer, Mercedes Demarco, who had a generous heart and troubled past.
Drag performer dies in El Paso police custody

segunda-feira, outubro 28, 2013

De quitinete a cobertura, estilista das travestis faz sucesso internacional
Com a roupa certa que “dá axé”, travestis podem “cabanar” pelas ruas de São Paulo e do mundo. O verbo ganhou espaço no bajubá - linguagem usada pelo grupo - após o sucesso da marca Tereza Cabana, a precursora da moda trans no País e que é cultuada por suas clientes há 23 anos. A ousadia das costureiras Terezinha Cabana, de 70 anos, e sua filha Cris Cabana, de 45, ganhou um público marcado pelo preconceito e conhecido pelas práticas ousadas para esconder a identidade. “Mulher encontra calcinha em qualquer lugar, travesti não”, defendeu Cris a sua peça, que promete “aquendar a neca” (segurar o pênis).

Transexuais: quero ser mulher também no meu RG
Nascida no corpo de um homem, a modelo carioca Felipa Tavares foi percebendo desde a infância que a sua identidade era feminina. Hoje, aos 26 anos, ela tem a convicção de que é uma mulher, inclusive se veste e se porta como tal. Porém, o seu RG ainda contraria o que ela sente, a identificando como uma pessoa do sexo masculino.

CBN MIXBRASIL FALA COM LEANDRA LEAL SOBRE DOCUMENTÁRIO DE TRAVESTIS Leandra Leal fala ao CBN MixBrasil sobre seu documentário com travestis. Ouça
O programa CBN MixBrasil desta semana conversa com a atriz Leandra Leal sobre o documentário que ela está fazendo para contar uma história de amizade de 50 anos entre travestis, o “Divinas Divas”. Atriz fala, em entrevista, sobre sua experiência na direção e sobre sua relação com as artistas de seu filme.

Turkey’s Democracy Reform Package fails LGBT citizens
At the end of last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented a ‘Democracy reform package’, including constitutional reforms, an anti-discrimination bill and a proposal for an amendment to hate crime and hate speech law. Unfortunately, the package leaves out measures that would protect LGBT people from violence and discrimination.

Transgender activists praise Independent on Sunday for Pink List selection
Leading figures in the transgender community have praised the The Independent on Sunday for naming a transgender person at No 1 on its Pink List of Britain’s 101 most influential LBGT people.

North pledges to repeal homosexuality ban
The turkish Cypriot political leadership yesterday pledged to repeal the ban on homosexuality in the breakaway regime, an antiquated remnant of colonial law, within two months.

LGL welcomes Government’s decision to reject a proposal to ban gender reassignment
In November 2012 three members from the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (i.e. A. Matulas, V. M. Čigrijienė and A. Dumčius) submitted a draft amendment to the Civil Code, prohibiting gender reassignment surgeries in Lithuania.

Moldova repeals ‘gay propaganda’ ban
The former Eastern Bloc country of Moldova has decided to repeal its ban on the so-called propaganda of homosexuality to minors in the hopes of building greater ties with the European Union

Gay rights protest in St Petersburg ends in clashes
Police arrest 67 during protest against law introduced in June banning 'homosexual propaganda' directed at children
Unos 70 detenidos en San Petersburgo en choques entre gays y oponentes
Unos 20 detenidos en un acto de la causa homosexual
Dozens arrested in Russia as anti-gay activists harass LGBT protesters

Medical tests 'violate rights': Amnesty International
International human rights group Amnesty International has added its voice to calls for the GCC to shun controversial medical tests, which could allegedly detect gay expats.
Kuwait MPs lash out at Amnesty for questioning homosexuals ban
Call To Tighten Security In Malls During Eid

Transvestite found stabbed to death in flat
A transvestite was murdered in his rented low-cost flat at Taman Pantai Bersih in Bagan Ajam here.
The body of S. Athiswaran, 31, was covered with blood and his hands and legs were tied with a string. His face was also covered with plastic.
Transvestite found dead home

Transgender Fighter Fallon Fox Loses Via TKO to Ashlee Evans-Smith at CFA 12
Transgender mixed martial artist Fallon Fox has suffered the first loss of her professional MMA career to the relatively unknown Ashlee Evans-Smith. The loss came via third-round technical knockout in a featherweight title fight during Saturday night's Championship Fighting Alliance 12 event.
Transgender female MMA fighter loses by knockout

US right wing author compares trans people to anorexic girls and terrorists
David Kupelian, an editor with the gay obsessed far right website WND, has compared transgender people to anorexic girls and children subjected to terrorist indoctrination in attacking psychiatry and LGBT rights

State transgender law stirs schools debate
Yuba-Sutter residents are collecting signatures for a referendum to have a public vote on a law recently signed by Gov. Jerry Brown regarding schools' equal treatment of students who are transgender.
Opponents start ballot effort to dump transgender law

Gender identity complexities
“Aggressive is your strength, your courage,” said Kisha, one of the several women featured in “The Aggressives,” a 2005 documentary by Daniel Peddle that was shown in the Rainbow Center this past Saturday.

WATCH: Transgender, Lesbian Students Crowned Homecoming Royalty
A transgender student was crowned homecoming queen this weekend at the University of Northern Iowa, while a lesbian was elected homecoming king at Central Islip Senior High School in New York.

DePaul student group provides 'crash course' in transgender collegiate experience
Pronouns are more important than you might think. She, he, it, you, they, ze, zir, hir. Such tiny words, but they encompass such large concepts as gender and identity.

Central Islip girl 'standing up' for transgender rights wins homecoming king
Traditionally, the title for homecoming king is bestowed upon a boy.
At Central Islip Senior High School, this year’s title was given to a girl -- Faith Shepherd.

Charla sobre indentidad de género para los cadetes de la policía
La actividad se desarrolló en el marco de la materia Métodos alternativos de resolución de conflictos, a cargo de las docentes Mónica Naverrete y Adriana Abrameto.

domingo, outubro 27, 2013

Travesti é assassinado durante a madrugada na zona norte de Parnamirim
Na madrugada desta quarta-feira (23), um crime de homicídio ocorreu nas proximidades do Parque de Exposições Aristófanes Fernandes no município de Parnamirim. Um travesti foi assassinado a tiros em meio à via pública.

<[UK] Paris Lees voted top of Independent on Sunday's Pink List 2013
The trans rights campaigner and journalist awarded for making a 'real difference' for trans rights
Trans Journalist Tops List of U.K's Most Influential LGBTs
Pink List 2013 topped by trans journalist Paris Lees with PinkNews founder Benjamin Cohen at number 7
The Independent on Sunday's Pink List 2013

Transsexual activist candidate to main opposition’s list for Bursa municipal assembly
Öykü Evren Özen, a transsexual activist, announced on Oct. 11 that she will be running as a candidate for the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) from Bursa's Osmangazi district in the upcoming local elections.

[China/Hong Kong]
Joanne Leung raises transgender awareness
Joanne Leung Wing-yan has become the poster girl for the transgender community

Transgender lover’s knife attack exposes Singapore’s ‘mean spirit’
Bystanders react with disparaging comments about transgender people
Transsexual pleads guilty to vicious attack on lover

[New Zealand]
Forced through puberty in 'wrong body'
A transgender woman has criticised the New Zealand health system for not diagnosing her with gender dysphoria and denying her treatment to block puberty which would have prevented her from becoming suicidal.

This Sex Change Surgeon Knows Exactly How Tough It Is To Transition: She's Trans, Too
Dr. Marci Bowers was the first transgender woman to perform sex changes.

Chelsea Manning: Trans Behind Bars
Pvt. Bradley Manning made waves when he released the largest number of classified documents in American history to Wikileaks.

Transgender UNI student wins homecoming queen
The University of Northern Iowa crowned their first transgender homecoming queen Friday night.
Earlier this week, we introduced you to Steven Sanchez -- a transgender woman in the running for UNI's homecoming queen.
Update: Trailblazing UNI transgender student is named homecoming queen
NEW PHOTOS: Transgender student wins UNI homecoming queen crown

Born Brittany, graduating Britt: Transgender teenage student reveals coming to terms with wanting to be a boy while in high school
Britt Couturier, 19, who is studying at University of Maine in Farmington was born Brittany
He says that he knew from kindergarten that he was a boy and had the wrong body
Britt says that the difficult transition period in high school left him 'hating life' as teachers and some family members found it difficult to accept
The college student now has a girlfriend and is hoping to major in business

Call for Transgender Veterans to Participate in an Educational Program for the Veteran's Health Administration
Calling all transgender veterans! The Office of Patient Care Services from veteran’s Health Administration is looking for 3-4 transgender veterans to appear in an educational program for VA clinical staff on providing excellent, culturally appropriate health care to transgender veterans.

Dallas trans attorney opens legal clinic for GEAR to assist with issues from name changes to employment discrimination
Trans attorney Katie Sprinkle knows what it’s like to face legal challenges specific to the transgender community. That’s why she’s offered to hold a free monthly legal clinic for Resource Center’s transgender GEAR program.

Justice Dept. files suit against Texas RV park in transgender discrimination case
The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against a Texas recreational vehicle park for alleged discrimination against a transgender woman.

Police mum on Denton trans murder
Lack of answers by investigators, attention by community sparks national upset surrounding the death of Artegus Konyale Madden

sexta-feira, outubro 25, 2013

Amazing courage of Blantyre schoolboy Callum who goes to school every day dressed as a girl
Callum McLean, 16, made the brave decision to dress as a girl and become Stacie after years of torment over his true identity.
Blantyre schoolboy who goes to school dressed as a girl reveals his fashion dream

[Middle East]
Gulf countries consider medical checks to bar transgender expats
Kuwait proposal aimed at preventing transgender migrant workers from entering six-member Gulf Co-operation Council countries criticised as 'immoral'
Gulf countries propose ‘mandatory examination to determine gender’ for migrant workers
Kuwait to Ban Gender-Nonconforming Immigrants
Gulf partner calls Kuwait’s gay medical test proposal ‘crazy’
Medical tests 'crazy'

Christian lawyers in Kenya oppose transgender name change
A transgender person who has sued the government to be recognized as a woman is fighting a group of Christian lawyers who are opposed to her name change petition.

[New Zealand]
Beyer: Yet another mountain to climb
Georgina Beyer was once one of our highest-profile MPs and fought battles over prostitution and civil unions. But the former drag queen and Carterton mayor is now fighting a very personal battle.

Clinic for transgender youth opens at Toronto's Sick Kids hospital
A new Toronto clinic for transgender youth is seeing its first patients today.

Out as Trans: Your National Coming Out Day Survival Guide
Consider the following to be a quilt of advice stitched together from dozens in your same situation. Wrap yourself up in this security blanket and make your coming out day, whenever it is, the warmest, safest experience possible.

Transgender Boy Harassing Girls in the Bathroom Gets No Punishment
The push for radical transgender rights in schools is trumping privacy rights at one Colorado high school.

Three years pass since Blahnik murder
It has been three years since Stacey Blahnik was murdered in her home and justice remains elusive for the local trans leader.

Nikki Araguz-Lloyd urges students to fight for equality
Nikki Araguz-Lloyd spoke to students at Prairie View A&M University on Tuesday as part of the Student Participating In Transcending Knowledge (SPIT) lecture series in the Opal Johnson Auditorium.

First openly transgender NCAA athlete speaks
The GLBT Resource Center welcomed Kye Allums as the keynote speaker Thursday night for AM’s celebration of Coming Out week, a week dedicated to the encouragement of honest living in regards to sexual orientation and gender identity. The event, held in the ILSB Auditorium, was meant to highlight issues faced by transgender students.

Avalan iniciativas a favor de la diversidad sexual y la identidad de género
La Comisión Especial de Estudio de las Problemáticas de Género dio dictamen favorable hoy al proyecto de ley que establece condiciones en materia de género para el acceso, permanencia y progreso en las fuerzas que integran del Sistema Provincial de Seguridad Pública.

Six-year-old trans girl allowed female identification card in landmark case
A trans girl in Argentina has been allowed a female identification card, and for her gender to be officially recognised in a landmark decision.

quinta-feira, outubro 24, 2013

Jornal Correio da Manhã acusado de violar lei
Num artigo publicado no passado dia 21 intitulado “156 portugueses mudam de sexo”, o Correio da Manhã revela os nomes de baptismo e os nomes escolhidos de 20 pessoas trans que recentemente mudaram nome e género na documentação legal.
Associações acusam Correio da Manhã de violar confidencialidade das pessoas transexuais

Espirito Santo: Travesti é impedida de fazer visita íntima em presídio
Com o companheiro preso há dois anos, uma transexual foi impedida de fazer visitas íntimas em um presídio de Colatina, no Espirito Santo. Daniela Góis foi barrada pelo diretor da unidade e disse que neste mesmo presídio ela já conseguiu fazer três visitas ao namorado. De acordo com a trans, o diretor da unidade disse que lá era um presídio religioso e ele não permitia que entrassem transexuais.

Transgender Roman Sorokin has asked for the political asylum in France
As the press service of the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights reports, transgender Roman Sorokin asked for the political asylum in France.
As Roman Sorokin said, he had got information about the initiation of a criminal case against him in Russia during a meeting of LGBT activists abroad, also Roman Sorokin found out from mass-media about the illegal search in the house of his lawyer Evgeny Arkhipov August 19, 2013 with the participation of the FSB of Russia.
Existrans 2013: témoignages de personnes exilées

LGBTI Immigrant and Refugee Helpline
Lambdaistanbul LGBTI Solidarity Association has been working for LGBTI rights and freedoms in Turkey since 1993. With our Helpline, founded in 2004, we have been working to offer solutions to problems LGBTI people face.
Turkey is a crossroad for refugees.

Transgendered Morningside College Man On Homecoming Court
From high school homecoming queen to college homecoming king nominee, one transgendered Morningside College student has made quite the transformation over the past 3 years.
Biological male nominated for Homecoming queen

Ultiman a homosexual y hieren a su amigo
Un miembro de la comunidad Lésbico Gay Travesti y Bisexual (LGTB) perdió la vida la madrugada de ayer en el barrio La Guadalupe al ser atacado a balazos por criminales no identificados.

quarta-feira, outubro 23, 2013

Representante de São Paulo vence concurso de Miss Transex Brasil 2013
Raika Ferraz recebeu a coroa e a faixa na noite desta segunda-feira, 21, durante concurso realizado no Centro do Rio.
Brazil chooses 'Miss' Transsexual

Renata Bastos: “é muito difícil homem assumir relação com travesti”
Quem circula nas baladas mais disputadas da noite paulistana já se deparou com a sua figura imponente nas portas das casas noturnas. Com 1,77m – turbinados, invariavelmente, por um bom salto - a transgênero Renata Bastos exerce com rigor o poder de decidir quem entra ou não nesses lugares. Aliás, ela nem se incomoda com a fama de antipática que a profissão hostess costuma levar.

Amnesty seeking to interview trans people on rights violations
Amnesty International will be in Ireland to research for their European project on Human Rights Violations of Trans People.

Penal code amended to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
The government in the Republic of Cyprus has amended the penal code of the country in order to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Cyprus Adds Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to Anti-Discrimination Law

Bulgarian Homosexuals Have to Keep Quiet
Homosexuals in Bulgarian mostly have to live their lives in the shadows. Those who come out risk losing their friends and their jobs. The only freedoms are in the shadows.

Transgender people face strife at the doctor's office
Complaints include insensitive, unnecessary questions and denied treatments

How Bandung’s Transgender Community Is Taking on HIV/AIDs One Test at a Time
Yuli Krisna discovers a group of vulnerable people determined to tackle an alarming health trend

Trans, Dyke Marches bring radical edge to Atlanta Pride
With chants and cheers, the Trans March and Dyke March at Atlanta Pride always bring a more political, edgy feel to the weekend celebration of being out and proud.

Murdered transgender teen’s house firebombed
The former home of Dwayne Jones, a transgender teenager murdered this year in Jamaica, has been firebombed in an attack.
House in Jamaica where Dwayne Jones last lived fire-bombed by mob - four gay men flee for lives

Transexual muere tras ser agredida en Valparaíso
De acuerdo a lo relatado por un travesti, la mujer fue golpeada en su rostro.
Una Transexual prostituta identificada como Katherine Jannett Droguett Silva, murió tras ser agredida esta madrugada en la intersección de calles Chacabuco con San Ignacio, en Valparaíso.
Movilh repudia mortal ataque contra transexual en Valparaíso

Gobernadora de San Antonio interpuso querella
Hasta los Tribunales de Garantía de San Antonio llegó la gobernadora provincial Karen Pichunante Canseco, para interponer una querella criminal contra quienes resulten responsables de las lesiones graves graví-simas sufridas por Sebastián Pailamilla Castro, joven transexual de la comuna de Cartagena, quien fuese agredido el pasado 4 de mayo.

Argentina Grants Lulu, 6-Year-Old Transgender Child, Female ID Card
Argentina's government has granted a six-year-old transgender girl an ID that corresponds with her gender identity.
Argentine authorities grant female ID card to 6-year-old boy who identifies as a girl
Argentina Grants 6-Year-Old Trans Child a Female ID Card
“Hay dos heroínas”
“La vi sufrir como no quiero volver a verla”

terça-feira, outubro 22, 2013

156 portugueses mudam de sexo
Nos últimos três anos, 156 pessoas mudaram de sexo em Portugal. Todo o processo de mudança demora entre dois e três anos.
34 mudanças de sexo em Portugal só este ano

Concurso de beleza entre travestis termina com polêmica: ‘Fui injustiçada’
A vencedora Raika Ferraz foi vaiada após o anúncio do título durante evento que aconteceu nesta terça-feira, 21, no Rio de Janeiro.

Martine, professeure transsexuelle : "Certains élèves m'ont félicitée pour mon courage"
Il y a trois ans, Vincent, professeur de chimie, a décidé de changer de sexe et de rester dans le même lycée. Elle assure aujourd'hui avoir reçu un accueil respectueux de la part de ses élèves.

Trans woman, 22, kills herself after being sacked by Putin’s laws
Russian woman who lost her job, her family and her home is being described as the 'first victim of gay propaganda'
A young transgender Russian woman has committed suicide after being sacked by Putin’s anti-gay laws.

US televangelist compares trans people to his castrated horse after admitting not knowing what transgender means
A US televangelist has admitted in an interview that he didn’t understand what the word transgender means, compared trans people to his castrated horse, and called LGBT “insane”, compared to “normal”, straight people.
WATCH: Pat Robertson Likens Transgender People to Geldings
Pat Robertson compares transgender people to his castrated horse
Pat Robertson Compares Transgender People To Castrated Stallions
Pat Robertson: It's 'insane' that 'normal people' have to put up with laws protecting transgender students

Nev. may allow transgender students to select teams based on gender identity
The Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA), the state’s governing body of high school athletics and activities, is considering allowing transgender students the right to choose whether to participate on either male or female school teams based on their gender identity.

Feds Sue Texas RV Park for Transgender Discrimination
U.S. attorney general Eric Holder filed a complaint against In Toone Services, accusing the park of evicting a woman on the basis of her gender identity.

Ovejas Negras pide reunión con jerarcas por muerte de mujer trans
La Policía espera el resultado de la autopsia para saber si se trató o no de un homicidio. El colectivo Ovejas Negras reclama por el esclarecimiento de estos casos.
Denuncian asesinato de una mujer trans

segunda-feira, outubro 21, 2013

156 portugueses mudam de sexo
Só este ano 34 se submeteram à mudança

Despatologização Trans assinala-se em Lisboa
Desde 2007 que uma série de acções internacionais pela despatologização trans ocorrem no mês de Outubro. As actividades deste mês (também conhecido como Outubro Trans) assinalaram-se na sua maioria no passado dia 19 de Outubro – Dia Internacional pela Despatologização das Identidades Trans.

Além de coroa, concurso de miss no Rio oferece troca de sexo a travestis
Vencedora será conhecida na segunda (21) em festa no Teatro João Caetano.
Cirurgia será na Tailândia, onde acontece o Miss Universo das transexuais.

Europe adopts historic intersex resolution
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe took a historic first step toward protecting intersex children with the adoption of Resolution 1952 (2013), Children's Right to Physical Integrity, October 3.

Transgender Brighton pensioner jailed for five years for fraud
A transgender fraudster from Brighton has been jailed over timeshare and boiler room scams which netted more than £500,000.
Frances Harris, 74, of Dudeney Lodge in Hollingdean, was given a five-year jail term at Lewes Crown Court today (Wednesday 9 October).

Mobile phone giant EE botches name change for trans customer
British cell phone giant EE promises to change rules so trans customers no longer have to provide gender recognition certificates to change their details

Turkey shuts down transgender support site
In the latest crackdown of the LGBT community, an information blog has been shut down after a complaint was made to the Turkish government

Members of the PACE Criticize Homophobic and Transphobic Legislative Initiatives in Lithuania
Group of members in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have criticized several legislative initiatives in Lithuania as homophobic and transphobic and allegedly infringing upon fundamental freedoms of LGBT* people as well as promoting discrimination.

Kuwait’s “medical screening for gays”: Truth, fiction, and why it’s not a “gay” issue
I first noticed it yesterday on Pink News, the UK’s G-and-sometimes-LBT news website: a new horror from the Persian Gulf. “It was revealed that Gulf Cooperative Countries introduced new rules to ‘detect’ and ban gay people from entering the country.” It doesn’t take long for any story about Arabs and sex to go viral. In this case, given that Qatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup, the headlines hitched a ride with anxieties over the Sochi Olympics, and turned into warnings about threats to sports.

Angola’s trans musician Titica made a goodwill ambassador by UNAIDS
Titica has become a major Angolan star despite being ‘stoned’ and ‘beaten’ – her appointment shows how she has changed hearts and minds in the country

Transgender selected as lok Adalat member
The District Legal Aide Authority has selected a transgender, Bharathi Kannamma, as a member of Lok Adalat. She would appear for hearing along with three other panel members in the Lok Adalat scheduled this Saturday in the Madurai district court to solve the bank settlement issues.

[China/Hong Kong]
LCQ22: Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients
Following is a question by the Hon Chan Chi-chuen and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, in the Legislative Council today (October 9):

Transgender people in Vietnam: P1- True to themselves
The yearning to become a member of the opposite sex has driven many tormented youths to undergo agonizing transsexual surgeries. Though they’re happy with their new body and true self, most face continued discrimination or alienation from their families and society.

Brisbane transgender clinic opens after Biala setback
Gina Mather can offer 148 compelling reasons why a specialised transgender clinic is a critical service in Brisbane.

[New Zealand]
Trans boy's mum: why I'm sharing his story
The mum of a transgender Auckland child is unmoved by the worried criticism, the eyebrows being raised over teacups and the plain old fashioned hatred that have met the media coverage of her son’s journey. She tells why she spoke up, and why the flak is bouncing off her.

The Gay, Lesbian, and Feminist Backlash against Trans folks
As part of QWB’s queer history project, the following is an excellent summary of the period known as the “Lesbian Backlash.” This article is an archive piece from the now defunct (Transsexual, Transgender and Intersex History”) maintained by Kay Brown. Also see the earlier QWB piece from Outrage ‘69.

Alabama native Laverne Cox talks about life as transgender actress, advocate on 'Overshare' series (video)
"When people ask me who I am, I say that I'm an actress. But I'm also a transgender woman of color. I was raised by a single mother. I'm from Mobile, Alabama. Although Wikipedia says that I'm an activist, I prefer the word transgender advocate."

Calif. governor Jerry Brown signs transgender birth certificate bill
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill designed to make it easier for transgender Californians to obtain birth certificates reflecting name and gender changes.
California Governor signs law making it easier for trans people to update ID documents
Bill to streamline transgender name changes signed by governor

Transgender student paves the way for future generations
When Cassidy Lynn Campbell was named Homecoming Queen of Marina High School in Huntington Beach, she became the first transgender homecoming queen in the Orange County school district.

Fight continues over trans student law
Anti-trans activists are continuing to fight against a new California law designed to support transgender students, and the woman behind a proposed ballot measure told the Bay Area Reporter that she is not a homophobe.

Transgender female running for UNI homecoming queen
A member of the University of Northern Iowa Homecoming Court is making school history.
Steven Sanchez, who identifies as a transgender female, is the first such student at UNI to be nominated for Homecoming Queen. She hopes that she won't be the last, however, as she wants her nomination to send a message of acceptance and safety to other UNI students.
UNI homecoming court member aspires to raise awareness

Transgender Troy murderer shouldn't have sentence shortened, state tells Supreme Court
Michigan’s solicitor general went before the U.S. Supreme Court today to argue that an appeals court was wrong when it ruled a transgender woman convicted of a murder in Troy in 2000 had an ineffective lawyer and should get a shorter sentence.

Rental discrimination ban approved in Grand Forks
The Grand Forks City Council has banned housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, though not all city leaders think it's a good idea.

U.S. government sues Texas RV park for alleged discrimination against transgender woman
On behalf of the federal government, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has filed a lawsuit against a Texas recreational vehicle park for alleged discrimination against a transgender woman.

La militante trans agredida en Costello iría al Concejo
Celeste Castro, la militante transexual que dijo haber sufrido agresiones por parte de agentes de la Guardia Urbana Municipal (GUM) y por personal del boliche Costello denunció que existe una connivencia entre el municipio y el boliche...
Piden que militante trans ratifique denuncias en el Concejo

La primera nena transexual del mundo recibe este mediodía su DNI
Es el primer caso en el mundo en que el Estado reconoce este derecho sin judicializar el trámite. Luana tiene 6 años, nació varón pero se percibe mujer. La madre fue la que luchó para que le dieran el documento para que no sufriera más burlas
Entregan el nuevo DNI a Lulú, la nena trans de seis años

domingo, outubro 20, 2013

Travesti com droga no sutiã é encontrado morto na Zona Leste de Manaus
O corpo ferido com um grande golpe de faca na veia jugular estava jogado em uma área de mata, que de acordo com investigadores da Delegacia Especializada em Homicídios e Sequestros (Dhes) mesmo ao lado do terreno de uma Igreja, é conhecido por ser ponto de encontro entre travestis e seus clientes

Cómo ayudar a un hijo transexual
Lo importante es que el niño crezca con una autoestima sana
Es fundamental conocer todos los recursos que existen para ayudar a su hijo

GCC plan to ban homosexuals kicks up row
Media reports that Gulf countries are planning to deny residency visas to people who are found to be transgender and homosexual after medical check up went viral on social networking sites in Qatar yesterday.
Kuwait to 'Detect' Gays With Test to Keep Them Out

Transgender beats odds to complete education
In a nation where transgenders are shunned and looked down upon by the society, 23-year-old S. Swapna, who hails from Madurai in Tamil Nadu, dreams of becoming a policy-maker to strive for the uplift of her community.

Transgender Thai Trio Puts on Show in Guangzhou
Three transgender women from Thailand have recently been seen performing at tourist spots throughout the south Chinese city of Guangzhou, according to a website run by the Guangming Daily.
The three Thais have received a lot of public attention with their street performance, in which they show onlookers how to tell the difference between a real woman and a "lady boy."

California Republican Party to go after transgender kids’ rights
The openly gay vice-chairman of the Republican Party in California has warned that his party will try to use transgender students’ access to the bathrooms and changing rooms of their choice to wedge state Democrats and mobilize political donors

Transgender name changes made easier by new law
The public and costly process for transgender people to legally change the name and gender on their California birth certificate will be streamlined under a law Gov. Jerry Brown signed Tuesday.

$50,000 Reward Offered for Info on Trans Woman Fatality
On Tuesday, Oct. 8, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a $50,000 reward for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the hit-and-run driver whose car struck Keymontae MacKenzie, aka Unique, on Sept. 27 at about 3:10 a.m. when she stepped off the curb in the 6700 block of Santa Monica Boulevard, just east of Highland Avenue in Hollywood. The 22-year-old transgender woman died at the scene.

College professor who came out as transgender man terminated after 15 years
Heath Adam Ackley had hoped to finish current semester at Azusa Pacific College

A golpes ultiman a homosexual en solar
Un miembro y líder de la comunidad lésbico, gay, transgénero y bisexual fue asesinado a golpes en un solar baldío del barrio El Centro de esta ciudad.
La víctima es Jefry Renán Hernández Pineda (23), conocido como la “China”.

sexta-feira, outubro 18, 2013

JUSTIÇA DA BAHIA NEGA NOME SOCIAL A TRAVESTIS E TRANSEXUAIS Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia nega nome social a transexuais baianas. Mas luta continua
A luta de transexuais baianas pelo nome social perdeu mais uma batalha importante na última terça-feira, 15 de outubro. Como tem acontecido com todos os pedidos encaminhados ao Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia, mais uma vez foi negado o direito de transexuais e travestis serem identificadas por nomes sociais perante entidades e órgão públicos do Estado.

Trans Professor Leaves Christian College After 15 Years
Azusa Pacific University issued a statement Friday saying 'it would be best for Dr. Ackley to pursue professional endeavors elsewhere.'

Student Expelled from Calif. Baptist University for Being Trans
The California university claims that Domaine Javier, a 24-year-old transgender woman, committed fraud when she listed her gender as female on the school's application.

VICTORY! CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs TRUST Act
We are thrilled to announce that California Governor Jerry Brown has signed the TRUST Act, which was re-introduced this year. Last year, he had vetoed the bill. The law will prevent police from turning in many non-violent inmates to deportation officials.

California GOP Backs Effort To Overturn State’s Transgender Student Protections Law
“[T]hey had to find a new boogeyman and that is transgender kids,” says the out gay regional vice-chairman of the California Republican Party. If the referendum organizers collect enough signatures, the measure would go on the November 2014 ballot.
California Republican Party Endorses Anti-Transgender Discrimination

Transgender policy wins former East Aurora administrator award
A former East Aurora School District administrator who drafted a policy aimed at protecting transgender students recently was named “advocate of the year” by an Illinois nonprofit that supports youth who identify as LGBTQ, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning.

Senate works for transgender housing
The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate on Sept. 29 unanimously voted in favor of a resolution to create a safer and more welcoming housing policy for transgender students.

Transgender high school student in N.H. crowned Homecoming King
A transgender high school senior in New Hampshire has been crowned homecoming king at Concord High School.
Transgender student elected homecoming king at high school in New Hampshire 'by a landslide'

Lambda Legal Urges NY High Court to Reinstate Hate Crime Conviction in Death of Transgender Woman
Lambda Legal today filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the New York Court of Appeals urging the court to reinstate the 2009 conviction of Dwight DeLee, who was found guilty of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime in the 2008 shooting death in Syracuse of Lateisha Green, a transgender woman.

Well-known Texas drag performer dies in police custody
A 36-year-old drag performer died in police custody in El Paso, TX in the early hours of Sunday morning. According to the El Paso Times, Fernando Gomez — who performed under the name Mercedes Demarco — was acting irrationally when police arrested her and used a Taser to subdue her.
Well known transgender performer dies in police custody

U.S. Backs Trans Woman in Texas Housing Suit
The owner of a Texas RV park discriminated against and evicted a transgender woman and her partner, Obama administration lawyers say in a potentially landmark lawsuit.
HUD files lawsuit on behalf of Seven Points trans woman and partner

Denuncian ataque homofóbo en concurso de belleza gay en el norte de México
La comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) del estado mexicano de Durango (norte) denunció este lunes que sufrió un ataque homófobo en su concurso de belleza "Señorita Gay 2013" cuando dos mujeres arrojaron gas pimienta en el recinto provocando la suspensión momentánea del evento.
Rocían gas pimienta en coronación gay en Durango
Denuncian ataque homofóbico durante certamen gay en Durango

Filman en Cuba película sobre un transexual
Ya comenzó a rodarse en La Habana la última película del actor y director Jorge Perugorría, que lleva como título de producción Fátima, o el Parque de la Fraternidad.

Bogotá elige a su primer líder transgenerista
Por primera vez Bogotá reconocerá a las mujeres transgénero que lideran trabajos sociales en sus barrios o localidades a través de sus expresiones culturales y artísticas.