USP debate censura à manifestações de gênero
Censura à manifestações de gênero e sexualidade é tema de debate na USP

Travesti Morto Com Pedradas Na Cabeça E Afogado Em Lagoa
Três andarilhos foram presos pela Polícia Militar no início da tarde desta quarta-feira (26/09). Eles são suspeitos de matar um travesti, Miguel Angelo Basil, 36. O crime aconteceu atrás do Posto Barrigão, em Realeza, distrito de Manhuaçu, próximo ao Posto da Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF).Segundo informações, os três andarilhos queriam fazer um programa com o travesti.
Travesti é morto com uma pedrada em Ariquemes, RO
Uma discussão teria motivado o assassinato.
A pedra deveria ter acertado outra pessoa, de acordo com testemunha.
Na manhã desta sexta-feira (28), por volta das 10h, um travesti identificado como Carlos Henrique, de 19 anos, foi assassinado com uma pedrada na cabeça, numa boate abandonada no bairro Marechal Rondon, em Ariquemes, RO. Segundo testemunhas, o local é usado por usuários de drogas, e uma discussão teria motivado o assassinato.

Travesti é morta a facada em Pirajuí
A Polícia Militar de Pirajuí procura um suspeito de ter matado uma travesti de 25 anos na madrugada deste sábado. O corpo de Francesco Felipe Vieira Pinho, conhecido como Tchesca, foi encontrado na quadra 7 da rua Rachid Cury, no Centro da cidade.
Explosives maker will return to hospital in Purley
A transsexual who sparked the evacuation of a mental hospital by building homemade explosives will return there as part of her sentence.
Police donation to Worthing transgender group
Sussex Police visited a new support group for transgender young people in Worthing on Monday, September 24, to hand over a cheque.
Transgender Model Léa T Is The Latest To Be Stunt Cast By Philipp Plein
Transgender model Léa T made a splash two years ago when she was cast in Givenchy‘s Fall campaign by friend Riccardo Tisci. Since then the Brazilian has made out with Kate Moss on the cover of Love, posed for swimwear campaigns, appeared on Oprah, and hit the runway post-sexual reassignment surgery.
Expat salesman murdered Russian wife he found was born a man
An expat businessman who murdered his Russian wife after he discovered she used to be a man has been jailed for 24 years, it has emerged.
British expat businessman smothers glamorous Russian bride to death... after discovering that she used to be a man
British ex-pat in Turkey murders Russian trans wife
Transgenders demand rights
“We demand our rights. We deserve to be treated equally. The society needs to understand how much we struggle for existence. The problems that we face are 100 times harder than the problems face by women. Bad treatment minted to us by teachers, doctors, policemen really hurt us. And most of the people make fun of us too.”
TLC reaches 10-year milestone
The Transgender Law Center, the country's leading advocacy organization for trans-inclusive law and policy, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary Thursday, October 4 with a reception at the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center in San Francisco. This year, the celebration will be the organization's largest because, as Executive Director Masen Davis puts it, TLC has much to celebrate.
Lecturer clarifies gender spectrum
The Rainbow Center’s Out to Lunch Series continued on Wednesday when Irwin Krieger, a licensed clinical social worker, came in to give advice to transgender teens and their parents. Krieger has over 25 years of experience working as a therapist for the LGBT community and practices in New Haven. His work has recently been more exclusive to transgender teens and their families.
Trans Woman Sexually Assaulted In D.C.
D.C. police are currently searching for a man who robbed and sexually assaulted a transgender woman in the nation's capital early Sunday morning.
MPD Tracking Anti-LGBT Assaults
Police count five incidents, ranging from beatings to groping, with bias elements in past two weeks
Central Florida School Board Moving Toward LGBT-Inclusive Policies
The Orange County School Board is moving forward with an inclusive nondiscrimination policy that adds protections for both sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

State appealing federal ruling granting sex change for inmate Michelle Kosilek
Governor Deval Patrick’s administration is appealing a federal judge’s ruling that the state must pay for a sex-reassignment surgery for a transsexual prison inmate who was convicted of murdering her wife.
Mass. to appeal judge’s decision to grant murderer’s request for sex reassignment surgery
Gov. Patrick to appeal transgender inmate's sex change ruling
State to appeal controversial state-funded inmate sex change ruling
State to appeal con’s sex change ruling
US: State to appeal against gender reassignment ruling for trans prisoner
Gov. to appeal sex change for convict
State to appeal inmate sex-change operation ruling
GLAD reacts to state's inmate sex change appeal
Joint statement of GLAD and MTPC on Commonwealth’s Appeal of Kosilek Decision
Mass. Gov. Patrick speaks out on Kosilek case
Deval Patrick Administration Sides Against Trans Inmate on Need for Surgery
Massachusetts Gov. Patrick Appealing Transgender Inmate's Landmark Ruling
Transgender man speaks out against inmate's sex change ruling
Cuba LGBT Project Launches Newsletter
The Proyecto Arcoiris (Rainbow Project) has begun circulating by email its first digital newsletter. Called Ahi te va (There you go), it is dedicated to providing information on sexual orientation and gender identity in Cuba and the world, as well as news about the struggle against gender discrimination.

Dentro de su vivienda ultiman a homosexual
Tres individuos le quitaron la vida a balazos a un homosexual dentro de la vivienda donde residía, en la colonia Las Brisas de Comayagüela.
El fallecido era Mario Felipe Rivera Velásquez (47), originario de Tegucigalpa, quien se ganaba la vida vendiendo en una chiclera, además de ser estudiante de primer año de la carrera de Psicología en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.
MIDES entregará Tarjeta Uruguay Social a personas transexuales
El ministerio presentará este viernes, Día de la Diversidad Sexual, la Agenda de Políticas Sociales y Diversidad Sexual
Mendoza: Se tramitaron 55 cambios de sexo en sólo 3 meses
En tres meses y medio, desde el 12 de junio cuando se implementó la ley 26.743, en Mendoza se tramitaron 55 cambios de sexo.

Están presas y cambiaron su identidad sexual
Pamela (31) y Diana (52) eran, hasta ayer, Carlos y Alberto. Amparándose en la ley 26.743, pudieron modificar sus nombres sin que sea obligatoria una intervención quirúrgica. Son las dos primeras personas que lo hacen en una cárcel de Mendoza desde la sanción de la norma.
Primera compañía teatral de trans
En la sala con luz tenue, las siete figuras vestidas de negro apenas se distinguen. La mayor de ellas da un paso adelante y silencia los susurros golpeando el bastón contra el escenario. Con tono de voz firme advierte al resto: "En ocho años que dure el luto no ha de entrar en esta casa el viento de la calle. Haceros cuenta que hemos tapiado con ladrillos puertas y ventanas".