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sábado, março 31, 2007

O 3º Sexo
Enquanto em Portugal voltam as notícias sobre agressões a transexuais no centro da capital, em Espanha foi este mês aprovada a Lei de Identidade de Género, que lhes permite mudar legalmente o nome sem recorrer à cirurgia de redesignação sexual.

Danger at every turn
Excerpt: Hasan Sabeh was a happy, talented 34-year-old transgender fashion designer, affectionately known as Tamara. He lived in the al-Mansor district of Baghdad. Two months ago, he was tending his fashion accessories stall in a street market. Out of the blue, an Islamist death squad, wearing Iraqi police uniforms, seized Tamara. They stripped off his clothes in the street and, discovering that he was a man dressed as a woman, shot him dead.

Transgender surgeon has close connection to patients
Dr. Marci Bowers first tried making the transition from a male to female body when she was 19. Lacking the money and with little support from her family, she couldn’t complete the attempt.
Some 20 years later, with a strong support system in place, she fully transitioned in 1998.

Man is charged in transvestite slaying
A man already charged in connection with a 2004 slaying now stands accused of fatally shooting a transvestite six years earlier after learning that the victim, with whom he'd had a brief sexual relationship, was not a woman but a man.

Transgender Rights Group Denounces Radio Host Comments About Slain Woman
Less than a week after her murder, Ruby Ordenana, a Latina transgender woman, was called a "psychopath" and a "freak" by nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage. Savage went on to link the victim and transgender people generally with the Columbine, CO massacre, saying "kids shoot each other there with black raincoats" because its near the Biber Clinic of Trinidad, CO, "the capital of [sexual reassignment surgery]." The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition today denounced the radio host's remarks.

Transgender Wedding Stirs Media Interest in Wisconsin
Barbara Lynn Terry and Nicole Winstanley want to get married in Wisconsin - and that state's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages is not proving to be a barrier. Barbara was born male and has not had gender reassignment surgery, so state Circuit Judge David Hansher decided on March 23 that he could perform the ceremony without violating the law.

Hate crimes bill promotes ‘cross-dressing,’ critics say
Any thoughts that a transgender protection clause in the federal hate crimes bill would slip through Congress without controversy were put to rest last week as social conservative groups blasted the legislation as a pro-homosexual measure that would promote “cross-dressing” and “transsexualism.”

Discrimination in Insurance
Testimony on House Bill 247 began at 1:15 a.m. Tuesday morning, March 27th in the House Committee on Insurance. HB 247 would amend the Insurance Code to prohibit discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

In Court, Man turns out to be Woman!
What a story from the Hamilton County, Tennessee courts building; a man charged with molesting a teen, is actually a woman!

Trans official may sue town that fired him
Attorney says decision violates Largo's anti-bias policy
[OPINION] Largo's Loss
In Largo, Florida, a common story is playing out in a very uncommon way.
[OPINION] The right man for the job is a woman
SURE IT’S SHOCKING. Some would say freakish: A man who wants to be a woman.

sexta-feira, março 30, 2007

Sábado, dia 31, segundo informações não confirmadas, sairá na revista Única do jornal Expresso uma reportagem sobre Transexualidade. Quem estiver interessado é ter atenção e ver se sai.

18-year-old revealed trans experience in TV documentary
One of the UK's youngest transsexuals has appeared in a documentary to explain to a wider audience the reality of her experiences.
Lucy, 18, explained the common traumatic experience that many trans people feel when they reach puberty. photo: BBC


Il caso di una avvocatessa. «Io, avvocato transessuale scomunicata dal vescovo»

RIMINI - Automobilista rapinato da transessuale in via Varisco

Si trovava a bordo della sua automobile in via Varisco quando improvvisamente è stato avvicinato da un trans che l'ha minacciato e rapinato di un centinaio di euro.


Un botta e risposta indimenticabile restituisce il senso di molte pellicole a tematica trans. Nel film «Stonewall», che tratta della rivolta del 1969 contro le retate della polizia nel locale omosex e trans «Stonewall Inn» di New York, la protagonista è la Miranda (un maschio biologico con una forte componente femminile).

Bologna: 70enne rapinato da transessuali, 2 arresti

Un uomo di 70 anni è stato rapinato nel centro di Bologna da due transessuali che per adescarlo hanno finto di avere bisogno di aiuto.

Murders Of Chile's Transgender People Mount

At approximately 8 a.m. on the morning of March 16, authorities discovered the lifeless body of a transgender prostitute. Family members later identified her as 54-year-old Michelle Carrasco - or "Chela," as her friends called her.
PHOTO: Chela Carrasco was beaten to death on March 15

MOVILH Warns Transgender People To Stay Out Of Region V
The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Freedom (MOVILH), Chile's leading advocacy group for sexual minorities, issued a public alert this week, warning all transgender and transsexual people to stay clear of Region V.

[South Korea]
Transgendered people to file for legal recognition
A group of transgendered people will file a suit in April to seek the legal right to change their genders in their family registries, a civic group said Thursday.

Memorial Tuesday for Nadia Cabezas
A memorial service for Nadia Cabezas will be held Tuesday, April 3 at 2 p.m. at St. Anthony's Foundation, 121 Golden Gate Avenue, second floor, in San Francisco. Ms. Cabezas, known to many in the community as Kitty Kastro, died March 5 after she was struck by a car on a highway in Porter County, Indiana. She was 40.

Friends mourn Ruby Ordeñana
It was still light out as nearly 200 friends and LGBT community members gathered in front of the 24th Street BART station in the early evening Friday, March 23 to remember Latina transgender Ruby Ordeñana, who was found dead on a city sidewalk on March 16.
Marlena Hernandez speaks at the vigil for Ruby Ordeñana. The banner says, "We are your daughters and sons. Do not forget us." Photo: Rick Gerharter

[USA] [Blogs/Commentary]
Trans Death Rate A Nightmare
Though horrific, Ruby Ordenana's murder last week in San Francisco hardly qualifies as original. The 27-year old woman's violent death counts as just one of many tranny-related murders. The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition reports that since 1995, at least fifty trans persons under the age of 30 have been brutalized simply for their physical "deviance". And that number will only continue to rise.

Program Aims to Overcome 'Transgenderphobia'
The Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center said it has launched a new program to help transgender people "develop the skills and confidence" to find rewarding jobs with companies that are "friendly" to them.

[FL, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Firing of Steve Stanton
Commissioner Gay Gentry would ask everyone who has heard of the firing of City Manager Steve Stanton to believe that it was for his management style, not his transitioning from male to female. I cannot believe her nor should anyone else. This was simply a way to get rid of someone who has "embarrassed Largo in a very public way."
Steve Stanton
I just read of how Steve Stanton has been fired from his job for seeking a sex change operation. How sad that the leaders of the city of Largo could not model a more compassionate and inclusive way of dealing with difference. They should consider the fact that there are others in their community who are struggling with this issue.

Ex-her might be him, but alimony same
In a mixed ruling for Florida's transgendered community, a state circuit judge Wednesday dismissed a Seminole man's request to halt alimony payments because his ex-wife had a sex change.

quinta-feira, março 29, 2007

Still Separate, Still Unequal
A bill designed to offer anti-discrimination protection to Maryland's transgender population failed in the state's Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, surprising advocates.

Man says ex-wife's sex change should end alimony obligation
Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in a Florida court Tuesday in an effort to end the payments.

Today's Letters: Mayor Gerard was courageous, eloquent
To Largo Mayor Pat Gerard: After watching excerpts of the hearing regarding the firing of Steve Stanton on CNN, I can appreciate that you've had a difficult week. I want to congratulate you for the courage you exhibited when standing up to the City Commission and giving eloquent voice to the minority viewpoint. I'm sorry that the majority of your commissioners hold ignorant, bigoted and medieval beliefs.

quarta-feira, março 28, 2007

A rede ex aequo – associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes irá editar este ano a 4ª edição do ciclo de cinema LGBT de 30 de Março a 1 de Abril (sexta, sábado e domingo) em Lisboa.

A programação e os objectivos deste ciclo poderão ser encontrados em:

A entrada é livre! Contamos com a tua presença!

Frau ist Mann, Mann ist Frau

Transsexuelle, Transvestiten und Drag Kings: Die Ausstellung«transformer 2» im Photoforum Pasquart in Biel zeigt auf, dass Körpermerkmale noch kein Geschlecht ausmachen. Leider schrammt sie die Grenze zur Freak Show.
Die Fotografie von Alexandra Boulat zeigt die Transsexuelle Athena (20) / zvg

Man says ex-wife's sex change should end alimony obligation
Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in a Florida court Tuesday in an effort to end the payments.

È UNA NOTTE diversa, fatta di tacchi alti, trucco pesante, seni alvento, nuvole di profumo, accenti stranieri. Tutto a pochi passi dai quotati ristoranti di viale Parioli dove ricche auto aspettano ipropri padroni vip in doppia o tripla fila, sorvegliate da factotum allettati da ricche mance.

Maryland transgender rights bill dies

Maryland legislators have voted down an effort to bar discrimination against the state's transgender residents and workers.

His struggle, their stories

With Steve Stanton's job on the line, strangers feel compelled to speak up. They brought their own stories, their past struggles, their prejudices. Some said they understood. Others didn't want to know.
Next step: life after Stanton

The acting city manager says "we're moving on" past the uncertainty and controversy.

terça-feira, março 27, 2007

Hospital de Santa Maria discrimina Transsexuais

Comunicado de Imprensa

O movimento Panteras Rosa – Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia vem por esta via denunciar a discriminação de Transsexuais em curso no Hospital de Santa Maria, em Lisboa, onde se levam a cabo os processos de transição de sexo. “Regras impostas pela nova administração” do hospital, segundo os médicos responsáveis, estão a fazer com que os/as transsexuais que tenham que ser internados naquele estabelecimento de saúde sejam dirigidos para a enfermaria correspondente ao seu sexo biológico, e não à enfermaria correspondente ao seu género.

Como se sabe, no SNS classificam-se as pessoas pelo seu sexo, que normalmente é determinado à nascença pelos genitais. Com as pessoas Transexuais este tipo de classificação revela-se erróneo e provoca situações caricatas de discriminação. Basta pensar, por exemplo, na renovação de um BI, em que, na foto aparece uma face feminina/masculina e no nome próprio um do género oposto. (E, quando entrarem em circulação, os novos BI’s europeus vão explicitar o sexo).

Neste mesmo hospital, ainda há bem pouco tempo qualquer Transsexual que fosse fazer uma intervenção e que tivesse necessidade de um internamento temporário, era colocado/a na enfermaria correspondente ao género para que estava a transitar. Mesmo depois de entrar em funções a nova administração do Santa Maria, isto continuou a funcionar nos mesmos moldes.

Assim, depois de terminado o processo (só aí são autorizadas as cirurgias pela Ordem dos Médicos), era reconhecido a qualquer Transexual o género para o qual transitava, independentemente da sua genitália, não apenas pelos médicos responsáveis, como pelo Estado.

Porém, no mês passado, uma mulher Transexual dirigiu-se a uma consulta de cirurgia plástica neste Hospital. Necessitando de ficar pelo menos 24 horas internada, foi informada que teria que ficar internada na enfermaria dos homens.

Este tipo de discriminação deriva precisamente de se continuar a definir o género de uma pessoa pelos seus genitais de nascença, o que é errado e inaceitável.

Não é de forma nenhuma justificável que uma pessoa na fase final (ou em qualquer fase) do seu processo de transição, quando aparece para o mundo com um determinado género, ser obrigada a ficar numa enfermaria do género oposto. É uma forma de classificação altamente lesiva para a auto-estima de qualquer Transsexual, claramente discriminatória e que pode levar a outras formas de discriminação.

Hoje, a discriminação é a nova regra no Hospital de Santa Maria, cujos clínicos da equipa de transsexualidade são supostos ajudar transsexuais no seu processo de mudança de sexo, e não sujeitá-los/as a regras transfóbicas e humilhações gratuitas. O movimento Panteras Rosa exorta a administração do Hospital a rever com celeridade estas “novas regras”, sob pena de assumir uma discriminação consciente de um grupo social já profundamente discriminado.

Ni perversion, ni déviance
Changer de sexe n’a rien à voir avec la déviance, encore moins avec un caprice. Les personnes entamant un tel cheminement présentent au contraire une souffrance profonde, touchant à ce qu’elles ont de plus intime.

Savage blames sexual reassignment surgery for Columbine massacre
On the March 23 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage continued to discuss a March 20 report in the San Francisco Chronicle detailing the murder of a transgender woman whose body was found naked near a freeway outside San Francisco.

Drag Club Battle Of Sexes Suit
A man claims a female employee of gender-bending restaurant Lucky Cheng's roughed him up, and he now wants the East Village eatery to pay up.

[USA] [Health/Medicine]
Study describes how estradiol helps to maintain bone density
Researchers at the University at Buffalo have described a novel pathway by which estradiol, the primary estrogen in humans, aids in maintaining bone density, a function critical to avoiding osteoporosis.

Largo Official Defends Firing Of Stanton
One of five commissioners who voted to fire a transsexual city manager said his management style, not his lifestyle, led to the dismissal.
[Blogs/Commentary] Stanton v. Largo: A Lying, Disruptive, Attention-Seeking Bully?
I'm surprised I haven't seen many comments about the Stanton case here at transadvocate. com. I mean, there's a media frenzy on trans issues for the first time since, well, I don't know, Christine Jorgensen.
[Blogs/Law/Commentary] Stanton v. Largo: Text, Subtext and Pretext
My previous posts on the Stanton case analyzed in detail the law governing the question of whether transsexuality is a protected category, concluding that it is.

segunda-feira, março 26, 2007

[Thailand] [News/Entertainment ]
This Thai transgender girl band may be popular, but it's no stranger to rude questions.
Photo: The group showing off their sexy moves.

C'est l'histoire d'un gars qui part de l'usine le vendredi soir, et qui revient le lundi matin transformé en femme.

Well-known performer found fatally shot
A female impersonator who regularly performed at downtown clubs was fatally shot inside his home Friday night off Ann Street near Taylor Park in south central Mobile, police and family said.

Largo isn't switching: Transsexual city manager must go
Largo officials affirm the firing of the transsexual city manager despite an emotional hearing.
Pivotal friend votes for his firing
To her, Stanton's ouster is fair. To Largo's former city manager, the decision is discriminatory.
[Blogs/Commentary] "...You Have To Trust Us, It's Not About Transgenderism"
That's what the city commissioners of Largo, Florida said after they finalized the dismissal of City Manager Steve Stanton today in a six-hour meeting.
Lawsuit an option for Stanton
Fired Largo city manager Steve Stanton says he's not sure if he will sue his former employer. Stanton, who announced a month ago he plans on becoming a woman, served the city of Largo for the past 14 years.
Today's Letters: First, cut the politicians' perks
Why can't Largo be more tolerant of transexual/transgendered persons? Why can't they be more like Pinellas County?
City commissioners yesterday finalized the firing of a city manager who is seeking a sex-change operation, despite pleas from impassioned supporters to save his job.
Alternative lifestyles: Publicity surrounding sex change unusual
Transgender activists say there's only one thing unusual about the case of Largo City (Fla.) Manager Steve Stanton: not that he's on the verge of being fired for planning to become a woman but the deluge of publicity he's gotten.

domingo, março 25, 2007

Une transsexuelle de Barcelone au cœur de deux affaires judiciaires

Gina Serra est la première transsexuelle à porter plainte devant la justice espagnole pour licenciement discriminatoire. Employée dans une clinique gériatrique, elle considère qu'elle a été remerciée au bout de 10 jours par ses employeurs à cause de son identité de genre.

La Policía sospecha de una travesti
El juez de Instrucción Formal 7, Jorge Raúl Sosa Vallejo, solicitó la captura internacional de un travesti que se encuentra en la mira de los investigadores del crimen de Sergio "Pelusa" Liendro, ocurrido el 29 de noviembre pasado en el barrio 20 de Febrero de esta ciudad, en inmediaciones del estadio Delmi.

NEW: Hundreds gather for slain transgendered woman
A crowd of almost 200 people gathered in San Francisco Friday evening to mourn the death of Ruby Rodriguez, a 24 year-old transgendered woman who was murdered on March 16.
Series Of Unsolved Transgender Murders (Video)
Friends of a transgender San Francisco resident murdered last week are holding a vigil in the Mission District. The community says there's been a number of these murders recently.

[VT, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Scare tactics create confusion
Stephen Cable's op-ed against the bill to protect gender identity (S.51, H.228) is rife with logical contradictions. Yes, gender identity disorder and gender dysphoria are classified in the diagnostic manuals. A diagnosis is required to begin treatment. Cable suggests that the "largest danger" of the bill would be sending a message that such illness is healthy, "rather than encouraging treatment and recovery," but he appears not to understand that treatment in this case means hormonal or surgical sex-reassignment, not "curing" the patient to conform to the sex assigned at birth. It would be precisely these people undergoing treatment who would be covered by the bill. What the bill does is prevent discrimination based on prejudice — prejudice Cable strives to perpetuate.

Couple says ‘I do’ after judge says ‘They can’
A transsexual and a woman were married Friday after a judge found there was no legal reason to prevent it.
Milwaukee County Circuit Judge David Hansher said he had spoken to a doctor who advised that Barbara Lynn Terry, 58, remained a man physically even though he lives as a female.
"However, if he had wished to marry a man, the court would have decided otherwise and refused to marry them since this would be an invalid same-sex marriage under the law," the judge said in a prepared statement.
Terry, born in Iowa as Ronald Terry, married 22-year-old Australian Nicole Winstanley.
Milwaukee County Clerk Mark Ryan said the pair applied for a marriage license March 5 and a license was issued March 12.
He said they showed documents stating that Terry was a male and Winstanley was a female and made a sworn statement to that effect.
Mrs. and Mrs. Terry are man and wife
Despite Wisconsin's same-sex marriage ban, Barbara Lynn Terry and Nicole Winstanley carried purses into a judge's office Friday and emerged as Mrs. and Mrs. Terry.
PHOTO: Barbara Lynn Terry (left) grabs ahold of her new wife, Nicole Winstanley Terry, after their wedding Friday in a Milwaukee County courtroom. Barbara Lynn Terry was born Ronald Francis Terry and has not undergone gender-reassignment surgery, making the couple's marriage legal. Photo/Kristyna Wentz-Graff

Stanton Looses Job Appeal (Same Vote as Before)
After listening to hours of impassioned testimony, the Largo City Commission voted 5-2 to terminate embattled city manager Steve Stanton.
Fla. City Fires Trans Worker Despite Last Minute Pleas
City commissioners early Saturday finalized the firing of a city manager who is seeking a sex-change operation, despite pleas from dozens of impassioned supporters to save his job.
Despite outcry, Stanton is fired
Largo again votes 5-2; dozens testify his gender change shouldn't matter.
Crowd came to praise Stanton
A few opponents were outside City Hall for the ex-city manager's appeal of his firing.
Photo gallery: Commissioners reaffirm their decision to fire Stanton
St. Petersburg Times, FL, USA
Largo Confirms Stanton Ouster
Largo's city commission voted 5-2 to uphold its Feb. 27 decision to begin the firing process for its city manager. After listening to six hours of presentations and public comment during Stanton's appeal, all seven commissioners repeated their earlier votes.

sábado, março 24, 2007

[Saudi Arabia]
Doctor says sex correction cases need societal support
More than 325 "gender correction" operations were conducted in one Saudi hospital over the past 25 years, medical doctors in Saudi Arabia said.

SF: Friends Identify Transgender Woman Found Dead
Friends of a transgender woman found murdered near an Interstate Highway 280 onramp in San Francisco have planned a candlelight vigil in her memory.
Slain sex worker identified as transgender immigrant
A transgender sex worker found strangled last week near Interstate 280 in Potrero Hill was identified Thursday as a 27-year-old Nicaraguan immigrant. Ruby Ordenana, also known as Ruby Rodriguez, was last seen in the Tenderloin the day before the slaying, said Alexandra Byerly, a project coordinator for EL-LA, a local nonprofit group working with the transgender community.

Political Notebook: Coloradan is state's first TG commissioner
With her appointment to the city of Aurora's Commissions on Veterans Affairs and Cultural Affairs in January, Pamela Bennett became the first-ever transgender person to be appointed to such posts in the history of the state of Colorado.
Photo: Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Jr. with Commissioner Pamela Bennett

Wis. judge to decide whether transsexual can marry a woman
By law, marriage in Wisconsin is described as a union between one man and one woman. But what if the man is a transsexual?
Defining marriage: Judge must decide whether transsexual can marry
Terry, who changed her name from Ronald Francis Terry, and Australian Nicole Winstanley, 22, received a marriage license from Milwaukee County. They have a meeting with a judge this morning to determine whether he will marry them in a formal ceremony.

[USA] [Blogs/Commentary]
No Standards Of Care For SSAD
Whenever I discuss transgender medical or therapeutic treatments here at the Ex-Gay Watch, I always seem to go back to the Harry Benjamin Standards Of Care. Like or hate this document (and the GID diagnosis), what the document does is provide criteria for determining if one has a condition that falls under the document's purview; it provides a general outline of what medical and psychological treatments are appropriate for transsexuals; and it lists timelines and benchmarks for when particular treatments are considered appropriate.

Vigil held for unsolved slaying
On the one-year anniversary of his death, Maurice Green's murder remains unsolved.
Family, friends, and members of the gay community remembered Green's life Wednesday evening with a candlelight vigil at Cielito Park in Phoenix. Twenty-two year old Maurice, also known as Melissa, was a transsexual who many believe was a victim of a hate crime.
Photo: Monique Williams holds a candle at the candlelight vigil of her cousin Maurice Green, who was killed while walking northbound on 35th avenue at Glenrosa one year ago. The vigil was held at Cielito Park in Phoenix.

Transgender city manager will try to get job back

The Largo leader has 3 hours to convince commissioners that he should be reinstated.
Transsexual fight divides Largo
No issue has divided this Tampa Bay bedroom community more than the news City Manager Steve Stanton harbored a lifelong desire to be Susan Stanton.
Stanton awaits his fate
But it's not just about him anymore, he says, as a whole community looks toward Largo.
Today's Letters: Antics do harm to Largo's image
I have been a resident of Largo for 12 years. I am very proud of the beautiful library, our code enforcement, our cultural center, and the dedication and professionalism of our police and firefighters that I have witnessed firsthand.
Stanton Hearing is Being Blogged and Streamed
You can follow the hearing at http://blogs. tampabay. com/breakingnews /2007/03/ and see a live feed at http://media. myfoxtampabay. com/live/ primarystream. html

sexta-feira, março 23, 2007

L'inferno sociale dei Trans
Sfruttamento, abbandono scolastico, prostituzione e tossicodipendenza tra le conseguenze per chi ha bisogno di trasformare la propria identità di genere, che sia solo attraverso il travestimento o anche con l'ultilizzo del bisturi. A cui va aggiunta la discriminazione che tutte le donne subiscono, che viene estesa a chi da maschio diventa femmina.

"Veniamo costantemente rappresentate come prostitute per vocazione, caricature senza sentimenti ed umanità"

Bologna: Polizia cerca donna ma trova transessuale
E' finita con l'arresto di un transessuale campano l'indagine condotta dalla Squadra Mobile della Questura di Bologna e dalla scientifica, volta ad identificare la persona che venerdì scorso è riuscita a rapinare un pensionato di 77 anni nella sua casa di via Massarenti, sotto le Due Torri.

Italy media chief denies soliciting transsexual
The Italian government's media chief is refusing to resign after photographs appeared apparently showing him soliciting a transsexual prostitute.

Ex-police choir member jailed for sex with transsexual teen
A former South Australian police choir member has been jailed for two-and-a-half years for having a sexual relationship with a transsexual teenager.

Vigil to Mark Anniversary of Unsolved Murder
A candlelight vigil will be held Wednesday to mark the one-year anniversary of an unsolved murder that's rallied the Valley's gay community. The vigil will honor the memory of Maurice "Melissa" Green, who was shot as he walked down the street near 35th and Glenrosa avenues in Phoenix. The 22-year-old was dressed as a woman at the time.

No Charges Filed In Officer-Transvestite Case
Criminal charges will not be filed against a former Mount Dora police lieutenant who was accused late last year of sexually assaulting a transvestite, the Orange County state attorney's office announced on Thursday.

Largo commissioners plan to fire transsexual city manager
Recent reports of moral failures among people in positions of leadership signal a continuing trend of corruption in American culture.
[Letters to the Editor] Stanton is not seeking God’s truth
I would like to comment on an article in the St. Petersburg Times about Steven Stanton, the city manager of Largo who was fired for planning to have a sex change. In the article he said, "Life is funny, and God works in mysterious ways. It is up to us all to seek the truth about ourselves. I will try to do just that."
Mr. Stanton was not seeking the truth of God, and I can prove it by what he said in the article.
Clouds gathering over Stanton’s fate
While officials prepared for a meeting of historic proportions, religious leaders continued to attack the lifestyle of suspended City Manager Steve Stanton.
Stanton-related Documents and Video on Largo's Website
FYI, you can view some of the documents relating to the Stanton matter on the City of Largo's website, http://www.largo. com

quinta-feira, março 22, 2007

Transvestite prevented from changing name
A transvestite from the village of Tjällmo in south-eastern Sweden has had his application for a name change turned down.
Lennart Widahr had wanted to change his name to Pia but the National Tax Board (Skatteverket) informed him that the only possible way for him to receive a female name was to first have a sex change. Widahr has no plans to do so, according to newspaper Östgöta Correspondenten.

Case per prostitute e "trans" a Mondovì e Savona
Un giro d'affari di 60 mila euro al mese, centinaia di clienti a settimana, un traffico di prostitute (donne e transessuali) internazionale dal Sud America, case chiuse a Mondovì, Savona e Barcellona: questo quanto è riuscito a smantellare l'operazione Alias condotta dalla Guardia di Finanza di Mondovì, agli ordini del Tenente Roberta Catalano.

The transgendered gather to discuss concerns
Finding jobs `is the biggest challenge the community faces and another is getting a passport'.

Aravanis' plea to actor
A group of transgendered persons on Tuesday met actor Radhika Sarathkumar and appealed to her to portray them with sensitivity in television serials produced by her company, Radaan Television.

Gender status battle
A woman who was born a man is fighting for her right to change her birth certificate to reflect her new gender.
The 62 year old, known only as AB, has taken her case to the full bench of the Federal Court.
AB was married in 1967 and has never divorced, but has been separated from her wife for six years.
In 2000, AB changer her male given names to female ones on her birth certificate, but the sex was still shown as male.
After sex-change surgery in 2002, she applied to the Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for her birth certificate to be altered to say she was female, but was refused.
Under anti-discrimination laws it is illegal to refuse to provide a service to a person on the basis of their marital status.
While people who undergo sex changes are able to amend their birth certificates if they provide statutory declarations from doctors, AB's request was refused because she was still married.
The Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act states that the registrar can't change the birth certificate gender if the person is married – which AB claims discriminates against women on the basis of their marital status.
The aim of the legislation was to avoid doubt over whether a person was in a same-sex marriage.
Chief Justice Michael Black and Justices Susan Kenny and Roger Gyles reserved their decision.
Herald Sun, Australia - Elissa Hunt Chief Court Reporter Saturday, March 10, 2007

[CA, USA] [News/Commentary]
Savage called transgender murder victim a "psychopath" and a "freak"
On the March 20 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage discussed a San Francisco Chronicle report detailing the murder of a transgender woman whose body was found naked near a freeway outside San Francisco.

[Blogs/News/ Commentary] Update on Law Covering Steve Stanton
I last reviewed the Florida state law addressing transgender employment issues in my post of March 1. Since then, I've found two more decisions of the Florida Commission on Human Relations (hat tip to the Daniel Ruth Show Blog. These merit discussion as they complicate the situation somewhat.
Crowd expected for cross-gender city manager's appeal
The Largo city commission chambers are quiet and empty on this morning, but it's the pre-cursor to what may be the longest and loudest public hearing in city history.
Focus shifts to Stanton record
Criticism of his job as city manager is pushing aside his gender change plans as ammunition against him.
[Commentary] A chance for Largo to show its progress
Only a month ago, if you can believe it, the likes of Time, Newsweek and People hadn't taken much interest in the doings of this board of regular folks - a retired teacher, an engineer and a lawn pest control manager among them.
Stanton Explains Why He Should Keep Job
City Manager Steve Stanton has filed a written response to the city commission's decision to begin the process of firing him because he is changing his sex.
To read the brief -- Reply To City Of Largo Preliminary Resolution No. 1924 (PDF File) -- Stanton filed, go to ... http://www.tampabay pdfs/stanton_ reply.pdf

quarta-feira, março 21, 2007

UK choose Scooch but drag in vogue at 2007 Eurovision
The Ukraine has announced it will be represented at this year's Eurovision Song Contest by drag artist Verka Serdyuchka.
In February the Danes chose drag act DQ to represent them at the competition. BBC viewers chose band Scooch by a phone vote on Saturday night.

Sanremo - Indagini per ferimento transessuali
Indagini in corso a Sanremo per la misteriosa sparatoria avvenuta nella notte tra sabato e domenica in via Cavallotti. Due transessuali sono stati raggiunti da alcuni colpi di arma da fuoco alle gambe. I due hanno riportato solo ferite non gravi. Gli inquirenti pensano ad un regolamento di conti nell'ambito dello sfruttamento della prostituzione.

Métamorphoses biennoises
Série d'événements artistiques et festifs autour de l'identité de genre, Transformer 2 s'est ouvert samedi dernier à Bienne. Une démarche passionnante, unique en Europe, et un programme plein de surprises sont à découvrir jusqu'au 2 avril.

An attempt to engender love for the third gender
Members of sexual minority – lesbians, homosexuals, gays, hijras (eunuchs) and transgenders – living in North Karnataka have, for the first time, come out openly to fight for their rights. Around 500 members from various districts of the region gathered here on Sunday and took out a rally to create an awareness among the people on "how they are made to lead a `sub-human existence' due to society's prejudice against them".

[China] Jin Xing, from army colonel to revolutionary dance star
China's most famous and successful choreographer Jin Xing, strides into the dance hall self-assured, fashionably dressed and a little out of breath.

[FL, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Today's Letters: Commission right on Stanton
Largo City Manager Steve Stanton's firing is not a matter of discrimination.
Florida lops off city manager
According to a March 11 article in the St. Petersburg Times, Steve Stanton, Largo city manager, was forcibly relieved of his position because he decided to become a woman.
Like no one else, they know
In Largo City Manager Steve Stanton, members of a support group of transgender men see themselves.
On a Saturday night, in a Pinellas Park church, 17 people sat in a circle. All had been born female.
Now they go by Shawn, Nick and Josh. They talk about how long they've been taking "T" - testosterone - to deepen their voices and help grow the hair they spent years shaving.
Recent Firings Serve as a Reminder of the Employment Struggles Unjustly and Sometimes Illegally Faced by Transsexuals
Steven Stanton -- a confirmed transsexual and the city manager of Largo, Florida -- was recently put on administrative leave, pending being fired by the City Commission. News of his preparation for sex-reassignment surgery had sparked a vigorous, mostly negative response from Largo residents - ranging from nasty e-mails sent to City Commissioners, to eggs thrown at Stanton's car.

MDCH Warns of Illegal Cosmetic Silicone Injections
The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), in conjunction with the Detroit Poison Control Center, is urging people to become educated on the immediate and long-term life threatening risks of liquid silicone injections, a practice known as "pumping".

Transsexuals want equal coverage
Gerri Cannon, a transsexual from Merrimack, said it's unfair she's been unable to get hormone treatment in preparation for, and after, surgery that changes her from male to female.

SF Police Investigate Apparent Transgender Murder
San Francisco Homicide inspectors are looking into the apparent murder of a 30-year-old transgender person whose body was found naked early Friday morning on a sidewalk in an industrial area of the city's Potrero Hill district.

Noite de sexta para sábado, por volta das três da manhã. Noite mais agradável, anunciando o final do Inverno e a chegada da Primavera. Rolávamos a 80 pela autoestrada em direcção à Ponte 25 de Abril (ex Ponte Salazar).

Entradas na Ponte, variados carros nos ultrapassavam, as usual. Mais à frente, lá para o meio da ponte, uma viatura parava, obrigando os que iam atrás a umas paragens mais bruscas e a umas mudanças de via mais abruptas.

Começámos a abrandar, just in case. Conforme nos íamos aproximando, observámos melhor o carro parado, com todas as luzes acesas. O primeiro pensamento foi logo que o condutor se teria despistado por uma das bebedeiras tão comuns aos fins de semana.

Já próximas, observamos de repente a porta do lado do passageiro abrir-se de rompante e uma jovem rapariga a sair decididamente da viatura. Sem sequer olhar, atravessa-se à frente do nosso carro, dirigindo-se para o bordo da ponte. Como já íamos devagar, foi só uma questão de abrandar mais para não a atropelarmos. Conforme passamos por ela, foi galgando as barras de protecção da ponte. Sem um momento de dúvida, decidida.

Depois de passarmos por ela, já pendurada do lado de fora da ponte, fui controlando pelo retrovisor. Levantando os dois braços acima da cabeça, deixei de a ver conforme o seu corpo caía.

Do carro ainda parado a meio da via, ninguém saíu do lado do condutor. Nenhum movimento. A Lara imediatamente ligou para o 112. Primeiro atendeu um senhor que depois de informado do sucedido, passou imediatamente a ligação para outro homem, que se apressou a dizer que ia imediatamente accionar todos os meios de salvamento.

Com tudo isto, nem nos lembrámos de parar (e ainda bem, pois seria ainda mais perigoso), continuando sempre em frente, a uma velocidade bastante moderada. Também com o insólito da situação, não me espanta nada.

E foi tudo. Não lemos nada nos jornais, não ouvimos nada na rádio nem na televisão.

Tudo numa noite de sexta para sábado, por volta das três da manhã...

segunda-feira, março 19, 2007

The paparazzo, the spin doctor and the trans-sexual hooker: only in Rome
Politics don't get much more Italian than this. An investigation by a maverick magistrate born in Somerset is stirring up a hornet's nest of allegations involving blackmail, transvestites, prostitutes, footballers, businessmen and, just for good measure, government spin doctors. And, at the base of it all, are the antics of the paparazzi in the land of their birth.

Mrs Doubtfire wants to be Miss India
Malaika wants to be a model and win the Miss India pageant. Rose is looking for her dream man to settle down with.
Nothing unusual about these wishes except that till recently, neither would have come true. Rose, 28, an engineering student, and Malaika, 29, a hotel management graduate, were both born men.

Gender benders
Before Christine Jorgensen shocked the world in the 1950s by undergoing a male-to-female sex change, Laura Dillon went the other way. Dillon, a British medical student, is the first person on record to make the switch from female to male via surgery.
Pioneer of sex change surgery
Laura Dillon faced a double conundrum. She knew she was different from everyone else. She also knew there were no words to express that difference. Born into an upper-class British family in the early 20th century, Dillon came to believe that she was a man trapped in a woman's body.

Protections for Transgender Workers on Rise
Although federal law does not explicitly prohibit organizations from firing transgender workers, that doesn't mean companies won't be sued for such terminations. Nine states and almost 100 local jurisdictions, from Key West, Florida, to Tacoma, Washington, have passed laws protecting transgender employees in the workplace.

Today's Letters: An example of courage and strength
Thank you for publishing the moving and beautiful story of Steve Stanton last Sunday. In a nation of individual freedom where we encourage everyone to be him or herself, why can't "Steve" be "Susan"? Why can't Largo city commissioners pay attention to work experience and not zero in on appearances? Steve or Susan has the same expertise to keep bringing progress to Largo.
Embracing Change
Often, theirs is a quiet world, a place they share with a few trusted friends and loved ones. Rarely do they trumpet their presence, not when doing so can lead to ridicule, rejection, even violence.
Man Decides to Become Woman, Gets Fired
A Florida city preaches tolerance, but officials fire the city manager after news of his planned sex change surfaces Even though he was fired, the city manager of Largo, Florida, still defends the city's diversity program.

Reassignment Surgeon Boasts 100% Success
Plastic surgeon Daniel Greenwald didn't set out to become a national go-to guy for sexual reassignment surgery.

[VT,USA] [Commentary]
My Turn: Transgender bill rife with problems
Under the banner of equality, the Vermont Legislature seeks to protect transgender behavior (i.e. transvestite and transsexual) from discrimination (bills S.51 and H.228).

domingo, março 18, 2007

Violência - Associação Opus Gay denuncia: Transexuais atacados por assaltantes armados
Eva assegura que, a princípio, pensou que estava a dar uma informação a um condutor em apuros. Mas depressa se viu numa situação de “puro inferno”. Transexual da noite de Lisboa, Eva foi agredida, ameaçada com armas, sequestrada, e roubada, antes de ser abandonada, completamente nua. Em apenas duas semanas, este foi o quarto caso de agressões semelhantes a transexuais.
Transexuais agredidas e roubadas em Lisboa
Segunda-feira, duas da manhã. Teresa, 36 anos, está a atravessar a Rua Gomes Freire quando o condutor de um Polo cinza lhe pergunta o caminho para a Segunda Circular. "Hesitei, sem saber como explicar, e de repente apareceu outro tipo. Deu-me uma cabeçada e enfiou-me para a parte de trás do carro, que arrancou logo." A sangrar do nariz partido, Teresa é agredida mais vezes, ameaçada com uma faca "muito comprida" e uma pistola e obrigada a entregar todos os valores que tem consigo.



A comunidade transexual residente em Lisboa, tem vindo a ser alvo de ataques por parte de indivíduos sem escrúpulos.

Os referidos indivíduos atacam violentamente as transsexuais que procuram na rua, à noite, com facas e pistolas obrigando-as a entrarem em veículos, que segundo a policia são roubados, e uma vez no interior do automóvel, roubam-lhes todos os bens que possuem, ao mesmo tempo que são violentadas. Depois de roubadas são largadas no meio da rua, algumas delas sem roupa nenhuma. Em 2 semanas já foram atacadas no mesmo local do centro de Lisboa, 4 pessoas: 3 de nacionalidade portuguesa, e uma de nacionalidade brasileira. Uma das agredidas ainda conseguiu fugir e pedir auxílio num café.

Foram apresentadas queixas na PSP e encaminhadas para a Policia Judiciária, onde um dos transfóbicos já foi identificado . A P J tenta a todo custo identificar os que faltam. Torna-se cada vez mais necessário reforçar a lei anti discriminação, de forma a torna-la efectiva para prevenir a violência homofóbica e transfóbica, que persiste.

A Opus Gay mostra-se solidária com a causa LGBT e com as transsexuais agredidas, sendo que uma é sua associada.

Valter Filipe - Presidente da Opus Gay

Eva Russo – Opus Gay

Lisboa, 16 de Março 2007

Trans alla gogna mediatica
Mi spiegate perchè, in questo ennesimo scandalo di un'Italietta che non ha niente di meglio da fare che trastullarsi in fantasie voyeuristiche e troppo facili fiamme di popolarità (mi riferisco ai pessimi Fabrizio Corona, Lele Mora & co.), chi ci deve andare di mezzo sono le transessuali?

Le premier transsexuel du royaume
Popy, première miss Transgenre du Cambodge en 2002, a changé de sexe et est aujourd'hui officiellement une femme.

Travestis : cœur à prendre, identité à défendre
Sept mille hommes se déclareraient "homosexuels" au Cambodge, selon le président d'une association qui leur est dédiée. Parmi eux, moins d'un tiers serait "transgenre" . Cambodge Soir s'intéresse cette semaine à cette catégorie, dans le second volet d'une série consacrée à l'homosexualité .

Thieving Ladyboy Released Uncharged
A kind-hearted Korean tourist decided not to press charges against a ladyboy who had attempted to steal 3,000 baht from him after a tryst back at the Korean's hotel turned sour.

Weekend Beat/ Finding out who you are
Gender identity disorder describes a divided self. You belong psychologically to one gender, physically to the other. Added to the difficulty of being comfortable in your own skin is a sense of utter isolation. Whom can you confide in? Who would understand?

Florida UUs rally in support of fired city manager
Unitarian Universalists and people from many other faith groups rallied around Largo, Fla., city manager Steve Stanton last week when the city commission began the process of firing him after he announced he was undergoing gender reassignment surgery.
[Blogs/News/ Commentary] Stanton's Communication Strategy: Is the criticism justified?
This morning's St. Petersburg Times reviews criticisms of Steve Stanton's communications plan. Some City Commissioners and members of the public criticized Stanton's decision to form a "transition group" to help formulate his plan, thus leaving others out of the loop, including City Commissioners, staffers and the citizens of Largo.
Steve Stanton Speaks Out!
City Manager Chats About Discriminatory Dismissal

[USA] [Books]
Girls Will Be Boys
Michael Dillon wanted nothing more than to be invisible, to be one of the guys. Problem: he was born with a woman’s body. Everything he did toward realizing his humble dream — the cross-dressing, the hormones and surgeries and the chimera that resulted — pushed it further from his grasp. He went through life as the most visible sort of human being: a physical anomaly. He was the first person on record to undergo surgery (13 operations between 1946 and 1949) to change his gender.

[USA] [Blogs/Commentary]
'Transgender' Category Needed For The 2010 US Census
When I graduated from high school in 1980 my first job was working during that hot Houston summer as an enumerator for the decennial US census.

Mexico-born Transsexual Vaniity has obtained many fans
Vaniity's birth name Pedro Mora Kotero (aka Delilah Vaniity Kotero). She is an explicit transsexual film actress, who was born in Uruapan, Mexico on July 26, 1973. Her family migrated to Sunnyvale, northern California in the United States when she was seven years old. Vaniity comes from a large family, she has six brothers and four sisters.

sábado, março 17, 2007

Identity crisis

A NORTHSIDE woman is working hard to remove the stigma attached to a relatively unknown and misinterpreted condition. Gender Dysphoria is an inter-sex condition that affects a large number people in Ireland and leaves the person with the gender identity of a woman but born into a male body and vice versa.

Senate passes bill banning gender identity discrimination
A bill that would prohibit discrimination against people based on their gender identity or expression won preliminary approval in the Senate on Thursday and the governor said he was likely to sign it if it reached him.

For Stanton, religious comfort
When news got out that Largo City Manager Steve Stanton intended to become a woman, some detractors said that he needed to go to church and find God.
With no transition plan, Stanton wrote one
Transgender people are a tiny fraction of the population, but their presence in the workplace increasingly is catching the attention of their bosses.

60 Seconds: Holly Woodlawn
After hooking up with 1960s legend Andy Warhol at his New York Factory studio, Holly Woodlawn went on to star in a number of his films. She used to be a 'he' (Haroldo Danhakl) and was immortalised in Lou Reed's Walk On The Wild Side: 'Holly came from Miami FLA... plucked her eyebrows on the way, shaved her legs and then he was a she...' She now lives in Hollywood. The film Factory Girl is out today.
[PHOTO: Holy Woodlawn]

Reform movement accepts transgendered rabbinical student

The Reform movement's rabbinical seminary has accepted a transgendered person, paving the way for what is believed would be the first ordination of a rabbi to have switched genders.

A long journey, an identity discovered
Looking at herself now, liberal arts senior Dalena Spiritsong, 64, no longer sees who she used to be - an alcoholic, a person who was lost and unsure of who she was. Now, she sees someone who is energetic, who has a purpose and is a trans-woman.
Photo: Media Credit: Andrew Burton
Dalena Spiritsong, better known on campus as Spirit, has finally found her true self after many years of searching. In 2003, Spirit revealed to others that she identifies as a trans-woman.