Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, setembro 30, 2012

USP debate censura à manifestações de gênero
Censura à manifestações de gênero e sexualidade é tema de debate na USP

Travesti Morto Com Pedradas Na Cabeça E Afogado Em Lagoa
Três andarilhos foram presos pela Polícia Militar no início da tarde desta quarta-feira (26/09). Eles são suspeitos de matar um travesti, Miguel Angelo Basil, 36. O crime aconteceu atrás do Posto Barrigão, em Realeza, distrito de Manhuaçu, próximo ao Posto da Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF).Segundo informações, os três andarilhos queriam fazer um programa com o travesti.

Travesti é morto com uma pedrada em Ariquemes, RO
Uma discussão teria motivado o assassinato.
A pedra deveria ter acertado outra pessoa, de acordo com testemunha.
Na manhã desta sexta-feira (28), por volta das 10h, um travesti identificado como Carlos Henrique, de 19 anos, foi assassinado com uma pedrada na cabeça, numa boate abandonada no bairro Marechal Rondon, em Ariquemes, RO. Segundo testemunhas, o local é usado por usuários de drogas, e uma discussão teria motivado o assassinato.

Travesti é morta a facada em Pirajuí
A Polícia Militar de Pirajuí procura um suspeito de ter matado uma travesti de 25 anos na madrugada deste sábado. O corpo de Francesco Felipe Vieira Pinho, conhecido como Tchesca, foi encontrado na quadra 7 da rua Rachid Cury, no Centro da cidade.

Explosives maker will return to hospital in Purley
A transsexual who sparked the evacuation of a mental hospital by building homemade explosives will return there as part of her sentence.

Police donation to Worthing transgender group
Sussex Police visited a new support group for transgender young people in Worthing on Monday, September 24, to hand over a cheque.

Transgender Model Léa T Is The Latest To Be Stunt Cast By Philipp Plein
Transgender model Léa T made a splash two years ago when she was cast in Givenchy‘s Fall campaign by friend Riccardo Tisci. Since then the Brazilian has made out with Kate Moss on the cover of Love, posed for swimwear campaigns, appeared on Oprah, and hit the runway post-sexual reassignment surgery.

Expat salesman murdered Russian wife he found was born a man
An expat businessman who murdered his Russian wife after he discovered she used to be a man has been jailed for 24 years, it has emerged.
British expat businessman smothers glamorous Russian bride to death... after discovering that she used to be a man
British ex-pat in Turkey murders Russian trans wife

Transgenders demand rights
“We demand our rights. We deserve to be treated equally. The society needs to understand how much we struggle for existence. The problems that we face are 100 times harder than the problems face by women. Bad treatment minted to us by teachers, doctors, policemen really hurt us. And most of the people make fun of us too.”

TLC reaches 10-year milestone
The Transgender Law Center, the country's leading advocacy organization for trans-inclusive law and policy, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary Thursday, October 4 with a reception at the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center in San Francisco. This year, the celebration will be the organization's largest because, as Executive Director Masen Davis puts it, TLC has much to celebrate.

Lecturer clarifies gender spectrum
The Rainbow Center’s Out to Lunch Series continued on Wednesday when Irwin Krieger, a licensed clinical social worker, came in to give advice to transgender teens and their parents. Krieger has over 25 years of experience working as a therapist for the LGBT community and practices in New Haven. His work has recently been more exclusive to transgender teens and their families.

Trans Woman Sexually Assaulted In D.C.
D.C. police are currently searching for a man who robbed and sexually assaulted a transgender woman in the nation's capital early Sunday morning.

MPD Tracking Anti-LGBT Assaults
Police count five incidents, ranging from beatings to groping, with bias elements in past two weeks

Central Florida School Board Moving Toward LGBT-Inclusive Policies
The Orange County School Board is moving forward with an inclusive nondiscrimination policy that adds protections for both sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

State appealing federal ruling granting sex change for inmate Michelle Kosilek
Governor Deval Patrick’s administration is appealing a federal judge’s ruling that the state must pay for a sex-reassignment surgery for a transsexual prison inmate who was convicted of murdering her wife.
Mass. to appeal judge’s decision to grant murderer’s request for sex reassignment surgery
Gov. Patrick to appeal transgender inmate's sex change ruling
State to appeal controversial state-funded inmate sex change ruling
State to appeal con’s sex change ruling
US: State to appeal against gender reassignment ruling for trans prisoner
Gov. to appeal sex change for convict
State to appeal inmate sex-change operation ruling
GLAD reacts to state's inmate sex change appeal
Joint statement of GLAD and MTPC on Commonwealth’s Appeal of Kosilek Decision
Mass. Gov. Patrick speaks out on Kosilek case
Deval Patrick Administration Sides Against Trans Inmate on Need for Surgery
Massachusetts Gov. Patrick Appealing Transgender Inmate's Landmark Ruling
Transgender man speaks out against inmate's sex change ruling

Cuba LGBT Project Launches Newsletter
The Proyecto Arcoiris (Rainbow Project) has begun circulating by email its first digital newsletter. Called Ahi te va (There you go), it is dedicated to providing information on sexual orientation and gender identity in Cuba and the world, as well as news about the struggle against gender discrimination.

Dentro de su vivienda ultiman a homosexual
Tres individuos le quitaron la vida a balazos a un homosexual dentro de la vivienda donde residía, en la colonia Las Brisas de Comayagüela.
El fallecido era Mario Felipe Rivera Velásquez (47), originario de Tegucigalpa, quien se ganaba la vida vendiendo en una chiclera, además de ser estudiante de primer año de la carrera de Psicología en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

MIDES entregará Tarjeta Uruguay Social a personas transexuales
El ministerio presentará este viernes, Día de la Diversidad Sexual, la Agenda de Políticas Sociales y Diversidad Sexual

Mendoza: Se tramitaron 55 cambios de sexo en sólo 3 meses
En tres meses y medio, desde el 12 de junio cuando se implementó la ley 26.743, en Mendoza se tramitaron 55 cambios de sexo.

Están presas y cambiaron su identidad sexual
Pamela (31) y Diana (52) eran, hasta ayer, Carlos y Alberto. Amparándose en la ley 26.743, pudieron modificar sus nombres sin que sea obligatoria una intervención quirúrgica. Son las dos primeras personas que lo hacen en una cárcel de Mendoza desde la sanción de la norma.

Primera compañía teatral de trans
En la sala con luz tenue, las siete figuras vestidas de negro apenas se distinguen. La mayor de ellas da un paso adelante y silencia los susurros golpeando el bastón contra el escenario. Con tono de voz firme advierte al resto: "En ocho años que dure el luto no ha de entrar en esta casa el viento de la calle. Haceros cuenta que hemos tapiado con ladrillos puertas y ventanas".

sexta-feira, setembro 28, 2012

Realidade trans é tema de debate nesta quinta em SP
São Paulo recebe nesta quinta-feira encontro sobre a realidade das pessoas trans

Dublin to host European LGBT conference
Hot on the heels of the 4th European Transgender Conference, Dublin will again play host to equality activists from across Europe when the 16th Annual ILGA-Europe Conference comes to town from the 18th October until the 21st.

A Gorgeous Post-op Lea T. Opens and Closes Philipp Plein in Milan
Following her fairly recent gender reassignment surgery, the fashion world’s most prominent (and gorgeous) transgender model Lea T.’s career is still going strong. She popped up on the last day of Milan Fashion Week yesterday, opening and closing Philipp Plein. According to Vogue Italia, she had an exclusive with the Swiss designer.

Finland should abolish infertility requirement of trans persons, says CoE Human Rights Commissioner
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muiznieks, published today a report on the human rights situation of Finland, based on a country visit in June. The human rights organization Seta - LGBTI Rights in Finland welcomes Muiznieks´ views.

Black market implants threatening lives in US
Many women in the US seeking curves like Hollywood celebrities are increasingly turning to the black market for plastic surgery, little realising its deadly consequences.

Year-old murder of transgender victim still unsolved
A Birmingham family is still searching for answers one year after their loved one was brutally murdered.

Transgender Law Center Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Transgender Law Center will celebrate its 10th Anniversary with a gala celebration, SPARK!, on Thursday, October 4th at the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center in San Francisco marking a decade of triumphs in gaining equality and justice for transgender and gender non-conforming people.

D.C. police investigate assault of transgender woman
D.C. police are looking for a man who sexually assaulted a transgender woman at gunpoint in Northeast this week.
Transgender Woman Sexually Assaulted, Robbed in SE

Boca balks at county's anti-discrimination language
A contract dispute has turned into a transgender civil rights standoff between the city of Boca Raton and Palm Beach County government.

Interview with KOKUMO, Chicago Trans* Activist and Founder of KOKUMOMEDIA
Nico: So, first tell me about yourself, where you come from, any pertinent information you want the world to know.

Report: Transgender 3rd Grader Will Be Allowed To Use Girl’s Bathroom
A transgendered third grader in Nashua, New Hampshire reportedly will be allowed to dress like a girl, be addressed as a girl, and use the female restroom under an agreement between the school and the child’s parents.
After bullying, Nashua, N.H. superintendent says transgender policy not necessary district-wide
Transgender third-grader switches schools, will be addressed as female
No Transgender Policy Needed for Third Grader, District Says

Transgender photographer to speak at UMD
An award-winning photographer who captured his own transition from female to male in a series of self-portraits will present a lecture today at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

New York: Arrest in McDonald’s anti-trans attack case
Police investigating last week’s hate attack at a fast food restaurant in Manhattan have arrested a man
Man arrested for anti-gay razor blade attack
Bronx man charged in last week’s Greenwich Village McDonald’s gay-bash slash attack
Arrest Made In Alleged McDonald's Hate Crime Slashing
Alleged McDonald's Bias Attack Slasher Says 'I'm Not a Hater'

Policía investiga quinto asesinato de transexual en lo que va del año
La policía indagó a prostitutas y transexuales que trabajan en la zona, pero aún no hay sospechosos

Primer guía de diversidad sexual para evitar casos de discriminación
El ministerio de Salud de la Provincia e investigadoras del Conicet elaboraron la primera guía para que el personal de salud se capacite en la adecuada atención de la diversidad sexual, sin incurrir en discriminación ni prejuicios. El objetivo: facilitar el acceso a la salud y la atención igualitaria.

quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2012

Un nouveau regard sur les trans’ grâce à une étude faite par des trans’
C'est une première en Europe. Plusieurs associations britanniques – la Scottish Transgender Alliance, l’organisation TransBareAll, le Trans Resource and Empowerment Centre et le Traverse Research – se sont associées à l’université de Sheffield Hallam pour se pencher de façon complète et détaillée sur la vie des trans'.

História de Kátia Tapety é tema de filme. Confira o trailer
Primeira travesti do Brasil eleita vereadora ganha filme sobre sua vida. Veja o trailer

Rio recebe lançamento de livro sobre religião e transexualidade
Comunidade Betel ICM do Rio sedia lançamento de livro sobre fé e transgêneros

UnB chamará aluno transexual pelo nome indicado por ele
Oficialmente, a Universidade de Brasília chamará o transexual masculino Marcelo Caetano Zoby por esse nome nas listas de presença, crachás e carteira de estudante. A decisão foi tomada na quinta-feira 20. Marcelo nasceu mulher, mas se reconhece como homem.

Homem é assassinado dentro da própria casa com uma facada
O funcionário público Raiony Batalha, 40, foi assassinado com uma facada no abdômen na madrugada de hoje, dentro da própria casa, na Rua 16 do bairro Alvorada 2, zona oeste de Manaus. A principal suspeita, segundo a Polícia Civil (PC), é uma vizinha identificada como Maria Aparecida, que estaria devendo mil reais à vítima.

Travesti é encontrado queimado perto de córrego
Um homem com formas femininas teve o corpo queimado na margem de um córrego no final da rua Tamoios, na Vila Jardini. O desconhecido pode ter sido torturado antes de ser morto. Ele tinha ferimento no pescoço e estava com as mãos e pés amarrados.

Câmara analisa projeto que anula casamento em caso de mudança de sexo
Segundo a proposta, casamento será anulado se um dos cônjuges fez cirurgia de mudança de sexo, antes da união, sem informar o parceiro

Transexuales de Andalucía instan a Mato a que garantice la continuidad de sus cirugías
ATA (Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía), ante la noticia publicada en, el 20 de Septiembre de 2012, acerca de que el Ministerio de Sanidad anuncia una revisión de todas las prestaciones que actualmente se ofrece de manera gratuita dentro de la cartera de servicios del SNS, se incluyen entre las operaciones objeto de recorte las de “cambio de sexo” (Cirugías de Reconstrucción Genital), y que según la citada fuente, será en noviembre cuando está previsto que la nueva cartera esté ya en funcionamiento

Lea T. abre e fecha desfile de moda em Milão
A top brasileira Lea T. abriu e fechou o desfile de Philipp Plein durante a semana de moda de Milão. Esta foi sua primeira aparição nas passarelas europeias desde a cirurgia de redesignação sexual

Eunuchs enjoy equal rights in Pakistan, rules Supreme Court
The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that according to the constitution trans-genders had equal rights as all citizens of Pakistan,
Transgenders have equal rights in Pakistan: Supreme Court

[South Korea]
Transsexual talk show cast requesting police protection
The Gay Voters Party, an LGBT organization, said on Tuesday it plans to request police protection for the transsexual cast of talk show “XY Her.”

Philippines activists fear new cybercrime law will target trans people
New cybercrime prevention act will lead to extortion and harassment of trans people by the police, ProGay Philippines say

Drag show slammed: 'It's notOK to say tranny'
A new comedy set for Sydney Opera House is under fire from transpeople who view the word “tranny” as just as offensive as “faggot” or the n-word.
'TrAnnie' raises ire of trans people

NCTE launches ‘first of its kind’ online hub for transgender college students
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) has launched the Transgender On-campus Nondiscrimination Information (TONI) Project, the nation’s first online hub for transgender students to share trans-affirmative college policies and practices, and exchange ideas for organizing and action.
NCTE Launches the TONI Project, a New Site for Trans College Students

Psychiatrist Works to Include Transgender Issues in Residency Training
Jack Pula, MD, instructor of clinical psychiatry, was recently appointed chairperson of the Transgender Committee of the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists.

Online Advice Helps Doctors Treat Transgender People
Doctors anywhere can now seek out professional, online advice to help them provide high-quality medical care to transgender people. The Bay Area's newly launched TransLine appears to be the first of its kind nationwide.

Reports detail deaths of SF trans woman, gay man
Officials have released records detailing the deaths of a transgender woman and a gay man who’d both lived in San Francisco and died earlier this year.

D.C. police seek man in early Sunday sex assault
D.C. police are seeking a man who struck a transgender female, sexually assaulted her at gunpoint and stole her purse on Sunday in Northeast, according to a department statement.

Investigator: Woman died from buttocks implant
A Georgia woman had little chance of surviving an illegal cosmetic procedure in Mississippi because the silicone-like substance that was injected in her buttocks caused the blood clots in her lungs that killed her, an investigator testified Monday.

Transgender seminar proves popular
A local doctor and organizers of a seminar series for transgender people say their first event on Sept. 15 was a success.

Nashua school district, parents reach agreement on transgender 3rd-grader
One month after a transgender third-grade student transferred from one city school to another, the superintendent says no district-wide policy is necessary.

Arrest made in McDonald's hate crime slashing
Police made an arrest late Monday in a hate-crime slashing the took place inside a Manhattan McDonald's and was caught on surveillance video.
Police Charge Man in Hate Crime Attack at W. 3rd Street McDonald's
Thug turns self in after alleged McD's anti-gay razor attack

Cadáver encontrado en vivienda
Un miembro de la comunidad GLBT falleció la tarde de ayer en el sur de Quito cuando presumiblemente se autosuministraba hormonas para mantener una apariencia femenina.

Homosexual salió de una fiesta y apareció muerto
Un homosexual que estaba desaparecido fue encontrado sin vida el domingo anterior en un matorral, frente a un campo de fútbol, de la colonia Guadalupe de la aldea El Plan de esta jurisdicción.

Nuevo asesinato de una mujer transexual en Uruguay
Una vez más nos llega la noticia del asesinato de una mujer transexual, en esta ocasión en Uruguay. Pocos −aunque terribles− son los detalles que conocemos del caso, que vuelve a recordarnos la terrible situación que sufren en América Latina las mujeres transexuales.

15 de Setembro: e agora que futuro?

Foi das maiores manifestações pós 25 de Abril, se não a maior. E contráriamente ao que os media se fartam de apregoar, numa tentativa vã de enganar os seus leitores e ouvintes, essa manif NÃO FOI contra a alteração na TSU. Foi CONTRA A AUSTERIDADE que nos está a ser imposta pelos governos liberais de direita que presentemente nos governam. A TSU foi simplesmente a gota de água que, para muita gente, fez transbordar o copo.

Sempre achei muito curiosa esta crise. De repente, as agências de rating iniciaram um ataque à europa comunitária, e ao euro, criando assim uma crise artificial que, curiosamente ou talvez não tanto, levou a um regresso ao poder dos partidos de direita a nível europeu. E digo que talvez não seja assim tão curioso porque não acredito nem por um minuto que alguma destas agências seja pró- esquerda ou mesmo centrista. portanto desconfio, e muito, se não haverá algum plano por detrás de toda esta crise, destinado a diminuir substancialmente ordenados e direitos a trabalhadores.

Ajudados, incompreensívelmente digo eu, pelos partidos de esquerda portugueses, deitaram abaixo o governo socialista para oferecerem de bandeja Portugal à direita. Imagino o quanto o PSD e o CDS/PP não lhes devem ter agradecido, silenciosamente, a iniciativa.

Agora temos um governo, que segundo tudo indica, nada mais é que subserviente à srª Merkel e à direita radical europeia que anda em alta pela Europa fora. A imagem que tenho é a mesma de estereotipos racistas muito comuns há uns 40/50 anos, com Portugal a fazer o papel de africanos que perante uns brancos (neste momento a Troika) só sabiam dizer “sim bwana”.

Quando se esperava, pelo menos por solidariedade nacionalista, que o governo pelo menos tentasse defender os direitos do povo português perante uma Europa que nada mais tem feito que arrasar com Portugal (veja-se a agricultura), deparamos com este servilismo que está a destruir a economia e os direitos sociais que tanto custaram a conquistar.

Toda a gente compreende que existe uma necessidade de contenção de despesas. Ok. Mas o que é demais cheira mal. E atingimos um limite para a austeridade.

E não vale a pena virem os arautos da desgraça pró Troika, como o comentador Camilo Lourenço, que não demonstram nenhuma sensibilidade social e só sabem falar em números. É que Portugal são pessoas, e campos agrícolas e naturais, Portugal não se resume a défices e produções e firmas exportadoras e multinacionais. E não se pode pedir mais trabalho às pessoas ao mesmo tempo que se lhes diminui os ordenados, o direito à saúde, todas as regalias que tornam esta vida mais suportável.

Portugal tem uma força laboral que é (ou era) bem vista por essa Europa fora. Os trabalhadores portugueses sabiam trabalhar e faziam-no bem. E vem este governo e, apesar disto, apesar de já trabalharmos mais horas que a maioria dos restantes países, diz que trabalhamos pouco e aumenta horários de trabalho e corta feriados. Fica a questão de, se apesar de já trabalharmos mais horas que os outros países não nos livrámos da crise, isto implica que o número de horas de trabalho não tem directamente a ver com a crise. Para quê, então, trabalharmos mais?

Os cortes na despesa do estado também são hilariantes. Uma pessoa pensa que vão cortar em coisas como reformas para deputados e governantes e ex-governantes, que são um escândalo e que deviam passar para os 65 anos como toda a gente, diminuir o número de viaturas estatais (não estamos em crise?), restringir o direito a uma única reforma por cabeça, acabarem com determinadas mordomias, normais em outros tempos mas nestes de necessidade, nada normais, como o uso de papel higiénico do mais barato em vez do de marca, e outras medidas deste tipo, que como toda a gente sabe, parece ser pouco mas depois poupa-se muito, até podiam acabar com o senhor que anda o dia inteiro a dar água aos deputados e pô-lo em funções mais produtivas, afinal os deputados ganham o suficiente para poderem comprar por eles umas garrafinhas de água, se o trabalho lhes faz assim tanta sede. Com tanta coisa onde se podia poupar ficam aqui pequenos exemplos.

E que se vê? Aumento de impostos, cortes de subsídios aos reformados (e para que haja justiça tanto cortam aos que ganham 200 euros como aos que ganham 2000), aumentos de ajudas de custo aos deputados e governo, despedimentos facilitados, cortes na saúde, educação e transportes, segurança social, etc.

Ou seja, a crise, pelos vistos, só existe para uns. Aquela conversa de existirem gestores com ordenados tão exageradamente chorudos que nem se podem diminuir senão esses maravilhosos senhores emigram sempre me cheirou muito mal. Ou é crise e então é para todos, governo, deputados, presidência incluídos, ou não é crise.

A saúde, a educação, transportes e segurança social são aqueles básicos que a meu ver não estão vocacionados para darem lucro. São direitos que as pessoas têm, o direito à saúde, o direito à educação e mobilidade, caso contrário a saúde, por exemplo, deixa de ser um direito para ser um bem de consumo (tem saúde quem tem dinheiro). E cortes aqui não são aceitáveis de modo algum. Quem tem dinheiro e possa pagar, deve pagar, mas quem tem uma casa mediana e um carrito sem dinheiro no banco, sem trabalho, sem subsídios, porque tem de pagar? E paga como? Raspa-se a parede um bocado e isso vale quanto?

E tudo isto com a aprovação de uma Europa que se quer solidária? A troika, dizem, está a ajudar, enviando dinheiro. Com aqueles juros? Mas isso é que é ajuda?

Mas o pior é que isto é para ficar assim. Porque para que Portugal consiga manter os níveis que a Europa deseja, vamos ter de ficar com estas medidas, não somente durante o tempo da “ajuda”, mas para o futuro. Ou seja, vamos ficar sem SNS, com uma educação só para ricos, transportes elitistas, sem direitos laborais, até parece um retrocesso aos tempos do Estado Novo.

Não foi esta a Europa que nos venderam. Para estarmos na m**** não precisamos de estar na Europa, isso conseguimos nós sózinhos. Portanto impõe-se a pergunta se esta é a Europa que queremos. Não uma Europa onde nos desenvolvêssemos e vivêssemos melhor, como nos foi vendido na altura, mas uma Europa onde isto nada mais é que uma miragem de países ricos.

Estar numa Europa assim não me interessa. Portanto será altura de se começar a perguntar se não valerá a pena um referendo para uma Europa que só é boa para multinacionais. Eu voto pelo referendo e, a manterem-se estas condições, ou seja, esta Europa, pela saída. Esta Europa não quero. Nem esta austeridade. Nem estas agências de rating. Nem este governo.

terça-feira, setembro 25, 2012

São Paulo: Transexual obtém na Justiça cirurgia para mudar de sexo em Campinas
Shelley passou por acompanhamento psicológico e médico por três anos. Ela entrou também com uma ação para mudar de nome em documentos.
Após três anos de acompanhamento psicológico e tratamento endocrinológico, a transexual Shelley Araújo recebeu sentença favorável da Justiça para fazer a cirurgia de mudança de sexo pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ela também entrou com uma ação para fazer valer seu nome de mulher.

Estudante transexual da UnB ganha direito de usar nome social
Marcelo Zoby, de 22 anos, nasceu mulher, mas se reconhece como homem.
Decisão tem caráter institucional e facilitará novos pedidos, diz universidade.
O Conselho de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (Cepe) da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) aprovou na última quinta-feira (20) o pedido de um aluno transexual para ser identificado nos documentos internos da universidade, como carteiras de estudante, listas de chamada e crachás, com o nome que escolheu e usa há vários anos.

Drags da Blue Space apresentam horário eleitoral versão 2012
Marcela Chave de Fenda e Claudinha Boca Doce estão de volta. As candidatas do Partido das Travestis (PDT) e vários ícones da atualidade fazem parte da versão 2012 do clássico Horário Eleitoral da Blue Space São Paulo. Desta vez, Carminha, Mãe Lucinda, Dulcineya, Gabriela e até Narcisa Tamborindeguy querem seu voto.
A Marcela Chave de Fenda está de volta com sua imporvável candidatura. Assista

Primeira travesti eleita no Brasil, Kátia Tapety é tema de documentário
Foi na cidade de Colônia do Piauí (PI) que, pela primeira vez em 1992, uma travesti foi eleita vereadora no Brasil. Depois disso, Kátia Tapety ainda exerceu o cargo outras duas vezes (1996 e 2000) e ainda foi vice-prefeita do município.

RS já emitiu 119 carteiras de identidade para travestis e transexuais
O uso do nome social é determinante para travestis e transexuais. Sem isso, são discriminados em todos os ambientes e circunstâncias, desde a hora da chamada na sala de aula até ocasiões públicas, como em consultórios médicos, lojas, entre outros momentos em que são tratadas pelo nome de registro, com o qual não se identificam. Raras iniciativas têm reduzido esse constrangimento.

El Ministerio de Sanidad plantea eliminar la cirugía de reasignación de sexo de la sanidad pública
Nuevos recortes sanitarios a los colectivos más vulnerables. Tras la retirada de la atención sanitaria regular a los “sin papeles”, este próximo noviembre puede llegar la eliminación de las cirugías de reasignación de sexo de la sanidad pública. Y es que, aunque se trate de una prestación reconocida por algunas comunidades autónomas que no forma parte de la cartera de prestaciones comunes, según El Economista es una de las que esta en el punto de mira del Ministerio de Sanidad…

Middlesbrough Survivors founder nominated for Community Champion award
STEPH Lowther has overcome adversity to set up a helpline for survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
And now the 46-year-old has been nominated for an Evening Gazette Community Champion award.
As previously reported Steph, who was born Steve Billon, is currently going through the process of having a sex change.

Pós-cirurgia: Lea T. desfila pela primeira vez na Semana de Moda de Milão
Lea T. já voltou a ativa após a cirurgia de readequação social a que se submeteu na Tailândia. A top continua avançando na carreira e fez sua estreia na Semana de Moda de Milão.
Lea desfilou para a marca Phillip Plein no último sábado (22). A transex fez duas entradas na passarela. A primeira de shortinhos e top. exibindo o corpo sarado e a segunda com um vestido bem esvoaçante e cheio de brilhos.

Trapped in the wrong body
For 14 long years, Shaheen lived the life of a young girl. But things changed when her facial skin began to turn bristly with coarse, man-like hair.
Shaheen’s family panicked. For two years, Shaheen’s new identity has caused them to lead a life of stigma. The brunt, of course, is borne by the victim: “I am neither woman nor man. I cannot work out of home or marry. It is a miserable existence,” said Shaheen while talking to The Express Tribune.

Asexual man charged for serving his genitals to diners in Japan
Tokyo police charge 23-year-old illustrator with indecent exposure
Tokyo man who cooked, served his own genitals finally charged with crime
Japanese genital cook handed over to prosecutors

Transgender Law Center Urges California Governor to Sign Immigration Bill
Transgender Law Center and Lambda Legal have co-authored a letter — joined to date by 22 LGBT and immigrant rights groups—urging California Gov. Jerry Brown to sign AB 1081, the Transparency and Responsibility Using State Tools (TRUST) Act.

[MA, USA] [Commentary]
Murderer’s surgery seems like cruel step
I’m very confused lately by the Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
My understanding has always been that it bans “cruel and unusual punishment.” Yet now there is a federal court decision saying that not castrating a convicted wife murderer so he can become what he considers to be a woman is an “unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain.”
[Letters to the Editor] BOB AIELLO, Weymouth: Inmate’s sex change surgery decision wrong
[Letters to the Editor] Kosilek killed as a man

Portland club changes name, labor bureau investigates its treatment of crossdressers
Nearly 50 years after the first Portsmouth Club sign went up, Chris Penner painted a new name on the North Lombard Street bar. This, Penner said in mid-September, is the Twilight Room Annex. The P Club -- the shortened name Penner has used for two years -- is dead, he said.

Trans woman’s double-life as male teacher and female sex worker
A transgender woman has spoken out about the injustices and violence trans women face in Guatemala

La historia detrás de un transgenerista indocumentado en Bogotá
El 99,68 por ciento son discriminados. Cambio de nombre es primer paso para encontrar su idendidad.
Natasha, un transexual que reside en Bogotá, recuerda cada vez que la autoridad llegaba a las zonas de tolerancia en donde vendía su cuerpo para sobrevivir.

Brutal agresión tránsfoba en Chile
errible agresión la sufrida en Chile por Camila Huenchucheo, una chica transexual de 29 años. Ocurrió en la madrugada del sábado en Ancud (Región de Los Lagos). La joven se encuentra ingresada, con el rostro desfigurado por los golpes, fractura nasal y pérdida de piezas dentales.
Intendente de Los Lagos repudia golpiza a transexual y asesinato de ermitaño de la Sebastiana
Imputados por agresión a joven transexual en Ancud quedaron con arresto domiciliario nocturno
Movilh criticó a fiscal que descartó discriminación en ataque a transexual

segunda-feira, setembro 24, 2012

Serbian authorities ban Belgrade Pride again
The Serbian capital’s annual gay pride parade has been banned ‘for security concerns’ for the second time in two years after anti-gay groups threatened another riot

Sara pays dearly for becoming Yousuf
Yousuf appeals for help after losing family and job following sex change

Conservative group slams uni for trans photo exhibit
A student group is criticizing University of Minnesota-Duluth for exhibiting photos of Loren Cameron's transformation from female to male

Nashua School District applauded for accommodating transgender third-grader
After facing complaints that a transgender student was being discriminated against, the Nashua School District has agreed to let the student enroll at a new elementary school and be addressed as a female by school staff.

Transgender surgery led to whole new world for Cynthia Tebbetts
Cynthia Tebbetts has settled into a comfortable routine. On weekdays, she wakes up and feeds the cats, Lola and Skippy, before heading off to Cummings Printing, where she works as an estimator, crunching numbers all day.

domingo, setembro 23, 2012

UN chief calls on Human Rights Council to do more on LGBT rights
The United Nations secretary general has called for Human Rights Council members to put LGBT rights and women’s rights at the top of their agendas going forward

Homossexual é encontrado morto na Estrada da Fábrica de Papel, em Tamarana
Um homicídio foi registrado em Tamarana (55 km de Londrina) na madrugada deste sábado (22). Populares encontraram o corpo da vítima já no início da manhã, na Estrada da Fábrica de Papel, na zona rural do município.

São Paulo: Transexual é esfaqueada em Votuporanga
Polícias Civil e Militar se unem para prender homens que esfaquearam transexual

Sex-trade workers group wins bid for court challenge
The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld the right of a non-profit group representing women and transgender women in downtown Vancouver's sex trade to challenge the country's anti-prostitution laws on constitutional grounds.

Nong Ariyaphon Southiphong, 'Project Runway' Finalist, Talks Transgender Transition
The popular "Project Runway" contestant who appeared on the show as a gay man and is now living as a woman is speaking in depth about her ongoing transition.

Since Suicide, More Resources for Transgender and Gay Students
It has been two years since Tyler Clementi, a gay freshman at Rutgers University, committed suicide after learning that his roommate had ridiculed his sexuality and invited friends to spy on him and another man through a webcam. That terrible episode brought the school national attention, none of it welcome: previously known as a large and diverse state school, Rutgers became associated with homophobia and cruelty.

Transgender Patron Slashed in W. 3rd St. McDonald's Hate Crime Attack
Cops are on the hunt for a knife-wielding suspect who allegedly slashed a 22-year-old transgender patron after hurling an anti-gay slur at her for trying to use the women's bathroom at the West 3rd Street McDonald’s, police and sources said.
Victim speaks out about McDonald's slashing
NYPD: Man Makes Anti-Gay Remarks, Slashes Victim At Notorious Manhattan McDonald’s
Man defending his transgender girlfriend slashed by 350-pound man at Greenwich Village McDonald’s

[OK, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Judge Bill Grave's ruling on name change embarrassing and prejudicial
Regarding “Sex-change candidates are denied new names” (News, Sept. 16): Aren't name changes a matter of record so the possibility of fraudulent use of a gender name change isn't applicable? Oklahoma County District Judge Bill Graves' decision is embarrassing, prejudicial and certainly not in keeping with separation of church and state. He didn't need to get scientific advice about the DNA — I could have told him that this wouldn't change with a new name.

Guatemalan transgender woman lives in 2 worlds
Dressed as a man, the sixth-grade teacher leaves school and walks several blocks through a dangerous red-light district overrun with gangs and crack dealers.

sábado, setembro 22, 2012

LGBT Students In Scotland Driven Out Of School By Homophobic And Transphobic Bullies
Nearly 70% of all LGBT youths in Scotland have experienced homophobic bullying and are being driven out of schools, colleges and universities as a result.

Dinamarca cancela la deportación de Fernanda Milan (Transexual Guatemalteca)
A última hora, las autoridades danesas han dejado en suspenso la deportación de una mujer transexual guatemalteca, cuya vida corría peligro en su país de origen.
Fernanda Milán: La mitad de la batalla ha sido ganada
Denmark to reconsider transgender refugee

Family asked hermaphrodite to live as a woman
At 33, Yousuf Al Refal has endured the pain of being born a hermaphrodite — and he’s estranged from his family as a result

Transgenders fight for their rights
One person has exercised her voting right in the State as a third gender in the recent MLC elections held in Nandyal. The other holds a double masters degree, in commerce and social work, and is an ardent advocate of basic rights for the third gender.

SA boost for transgender and intersex ageing
A project looking to address the issues in transgender and intersex ageing will soon begin in South Australia with the help of federal funds.

As DADT Repeal Turns 1, Trans Soldiers Seek Open Service
As advocates across the country commemorate the one year anniversary of the repeal of the military’s discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy, it is important to remember that many servicemembers still cannot serve openly.
No Military Welcome for Transgender Americans
Obama Remark Leaves Out Transgender Soldiers

[Commentary] On This DADT Repeal Anniversary, Let’s Not Forget The T

NCTE Launches Innovative Resource For Transgender Students And Allies
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) has launched a new resource for transgender advocates and allies in college.

Meeting for the TDOR
Transgender Health Empowerment will again this year be hosting the TDOR November 20, 2012 and is having a planning meeting for those who want to participate, volunteer, or sponsor this event with us.

Chicago House receives national transgender care grant
Chicago House, a local non-profit HIV/AIDS services provider, is one of eight organizations chosen to receive a grant from Health Resources and Services Administration that would help fund research into the link between HIV and retention in care of transgender women of color.

Mom Stands Up For Her Son's Fashion Choice
Nine-year-old Jack Kennedy got an unexpected lesson in equality last week when he was belittled and ostracized for wearing an earring to school. Fellow students did not dole out the social pressure and belittling, rather it came from Coolidge Intermediate Principal Eric Bruner, who claimed it was against school policy. Bruner informed Kennedy's mother, Sheri, that the fourth grade boy would be sent home and not allowed to return to school unless he removed his earring. He did not want boys looking like "playas," and that he wants them to be "respectable men."

Leslie Feinberg files for speedy jury trial
Transgender lesbian activist Leslie Feinberg appeared in court in Minneapolis on Sept. 13 to face a charge of 3rd-degree gross misdemeanor for hir/her June 4 action in solidarity with CeCe McDonald.

Voter ID heads back to lower court
The state’s top court this week further prolonged a suit challenging the controversial new voter-identification law.

Community mourns, investigation continues in Cordova case
There was barely standing room in the lobby of the William Way LGBT Community Center last week as several-hundred community members came together to mourn a murder victim.

Dejan presos dos sujetos por muerte de transexual
El Juzgado de Letras de lo Penal dictó auto de prisión contra dos individuos que supuestamente dieron muerte a un transexual dentro de un hotel del barrio Medina de San Pedro Sula, el 19 de diciembre de 2011.

Movilh denunció brutal ataque a joven transexual en Ancud
Camila fue golpeada en el rostro por cerca de 10 personas cuando salía de una fiesta.
La víctima perdió gran parte de sus piezas dentales y permanece internada en el Hospital San Carlos.
PDI arresta a tres sujetos como presuntos agresores de joven transexual en Ancud
Descartan en primera instancia daño neurológico en joven transexual agredido en Ancud
Individualizan a tres agresores de joven transexual en Ancud
Identifican a los presuntos agresores del joven transexual en Ancud
Transexual agredido recibirá ayuda legal del municipio
Brutal ataque transfóbico en Ancud
Fiscalía solicitó detener a tres sospechosos de agredir a transexual en Ancud

Comunicado sobre taxa para mudança de sexo

Foram publicados em Diário da República os novos valores a pagar para quem necessitar de recorrer ao Instituto de Registos e Notariado (IRN). Além dos valores escandalosos que são pedidos para tudo, há um que nos interessa particularmente: a taxa agora existente de 200 euros para quem deseja e necessita de mudar o seu nome e género no assento de nascimento, ou seja, as pessoas transexuais.

É absolutamente escandaloso que a minoria das minorias, a mais discriminada socialmente e laboralmente, sendo que numa grande percentagem são pessoas que, por falta de expectativas, ou por puro preconceito, acabam por conseguir trabalhos menores e muitas têm que recorrer inclusivé à prostituição, sejam agora obrigadas a pagar uma quantia exorbitante por algo que têm direito.

Sim, porque não é uma questão de mudar por mudar. É uma questão de fazer coincidir a sua aparência e a sua essência aos nomes e géneros que estão na sua documentação. E toda a gente sabe - ou deveria saber - que estas pessoas não terão, logo à partida os agora exigidos 200 euros para corrigir um erro. Um erro que começou no facto de terem nascido num género errado e de subsequentemente terem recebido um nome oposto à sua identidade de género.

Compreendemos que, para o Governo, com os voluptuosos ordenados e subsídios que recebem, uma quantia como a de 200 euros pouco ou muito pouco representa, mas para quem sofre na pele a discriminação laboral e social diariamente, trata-se de mais um grande entrave na conquista da sua dignidade e igualdade social.

Acrescente-se que o volume de pedidos de alteração de nome e sexo é tão insignificante que muito pouco ou mesmo nada trará para a resolução da grave crise que os portugueses enfrentam face às exageradas medidas de austeridade que nos estão a ser impostas, sendo por isso que o único resultado desta medida será mais uma camada de discriminação sobre quem já tantas tem.

Desta forma, o Grupo Transexual Portugal vem condenar veementemente mais uma medida gravíssima que este Governo toma, desta vez para atingir as pessoas transexuais, minoria tão vulnerável e discriminada.

Pelo Grupo Transexual Portugal,

Lara Crespo e Eduarda Santos

sexta-feira, setembro 21, 2012

Transexual não pagará pela cirurgia de troca de sexo
A 1ª Vara da Fazenda Pública de Campinas determinou que o atendimento cirúrgio e psicossocial para mudança de sexo de uma transexual seja feito pelo Sistema Único de Saúde.

Guatemalan trans activist saved from deportation at the last hour
Fernanda Milan gains last minute reprieve from being sent back to Guatemala, where her life was in danger

Ultra nationalist party meets with LGBT group
Officials from KAOS GL, a leading support association for Turkey’s LGBT community, have met with the Nationalist Movement Party’s (MHP) vice chairwoman ahead of civil rights report.

Eunuch groups battle over territory
Two groups of eunuchs came to blows over the 'boundaries' of their respective territories near Ambawadi on Wednesday afternoon. One group has filed a complaint of assault against the other with Ellisbridge police.

Cairns International Trans Conference
Evie Ryder reports back on the Queensland Transgender Conference in Cairns and says it’s a critical step towards better health for trans people.

Amended trans bill heads to justice committee
As federal politicians settle in for the fall session, NDP LGBT critic Randall Garrison is confident his trans rights bill will pass a third reading before Christmas, after the justice committee approves it.

The Silent Soldiers Who Are Still ‘Unfit to Serve’
It’s now OK to be gay in the U.S. military, but The Advocate spoke with several transgender people on why policy means they must remain in the closet.

Your lab-grown penis is (almost) ready
Earlier this afternoon, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal's Zach Weiner floated an interesting thought: "One day," he mused, "there will actually be a pill that grows your penis six inches."

Buck Angel, Porn's Most Famous Trans Man, Transitions to Sex Ed
Buck Angel bills himself as “the man with the pussy.” Decades ago, Angel embarked on a gender transition from female to male. He removed his breasts, began testosterone injections, grew a beard, built his body into a wall of muscle, and left the vagina. “I didn’t want to spend $70,000 on a cock,” Angel explains. “I’d rather just have a truck.” Besides, he says, “a vagina is just a hole.”

'I just want them to stop ...' A study finds a nightmare of abuse, bullying and sexual harassment for Latino students in Little Rock schools
A four-year study finds a nightmare of abuse, bullying and sexual harassment for Latino students in some Little Rock schools, with reports of complaints falling on deaf ears. What's going on, and can anything be done to stop it?

Judge hears arguments in lawsuit over Orono school’s treatment of transgender child
A Superior Court judge will decide whether a lawsuit filed by an Orono couple over the local school district’s handling of their transgender child’s transition from male to female will go forward.
Judge hears arguments in transgender student discrimination case
Maine judge hears arguments in transgender case

Watch transgender speaker push for LGBT protections in state civil rights law
If protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people were included in Michigan’s civil rights law, then Rhonda Bacon thinks she would be a foster grandparent.

University Under Attack for Transgender Exhibition
Loren Cameron's photos documenting trans bodies has gotten some Minnesota students up in arms.

Gardnerville man talks about sex change
When Dana Pardee looks at his 2007 high school graduation picture, he sees a beautiful young woman smiling back at him.

Juez de Oklahoma deniega cambio de nombre a personas transexuales citando la Biblia
El juez de Oklahoma Bill Graves se niega sistemáticamente a conceder el cambio legal de nombre a personas transexuales, con independencia de que hayan sometido o no a cirugía de reasignación, argumentando que su ADN no cambia. Para Graves, el ADN es la prueba de que “Dios nos hizo hombre y mujer”, por lo que a su juicio permitirles la modificación del nombre sería “fraudulento”. Ya existe una petición online exigiendo que Graves autorice los cambios o dimita.
[Commentary] Judge Refuses Trans Woman’s Name-Change Request Because “God Meant For [Her] To Stay Male”
Judge Denies Transgender's Request for Name Change

Council Delays Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
When the Memphis City Council got to the real intent this week of the latest version of an anti-discrimination ordinance it has been debating off and on for two years, it wasn’t just a decision about including “sexual orientation” in the wording.

LGBTI group holds protest in Honduras
Honduran LGBTI organization APUVIMEH held a protest on the steps of the public prosecutor's office in the country's capital of Tegucigalpa Sept. 13, according to an organizational press release that the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America provided.

Another Trans Woman Murdered and Mutilated in Brazil
A young transgender woman was found in a dumpster in a rural part of São Paulo, Brazil, on Sept. 16th, according to Gay Star News. The 20-year-old woman, who investigators have not yet identified publicly, had been murdered and mutilated, her genitals and an ear removed. Police say they suspect she was a sex worker, who was taken to the location and murdered by a john.
Brazil trans woman brutally murdered

Municipalidad de Ancud prestará ayuda legal a joven transexual que sufrió golpiza
Así fue confirmado desde el municipio el Movilh. El mencionado movimiento de la diversidad sexual solicitó además al Ministerio de Salud que ayude gratuitamente a la familia para la reconstrucción del rostro de Camila.

Cerca de 5 mil personas participaron en marcha por la diversidad sexual en Valparaíso
Con una masiva concurrencia se realizó una nueva marcha por la diversidad sexual por las calles de Valparaíso, a 19 años del incendio en la discoteque Divine.

quinta-feira, setembro 20, 2012

[Portugal] Público - Edição Impressa, não se encontra online.
Divórcios sobem para 625 euros e mudança de sexo custará 200 euros
Bastonário da Ordem dos Notários acusa Estado de ter aumentado taxas para suportar uma estrutura que lhes faz concorrência. Registos de heranças e de automóveis também aumentam de preço

Terrence Higgins Trust launches UK’s first health resource for transgender people
The Terrence Higgins Trust has launched two new guides with health and wellbeing advice for transgender people, the first guide of its kind in the UK.
Currently, research into transgender health is fairly patchy, however, there is a growing consensus that transgender people have a much higher risk of contracting HIV and other sexual diseases.
Terrence Higgins Trust launches UK’s first health guide for trans people
Terrence Higgins Trust launches new transgender online resource

[Denmark] [Commentary]
11th hour appeal makes Danish authorities postpone expulsion of transgender asylum seeker Fernanda Milán. Asylum Activists are optimistic.
We are advised, in a press release, from support group T-Refugee Project which was established to help her , that 26-year-old trans and human rights activist Fernanda Milan from Guatemala has not yet been deported from Denmark on Monday 17th September.
PRESS RELEASE: Refugee Board resumes controversial case involving transgender human rights activist

Protection for gay rights vetoed
Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party vetoes a proposal that aims to bring in constitutional protection for gay rights. ‘We don’t find it right to have an expression concerning gays,’ an AKP deputy says

Take decision on eunuchs issues : HC tells Centre
Bombay High Court on Tuesday directed the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to take a decision on the issues and grievances of eunuchs while hearing a public interest litigation seeking equal rights for them.
Social justice department to look into grievances of eunuchs

New leader for transgenders
In a ceremony steeped in tradition and colour, G. Kanama, 75, was ordained as the main elder of the local Indian transgender community over the weekend here.

Grant helps trans surgery costs
Gender diverse people can expect to pay thousands of dollars to undergo gender reassignment surgery in Australia, but a Melbourne group has announced a unique grant to help with these costs.

[New Zealand] [Commentary]
Would you be seen with me?
So who is up for a date? It is not really the right question to be asking. It should probably be, who is prepared to be seen out on a date with me?
It takes a very special man to date a transsexual and that is a shame.
Believe me, men love transsexuals but being seen with them is a different story.

Campaign Urges Depressed LGBT People to 'Talk About It'
The editors of Original Plumbing magazine say their video campaign will help people know they are not alone as they seek to overcome depression and anxiety.

Singer-songwriter and SF State freshman Ryan Cassata imparts lessons of self-acceptance to transgender community
When Ryan Otto Cassata stands up with his guitar at Dolores Park Café, he seems like a normal 18-year-old. But there is something different about him.
Cassata always felt a little different than everyone else, but didn’t notice what this feeling meant until he met a transgender for the first time.
Cassata, born a girl, didn’t feel like a girl. He felt like a boy.

First government trans awareness ad campaign launched
A new campaign of adverts has launched in Washington DC, with a view to increasing awareness and understanding of the “non gender-conforming” community of the city.
D.C. Launches First-in-Nation Transgender Ad Campaign
Transgender tolerance campaign launches in Washington D.C. in order to promote understanding and positivity

We’re coming closer to you!
We wanted to make sure you were aware that we’re making a bit of a change to our regular meeting pattern. Hearkening back to our guiding principles, we want to increase our accountability to the communities we serve, expand people’s access to our advocacy, and empower new super-awesome activist volunteers. To do that, we’re moving our meetings.

Panel discusses gender issues
Laura Sjoberg once saw a transgendered person being harassed by airport security and knew she wanted to stop it from happening again.

Central Florida: LGBT Workplace Protections Safe, For Now
It appears Orange County’s LGBT employment protections are safe for now.
On Sept. 11, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) discussed a pair of proposals that would regulate sick leave, and some feared would have had a negative effect on LGBT employee protections that are currently in place.

Chicago House receives national transgender grant
It was announced that local non-profit leader in AIDS services, Chicago House, was selected as one of eight national grant sites to study the link between HIV and retention in care of transgender women of color.

Judge Orders $500,000 in Legal Fees to Transgender Inmate
A transgender inmate may receive more than $500,000 in legal fees after a judge ordered the state of Massachusetts to pay for her gender reassignment surgery.
Inmate Michelle Kosilek says sex change ‘right thing’
Inmate praises ruling on sex change surgery

[Commentary] I'll explain that remark re Kosilek

College student group targets exhibit by noted transsexual photographer
A lecture and photography exhibit by a noted California-based photographer has drawn criticism from a conservative student group affiliated with the Arlington, Va.-based Leadership Institute due to its explicit content documenting his gender reassignment surgery.
University sparks backlash over $4,000 transsexual photography exhibit paid for with college funds
University of Minnesota-Duluth courts controversy for hosting transgender photography exhibit

Born this way: Seeking human rights for transgender students at MSU
Cassidy Medicine Horse was born a boy, but from a young age knew inside that she was really a girl.
Growing up, she was subjected to testosterone shots and growth hormones as her family attempted to change her. For decades, she kept her feminine feelings secret to avoid her father’s terrifying discipline, to land a job and marry, to avoid getting beaten.

[OK, USA] [Commentary]
Judge of the Day: What’s in a (Traditionally Gender Appropriate) Name?
On one level, your name is pretty damn meaningless. Many people aren’t actually called by their names that often. Instead, people just yell: “Dude,” “Hey You,” “Boss,” “sweet cheeks”… whatever.
[Commentary] Editorial: OKC judge denies transgender men name changes

Easton Activist Will Meet With Biden
On Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden will meet with up-and-coming LGBT leaders from around the country at his home in Washington.
Among those leaders: Easton's Ashley Hope, who hopes the vice president comes away knowing that there's still work to be done when it comes to rights for transgendered people.

Memphis nondiscrimination proposal under spotlight
The Memphis City Council’s final vote on a city nondiscrimination ordinance is set for Tuesday, when a ban on discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity is expected to be added.
Anti-discrimination proposal will face a vote Tuesday
City Council To Vote On Anti-Discrimination Policy
Memphis City Council to Vote on Employment Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Memphis delays final vote on nondiscrimination language about sexual identity
Memphis Council delays nondiscrimination vote
Memphis City Council Approves LGBT Amendment to Discrimination Ordinance

Resource Center sends letter to Dallas company about adding LGBT policies
Resource Center Dallas’ CEO Cece Cox sent a letter Friday to Holly Frontier Corp. requesting a meeting with them about adding LGBT protections.
The oil and gas company, based in Downtown Dallas, is one of 17 Fortune 500 companies that the Equality Forum recently listed as not having any LGBT-inclusive policies.

Transgender customer denied restroom access
A transgender customer who identifies herself as a woman says she is being discriminated against by some Hazel Dell area bars because they won’t let her use the women’s room.
Norma Bellhorn recently changed her name from Norman, and is taking hormone therapy medications.

Beck Rosato Lewis: My amazing journey from tomboy to butch lesbian to trans man
Beck Rosato Lewis always knew that something wasn’t quite right growing up, that her feelings were different. She was a tomboy who was attracted to girls, while other girls she played with only liked boys.

Himmel anhela ¡corona de belleza!
Himmel, el transexual mexicano que ha comenzado a destacar en el mundo de la actuación con diversas apariciones en teatro (El Club de las Anas) y cine (Insectos: La Filosofía Natural del Amor) informó a EL SOL DE MEXICO que para el próximo mes de noviembre participará en el certamen internacional Miss Queen Internacional, a realizarse en Tailandia. Destacó que en ese evento, en el que participan únicamente transgéneros, buscará "hacer un digno papel y trataré de traer la corona a nuestro país, por lo que me estoy preparando arduamente".

Proyecto para poner género en vez de sexo
Organizaciones que promueven la diversidad sexual pidieron el jueves a la Asambleaque reforme una ley para que travestis y transexuales cambien sus datos en la cédula de identidad.
Proponen que travestis y transexuales elijan su género en cédula

Durante la noche del día 17 de septiembre fue atacada por un grupo de personas en las calles de Ancud la mujer trans de nombre social Camila, de 29 años de edad, quien salía de una celebración en compañía de su hermano.

[Argentina] [Opinion]
Deshojando la Flor
¿Se debe opinar sobre la decisión de Flor de la V de bautizar a sus hijos y hacerlo público en Gente? Otra opinión que viene a ampliar, responder y discutir la nota que apareció en SOY la semana pasada.

Orgullosa cicatriz
Hace ya cuatro años, Ian Breppes denunciaba en SOY la brutal transfobia de sus vecinos y la dificultad de vivir como hombre trans en su propio barrio. Hoy regresa aquí para compartir la alegría de su encuentro con su mujer, Anita, su vida familiar y, en especial, el relato paso a paso de su histerectomía, un estadio importante en su proceso de transformación personal.