Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, dezembro 31, 2008

Italiano confessa ter assassinado transexual brasileira em Roma
Segundo a polícia italiana, Mirko di Mario confessou ter assassinado uma transexual brasileira, chamada Roberta. Seu corpo foi encontrado com uma facada no tórax, no dia 24 de novembro deste ano, em Roma.

¿El Papa, una autoridad moral?
El papa Benedicto XVI y ex soldado de Hitler, se pronunció contra los "cambios de sexo", precisó que Dios creó al ser humano como "hombre" y "mujer" y abogó por una "ecología del hombre, que le proteja de la autodestrucción". ¿Que autoridad moral tiene un hombre que perteneció a la Juventudes Nazis y sirvió como soldado del III Reich, para condenar la vida libre de otras personas?
El Papa considera que se debe proteger a la especie humana de conductas homosexuales
La transfobia de Ratzinger: otro paso en falso de la iglesia católica
Catholic leader claims Pope's homophobic outburst "misrepresented"

Violence Against Transgenders: Lack of Jobs
Three transgender people have been shot in the city of Memphis in the last six months and advocates are speaking out about the violence.

[IN, USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
The Media, the Legislature and the Police Are Guilty Too
My post, "Transgender woman and her boyfriend murdered in Indianapolis," has created quite a bit of conversation - both here on the Project and in certain circles in Indiana. I've just finished an interview with an Indianapolis Star reporter about my criticism of local media reporting and offensive police statements; it seems the appropriate time to bring everyone up to date and clarify exactly what I'm seeking.

terça-feira, dezembro 30, 2008

Bombas de mau-cheiro contra pesca da baleia
Activistas perseguiram e atacaram embarcação japonesa na região Antártica

ILGA critica declarações de Bento XVI
Perante as últimas declarações do papa Bento XVI, representantes da Associação Internacional de Gays e Lésbicas (ILGA) em Portugal, criticaram as idéias preconceituosas da instituição, alegando que a Igreja "está possuída por uma espécie de loucura homofóbica".

Trans é eleita titular de ouvidoria em ONG LGBT
No ínicio de dezembro, a trans conhecida como Zeca Smith foi eleita para ocupar o cargo de ouvidora da ONG Estruturação, no Distrito Federal.

Atleta alemã transexual faz cirurgia de mudança de sexo
O transexual Yvonne Buschbaun, que havia anunciado em meados de 2008 o fim de sua carreira no salto com vara para fazer tratamento com hormônios, realizou recentemente a cirurgia de transgenitalização em Potsdam, na Alemanha.

Kuwait Crime News (Transvestite nabbed)
Hawally traffic patrolmen have arrested a Kuwaiti transvestite, who tried to avoid a routine security check in Jabriya.

Transgender Bangladeshis to vote today
Today's general elections in Bangladesh will be the first ever to allow transgender people to cast ballots.

[Dominican Republic]
Church and Organizations Slam Dominican Republic Transvestite Beauty Pageant
Representatives of religious congregations and community leaders of the northern Dominican city of Santiago expressed their rejection of the transvestite beauty pageant to be held on Sunday.

[USA] [News/Health]
DSM psychiatry manual's secrecy criticized
Whether revisions to the bible of mental illness should be carried out in secret might seem like an academic question.
But the issue carries real weight for parents desperate to address children's difficult behavior or people in distress over their mental state. It also speaks to citizens' concerns over news accounts of an overmedicated America and of the troubling financial links between some psychiatric researchers and the pharmaceutical industry.

Transgender woman shot in Memphis
A transgender woman who was shot in the face in South Memphis on the morning of December 23 remains in critical condition, according to local media reports.

Long drive champ is not a man, baby, but she used to be
Here’s a shocker: The woman who hit a golf ball farther than the rest of her competitors hasn’t always been a woman.

domingo, dezembro 28, 2008

Centenas de milhares em defesa da família
Centenas de milhares de pessoas participaram este domingo, em Madrid, numa missa para promover os valores tradicionais da família num país predominantemente católico, mas que legalizou o casamento de homossexuais e facilitou o divórcio.

[UK/USA] [Blog/Commentary]
OII – Responses to Pope’s Christmas message
This Christmas message is about maintaining an oppressive gender system which has enabled him to occupy the supreme position within one of the most powerful male hierarchies on the planet. If he could get LGBT people out of the way, women could be put back into their 'natural' place - the home - to get on with a life fit only for breeding. Why we have to suffer this man's repressed homosexual paranoia and misogyny any more is beyond me. Christmas is about the coming of the Good News, yet this is not the Gospel; it is bad news for LGBT people and for women - so why is the Pope preaching a message of hatred at Christmas that bears no relation to the teachings of Jesus Christ? Why is the Pope seeking to deny a significant group people their humanity, excluding them in the same way he has had them thrown out of convents, monasteries, seminaries and churches? This message of ill-will at Christmas will have negative consequences for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and intersex people around the world, both within and beyond the Roman Catholic Church.

Was North Kitsap Man Followed Because He's ‘Transsexual?'
A North Kitsap man claimed to Kitsap County sheriff's deputies Friday evening that he'd been the victim of a hate crime — and that a strange car was following him around because he's a transsexual.

Two found dead in northeast side home identified
Metro Police are investigating a double homicide on the city's northeast side.
Around 4:30 p.m. Friday, police were called to check the welfare of a resident at 5853 Rosslyn Avenue, near Keystone Avenue and Kessler Blvd. The resident had not been heard from since Wednesday. When officers arrived, they found two people and a dog dead in the home.
Family of murder victim speaks out
[Blog/News/Commentary] Two more LGBT people murdered in Indianapolis

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Stop the Hate
It’s only been about a month since I made this video on youtube. Since then there has been another act of violence against a Transgender woman here in Tennessee. It happened Christmas Eve in Memphis. She was shot and the latest news is that she is in critical condition. She is the third in 6 months. After the video is a press release from the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition about the latest incident.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Call to Action on Trans Rights in Tennessee
Via Questioning Transphobia comes this press release from the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition on the shooting of Leeneshia Edwards, the third transgender woman to be shot in Memphis in the past six months. One of the other women was Duanna Johnson, who died. Renee at Womanist Musings further points out the strong racist thread to the transphobic and misogynistic violence. My thoughts are with Leenashia and her family, and I hope that yours are as well. Read the press release below, do what you can, and pass the information along.

sábado, dezembro 27, 2008

Militância critica declarações anti-gay do Papa
Na última terça-feira, 23, grupos de todo o mundo que lutam pelos direitos dos homossexuais criticaram as declarações homofóbicas feita pelo papa Bento XVI na última segunda-feira, 22.
[Commentary] The Pope has forgotten Christ's word

[Malaysia] [Blog/Commentary]
Harian Metro, The Star Demonizes Transsexual Females
Harian Metro has been very diligent in spreading misinformation about tomboys and pengkids for the past couple of months ever since the fatwa on tomboys came out of the National Fatwa Council. They even used the word “tomboi” in various situations, from a girl wanting to be a boy, to a girl who looks like a boy. Most of their articles centered on women who left their husbands or girls who ran away from their parents, for the love of a tomboy.

[New Zealand]
Sex change brings `freedom at last'
It has been 18 months since the 61-year-old transformed from Noel to Noeleena. The Waimate woman had a sex change operation in Thailand in May last year a decision she has never regretted.

Increased sentence for targeting trans prisoner
In White v. U.S., the D.C. Court of Appeals affirmed a sentencing enhancement for a prison guard who physically and sexually assaulted a transgender prisoner. The sentencing judge reasoned that the prisoner's trangender status constituted a "reduced physical capacity" under the D.C. sentencing guidelines, thereby meriting the tougher sentence.

Transsexual with Boynton tie joins 'Real World'
All Katelynn Cusanelli was trying to do was give a friend a ride to Miami.
But that ride began a journey that continued on to a reality show in New York City and, if Cusanelli has her way, will end in a happy and uplifting place.

sexta-feira, dezembro 26, 2008

UN General Assembly hears pro-gay statement
Sixty-six nations at the UN General Assembly supported a groundbreaking statement Dec. 18 confirming that international human rights protections include sexual orientation and gender identity.

Gays falam em “loucura homofóbica”
A Associação de defesa dos direitos dos homossexuais ILGA Portugal classifica como "lamentáveis" as declarações de Bento XVI e acusa a Igreja Católica de estar "possuída por uma espécie de loucura homofóbica".
[Blog/Commentary] Catholic Church Is STILL Hatin' on Transgender People
[Blog/Commentary] Translations from the Vatican
[Blog/Commentary] The Pope’s Christmas Condemnation Of Transsexuals

[Arábia Saudita]
Negado divórcio a uma menor

Um tribunal da Arábia Saudita negou o divórcio a uma menina de oito anos, que foi obrigada pelo pai a casar-se com um homem de 58 anos. O juiz Sheik Habib Abdallah determinou que a menor deveria permanecer unida ao marido até a puberdade.

Man, set to become a woman, poses problem for Quebec prison authorities
A federal prisoner serving a 40-month term in a Quebec jail is posing a problem because the man wants to become a woman.
Transsexual Quebec inmate sentenced to serve time in male prison

Memphis transgender woman shot
Making it the fourth hate based shooting in three years, another Memphis transgender woman has been shot and is in a Memphis hospital in critical condition.
Transgender Woman Shot in Face

quinta-feira, dezembro 25, 2008

Le travesti engrangeait les gains des prostituées
Un Toulousain de 53 ans accusé de proxénétisme parce qu'il prêtait son appartement pour des passes, en touchant la moitié des dividendes. La PJ a mis fin aux «petits arrangements.»

Melhor saltadora alemã vira homem
A alemã Yvonne Buschbaum, uma das melhores da história de seu país no salto com vara, realizou uma operação de troca de sexo em Postdam e agora se chama Balian.
Ex-atleta da Alemanha faz cirurgia de mudança de sexo

Transgenders, kothis set up federation
Around 20,000 transgenders, kothis and marginalised women from across the State have come together to set up a federation that will deal exclusively with their needs including healthcare, education, advocacy and financial literacy.

quarta-feira, dezembro 24, 2008

Querid@s leitores e leitoras,

A Eduarda (Berta) e a Lara (Manicure) desejam-vos um Feliz Natal e um Óptimo Ano Novo, com muita saúde, paz e amor, junto daqueles que mais amam.


Berta e Manicure

«Portugal devia avançar para a energia nuclear»
Luís Filipe Menezes está totalmente a favor de uma nova solução para o país

Defender a heterossexualidade é tão importante como salvar a floresta tropical, diz Papa
A Igreja, além da natureza, «também deve proteger o homem da destruição de si próprio», considera o Vaticano
[News/Commentary] The Pope's Christmas Condemnation of Transsexuals
[Commentary] Pope Is Wrong on “Gay Threat”, Says Tatchell
Gay groups angry at Pope remarks
Pope urges defence of heterosexuality
Pope says humanity needs 'saving' from homosexuality

Dorce breaks national record
Excerpt: The 45-year-old, who underwent a sex-change operation in 1984, now hosts an Oprah-like talk show, The Dorce Show.

‘Kopi reggae’ keeps transvestites up and going
A TRANSVESTITE claimed that a special concoction of coffee called kopi reggae has helped to restore his sexual energy and allowed him to entertain more than 10 clients a night.

Trans advocates protest Bush’s 11th-hour HHS rule change
Bush says change reinforces protections for doctors who refuse to participate in procedures due to religious or moral objections

terça-feira, dezembro 23, 2008

Boas festas para tod@s.

Este Natal, temos finalmente o reconhecimento aberto e pleno pelo vaticano da transexualidade.

O papa, num dos seus discursos, afirmou que é preciso defender a heterosexualidade da homossexualidade e transexualidade, tal como as florestas esmeralda (também chamadas de rain forests - florestas da chuva) precisam de ser salvas.

Ou seja, no Vaticano, nada de novo. Nada, a não ser a adição da transexualidade como alvo, e a sua consequente separação da homossexualidade.

Como ponto positivo, revela uma compreensão de que Orientação Sexual e Identidade de Género são duas coisas independentes, embora possam estar interligadas. Finalmente uma pessoa transexual não é considerada homossexual devido à transexualidade.

Outro ponto positivo é que o facto deste imbecil ataque se dar revela que finalmente a transexualidade começa a ter uma visibilidade suficiente para começar a assustar os doutos líderes da(s) Igreja(s).

O resto são pontos negativos aos quais esta igreja já nos habituou, revelando que aquela compreensão que referi acima nada mais é que fruto do acaso. Como se sabe, a transexualidade e as pessoas transexuais não oferecem perigo nenhum à comunidade heterossexual, pois a esmagadora maioria das pessoas transexuais são hetero.

Mas querer-se que saibam destas coisas já é pedir muito. Quando a burrice chega ao ponto de afirmarem que a homossexualidade não tem mal nenhum, mas que o acto de fazer sexo com uma pessoa do mesmo género já tem (pois é precisamente por uma pessoa se sentir atraída sexualmente por outras do mesmo género que define a homossexualidade), não se pode esperar grande coisa.

Além de que, se somos tod@s criaturas de Deus, foi ele que quis que certas pessoas tivessem esta orientação sexual (que como se sabe, não é aprendida mas já nasce com a pessoa). Como sempre, têm a presunção de saber qual a vontade do senhor, eles, simples mortais iguais aos outros.

Também deve ter sido por vontade dele que se vendiam absolvições durante a idade média, por exemplo.

Bem, considerando a quantidade de séculos necessários para darem o dito por não dito sobre Galileu, até que o reconhecimento da transexualidade foi rápido.

Enfim, é a continuação da igreja como força de bloqueio à evolução dos direitos humanos e à própria evolução dos seres humanos. Nada de novo.

PR: Trans consegue mudar de nome mesmo sem cirurgia
Em uma decisão inédita no Estado, a Justiça do Paraná autorizou uma transexual a mudar seu nome em seu registro civil mesmo sem ter feito a cirurgia de readequação sexual. Em novembro, a Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul também fez o mesmo tipo de autorização.

Papa Bento XVI pede que a humanidade se salve da homossexualidade (e da transexualidade)
Nesta segunda-feira, 22, o Papa Bento XVI disse que toda a humanidade precisa se ver livre de problemas decorrentes da modernidade e que a homossexualidade seria um desses males. De acordo com o pontíficie, o comportamento homossexual e transexual é comparável à questão do desmatamento de floretas.
Papa compara defesa da heterossexualidade à protecção das florestas tropicais
Bento XVI quer "ecologia do homem" que garanta distinção entre sexos
Pope denounces 'gender theory'
Pope likens "saving" gays to saving the rainforest

Turkey breaks company with EU in gay vote
In an atmosphere where Turkey is being criticized for the slow pace of its EU reforms, the country refuses to sign a declaration calling all states to take steps to stop the criminalization of homosexuality, contradicting its commitments to the EU in promoting human rights.

[South Africa]
Trans activists attend first pan-African meeting
South Africa hosted the first ever African Strategy Workshop for transgender activists last week.

Born to Be a Woman of God
Excerpt: The girl’s mother, Mariyani, is a transvestite.
In July, Mariyani established Indonesia’s first pesantren for transvestites.
By definition a pesantren is an Islamic boarding school. Mariyani uses the word pointedly, to improve her school’s credibility with the public as a place of learning.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
New Bush medical rules could harm LGBT, HIV patients
The Bush administration, in its final days, has issued a federal rule reinforcing protections for doctors and other health care workers who refuse to participate in abortions and other procedures because of religious or moral objections.

segunda-feira, dezembro 22, 2008

Ella Wesner (1841 - 1917) male impersonator
Ella Wesner started in showbiz as a ballet girl. She was Annie Hindle's dresser for a while which enabled her to learn the tricks of male impersonation.

Amsterdam's gay Christmas features Mary in drag
Amsterdam hosted a Christmas celebration for its gay community on Sunday featuring a nativity tableau with a male Mary in drag that church organizations denounced as an affront to traditional values. (Photo)

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary/Books]
Ten Signs of Transphobia in Our Culture by Christopher Shelley
This list comes from a review/interview of Christopher Shelley and his book, Transpeople; Repudiation, Trauma, Healing. Shelley is a Vancouver, British Columbia Adlerian psychologist. His interviews include a friend of mine. I think this is one of the most important books on transpeople.

Austin community remembers Jennifer Gale
A homeless advocate, perennial mayoral candidate and vivacious character to Austin was remembered Sunday.
Memorial Service honors Austin original Jennifer Gale

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
DSM - V and Rigid Designators
Yes, they are connected. I just finished reading a chapter of Ian Hacking’s book The Social Construction of What? where he discusses mental illnesses and questions of semantics and construction. I don’t have time tonight to expand on it, in terms of my own thoughts, but here are a few pertinent excerpts from a recent NY Times article and Hacking’s book

domingo, dezembro 21, 2008

Animal promove protestos contra violência sobre animais
A Associação Animal promove hoje junto a três circos estacionados em Lisboa um conjunto de acções de denúncia e protesto contra as «evidências» de violência sobre animais, apelando ainda à proibição do seu uso neste tipo de espectáculos.
Protesto contra violência sobre animais nos circos

[International] [News/Commentary]
Vatican objects to UN resolution condemning discrimination on basis of sexual orientation
The Vatican's permanent observer at the UN has opposed a resolution that decries discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Archbishop Celestino Migliore said that the Holy See endorsed the proposal's condemnation of violence against homosexuals, and agrees with the call "to put an end to all criminal penalties against them." However, the archbishop said, the non-binding resolution-- introduced by France and the Netherlands, and endorsed by 66 UN member-states-- "goes well beyond the above-mentioned and shared intent." He explained that the terms "sexual orientation and gender identity" are not recognized in international law, and the passage of a resolution using those terms "would create serious uncertainty in the law as well as undermine the ability of states to enter into and enforce new and existing human-rights conventions and standards."
[Blog/News] UN Split Re: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Rights

DHHS “Provider Conscience” may affect access to trans health care
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) released what can only be described as breathtakingly immoral regulations that could prevent transgender people from getting any health care whatsoever. In their press release, DHHS said that the “Provider Conscience” rule ensures “the right of federally-funded healthcare providers to decline to participate in services to whey they object.”

sábado, dezembro 20, 2008

Portugal e Espanha têm estratégia conjunta para salvar lince ibérico
Cientistas querem recuperar o coelho, principal presa do lince

Cientistas têm plano para salvar lince ibérico

Homossexualidade: Vaticano realça apelo à despenalização
O Vaticano congratulou-se com o apelo deixado por 66 países pedindo a despenalização universal da homossexualidade mas não o subscreve por incluir categorias como «orientação sexual» e «identidade de género» que «não encontram reconhecimento ou uma definição comum na lei internacional».
Só um terço dos países-membros da ONU apóia a descriminalização da homossexualidade
Netherlands "Breaks Taboo" on Gay Rights in UN

Travesti eleita vereadora é diplomada em Salvador
Leo Kret, travesti mais votada de todo o País nas últimas eleições para vereador, foi diplomada em Salvador nesta quinta, 18.

Turkish court acquits transsexual singer
A Turkish court has acquitted a popular Turkish transsexual singer over comments questioning a military campaign against Kurdish separatist guerrillas, state-run Anatolian news agency said.

Government officials honor Jennifer Gale, perennial political candidate dead at 47
Ben Wear at The Austin American-Statesman's City Beat blog reports that the Austin City Council will officially honor Jennifer Gale, the homeless, gender-bending perennial candidate who lost every office for which she ran, but clearly won the hearts of the hundreds who met her. (Photo)
[Blog/Commentary] Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Historic: Latino becomes 1st openly transgender person to serve as a legislative staff member
New England's Bay Windows reports that one of the key Latino LGBT community leaders in the United States has been appointed as the legislative assistant to openly gay Democratic Congressman Barney Frank.

Ex-student claims transgender bias by HACC
Former Marine, 42, says she was mistreated, unfairly kicked out of school after sex change. (Photo)

sexta-feira, dezembro 19, 2008

Apelo internacional para a despenalização da homossexualidade
Posição fortemente rejeitada por vários Estados árabes e pelo Vaticano

ABGLT articula apoio a declaração pró-gays na ONU
ONU: 66 países apelaram hoje à despenalização universal da homossexualidade

Turkish transsexual star acquitted of insulting army
A transsexual Turkish pop star has won a free speech case against the country's powerful army, which accused her of turning public opinion against military service.

Sunshine Coast Hate Crime
A transsexual woman and her 13 year old daughter have been forced to move from their Sunshine Coast home after a serious assault left them fearing for their safety.

Uruguay approves bill to allow changes in gender, name
The Uruguayan Senate has passed a bill allowing people aged 12 and older to change their gender and name.

Entidade internacional pede fim de leis anti-gays
A Human Rights Watch, organização internacional que luta pela consolidação dos direitos humanos, solicitou nesta quarta, 17, que leis que classificam a homossexualidade como crime em determinados países sejam abolidas.

[USA] [Blog/Health/Medicine]
Should Doctors Still Consider Transgenders to Be Suffering a 'Disorder'?
The fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will soon be published, and with it come a slew of updates for medical professionals on what, exactly, "disorders" are. Whether somebody's mental state is considered a disorder isn't a silly little matter of clarifications; it can have consequences on insurance coverage, power of will questions, and stigmatization. The debate rages on for whether things like shopping addictions and binge eating should be included as official disorders, but for our kind, whether transgender people should be included — for "suffering" from a gender identity "disorder" — is a heated exchange.
New Edition of 'Manual of Disorders' Inspires Gender Identity Controversy

Homeless donations urged in remembrance of Jennifer Gale
Austin Mayor Will Wynn wants Austin residents to donate to a fund to house and clothe the homeless in remembrance of former Dallas and Austin mayoral candidate Jennifer Gale.
Jennifer Gale Death Caused by Lack of Shelter for Transgender Homeless

Transgender Lawsuit
A local community college is accused of sexual discrimination. It's all over a life-altering decision that's now changing the way one student is treated. It's an unusual case that could set a precedent for universities all across the country and it's a story you will see exclusively on cbs 21.

quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2008

Volume de gelo no Árctico é o menor de sempre
Alterações climáticas estão a provocar a morte e a devastação, alerta ONU

Memorial aos gays vítimas do Holocausto é depredado
O Memorial aos gays vítimas do Holocausto durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, em Berlim, foi mais uma vez depredado por vândalos.

Miss Tiffany Queen
Treechada 'Nong Poyd' Malayaporn on the perks and burdens of living as a katoey in Thai society

Australia backs UN declaration
Australia has emerged as a key backer of a United Nations declaration calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality around the globe, prompting gay rights activists to applaud the Federal Government for taking an international stand on GLBT rights.

Uruguay takes step towards gay marriage
Uruguay's Senate passed a bill allowing people aged 12 and older to legally change their name and gender on their identity papers, a move that opens the doors to gay marriage.

Psychiatrists Revising the Book of Human Troubles
The book is at least three years away from publication, but it is already stirring bitter debates over a new set of possible psychiatric disorders.
[Blog/Comentary] Psychiatric bible to add new diagnoses: DSM makeover process shrouded in secrecy

New website for facial feminization surgeon Jeffrey Spiegel MD

Transgendered former Dallas mayoral candidate Jennifer Gale found dead in Austin
A body found near the University of Texas campus this morning is that of perennial mayoral candidate Jennifer Gale, Austin fire officials said.
Jennifer Gale found dead

Oh, fuck, no!
Maddie was a voice actress (best known as "Meowth" on Pokemon), a transgender woman, a comic book writer at Milestone, and a comedienne, among other things. I've met her at least once at a con.

quarta-feira, dezembro 17, 2008

Degelo no Árctico já é irreversível
Aquecimento global. Ainda é pior do que se pensava. Os estudos científicos mais recentes comprovam que o Árctico poderá ter em breve verões com total ausência de gelo. A subida da temperatura do ar na região está a acelerar.

Polícia de cidade gaúcha investiga morte de travestis e acredita se tratar de um serial killer
A Polícia Civil de Santa Cruz do Sul, município do Rio Grande do Sul, está investigando a morte de uma travesti no último domingo, 14, e não descarta a hipótese de se tratar de um serial killer. Apurando os fatos do assassinato de Jaqueline, nascida Robson Juliano Hoppen (foto), 25, os policiais perceberam que o modo com o qual ela morreu é idêntico ao de outro crime, a morte da travesti Maicon Rubiel Zilch, 23, conhecida como “a Maicon”, baleada em 1º de maio de 2007.

Gay community asks Bush administration to sign on to U.N. declaration
A group of leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans is asking the outgoing Bush administration to sign on to the United Nations Joint Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. The non-binding statement reaffirms the basic human rights of all people, and expresses significant concerns about the treatment of LGBT persons all over the world.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
What is the Body Capable of? What is the Body for?
In Kelley Winter's essay Maligning Terminology in the DSM: the Language of Oppression she states:"I'm speaking of affirmed transwomen being called "he" and transmen being called "she." I use the term Maligning Language to describe this specific kind of verbal violence."

terça-feira, dezembro 16, 2008

Mais de 75% da população de peixes ameaçada, alerta WWF
Mais de 75% da população de peixes do mundo está ameaçada devido à pesca predatória, segundo um estudo apresentado hoje em Hamburgo pelo Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF).

Hong Kong realiza sua primeira parada gay
Cerca de 1.000 pessoas participaram no último sábado, 13, da primeira Parada do Orgulho LGBT de Hong Kong, na China. As ruas da ex-colônia britânica serviram de palco para que os participantes desfilassem vestidos com roupas super coloridas como forma de chamar atenção para a necessidade de se observar os direitos dos homossexuais.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
I would be a liar if I said am never afraid in this journey. Though, I’m NOT afraid of what other people might think of me — my attitude on that issue is if you don’t like it, don’t look.

Transgender Robber Is Sentenced
A transgender bank robber will spend the next four years in prison.

[USA] [News/Health/Medicine]
New study firmly ties hormone use to breast cancer
Taking menopause hormones for five years doubles the risk for breast cancer, according to a new analysis of a big federal study that reveals the most dramatic evidence yet of the dangers of these still-popular pills.

domingo, dezembro 14, 2008

Miss Nepal derailed but Miss Gay right on course
Excerpt: Miss Nepal, Nepal's oldest and best known pageant, was blocked by the ruling Maoist party this year on the ground that it debased women by reducing them to merchandise to promote products manufactured by the sponsoring companies.

Two more transgender flicks in Kollywood
Years after Santhosh Sivan's Navarasa focused on the issue of transgender, two more movies are being made on the same lines.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
Transgender Responsibility
November 20, 2008 was the 10th anniversary of Transgender Remembrance day; a time for us to look back and reflect on those who met with untimely deaths at the hands of intolerance, bigotry, and hatred. Yet it is also a time to recognize and appreciate the work of so many attempting to bring about change for the better.

S. Idaho transgender woman fights use of male name
For nearly a year, Catherine Carlson refused to pay the fine for driving with a suspended license because it was issued to both her and the man she used to be.

Woman sues retailer for discrimination
Claims store denied her job after a sex change

Bank robber gets 4 years
Cash was wanted for sex-change surgery, police say

sábado, dezembro 13, 2008

UN: General Assembly to Address Gender Identity
Statement Affirms Promise of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
U.S. stalls signing U.N. rights statement

Juiz autoriza mudança de nome de trans em SP
Nesta quinta-feira, 11, Diário Oficial da Justiça publicou a a decisão do juiz Paulo Sérgio Rodrigues, da 4ª Vara Cível de São José do Rio Preto, que autorizou a mudança oficial do nome da transexual Audrey Vitória Lodi. (Foto)

Pleno.- Canarias contará con una unidad de identidad de género "más completa" para atender a los transexuales
Los tres partidos con representación en el Parlamento de Canarias --PSOE, CC y PP-- han aprobado este jueves una Proposición No de Ley (PNL) por la que se "potencia y completa" la única unidad de identidad de género con la que cuenta al archipiélago y que se encuentra ubicada en el Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) en la isla de Tenerife.

Sex change Kate has never looked back
A GUILDFORD woman has revealed how a sex change has helped her conquer the business world.
Kate Craig-Wood was a man up until three years ago, but last week she was named one of the main winners at the NatWest Everywoman Awards.

Igreja Católica surpreende e pede descriminalização da homossexualidade
Após séculos de perseguição aos homossexuais, a Igreja Católica, surpreendentemente, emitiu um comentário em prol da comunidade LGBT. Em anúncio oficial nesta sexta-feira, dia 12 de dezembro, o padre Federico Lombardi, porta-voz do Vaticano, defendeu a descriminalização da homossexualidade em todos os países onde ela ainda é proibida.

[América Latina]
Derechos Humanos LGBT, después de 60 años… siguen siendo una aspiración
Hace 60 años fue proclamada y adoptada La Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Para nosotras y nosotros seres humanos, lesbianas, trans, gays, bisexuales e intersexuales esto es una aspiración

En la Corte busca legalmente ser una mujer
En la Corte nadie la conoce, pero su caso dividió en dos bloques a los ministros del máximo tribunal. Unos a favor de darle una nueva identidad como mujer y otros por negársela.

[Singapore/Thailand] [News/Video]
Transgenders among us (Part 1)
Transgenders among us (Part 2)
Transgenders among us (Part 3)

sexta-feira, dezembro 12, 2008

Transexuales acusan a jueces de incumplir la Ley y condenarles a ejercer la prostitución
Según la legislación actual para que una persona transexual modifique sus datos en el Registro Civil basta con que acredite que no padece ningún trastorno psicológico y que se ha estado hormonando durante al menos dos años. Sin embargo, transexuales denuncian que muchos jueces no aplican la Ley y les obligan a pasar por situaciones humillantes como el tener que desnudarse.

Gender bender upsets Church in Finland
A vicar in Helsinki has joined what appears to be a nationwide rush to change sex in Finland. After more than half a century as a man, Olli Aalto has chosen to become a woman. He’s one of 1,000 Finns who’ve chosen to switch gender.

Nepal Maoists to stand up for gay rights in UN
Nepal’s ruling Maoist party, which till a year ago regarded homosexuality as a perversion threatening to corrupt society, will strike a blow for gay rights at the UN later this month, marking a sea-change in the organisation that took up arms to seize power.

‘We deserve dignity, acceptance’
At a public hearing on discrimination and human rights violations on Wednesday, HIV positive and other marginalised communities, transgenders, gay men, drug users and commercial sex workers came together and shared their difficulties and practical problems in their day to day living.

Up close and personal with transgenders among us
Many of you would remember Fanny Ler. She used to be known as "Freddie" who was a first sergeant with the Singapore navy for 10 years.
The story of how Fanny came to be first made headlines in the Straits Times in September as a exclusive series on transsexuals in Singapore, entitled 'When Papa became Mama'.
Inspired by senior writer Wong Kim Hoh's provocative work, RazorTV journalist Goh Shi Ting, decided that she too, wanted to shed light on the - hush-hush - issue of transgenders in Singapore.

HRC asks Obama to make pro-gay changes
The Human Rights Campaign is calling on President-elect Barack Obama to implement numerous non-legislative changes to improve the lives of gay and transgender Americans, according to a list of recommendations obtained by the Blade.

Transsexual sues over discrimination
A Milford woman charges that PC Connection refused to hire her for a sales job after learning that she'd applied to the company as a man seven years earlier.

quinta-feira, dezembro 11, 2008

WWF propõe «Hora do Planeta 2009» às escuras em Março
A World Wildlife Fund (WWF), organização de conservação do ambiente, está a apelar à adesão mundial na sua iniciativa contra as alterações climáticas «Hora do Planeta 2009», solicitando que todos apaguem a luz durante uma hora, entre as 20:30 e as 21:30 do dia 28 de Março de 2009.

Transformers luxuosas da noite paulistana arrancam aplausos na segunda noite da Casa de Criadores
O desfile da marca Mahogany nesta terça-feira, 09, no segundo dia da Casa dos Criadores, estava tranquilo. As modelos desfilaram seus corpos esguios em roupas pretas, drapeadas e de bom caimento. Até que a fila de modelos terminou e um silêncio estratégico foi instalado na sala de desfile. As luzes foram dirigidas para o fundo da passarela onde as tops transex Bianca Exótica e Michael Love esavam a postos. Requebrando e fazendo carões bem mais abusados que das meninas que entraram antes delas, as duas personagens da noite colocaram o desfile no bolso e acabaram sendo as mais aplaudidas da noite.

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Announcing the Trans-Community Activist Network
As the protest by trans people and allies outside Stonewall's annual awards ceremony last month showed, there is a groundswell of energy amongst grass roots trans people in the UK, many of whom feel disillusioned and unrepresented by the LGBT "establishment".

Televisão pública italiana censura «Brokeback Mountain»
Várias cenas de sexo homossexual do filme «O Segredo de Brokeback Mountain», protagonizadas por Heath Ledger e Jake Gyllenhaal, foram censuradas pelo canal de televisão pública italiana, RAI2, escreve o jornal 20 Minutos.

Prefeito de Moscou proíbe protestos gays em evento musical
O prefeito de Moscou, Juri Lushko, disse durante um pronunciamento oficial que grupos gays não poderão se manifestar publicamente durante um dos eventos de música mais importantes da Eupora, o "Eurovision", que ocorre na capital russa em 2009.

Transsexuals find new body doesn’t ensure happiness
There are no official statistics on the number of transgender people in Vietnam and how many undergo gender reassignment surgery.
But post-operative transsexuals say the painful and expensive medical procedures they endured didn’t give them the normal lives they were expecting.

[New Zealand]
Pedestrian-crossing gender bender gets red light
She has been quietly ushering pedestrians across High St to Manse St for nigh on two years, but the questionable gender of one of Dunedin's pedestrian signals has finally come to light.

Transexual woman ran out of town
A transsexual has been forced to leave the Sunshine Coast after an alleged vicious attack in a public street left her afraid to walk outside.
Alice - not her real name - was born male but has identified as a female since she was five years old.
The 40-year-old has lived full-time as a woman since she turned 14 and has medical approval for a sex-change operation. However, she cannot afford the expensive surgery.

DERECHOS HUMANOS-MÉXICO: La Corte y el caso del transexual
¿Es legal que al modificar una acta de nacimiento se incluya una anotación en la cual se informe que el señor X cambió de sexo y ahora es la señora Y? El caso, que está a debate en la Suprema Corte de Justicia de México, pone sobre el tapete los derechos a la intimidad y no discriminación de los transexuales.
Mexico: Supreme Court Debates Transsexual’s Right to Privacy

Emotiva presentación del documental sobre locutora transexual
Este viernes, en el Centro Cultural Francisco Paco Urondo, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA, se llevó a cabo la presentación del documental “Ariana, mucho más que un nombre”, dirigido por Gabriel Rugiero (el “Brujito Maya”), que fue muy bien recibido por el público presente.

Gender-confused teens drug call
Young teenagers with serious gender identity disorders should be given drugs which will block puberty, international experts suggest.

Douglas Ousterhout plans to retire in January 2011
If you have a goal of going to “Dr. O” for facial feminization surgery (FFS), you have two more years to schedule it.
Pioneering facial feminization surgeon Douglas K. Ousterhout plans to retire approximately two years from now, in January 2011. He will continue his practice through 2009 and 2010. This was confirmed today by his office manager,
Mira Coluccio.

Verdict expected Friday in Rogers murder trial
Excerpt: She said that Rogers told her that after shooting Blakes, he drove around the corner, came back and shot him a few more times. Blakes was found by police facedown in a pool of blood just off Woodward Avenue, dressed in women's clothing.

terça-feira, dezembro 09, 2008

Transexuais organizam piquenique no Ibirapuera
O Projeto Terça Trans, que discute aspectos relevantes na vida de travestis, transexuais e transgêneros, realizará no domingo, 14, um piquenique no Parque do Ibirapuera, em São Paulo, para celebrar a chegada do fim do ano.

Gays protest outside the Vatican in support of UN declaration
Excerpt: The French initiative is backed by all EU nations along with Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Ukraine, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In the Americas the most notable absence is the United States. Canada has signed up alongside Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay.

Hunger strike by transgender to show solidarity with Sri Lankan Tamils
For the first time, instead of raising voices for their own issues, hoards of transgender gathered here today to served a hunger strike to show solidarity with the ethnic Tamils in Sri Lanka.

[South Korea]
Minorities Call for Rights Not to Be Discriminated
Groups of gays and lesbians announced a declaration of their rights on Wednesday to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, to enhance public awareness.

[New Zealand] [Blog/Commentary]
What Value are Twin Studies?
Its usually interesting to identify the starting biases of commentators when they have something to say on transsexualism. The statements below demonstrate quite clearly that, at least so far as the author is concerned, all transsexuals start out as either cross-dressers or transvestites. In this he is simply expressing a received wisdom. The statements are no more than transgenderism writ large: but are they correct?

Una mirada a la aceptación de la diversidad sexual
Hay avances en el camino de la aceptación a la diversidad sexual en Cuba, pero todavía falta bastante por recorrer. Esa podría ser la conclusión de un reciente sondeo de opinión realizado por SEMlac entre medio centenar de personas de todas las regiones de la isla.

Si SCJN ampara a transexual, ganarán los derechos humanos: abogado del caso.
Si la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) decide amparar a la persona transexual que interpuso un juicio para borrar de su acta de nacimiento la anotación marginal que explica el nombre y el sexo que tenía antes de cambiarlos legalmente, ganarán los derechos humanos, dijo a NotieSe Víctor Hugo Flores, abogado del caso.
Transexualidad y derechos

Parents irked by policy allowing transgendered access
Two San Rafael parents are upset by a school policy that allows students who identify as a different gender to use the restrooms and locker rooms assigned to that gender.