Video Para Gisberta
Gisberta Remember
Vídeo produzido por Steftransftmgay, das Panteras Rosa.
[Letters to the Editor] Gender identity is determined mentally
I enjoyed reading Ms Mallia's perspective on Maltese law and marriage where gay or transsexual partners may be involved. The strong Catholic foundations of Maltese culture have obviously influenced both her and the law. Many learned people have struggled with the concepts of gender and Ms Mallia's concepts, though insightful, may need enlightenment.
[Letters to the Editor] The truth about transgender issues
I quote from Ms Anna Mallia's opinion piece last Sunday: "It is true that a transsexual is a person who identifies himself or herself completely with the opposite sex, believing that the wrong sex was assigned at birth. It is also true that transsexuals think and feel emotionally in a way typically considered appropriate to members of the opposite sex, and may undergo surgery to modify external sexual characteristics. But it is also true that a transsexual did not go through menstruation, does not have reproductive organs, and as such cannot fall under the definition of 'woman'. "
The Director of the Public Registry, in his capacity as Registrar of Marriages, has filed an application requesting the reversal of a court decree permitting marriage banns to be issued in favour of a transsexual.
Italian Gov't Confirms Gay Unions Bill Dead
A spokesperson for beleaguered Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi confirmed Monday that legislation creating civil partnerships has been dropped - one of several concessions Prodi made to shore up his crumbling left-of-center coalition government.
[South Korea]
Man to Be Registered as Woman After Operation
A court ruled yesterday in favor of a male-born person who sought to be listed as a woman on her family register after a sex change operation.
Lectures look at differences in gender, sex
The "History of Transgender Political Activism" was one of many presentations at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Women's Studies at MTSU last Thursday through Saturday.
[NY, USA] [Editorial]
Justice Isn't That Blind
In a city that has seen its fair share of bizarre judicial shenanigans, Manhattan Family Court Judge Sheldon Rand may have set a new standard for black-robed dementia.
In a ruling to be released publicly Thursday, Rand has concluded that taxpayers must pay for a sex-change operation for a 21-year-old transsexual seeking to become a woman.

South Jersey Transgendered Teen Appears On Tyra
A 13-year-old from South Jersey recently chose to reveal to a national audience that he's transgendered.
Transsexual Woman Alleges Discrimination In CU Program Dismissal A transgendered woman has filed suit against the University of Colorado, its Board of Regents and a health plan, alleging she was unlawfully dismissed from a much-needed internship.
[FL,USA] [Blogs/Commentary]
A Boy Named Sue
14-year city manager Steve Stanton, 48, has decided he needs to be a woman. After what must have been play-acting through marriage and fathering a son, Stanton's manhood, he has concluded, just isn't right. He wants to be a boy named Sue instead.
Stanton job may hang in balance
Three undecided Largo city commissioners could determine the fate of City Manager Steve Stanton tonight.