To all visitors of this blog: the laptop i was using crashed. Unemployed, i'm trying to find someone with one laptop not in use. So, for the moment, this blog is on "holidays". Thank you all for coming here. Hope to be back soon...
quinta-feira, setembro 23, 2010
A todos que visitam este blog: O pc portátil que estava a usar "crashou". Fiquei sem pc. Desempregada, estou a ver se alguém me arranja um que não use. Até lá este blog fica de "férias forçadas". Obrigada a tod@s. Espero que esta paragem seja breve.
To all visitors of this blog: the laptop i was using crashed. Unemployed, i'm trying to find someone with one laptop not in use. So, for the moment, this blog is on "holidays". Thank you all for coming here. Hope to be back soon...
To all visitors of this blog: the laptop i was using crashed. Unemployed, i'm trying to find someone with one laptop not in use. So, for the moment, this blog is on "holidays". Thank you all for coming here. Hope to be back soon...
quarta-feira, setembro 22, 2010
Projectos de alteração de nome e género discutidos dia 29
De acordo com a agência Lusa, será no dia 29 deste mês que se irão discutir e votar as propostas do governo e do Bloco de Esquerda que visam a alteração de nome e género para as pessoas transexuais.
Foi em conferência de líderes parlamentares que a decisão foi ontem (21) tomada.
Mudança de sexo discutida no Parlamento no dia 29
[Turkey] [Commentary]
Turkey: another woman murdered in her own home
Hürriyet reports on the murder of another woman, known as Irem, yesterday (20 September) at her home in Bursa, Altiparmak.
Man pays 230k yuan for magic sex change
Hoping that he could turn into a woman and go abroad, a 55-year-old man was cheated out of 230,000 yuan ($34,201).
Two women who allegedly sold him magic transsexual capsules were arrested and will be prosecuted said Haidian prosecutors Monday.
Candis Cayne as Diana Ross
Candis Cayne channels her inner Diana Ross in a new photo shoot for Mike Ruiz.
Cayne, who became the first trans actress to appear in a leading role, in the series Dirty Sexy Money, slips into a beaded gown and black wig for the shoot. (Photo)
Panel: Maine school discriminated against student
The Maine Human Rights Commission has ruled that a middle school discriminated against a sixth grader by not letting the male-to-female transgender student use the girls' bathroom.
Human Rights Commission Will Wait On Transgender Guidelines
Panel rules against Orono school in transgender bathroom access
Where does Montco put trans-gender inmates?
Transgender inmates at Montgomery County Prison are afforded protection and kept out of the general prison population for their own safety, according to a prison official. But even if a biological man identifies as a woman, she is still housed with male inmates.
[Costa Rica - Central America]
Gays y lesbianas de Centroamérica denuncian discriminación y agresiones
Activistas por los derechos de los homosexuales, lesbianas y transexuales denunciaron este lunes discriminación y agresiones en países de Centroamérica y abogaron por conseguir un acceso igualitario a la salud y a otros servicios.
Honduran policeman sentenced for stabbing trans woman
Honduran police officer Amado Rodríguez Borjas will spend 10 - 13 years in prison after being convicted Sept. 9 in a stabbing attack on a transgender woman in Tegucigalpa.
Estrangularon a un gay en su cuarto
Amarrado de pies y manos junto a su cama fue hallado el cadáver del director de una Organización No Gubernamental (ONG), quien presuntamente fue estrangulado por el sujeto con el que, durante la noche, había tomado media botella de ron, en San Martín de Porres.
Susana Villarán dialogó con gays, lesbianas y trans de Lima
Susana Villarán se reunio hoy a la 1:30 PM , con gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y trans limeños (LGBT).
En la reunión , realizada en el local central de Fuerza Social en Jesus María, la candidata a la Alcaldía de Lima Metropolitana leyó los manifiestos de apoyo a su candidatura que le hicieron llegar las organizaciones LGB tras lo cual expresó su firme compromiso de trabajar desde la Alcaldía por una ciudad donde lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans no seamos discriminados.
Projectos de alteração de nome e género discutidos dia 29
De acordo com a agência Lusa, será no dia 29 deste mês que se irão discutir e votar as propostas do governo e do Bloco de Esquerda que visam a alteração de nome e género para as pessoas transexuais.
Foi em conferência de líderes parlamentares que a decisão foi ontem (21) tomada.
Mudança de sexo discutida no Parlamento no dia 29
[Turkey] [Commentary]
Turkey: another woman murdered in her own home
Hürriyet reports on the murder of another woman, known as Irem, yesterday (20 September) at her home in Bursa, Altiparmak.
Man pays 230k yuan for magic sex change
Hoping that he could turn into a woman and go abroad, a 55-year-old man was cheated out of 230,000 yuan ($34,201).
Two women who allegedly sold him magic transsexual capsules were arrested and will be prosecuted said Haidian prosecutors Monday.

Candis Cayne as Diana Ross
Candis Cayne channels her inner Diana Ross in a new photo shoot for Mike Ruiz.
Cayne, who became the first trans actress to appear in a leading role, in the series Dirty Sexy Money, slips into a beaded gown and black wig for the shoot. (Photo)
Panel: Maine school discriminated against student
The Maine Human Rights Commission has ruled that a middle school discriminated against a sixth grader by not letting the male-to-female transgender student use the girls' bathroom.
Human Rights Commission Will Wait On Transgender Guidelines
Panel rules against Orono school in transgender bathroom access
Where does Montco put trans-gender inmates?
Transgender inmates at Montgomery County Prison are afforded protection and kept out of the general prison population for their own safety, according to a prison official. But even if a biological man identifies as a woman, she is still housed with male inmates.
[Costa Rica - Central America]
Gays y lesbianas de Centroamérica denuncian discriminación y agresiones
Activistas por los derechos de los homosexuales, lesbianas y transexuales denunciaron este lunes discriminación y agresiones en países de Centroamérica y abogaron por conseguir un acceso igualitario a la salud y a otros servicios.
Honduran policeman sentenced for stabbing trans woman
Honduran police officer Amado Rodríguez Borjas will spend 10 - 13 years in prison after being convicted Sept. 9 in a stabbing attack on a transgender woman in Tegucigalpa.

Estrangularon a un gay en su cuarto
Amarrado de pies y manos junto a su cama fue hallado el cadáver del director de una Organización No Gubernamental (ONG), quien presuntamente fue estrangulado por el sujeto con el que, durante la noche, había tomado media botella de ron, en San Martín de Porres.
Susana Villarán dialogó con gays, lesbianas y trans de Lima
Susana Villarán se reunio hoy a la 1:30 PM , con gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y trans limeños (LGBT).
En la reunión , realizada en el local central de Fuerza Social en Jesus María, la candidata a la Alcaldía de Lima Metropolitana leyó los manifiestos de apoyo a su candidatura que le hicieron llegar las organizaciones LGB tras lo cual expresó su firme compromiso de trabajar desde la Alcaldía por una ciudad donde lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans no seamos discriminados.
terça-feira, setembro 21, 2010

Hate crime in Turkey
Our transsexual friend Irem has been murdered at her own house! (Bursa, Altiparmak)
Our transsexual friend Irem has been killed by drowning at her own flat on September 20.
Transgenders murders are political murders. We are going to protest the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender phobic system which does not define “Hate Crimes”, awards the Killers by reducing their prison sentences, does not provide any constitutional rights to Gay, Lesbian, Transsexual, bisexuals, and transgenders people, and makes these type of murders much easier.
Source: Michelle Demishevich
Transgenders go for sex change for better life
Ever since two government hospitals started performing sex reassignment surgeries free of cost on people with ‘gender dysphoria’ about eight months ago, 87 such operations have been performed and over people 500 wait-listed. But that wouldn’t give you a sense of the number of people opting for such surgeries in the city as quite a few of them have been putting themselves under the scalpel of plastic surgeons for sex change at private hospitals here for a long time.
A Ganapati mandal run by sex workers, eunuchs
It is the only Ganapati mandal in the city run exclusively by sex workers and hijras. And it has been around for 42 years.
At the Vaibhav Mitra Mandal, aartis and poojas have been performed by sex workers and eunuchs since it began celebrating Ganeshotsav in 1968. All castes and religions enthusiastically take part in the celebrations.
The Ganapati temple of the mandal stands at a place that was a garbage dump once.
How should schools handle transgender kids?
When most little girls draw themselves, they draw pictures of young ladies, often in fancy dresses and high heels.
But one kid in Deltona has always depicted herself differently: As a boy in pants, standing outside a "boy's" school or picking flowers for his mom.
Today, this youngster wants to be called "he." And after years of battles over school clothes and haircuts and long meetings with a therapist, the third-grader's parents are letting her live as a boy.
This child hasn't had a sex change and wasn't born a hermaphrodite.
Panel rules against Orono school in transgender bathroom access
The Maine Human Rights Commission ruled Monday that Orono Middle School unlawfully discriminated against a sixth-grader during the 2008-2009 school year by not letting the male-to-female transgender student use the girls’ bathroom.
[Puerto Rico]
Terror entre la comunidad LGBTT
Camina por un oscuro callejón, rumbo a la avenida, con sensuales movimientos y atenta mirada a todo a su alrededor, especialmente los carros que al pasar cerca disminuyen su velocidad.
El paso distante de una patrulla policial, que atraviesa otra callejuela con sus centelleantes luces azules, hace que aminore la marcha. Otro vehículo, más próximo, captura su atención al punto que no puede evitar atenderlo. Baja una ventanilla oscura y hace señales. No es un cliente. La tensión es evidente.
La persona, como muchas otras, trabaja en las noches, por un sector de Santurce. Su uniforme: una falda corta, tacos, maquillaje y una blusa escotada que realza sus senos, si bien ella no es mujer (o por lo menos no lo es siguiendo una estricta definición genética).
Activistas piden respeto hacia la comunidad LGBTT
segunda-feira, setembro 20, 2010
Big Brother's Nadia talks about her suicide attempt for first time
Big Brother housemate Nadia has spoken for the first time about her alleged suicide attempt.
The 33-year-old has said she’s “Ok” but admitted she’s “in a really bad place right now” and confessed: “I just feel like I badly need some guidance”.
Nadia, who won Big Brother in 2004, was rushed to hospital last week after reportedly taking a mixture of painkillers and prescription drugs.
Transvestite's drug den council flat shut for a further three months
A DRUG den inside a transvestite's council flat has been shut down for a further three months to protect elderly and vulnerable neighbours.
As reported in the Echo, 18 Toll Bar House, Bargate, Lincoln, was locked down in June for three months after it was used for Class A drug taking and dealing over several months.
Squaddie's battle for a sex change operation
'As a Para I'd jump out of planes into warzones with a rifle on my back. But it was so much harder to just walk into my local after I became a woman" - Stuart Harrison.
Transsexual basketball scout wins praise as Turkey's '14th Giant Man'
Turkish basketball star Hidayet Türkoğlu drew loud chants of “Hido, Hido” during the 2010 FIBA World Basketball Championship, and the crowd roared when Kerem Tunçeri made a last-minute lay-up against Serbia to take Turkey into the finals.
Fans made their love for Turkey’s “12 Giant Men” abundantly clear during the championship event. Also praised was a 13th man, coach Bogdan Tanjevic. But another person responsible for the team’s success, the person who discovered and trained some of the stars of the Turkish national basketball team, was not present in that crowd.
This 14th giant is Leyla Çalışkan, a famous talent scout for Turkish basketball, and a male-to-female transsexual.
(Photo: Hürriyet - Leyla Çalışkan says she was oestrosized by the basketball world after she changed sex.)
Situation of Transgender Persons Ukraine Research project
Insight Ukraine has published an important report on the lives and experiences of TS/TG women and men in Ukraine.
Une journée normale dans la vie normale d’une transsexuelle normale
Comme chaque jour normal, une transsexuelle normale se lève le matin pour aller travailler. Comme chaque matin devant sa glace elle remercie le seigneur de lui avoir donné un travail. Serte ce travail lui permet a peine de subvenir à ses besoins et même si elle doit travailler dans un domaine qui ne va pas avec ses diplômes elle ne fait que se dire la chance qu’elle a d’avoir ce travail. Normal puisque une transsexuelle dans un Liban hétéro-normatif ne peut être autre que prostituée sinon danseuse de un cabaret ce qui la ramène aussi à se prostituer.
[South Africa]
South African Parliament mistakenly refers to gender-dispute athlete Semenya as mister
Caster Semenya, the 800-metre world champion who was at the centre of a row over her gender, suffered further embarrassment when she was referred to as "mister" in South Africa's Parliament.
Several spelling and grammatical errors appeared in an official report presented to members of the Portfolio Committee on Sport including a reference to “Mr C Semenye."
[Commentary] Even South Africa's Parliament Can't Get Caster Semenya's Gender Correct
Iranian Honour Killing: Trans murdered by her brothers in Tehran
Farsnews reported that on April 25th, 2010 police found a 24 year old woman dead in her apartment, on Shariati St. After an initial investigation it became apparent the woman was called Mahsa and was a transsexual that had undergone sex-change assignment (his name before sex-change was Masood). Mahsa was strangled, and the police found out that her brothers were perpetrators. In addition the brothers stole money they found on her. The two brothers confessed to the killing of Mahsa, and mentioned the reason as “opposing her immorality”. Their father, who in Iranian Shari’a law is the Vali’ye Dam (Masa’s blood-owner), forgave his two sons for the murder. One brother was sentenced to 8 years in prison, with five years suspended jail time and the other for three with two years suspended jail time. In other words the brothers would only serve three and one year respectively in prison for murder
UN Urges Nepal To Respect Discrimination Verdict
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal today urged the country's Government to expedite the implementation of a Supreme Court ruling issued three years ago that upholds equal rights in the granting of citizenship and identity documents to members of sexual minorities.
Govt jobs for eunuchs: HC asks Centre to reply
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has granted a last opportunity to the Central government to clear its stand over the issue of reservation in government jobs for eunuchs.
Transvestite fined for soliciting
A Filipino transvestite, who was arrested for for soliciting in a public place, was fined $700 on Wednesday.
Aus military embraces transgender soldiers
The head of the Australian Defence Force has announced that transgender people will no longer be barred from serving in the nation's military.
Chaz Bono talks about coming out as trans in public eye
Southern Comfort, the annual Atlanta transgender conference, celebrated its 20th anniversary Sept. 6-12, drawing hundreds from around the globe to the Crown Plaza Ravinia Hotel.
The conference included seminars covering everything from surgeons discussing their procedures to open conversations on a variety of topics pertaining to transgender life.
One of the main highlights this year was the appearance of transgender celebrity and advocate Chaz Bono, who also participated in many of the events and hosted a seminar on media activism with Nick Adams, media awards communications manager for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
Transgender murder suspect considered male in jail
Transgender inmates at Montgomery County Prison are afforded protection and kept out of the general prison population for their own safety, according to a prison official. But even if a biological man identifies as a woman, she is still housed with male inmates.
[Puerto Rico]
Sin descartar sospechosos por muerte de transexuales
El agente investigador de la Unidad de Homicidios, Noel Ortiz, dijo que una personas que fue detenida y dejada en libertad posteriormente, no es descartada como sospechosa por el asesinato de los transexuales Miguel Soto González y Justo Luis González García.
Asesinadas dos mujeres transexuales en Puerto Rico
Gay Group Demands Murder Probe
No descartan a ningún sospecho por asesinato de las dos transexuales en Puerto Rico de este lunes
Mujeres transexuales trabajadoras sexo de Venezuela, despreciadas y lanzadas a la calle como basura
Viven con el trauma de haber sido despreciadas por su familia, lanzadas a la calle como basura y para colmo, etiquetadas por la sociedad por el "delito" de no sentirse identificadas con el sexo con el cual nacieron.
Big Brother's Nadia talks about her suicide attempt for first time
Big Brother housemate Nadia has spoken for the first time about her alleged suicide attempt.
The 33-year-old has said she’s “Ok” but admitted she’s “in a really bad place right now” and confessed: “I just feel like I badly need some guidance”.
Nadia, who won Big Brother in 2004, was rushed to hospital last week after reportedly taking a mixture of painkillers and prescription drugs.
Transvestite's drug den council flat shut for a further three months
A DRUG den inside a transvestite's council flat has been shut down for a further three months to protect elderly and vulnerable neighbours.
As reported in the Echo, 18 Toll Bar House, Bargate, Lincoln, was locked down in June for three months after it was used for Class A drug taking and dealing over several months.
Squaddie's battle for a sex change operation
'As a Para I'd jump out of planes into warzones with a rifle on my back. But it was so much harder to just walk into my local after I became a woman" - Stuart Harrison.

Transsexual basketball scout wins praise as Turkey's '14th Giant Man'
Turkish basketball star Hidayet Türkoğlu drew loud chants of “Hido, Hido” during the 2010 FIBA World Basketball Championship, and the crowd roared when Kerem Tunçeri made a last-minute lay-up against Serbia to take Turkey into the finals.
Fans made their love for Turkey’s “12 Giant Men” abundantly clear during the championship event. Also praised was a 13th man, coach Bogdan Tanjevic. But another person responsible for the team’s success, the person who discovered and trained some of the stars of the Turkish national basketball team, was not present in that crowd.
This 14th giant is Leyla Çalışkan, a famous talent scout for Turkish basketball, and a male-to-female transsexual.
(Photo: Hürriyet - Leyla Çalışkan says she was oestrosized by the basketball world after she changed sex.)
Situation of Transgender Persons Ukraine Research project
Insight Ukraine has published an important report on the lives and experiences of TS/TG women and men in Ukraine.
Une journée normale dans la vie normale d’une transsexuelle normale
Comme chaque jour normal, une transsexuelle normale se lève le matin pour aller travailler. Comme chaque matin devant sa glace elle remercie le seigneur de lui avoir donné un travail. Serte ce travail lui permet a peine de subvenir à ses besoins et même si elle doit travailler dans un domaine qui ne va pas avec ses diplômes elle ne fait que se dire la chance qu’elle a d’avoir ce travail. Normal puisque une transsexuelle dans un Liban hétéro-normatif ne peut être autre que prostituée sinon danseuse de un cabaret ce qui la ramène aussi à se prostituer.
[South Africa]
South African Parliament mistakenly refers to gender-dispute athlete Semenya as mister
Caster Semenya, the 800-metre world champion who was at the centre of a row over her gender, suffered further embarrassment when she was referred to as "mister" in South Africa's Parliament.
Several spelling and grammatical errors appeared in an official report presented to members of the Portfolio Committee on Sport including a reference to “Mr C Semenye."
[Commentary] Even South Africa's Parliament Can't Get Caster Semenya's Gender Correct

Iranian Honour Killing: Trans murdered by her brothers in Tehran
Farsnews reported that on April 25th, 2010 police found a 24 year old woman dead in her apartment, on Shariati St. After an initial investigation it became apparent the woman was called Mahsa and was a transsexual that had undergone sex-change assignment (his name before sex-change was Masood). Mahsa was strangled, and the police found out that her brothers were perpetrators. In addition the brothers stole money they found on her. The two brothers confessed to the killing of Mahsa, and mentioned the reason as “opposing her immorality”. Their father, who in Iranian Shari’a law is the Vali’ye Dam (Masa’s blood-owner), forgave his two sons for the murder. One brother was sentenced to 8 years in prison, with five years suspended jail time and the other for three with two years suspended jail time. In other words the brothers would only serve three and one year respectively in prison for murder
UN Urges Nepal To Respect Discrimination Verdict
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal today urged the country's Government to expedite the implementation of a Supreme Court ruling issued three years ago that upholds equal rights in the granting of citizenship and identity documents to members of sexual minorities.
Govt jobs for eunuchs: HC asks Centre to reply
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has granted a last opportunity to the Central government to clear its stand over the issue of reservation in government jobs for eunuchs.
Transvestite fined for soliciting
A Filipino transvestite, who was arrested for for soliciting in a public place, was fined $700 on Wednesday.
Aus military embraces transgender soldiers
The head of the Australian Defence Force has announced that transgender people will no longer be barred from serving in the nation's military.
Chaz Bono talks about coming out as trans in public eye
Southern Comfort, the annual Atlanta transgender conference, celebrated its 20th anniversary Sept. 6-12, drawing hundreds from around the globe to the Crown Plaza Ravinia Hotel.
The conference included seminars covering everything from surgeons discussing their procedures to open conversations on a variety of topics pertaining to transgender life.
One of the main highlights this year was the appearance of transgender celebrity and advocate Chaz Bono, who also participated in many of the events and hosted a seminar on media activism with Nick Adams, media awards communications manager for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
Transgender murder suspect considered male in jail
Transgender inmates at Montgomery County Prison are afforded protection and kept out of the general prison population for their own safety, according to a prison official. But even if a biological man identifies as a woman, she is still housed with male inmates.
[Puerto Rico]
Sin descartar sospechosos por muerte de transexuales
El agente investigador de la Unidad de Homicidios, Noel Ortiz, dijo que una personas que fue detenida y dejada en libertad posteriormente, no es descartada como sospechosa por el asesinato de los transexuales Miguel Soto González y Justo Luis González García.
Asesinadas dos mujeres transexuales en Puerto Rico
Gay Group Demands Murder Probe
No descartan a ningún sospecho por asesinato de las dos transexuales en Puerto Rico de este lunes
Mujeres transexuales trabajadoras sexo de Venezuela, despreciadas y lanzadas a la calle como basura
Viven con el trauma de haber sido despreciadas por su familia, lanzadas a la calle como basura y para colmo, etiquetadas por la sociedad por el "delito" de no sentirse identificadas con el sexo con el cual nacieron.
sábado, setembro 18, 2010
Considerações sobre a Proposta de Lei de Identidade de Género do Governo (Proposta de Lei n.º 37/XI)
Como se sabe, o Governo apresentou recentemente uma Proposta de Lei de Identidade de Género (LIG). (Pode ser lida na totalidade clicando AQUI)
Só recentemente pude ler a dita proposta, e novamente me senti defraudada e desiludida.
Tal como a proposta do BE, não se trata efectivamente de uma proposta de LIG, mas de uma mera agilização de parte do processo a que se têm de submeter as pessoas transexuais.
O projecto trata apenas da questão do registo civil, facilitando a alteração de nome e género, libertando assim dos tribunais esta questão. Para isso basta ser-se de nacionalidade portuguesa, maior de idade e que não se mostre interdito ou inabilitado por anomalia psíquica, a quem seja diagnosticada perturbação de identidade de género.
Mais uma vez, não me parece de todo justo que face à incapacidade médica de a diagnosticar quando junto com doenças do foro psiquiátrico, se negue o direito à identidade de género de uma pessoa transexual. Qualquer pessoa transexual, como qualquer outra pessoa, pode sofrer de uma doença psíquica qualquer. E a negação do direito que qualquer pessoa tem de ver reconhecida a sua IG por se sofrer de uma doença mental parece-me um abuso. Já não basta a uma pessoa sofrer de uma doença mental, ainda leva por cima com a negação da sua identidade.
Tal como afirmei no caso da proposta do BE, cabe à classe médica a descoberta de métodos que os ajudem a descobrir a IG de uma pessoa, e não negar-se o reconhecimento dessa identidade por incapacidade de a diferenciar.
No registo civil será apresentado um requerimento em que conste o número de identificação civil e do nome próprio pelo qual o requerente pretende vir a ser identificado, podendo, desde logo, ser solicitada a realização de novo assento de nascimento;
Penso que será somente pelo número de identificação civil que o conservador saberá de quem se trata, pois o nome próprio pelo qual se deseja ser identificado ainda não existe, nos registos.
Juntamente com o requerimento dever-se-à apresentar um relatório elaborado por equipa clínica multidisciplinar de sexologia clínica em estabelecimento de saúde público ou privado, nacional ou estrangeiro que comprove o diagnóstico de perturbação de identidade de género.
O que se entende aqui como equipa clínica multidisciplinar? Um psiquiatra sexólogo mais um psicólogo? Mais um endocrinologista? Mais um cirurgião?
O cirurgião não tem interferência no diagnóstico, só inicia a sua participação no fim do processo, quando já se está mais que diagnosticado. O endocrinologista só interfere na parte referente ao tratamento hormonal, portanto também não faz diagnósticos.
Um psiquiatra e um psicólogo? Falta um esclarecimento desta parte.
Norma geral é o chefe de equipa que assina os relatórios, não todos os clínicos intervenientes. Pergunto-me eu, como pode o conservador saber se um relatório que lhe é apresentado com a assinatura de um médico é de facto o chefe de uma equipa de sexologia clínica? Novamente falta um esclarecimento que evite futuros dissabores a quem requeira.
Da parte do conservador, terá oito dias para decidir. Ou a documentação está conforme ou não. Em que casos poderá pedir o “aperfeiçoamento do pedido”?
Quer dizer o requerimento deverá seguir (penso eu) uma minuta, logo aí não vejo esclarecimentos a pedir. Será então do relatório clínico? Em que bases? Assinatura de médico (ilegível)? Falar de disforia de género em vez de transtorno de identidade de género, que é a mesma coisa mas que um conservador não tem a obrigação de saber? Este ponto parece-me muito susceptível de provocar atrasos. É muito mais simples o binómio tem-se a documentação toda devidamente apresentada? Se sim, avança, se não, rejeita-se.
O artº 68 diz que “A mudança de sexo e a consequente alteração de nome próprio não são averbadas oficiosamente a nenhum assento”. Imediatamente a seguir, no artº 69 é afirmado que “Ao assento de nascimento são especialmente averbados: alínea o) A mudança de sexo e a consequente mudança de nome próprio”. Bem, ou não é averbado a nenhum assento, ou é ao assento de nascimento do indivíduo, digo eu. Em que é que se fica? Outro ponto a necessitar esclarecimento.
O resto do documento parece-me razoável.
Tal como a proposta do Bloco de Esquerda, esta passa ao lado dos seguintes problemas:
A duração máxima que cada processo deverá ter, que presentemente não tem limite, e portanto continuarão a existir processos com 4, 5, 7 ou até mesmo dez anos.
A interferência da Ordem dos Médicos na autorização final para as cirurgias que, na minha opinião, é inútil, abusiva e intrusiva especialmente neste caso.
A necessidade de tratamentos específicos para cada caso (MtF e FtM) que presentemente não são fornecidos pelo SNS.
A ausência de menção de que as pessoas transexuais têm direito a verem a sua IG reconhecida independentemente de desejarem ou não submeterem-se a uma CRS.
Ou seja, com esta proposta, uma pessoa transexual que queira mudar a sua documentação mas que não deseje submeter-se a uma CRS, vai ser obrigada a mentir sempre e sempre para obter o diagnóstico.
E isto apesar de cada vez mais as comissões europeias vincularem a documentação de uma pessoa à sua IG e não a cirurgias, e que até são mencionadas na explanação dos motivos.
E isto porque os processos psiquiátricos estão unicamente virados para as cirurgias, em vez de estarem para ajudar as pessoas a aceitarem-se. Basta pensar-se que, se uma pessoa transexual admitir sequer que tem dúvidas sobre a vontade de fazer a CRS, o seu processo automaticamente entra num estado de hibernação, quando não cessa de imediato. E como todo o processo está virado para as cirurgias, se uma pessoa admite a mais pequena dúvida,e o processo pára, muitos psiquiatras deixam de passar, ou mesmo nunca chegam a iniciar, receitas hormonais. Portanto uma paragem forçada do tratamento hormonal, ou um tratamento que nunca chega a iniciar-se.
Ora será justo pensar-se que isto acontecerá na mesma com os relatórios para se apresentarem. Não vejo porque será diferente. Continuaremos a estar sujeitos a uma CRS não desejada por muitas pessoas transexuais, porque o governo decidiu omitir o direito a cada pessoa ser identificada pela sua IG, dando espaço a que os psiquiatras continuem a exigir a vontade de se fazer a CRS como necessidade para o diagnóstico de transexualidade.
Como disse no caso da proposta do BE, o direito à alteração da documentação legal tem de estar associado à identidade de género, e não a cirurgias. É necessária uma lei de identidade de género em Portugal, não uma mera agilização de uma pequena parte de um processo, que contemple toda a população transexual e não somente parte dela.
Ambas as propostas (Governo e BE) representam um bom avanço, no entanto ambas podiam (e deviam) ter ido mais longe, bastante mais longe.
Como se sabe, o Governo apresentou recentemente uma Proposta de Lei de Identidade de Género (LIG). (Pode ser lida na totalidade clicando AQUI)
Só recentemente pude ler a dita proposta, e novamente me senti defraudada e desiludida.
Tal como a proposta do BE, não se trata efectivamente de uma proposta de LIG, mas de uma mera agilização de parte do processo a que se têm de submeter as pessoas transexuais.
O projecto trata apenas da questão do registo civil, facilitando a alteração de nome e género, libertando assim dos tribunais esta questão. Para isso basta ser-se de nacionalidade portuguesa, maior de idade e que não se mostre interdito ou inabilitado por anomalia psíquica, a quem seja diagnosticada perturbação de identidade de género.
Mais uma vez, não me parece de todo justo que face à incapacidade médica de a diagnosticar quando junto com doenças do foro psiquiátrico, se negue o direito à identidade de género de uma pessoa transexual. Qualquer pessoa transexual, como qualquer outra pessoa, pode sofrer de uma doença psíquica qualquer. E a negação do direito que qualquer pessoa tem de ver reconhecida a sua IG por se sofrer de uma doença mental parece-me um abuso. Já não basta a uma pessoa sofrer de uma doença mental, ainda leva por cima com a negação da sua identidade.
Tal como afirmei no caso da proposta do BE, cabe à classe médica a descoberta de métodos que os ajudem a descobrir a IG de uma pessoa, e não negar-se o reconhecimento dessa identidade por incapacidade de a diferenciar.
No registo civil será apresentado um requerimento em que conste o número de identificação civil e do nome próprio pelo qual o requerente pretende vir a ser identificado, podendo, desde logo, ser solicitada a realização de novo assento de nascimento;
Penso que será somente pelo número de identificação civil que o conservador saberá de quem se trata, pois o nome próprio pelo qual se deseja ser identificado ainda não existe, nos registos.
Juntamente com o requerimento dever-se-à apresentar um relatório elaborado por equipa clínica multidisciplinar de sexologia clínica em estabelecimento de saúde público ou privado, nacional ou estrangeiro que comprove o diagnóstico de perturbação de identidade de género.
O que se entende aqui como equipa clínica multidisciplinar? Um psiquiatra sexólogo mais um psicólogo? Mais um endocrinologista? Mais um cirurgião?
O cirurgião não tem interferência no diagnóstico, só inicia a sua participação no fim do processo, quando já se está mais que diagnosticado. O endocrinologista só interfere na parte referente ao tratamento hormonal, portanto também não faz diagnósticos.
Um psiquiatra e um psicólogo? Falta um esclarecimento desta parte.
Norma geral é o chefe de equipa que assina os relatórios, não todos os clínicos intervenientes. Pergunto-me eu, como pode o conservador saber se um relatório que lhe é apresentado com a assinatura de um médico é de facto o chefe de uma equipa de sexologia clínica? Novamente falta um esclarecimento que evite futuros dissabores a quem requeira.
Da parte do conservador, terá oito dias para decidir. Ou a documentação está conforme ou não. Em que casos poderá pedir o “aperfeiçoamento do pedido”?
Quer dizer o requerimento deverá seguir (penso eu) uma minuta, logo aí não vejo esclarecimentos a pedir. Será então do relatório clínico? Em que bases? Assinatura de médico (ilegível)? Falar de disforia de género em vez de transtorno de identidade de género, que é a mesma coisa mas que um conservador não tem a obrigação de saber? Este ponto parece-me muito susceptível de provocar atrasos. É muito mais simples o binómio tem-se a documentação toda devidamente apresentada? Se sim, avança, se não, rejeita-se.
O artº 68 diz que “A mudança de sexo e a consequente alteração de nome próprio não são averbadas oficiosamente a nenhum assento”. Imediatamente a seguir, no artº 69 é afirmado que “Ao assento de nascimento são especialmente averbados: alínea o) A mudança de sexo e a consequente mudança de nome próprio”. Bem, ou não é averbado a nenhum assento, ou é ao assento de nascimento do indivíduo, digo eu. Em que é que se fica? Outro ponto a necessitar esclarecimento.
O resto do documento parece-me razoável.
Tal como a proposta do Bloco de Esquerda, esta passa ao lado dos seguintes problemas:
A duração máxima que cada processo deverá ter, que presentemente não tem limite, e portanto continuarão a existir processos com 4, 5, 7 ou até mesmo dez anos.
A interferência da Ordem dos Médicos na autorização final para as cirurgias que, na minha opinião, é inútil, abusiva e intrusiva especialmente neste caso.
A necessidade de tratamentos específicos para cada caso (MtF e FtM) que presentemente não são fornecidos pelo SNS.
A ausência de menção de que as pessoas transexuais têm direito a verem a sua IG reconhecida independentemente de desejarem ou não submeterem-se a uma CRS.
Ou seja, com esta proposta, uma pessoa transexual que queira mudar a sua documentação mas que não deseje submeter-se a uma CRS, vai ser obrigada a mentir sempre e sempre para obter o diagnóstico.
E isto apesar de cada vez mais as comissões europeias vincularem a documentação de uma pessoa à sua IG e não a cirurgias, e que até são mencionadas na explanação dos motivos.
E isto porque os processos psiquiátricos estão unicamente virados para as cirurgias, em vez de estarem para ajudar as pessoas a aceitarem-se. Basta pensar-se que, se uma pessoa transexual admitir sequer que tem dúvidas sobre a vontade de fazer a CRS, o seu processo automaticamente entra num estado de hibernação, quando não cessa de imediato. E como todo o processo está virado para as cirurgias, se uma pessoa admite a mais pequena dúvida,e o processo pára, muitos psiquiatras deixam de passar, ou mesmo nunca chegam a iniciar, receitas hormonais. Portanto uma paragem forçada do tratamento hormonal, ou um tratamento que nunca chega a iniciar-se.
Ora será justo pensar-se que isto acontecerá na mesma com os relatórios para se apresentarem. Não vejo porque será diferente. Continuaremos a estar sujeitos a uma CRS não desejada por muitas pessoas transexuais, porque o governo decidiu omitir o direito a cada pessoa ser identificada pela sua IG, dando espaço a que os psiquiatras continuem a exigir a vontade de se fazer a CRS como necessidade para o diagnóstico de transexualidade.
Como disse no caso da proposta do BE, o direito à alteração da documentação legal tem de estar associado à identidade de género, e não a cirurgias. É necessária uma lei de identidade de género em Portugal, não uma mera agilização de uma pequena parte de um processo, que contemple toda a população transexual e não somente parte dela.
Ambas as propostas (Governo e BE) representam um bom avanço, no entanto ambas podiam (e deviam) ter ido mais longe, bastante mais longe.
sexta-feira, setembro 17, 2010
Ensuring that men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people are empowered to access and deliver HIV services
By ensuring that men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people are empowered to both access and deliver comprehensive and appropriate packages of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and by ensuring that law enforcement agencies and the judicial system protect their rights, we can empower men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people to protect themselves from HIV infection and to fully access antiretroviral therapy.
Breast screens for trans women stirs debate
Breast screening habits for transsexual women shouldn't differ from those of biological women, according to a recent European study. However, a human sexuality expert disagrees, saying screening for transsexual women should depend on when the patient started estrogen therapy and not age alone.
Proposta de Lei n.º 37/XI
Cria o procedimento de mudança de sexo e de nome próprio no registo civil e procede à 18.ª alteração ao Código do Registo Civil.
Transsexual worker to sue over dismissal
A transsexual care worker from Lincoln is suing her former employer claiming she was sacked after she turned up for work in a dress.
Rachel Millington claims her bosses were unsympathetic to her situation when she changed her name from Andrew and started dressing as a woman.
The 24-year-old claims bosses at Housing and Support Solutions Limited, in Cleethorpes, terminated her contract without reason just days after she announced her gender change decision.
Suicidal Nadia in 'bad place'
Following her suicide attempt, Big Brother star Nadia Almada has said she's in a "really bad place right now" and "needs some guidance".
Transexual piauiense denuncia rede e ganha visto na Itália
Após denunciar uma rede de prostituição na Itália, uma transexual piauiense ganhou visto de permanência e não quer voltar ao Brasil, mesmo com a iniciativa do Ministério das Relações Exteriores para encorajar a volta de brasileiros que vivam em risco no exterior.
C.A., de 28 anos, desembarcou de forma ilegal em 2006, levada por uma rede de prostituição. Ela afirma que pagou 12 mil euros, ou seja, cerca de R$26 mil à rede para entrar ilegalmente no país europeu.
Transgender marriage sparks debate on same sex unions
Poland saw it’s first female-female wedding at the weekend: except that one of the women involved was legally a man.
Ania, a transgendered female married Greta, a lesbian. But as a transgendered person in Poland is legally defined by their original gender, the marriage between the couple was that of a man and a woman.
Nevertheless, the union has been heralded by sexual minority activists as ground breaking in Poland.
Nepal detains gay rights activists over protest
Police in Nepal have detained more than 70 gay rights activists during a rally demanding citizenship certificates which identify transgender people as 'third sex', rather than male or female.
Transgender Outcasts Give Lessons in Tolerance
Mirrors were tucked behind embroidered drapes, prayer rugs spread over the carpet and fashion magazines replaced by copies of the Koran in preparation for breaking the fast at dusk on a quiet day near the end of Ramadan. In a quiet alley in the ancient Javanese city of Yogyakarta, Mariyani, a 50-year-old transgender hairdresser, has turned part of her salon into an Islamic school.
Australia Drops Trans Military Ban
A member of the Australian military's desire to transition has led to the repeal of the nation's ban on transgender service members.
The announcement from Australian Defence Force chief Angus Houston (pictured) came Monday, 18 years after the force repealed the ban on gay and lesbian troops, according to
Australia to Allow Transgender Soldiers
Australian Defense Force Lifts Ban on Transgender Service Members
Australia Lifts Ban on Transgender Military Service
Australian Military Ends Discrimination Against Transgender Soldiers
Vancouver woman links eviction to being transsexual
A Vancouver transsexual has filed a human-rights complaint, alleging discrimination on the basis of sex, age, and disability after she was evicted from a downtown social-housing complex. In an interview with the Georgia Straight, Pamela Burge said she was thrown out of the Wellspring, which is at 415 Nelson Street, at the end of June. This came after the society that manages the complex claimed that she owed $1,355 in outstanding rent.
(Photo: Pamela Burge has filed a complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal after she was ordered out of the social-housing unit where she lived for 13 years.)
Trans Actress Best Dressed at Toronto
Who did Toronto Life magazine readers vote the best-dressed actress at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of Black Swan? Running against stars Natalie Portman and Winona Ryder, but with 60% of the vote, it was trans actress Biko Beauttah who got the most votes.
The Transgender Experience
From what I am seeing in my transitional journey, the route for "transsexuals" in Quebec and other parts of Canada is improving all the time. Some provinces pay some of the medical costs, and completing the legal paperwork is fairly routine now. Society at large in such provinces as Quebec, Ontario and B.C. is generally quite accepting and accommodating of people who have transitioned -- ie. I am a woman and am accepted as a woman. Indeed, many people don't know that I transitioned, and couldn't care less.
Beyer falls short in bid for legislature
The scene at Dana Beyer’s Chevy Chase, Md., home is somber. With all but seven of the 35 precincts having reported their votes, it’s clear the transgender eye surgeon-turned-political hopeful has not garnered enough votes to secure one of the three state General Assembly seats for her home turf of District 18.
Beyer was pragmatic during a brief concession speech in her living room to a houseful of canvass workers, family, friends and supporters.
Dana Beyer Unsuccessful in Maryland Statehouse Bid
Trans services excluded in Healthy SF
Transgender leaders say that Healthy San Francisco, the city's health insurance program for uninsured residents, is discriminatory because it excludes sexual reassignment services, treatment, and surgery.
Maryland -'Transgender Rights' activist loses re-election bid in Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council member Duchy Trachtenberg finished in 5th place in the Democratic primary for at-large seats on the Council. The top four finishers get a slot on the November ballot. The Washington Examiner website today reports that Ms. Trachtenberg has conceded that she lost, and that she attributed it to her standing up against special interests.
Catching up With Oklahoma's Transgender Candidate
CNN does an excellent job catching up with Brittany Novotny, a transgender candidate running for the state house in Oklahoma. As you can imagine, running for an office in this red state requires plenty of time, energy, and commitment. Voters are looking past gender issues and looking for a candidate that can best serve their state.
Kern supporters go after transgendered candidate again
Transgender politics
'Confused It' Brittany Novotny's Saucy Response to Oklahoma's Sally Kern
[Puerto Rico]
Policía aclara que no descarta crimen de odio en muertes de homosexuales
El director del área investigativa de la Región Policiaca de Ponce, Richard Nazario, dijo que no descartan que el asesinato de Justo González García y Miguel Soto González, quienes fueron baleados mientras vestían de mujer, fue un crimen de odio.
Aunque aceptó que “para ser un crimen de odio deben existir unas circunstancias que ahora mismo no hay".
Éste explicó que para ser un crimen de odio, el sospechoso tiene que confesar que lo hizo por odio a los homosexuales.
Policía busca recrear los últimos pasos de los gays asesinados
No se descarta crimen de odio en asesinato de transexuales
New York City coalition condemns ongoing murders of members of the LGBT community in Puerto Rico
Ensuring that men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people are empowered to access and deliver HIV services
By ensuring that men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people are empowered to both access and deliver comprehensive and appropriate packages of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and by ensuring that law enforcement agencies and the judicial system protect their rights, we can empower men who have sex with men, sex workers and transgender people to protect themselves from HIV infection and to fully access antiretroviral therapy.
Breast screens for trans women stirs debate
Breast screening habits for transsexual women shouldn't differ from those of biological women, according to a recent European study. However, a human sexuality expert disagrees, saying screening for transsexual women should depend on when the patient started estrogen therapy and not age alone.
Proposta de Lei n.º 37/XI
Cria o procedimento de mudança de sexo e de nome próprio no registo civil e procede à 18.ª alteração ao Código do Registo Civil.
Transsexual worker to sue over dismissal
A transsexual care worker from Lincoln is suing her former employer claiming she was sacked after she turned up for work in a dress.
Rachel Millington claims her bosses were unsympathetic to her situation when she changed her name from Andrew and started dressing as a woman.
The 24-year-old claims bosses at Housing and Support Solutions Limited, in Cleethorpes, terminated her contract without reason just days after she announced her gender change decision.
Suicidal Nadia in 'bad place'
Following her suicide attempt, Big Brother star Nadia Almada has said she's in a "really bad place right now" and "needs some guidance".
Transexual piauiense denuncia rede e ganha visto na Itália
Após denunciar uma rede de prostituição na Itália, uma transexual piauiense ganhou visto de permanência e não quer voltar ao Brasil, mesmo com a iniciativa do Ministério das Relações Exteriores para encorajar a volta de brasileiros que vivam em risco no exterior.
C.A., de 28 anos, desembarcou de forma ilegal em 2006, levada por uma rede de prostituição. Ela afirma que pagou 12 mil euros, ou seja, cerca de R$26 mil à rede para entrar ilegalmente no país europeu.
Transgender marriage sparks debate on same sex unions
Poland saw it’s first female-female wedding at the weekend: except that one of the women involved was legally a man.
Ania, a transgendered female married Greta, a lesbian. But as a transgendered person in Poland is legally defined by their original gender, the marriage between the couple was that of a man and a woman.
Nevertheless, the union has been heralded by sexual minority activists as ground breaking in Poland.
Nepal detains gay rights activists over protest
Police in Nepal have detained more than 70 gay rights activists during a rally demanding citizenship certificates which identify transgender people as 'third sex', rather than male or female.
Transgender Outcasts Give Lessons in Tolerance
Mirrors were tucked behind embroidered drapes, prayer rugs spread over the carpet and fashion magazines replaced by copies of the Koran in preparation for breaking the fast at dusk on a quiet day near the end of Ramadan. In a quiet alley in the ancient Javanese city of Yogyakarta, Mariyani, a 50-year-old transgender hairdresser, has turned part of her salon into an Islamic school.
Australia Drops Trans Military Ban
A member of the Australian military's desire to transition has led to the repeal of the nation's ban on transgender service members.
The announcement from Australian Defence Force chief Angus Houston (pictured) came Monday, 18 years after the force repealed the ban on gay and lesbian troops, according to
Australia to Allow Transgender Soldiers
Australian Defense Force Lifts Ban on Transgender Service Members
Australia Lifts Ban on Transgender Military Service
Australian Military Ends Discrimination Against Transgender Soldiers

Vancouver woman links eviction to being transsexual
A Vancouver transsexual has filed a human-rights complaint, alleging discrimination on the basis of sex, age, and disability after she was evicted from a downtown social-housing complex. In an interview with the Georgia Straight, Pamela Burge said she was thrown out of the Wellspring, which is at 415 Nelson Street, at the end of June. This came after the society that manages the complex claimed that she owed $1,355 in outstanding rent.
(Photo: Pamela Burge has filed a complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal after she was ordered out of the social-housing unit where she lived for 13 years.)
Trans Actress Best Dressed at Toronto
Who did Toronto Life magazine readers vote the best-dressed actress at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of Black Swan? Running against stars Natalie Portman and Winona Ryder, but with 60% of the vote, it was trans actress Biko Beauttah who got the most votes.
The Transgender Experience
From what I am seeing in my transitional journey, the route for "transsexuals" in Quebec and other parts of Canada is improving all the time. Some provinces pay some of the medical costs, and completing the legal paperwork is fairly routine now. Society at large in such provinces as Quebec, Ontario and B.C. is generally quite accepting and accommodating of people who have transitioned -- ie. I am a woman and am accepted as a woman. Indeed, many people don't know that I transitioned, and couldn't care less.
Beyer falls short in bid for legislature
The scene at Dana Beyer’s Chevy Chase, Md., home is somber. With all but seven of the 35 precincts having reported their votes, it’s clear the transgender eye surgeon-turned-political hopeful has not garnered enough votes to secure one of the three state General Assembly seats for her home turf of District 18.
Beyer was pragmatic during a brief concession speech in her living room to a houseful of canvass workers, family, friends and supporters.
Dana Beyer Unsuccessful in Maryland Statehouse Bid
Trans services excluded in Healthy SF
Transgender leaders say that Healthy San Francisco, the city's health insurance program for uninsured residents, is discriminatory because it excludes sexual reassignment services, treatment, and surgery.
Maryland -'Transgender Rights' activist loses re-election bid in Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council member Duchy Trachtenberg finished in 5th place in the Democratic primary for at-large seats on the Council. The top four finishers get a slot on the November ballot. The Washington Examiner website today reports that Ms. Trachtenberg has conceded that she lost, and that she attributed it to her standing up against special interests.
Catching up With Oklahoma's Transgender Candidate
CNN does an excellent job catching up with Brittany Novotny, a transgender candidate running for the state house in Oklahoma. As you can imagine, running for an office in this red state requires plenty of time, energy, and commitment. Voters are looking past gender issues and looking for a candidate that can best serve their state.
Kern supporters go after transgendered candidate again
Transgender politics
'Confused It' Brittany Novotny's Saucy Response to Oklahoma's Sally Kern
[Puerto Rico]
Policía aclara que no descarta crimen de odio en muertes de homosexuales
El director del área investigativa de la Región Policiaca de Ponce, Richard Nazario, dijo que no descartan que el asesinato de Justo González García y Miguel Soto González, quienes fueron baleados mientras vestían de mujer, fue un crimen de odio.
Aunque aceptó que “para ser un crimen de odio deben existir unas circunstancias que ahora mismo no hay".
Éste explicó que para ser un crimen de odio, el sospechoso tiene que confesar que lo hizo por odio a los homosexuales.
Policía busca recrear los últimos pasos de los gays asesinados
No se descarta crimen de odio en asesinato de transexuales
New York City coalition condemns ongoing murders of members of the LGBT community in Puerto Rico
quarta-feira, setembro 15, 2010
Davina Mccall - Nadia Almada Blames Davina For Hate
Nadia Almada has blamed 'Ultimate Big Brother' host Davina McCall for making her ''hate'' herself and feel ''ugly'' and ''disgusting''.
[UK] [Commentary]
Trans Murder Monitoring Project update: every second day the murder of a trans person is reported
The Trans Murder Monitoring Project has published its Interim Update of July 2010, which states that 93 murders were recorded in the first six months of the year. According to their press release, this means that: every second day a homicide of a trans person is being reported.
Las mujeres transexuales son mujeres desde su nacimiento, también las Misses
El debate sobre transexualidad en Miss Italia está fuera de lugar por discriminatorio y por basarse en una idea equivocada de la realidad trans.
Nepal Detains 70 Gay, Trans Activists
More than 70 gay rights activists rallying for changes to government identification papers for transgender people have been detained by police in Kathmandu, Reuters reported Tuesday.
Nepali men and women are campaigning for citizenship certificates with their gender marked as "third sex" instead of male or female, according to the report.
Nepal detains gay activists
Nepal detains activists seeking transgender identification
Nepal transgenders launch hunger strike for rights
Nepal gays start hungerstrike against bias
Detienen cerca de 70 transexuales en Nepal por manifestarse en reclamo de una Ley cambio de DNI
[Australia] [Letters to the Editor]
Trans Outlaws
If the Australian Supreme court upholds the rule that a FTM transgender person "cannot be considered male if they have functioning internal and external female reproductive organs" they will create gender outlaws of a segment of their society that already faces discrimination in all aspects of life.
Let them serve: Defence drops ban on transgender soldiers
Chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston issued an instruction Monday revoking the policy that effectively banned transgender service members. The ADF is believed to be the last government agency that specifically fired employees for transitioning gender.
The individual whose recent gender transition lead to the reform work was not available for public comment, but the referral service that assists gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender service members, DEFGLIS, was aware that commanders had been anything but understanding.
Maplewood Homicide Victim Was Transgendered, Former CHS Student
The Essex County Prosecutor's Office reported today that the victim of a fatal shooting in Maplewood on Sunday was Victoria Carmen White, formerly James White. White had legally changed her name to Victoria Carmen following sex reassignment surgery. (Photo)
Updated: Victim's Identity Clarified in Maplewood Homicide
Friend Remembers Slain Columbia High Student
Oklahoma lawmaker Kern supporter calls her transgender opponent a 'confused it'
Legislator asks supporters to refrain from saying anything derogatory about her opponent. Her challenger doubts the sincerity of appeal while the chairman of a conservative group who made the comment says he won't apologize.
[Puerto Rico]
Calla sujeto vinculado al doble asesinato de hombres vestidos de mujer
Dos cuerpos baleados en el mismo medio del pavimento, un automóvil manchado con sangre y una persona detenida, pero que se rehusaba a declarar, era, en esencia, lo que tenía la Policía para descifrar el asesinato de dos presuntos homosexuales ocurrido en la madrugada de ayer en el sector Cayabo del barrio Collores en Juana Díaz.
"Lo quería todo el mundo"
Madres unidas por el dolor del asesinato de sus hijos transexuales
Madres de dos mujeres transexuales asesinadas este lunes en Puerto Rico están sumidas en el dolor (Foto: Michelle Conzález)
Pareja de Pequeña P, posible sospechoso de su crimen ha declarado ante el juez en Argentina
Miguel Horisberger mantuvo sus dichos en el Juzgado de Instrucción de Gualeguaychú. La indagatoria del remisero se extendió durante una hora. En diez días se define su situación procesal.
Davina Mccall - Nadia Almada Blames Davina For Hate
Nadia Almada has blamed 'Ultimate Big Brother' host Davina McCall for making her ''hate'' herself and feel ''ugly'' and ''disgusting''.
[UK] [Commentary]
Trans Murder Monitoring Project update: every second day the murder of a trans person is reported
The Trans Murder Monitoring Project has published its Interim Update of July 2010, which states that 93 murders were recorded in the first six months of the year. According to their press release, this means that: every second day a homicide of a trans person is being reported.
Las mujeres transexuales son mujeres desde su nacimiento, también las Misses
El debate sobre transexualidad en Miss Italia está fuera de lugar por discriminatorio y por basarse en una idea equivocada de la realidad trans.
Nepal Detains 70 Gay, Trans Activists
More than 70 gay rights activists rallying for changes to government identification papers for transgender people have been detained by police in Kathmandu, Reuters reported Tuesday.
Nepali men and women are campaigning for citizenship certificates with their gender marked as "third sex" instead of male or female, according to the report.
Nepal detains gay activists
Nepal detains activists seeking transgender identification
Nepal transgenders launch hunger strike for rights
Nepal gays start hungerstrike against bias
Detienen cerca de 70 transexuales en Nepal por manifestarse en reclamo de una Ley cambio de DNI
[Australia] [Letters to the Editor]
Trans Outlaws
If the Australian Supreme court upholds the rule that a FTM transgender person "cannot be considered male if they have functioning internal and external female reproductive organs" they will create gender outlaws of a segment of their society that already faces discrimination in all aspects of life.
Let them serve: Defence drops ban on transgender soldiers
Chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston issued an instruction Monday revoking the policy that effectively banned transgender service members. The ADF is believed to be the last government agency that specifically fired employees for transitioning gender.
The individual whose recent gender transition lead to the reform work was not available for public comment, but the referral service that assists gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender service members, DEFGLIS, was aware that commanders had been anything but understanding.
Maplewood Homicide Victim Was Transgendered, Former CHS Student
The Essex County Prosecutor's Office reported today that the victim of a fatal shooting in Maplewood on Sunday was Victoria Carmen White, formerly James White. White had legally changed her name to Victoria Carmen following sex reassignment surgery. (Photo)
Updated: Victim's Identity Clarified in Maplewood Homicide
Friend Remembers Slain Columbia High Student
Oklahoma lawmaker Kern supporter calls her transgender opponent a 'confused it'
Legislator asks supporters to refrain from saying anything derogatory about her opponent. Her challenger doubts the sincerity of appeal while the chairman of a conservative group who made the comment says he won't apologize.

Calla sujeto vinculado al doble asesinato de hombres vestidos de mujer
Dos cuerpos baleados en el mismo medio del pavimento, un automóvil manchado con sangre y una persona detenida, pero que se rehusaba a declarar, era, en esencia, lo que tenía la Policía para descifrar el asesinato de dos presuntos homosexuales ocurrido en la madrugada de ayer en el sector Cayabo del barrio Collores en Juana Díaz.
"Lo quería todo el mundo"
Madres unidas por el dolor del asesinato de sus hijos transexuales
Madres de dos mujeres transexuales asesinadas este lunes en Puerto Rico están sumidas en el dolor (Foto: Michelle Conzález)
Pareja de Pequeña P, posible sospechoso de su crimen ha declarado ante el juez en Argentina
Miguel Horisberger mantuvo sus dichos en el Juzgado de Instrucción de Gualeguaychú. La indagatoria del remisero se extendió durante una hora. En diez días se define su situación procesal.
terça-feira, setembro 14, 2010

Queer Lisboa 14
Já está online a programação completa do Queer Lisboa 14! O Festival conta com um total de 118 filmes, sendo, uma vez mais, os EUA o país mais representado, com um total de 30 filmes. Destaque este ano para a presença da cinematografia Suíça, com um total de 12 títulos – o segundo país mais representado, a par da França. O Queer Lisboa retomou também este ano um importante investimento no Cinema Espanhol, com um total de 10 títulos.
Members of European Parliament demand equality
The European Union's commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship faced calls for more to be done to uphold same-sex couples' rights as they move around the EU, last week.
Mujer transexual esta en huelga de hambre desde el 3 de septiembre en Barcelona contra abuso carcelario
Desde el pasado 3 de Septiembre, Alexsandra, una mujer transexual presa en el C.P. de Brians II, ha iniciado una huelga por los abusos de los que son objeto tanto ella como su marido, también preso, por parte de algunos carceleros.
'Suicidal' Nadia Almada Angers Big Brother Bosses
Fallen housemate Nadia Almada is still at war with “infuriated” show bosses.
‘Sex-change op rescued my life’ says Oxford woman
FOR her first 39 years transsexual Gina Ravens ‘hid away from the world’ in the body of Graham Dennis Day.
She endured a ‘horrific’ childhood in Essex and struggled further after moving to Oxford in the early 1990s.
Ms Ravens, 56, said: “I knew I was different to all the boys in my class and that I didn’t have anything in common with them, but there was enormous pressure to conform. (Photo)
'Disgust' at outcome of YMCA shop row saga
A would-be transsexual is annoyed that a manager who was suspended over her discrimination claims is now back at work.
The YMCA suspended the manager of the shop in Winchester Street, Basingstoke, after former volunteer Philis King accused her of making derogatory remarks about her in front of colleagues and customers.
(Photo: Philis King and Sharon Riley outside the YMCA shop in Basingstoke)
Eliminan de Miss Italia a candidata supuestamente trans: "No es nada malo, pero no lo soy" dijo la Miss
Mide 1,84 metros, tiene los hombros anchos y un cuerpo fuerte. Estos tres elementos del físico de la postulante a Miss Italia Alessia Mancini, alimentaron el rumor de que ella fuera una mujer transexual. Ese supuesto “disgustó” al público, por lo que fue eliminada del certamen de belleza a través de votación telefónica, a pesar de la buena puntuación que le dio el jurado.
Official suspended for touching a transvestite's breasts
A China village official has been suspended for touching the breasts of a transvestite.
The incident occured during a trip to Thailand.
Censorship on Google Instant
Excerpt: However, it's been discovered that the "autocomplete excludes certain terms related to pornography, violence and hate speech," according to Google. The feature also happens to exclude the words "bisexual" and "lesbian" while allowing "homosexual," "gay," "queer," "dyke," "transvestite," and "transgender" to be searchable instantly.
Reports: SFPD Arrest 12 At Castro Protest
About 30 protesters have gathered in San Francisco's Castro District to protest House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's position on equality for gay people in the workplace.
The group leading the protest, GetEQUAL, said on its website that Pelosi is "blocking legislation that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers from workplace discrimination."
Some Arrests As Protesters Block Market And Castro Streets In SF
Activists Arrested Protesting Nancy Pelosi On ENDA

Newark man is fatally shot inside Maplewood home
A 29-year-old Newark man was fatally shot inside a relative's home early this morning, the Essex County Prosecutor's Office said.
Shooting victim was transgendered woman
Officials say Maplewood fatal shooting victim was a woman

Protestors Call On J. Crew to Cease Transgender Discrimination
In the midst of New York’s Fashion Week, members of advocacy group Make The Road protested outside the home of a J. Crew executive, calling on the company to stop discriminating against trangender job applicants, Staten Island Live reports.
J.Crew Fashion Week event to get dressed down
Protest against preppy clothing company exec
(Photo: Julian Brolaski, a transgender who was refused work, protests outside J. Crew in Manhattan.)
Group backing Sally Kern calls her transgender opponent Brittany Novotny ‘a confused it’
A political action committee that supports Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern sent an e-mail to members this week calling Kern’s transgender opponent, Democrat Brittany Novotny, “a confused it.” The e-mail from the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee, posted on Novotny’s website on Thursday, goes on to say that “Some have suggested that having a sex change operation is a person’s greatest act of rebellion and hatred toward God for His making them what they were.”
Kern supporters start slinging mud at Novotny
[Commentary] A Confused It
[Commentary] PAC Supporting Sally Kern Calls Her Transgender Opponent ‘A Confused It’
Kern's People Get Personal
Sally Kern Backers Call Transgender Rival Brittany Novotny An 'It'
Sally Kern Supporter Calls Transgendered Candidate ‘Confused It'
PSU’s Queer Resource Center Seeking Help for Trans Day of Remembrance
In gearing up to present the ninth annual Trans Day of Remembrance, Portland State University’s Queer Resource Center is looking for transgender, transexual and genderqueer/gendernaut performers, artists, speakers, workshop facilitators and volunteers. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 20.
Transgender drivers win concession
Pa. licenses will reflect gender that they live.
PennDOT bows to transgendered community

Another possible anti-LGBT murder in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rican authorities continue to investigate the death of two transgender women found dead on a local highway.
Ultiman a dos hombres que vestían ropa de mujer
Two Transgender Women Found Murdered in Puerto Rico
2 men in women's clothing slain in Puerto Rico, activists demand hate crime investigation
Presunta escort transexual en pachanga del Tri en Monterrey
De acuerdo a las fotos publicadas por un diario deportivo, una de las acompañantes del Tri en su fiesta después del triunfo ante Colombia en Monterrey, se trataría de una escort transexual de nombre Gema.

De película, un homosexual hizo creer a su novio que era mujer y estaba "embarazada"
Raptó a su sobrino de 27 días de nacido para hacerle creer que era el hijo de ambos, ya fue detenido
Emulando la película de "Madame Butterfly", un joven homosexual logró evitar que su novio se diera cuenta de su verdadero sexo e incluso para fortalecer su historia le aseguró que estaba "embarazada", sin embargo para demostrar que esto era verdad se robó a su sobrino, el cual le presentó a su pareja como el hijo de ambos, por lo que finalmente fue detenido por elementos de la Policía Ministerial, acusado de sustracción de menores. (Foto)
Agente de policía sentenciado por apuñalar a una trabajadora del sexo transgénero
Una condena excepcional a pesar de las intimidaciones y una victoria para la justicia
La condena de un oficial de policía por el ataque a puñaladas contra una mujer transgénero mientras se encontraba fuera de servicio es una gran victoria para la justicia y la igualdad de derechos en Honduras, Human Rights Watch y la Red Lésbica Cattrachas, una organización de derechos de las lesbianas de Honduras, señalaron hoy. Las dos organizaciones asistieron al juicio en calidad de observadores.
Police officer sentenced for stabbing transgender sex worker
Presentan en Jujuy, Argentina, actividades en pro de una Ley de Identidad de Genero para transexuales
El Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI), Delegación Jujuy, adhiere a las actividades que se desarrollarán en nuestra ciudad capital, por la “Semana de la Ley de Identidad de Género y Respeto por la Diversidad”. Organizada por la Asociación Travestis Transexuales Transgéneros Argentinas (ATTTA); ésta se realizará desde este próximo lunes, 13 de septiembre, en el marco de la presentación en la provincia del proyecto de Ley Nacional de Identidad de Género.
segunda-feira, setembro 13, 2010
Transexuais. Parlamento discute lei da mudança de sexo em Outubro
Bacelar Gouveia afirma que a mudança no registo civil é um direito fundamental. CDS-PP não concorda com diploma.
Booed BB Nadia in suicide bid
Booed Big Brother housemate Nadia Almada was rushed to hospital after a suicide bid, it was revealed yesterday.
UBB Nadia in suicide bid
Ultimate Big Brother: Nadia Almada in 'suicide attempt' days after
being booed at eviction
[South Africa]
Going the extra mile for Semenya’s rights
Anti-apartheid lawyer took athlete’s case, writes Sanchia Temkin.
Sex-change test to go all the way to the High Court
The High Court is expected to test whether a person with the capacity to bear children can be legally considered male.
Tackling fundamental issues of gender and identity, West Australia's Supreme Court of Appeal ruled last week that the transsexuals could not be legally considered men. They want gender reassignment certificates.
The pair -- whose names have been suppressed -- appear male to the casual observer after having double mastectomies to remove their breasts and taking regular testosterone treatment.
Free e-Learning Module: Endocrine Therapy for Transgender Patients
A critical issue for frontline practitioners is the lack of relevant training and resources to help them understand and address the health issues of their clients. This is compounded by the limited connectivity with peers and the absence of networks for frontline practitioners.
[USA] [Opinion]
Transphobia and mean streets
On May 7, 2010, Chanel (Dana) Larkin, 26, was fatally shot in the head by Andrew Olaciregui, 28, who had met her on a Milwaukee street and asked her to engage in a sexual act. Olaciregui pleaded guilty to second-degree reckless homicide in the case on Aug. 31, according to the state's online court database. He is scheduled to be sentenced in October.
Sally Kern Backers Call Transgender Rival Brittany Novotny An 'It'
Backers for anti-gay Oklahoma state Representative Sally Kern have called her transgender rival Brittany Novotny “a confused 'it,'” gay weekly the Dallas Voice reported.
Novotny is challenging Kern, the woman best known for saying gay folks were the “biggest threat our nation has” at a 2008 gathering of Republicans, for the seat she's held since 2005.
In an email to members of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC), the group's president, Charlie Meadows, calls Novotny “a confused 'it'” and suggests she hates God.
Georgian transgender feel unwelcome at home
Sexual minorities in Georgia are accusing the government and the Orthodox church of persecuting them. They want their life choices to be accepted instead of being labeled a sin or disease.
Nika spent 5 years working in Georgia’s police force, and got fired … for being a woman.
Nika is transgender and says he is not accepted for wanting to live in a man’s body.
Police Officer Sentenced for Stabbing Transgender Sex Worker
The conviction of an off-duty police officer for a stabbing attack on a transgender woman is a major victory for justice and equal rights in Honduras, Human Rights Watch and Red Lésbica Cattrachas, a Honduran lesbian rights organization, said today. The two organizations attended the trial as observers.
Transvestites Seek Right to Use Opposite Sex Bathrooms in Argentina
Argentinean transvestites are objecting to new legislation proposed to create a third bathroom for their use in commercial establishments, according to local and international reports.
The proposed law, advanced by councilwoman Gimena Abonassar of the city of San Martín, is intended to protect women from men who enter their bathrooms dressed as the opposite sex, an increasingly common occurrence in certain countries.
"We're talking about creating a third bathroom to give a place to transvestites because of complaints by fathers of girls who were saying that they felt uncomfortable when they had to share the same bathroom," Abonassar told the French Press Agency in a telephone interview.
Transexuais. Parlamento discute lei da mudança de sexo em Outubro
Bacelar Gouveia afirma que a mudança no registo civil é um direito fundamental. CDS-PP não concorda com diploma.
Booed BB Nadia in suicide bid
Booed Big Brother housemate Nadia Almada was rushed to hospital after a suicide bid, it was revealed yesterday.
UBB Nadia in suicide bid
Ultimate Big Brother: Nadia Almada in 'suicide attempt' days after
being booed at eviction
[South Africa]
Going the extra mile for Semenya’s rights
Anti-apartheid lawyer took athlete’s case, writes Sanchia Temkin.
Sex-change test to go all the way to the High Court
The High Court is expected to test whether a person with the capacity to bear children can be legally considered male.
Tackling fundamental issues of gender and identity, West Australia's Supreme Court of Appeal ruled last week that the transsexuals could not be legally considered men. They want gender reassignment certificates.
The pair -- whose names have been suppressed -- appear male to the casual observer after having double mastectomies to remove their breasts and taking regular testosterone treatment.
Free e-Learning Module: Endocrine Therapy for Transgender Patients
A critical issue for frontline practitioners is the lack of relevant training and resources to help them understand and address the health issues of their clients. This is compounded by the limited connectivity with peers and the absence of networks for frontline practitioners.
[USA] [Opinion]
Transphobia and mean streets
On May 7, 2010, Chanel (Dana) Larkin, 26, was fatally shot in the head by Andrew Olaciregui, 28, who had met her on a Milwaukee street and asked her to engage in a sexual act. Olaciregui pleaded guilty to second-degree reckless homicide in the case on Aug. 31, according to the state's online court database. He is scheduled to be sentenced in October.
Sally Kern Backers Call Transgender Rival Brittany Novotny An 'It'
Backers for anti-gay Oklahoma state Representative Sally Kern have called her transgender rival Brittany Novotny “a confused 'it,'” gay weekly the Dallas Voice reported.
Novotny is challenging Kern, the woman best known for saying gay folks were the “biggest threat our nation has” at a 2008 gathering of Republicans, for the seat she's held since 2005.
In an email to members of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC), the group's president, Charlie Meadows, calls Novotny “a confused 'it'” and suggests she hates God.
Georgian transgender feel unwelcome at home
Sexual minorities in Georgia are accusing the government and the Orthodox church of persecuting them. They want their life choices to be accepted instead of being labeled a sin or disease.
Nika spent 5 years working in Georgia’s police force, and got fired … for being a woman.
Nika is transgender and says he is not accepted for wanting to live in a man’s body.
Police Officer Sentenced for Stabbing Transgender Sex Worker
The conviction of an off-duty police officer for a stabbing attack on a transgender woman is a major victory for justice and equal rights in Honduras, Human Rights Watch and Red Lésbica Cattrachas, a Honduran lesbian rights organization, said today. The two organizations attended the trial as observers.
Transvestites Seek Right to Use Opposite Sex Bathrooms in Argentina
Argentinean transvestites are objecting to new legislation proposed to create a third bathroom for their use in commercial establishments, according to local and international reports.
The proposed law, advanced by councilwoman Gimena Abonassar of the city of San Martín, is intended to protect women from men who enter their bathrooms dressed as the opposite sex, an increasingly common occurrence in certain countries.
"We're talking about creating a third bathroom to give a place to transvestites because of complaints by fathers of girls who were saying that they felt uncomfortable when they had to share the same bathroom," Abonassar told the French Press Agency in a telephone interview.
sexta-feira, setembro 10, 2010
Prefeitura de Porto Alegre inicia trabalho com travestis e transexuais
O Centro de Referência às Vítimas de Violência -CRVV, da Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Segurança Urbana irá, a partir da próxima terça-feira, 14 de setembro, acolher um grupo semanal com travestis e transexuais.
Esse grupo tem por objetivo dar visibilidade às necessidades sociais de travestis e transexuais, discutindo questões como autocuidado, direitos humanos, sexualidade, violência e todas as questões que permeiam a vida de travestis e transexuais.
[UK] [Commentary]
'I'd always hated my facial hair'
As Juliet Jacques continues on her journey of gender reassignment she says goodbye to a powerful sign of masculinity: her facial hair. It's a process that stings, both physically and financially.
Gov. Paterson Signs Antibullying Bill
Students in New York State who are bullied in schools will have a little more protection after Gov. David Paterson signed the Dignity for All Students Act into law Wednesday.
Nikki Araguz and an Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Diagnosis
Although many newspaper accounts have all but completely ignored the fact that Nikki Araguz was likely born with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), whether or not she was born with this genetic intersex condition could become an important, even essential, aspect of her defensive response to the probate lawsuit filed against her by Heather Delgado, her late husband's ex-wife, and Simona Longoria, her late husband's biological mother. Ample supporting and contextual evidence that Nikki Araguz was born with AIS has been presented in the media, with the possibility that historical medical records will follow later, along with DNA analysis to confirm what already seems apparent.
The Morning Blotter: Bigots Hurl Rocks, Epithets At Transgendered Woman On Capitol Hill
Seattle police are investigating another case of malicious harassment—Washington's hate crime statute—after a group of men hurled epithets and rocks at a transgendered woman on Capitol Hill last week.
SeattleCrime: Rocks thrown at transgendered woman in Pike/Pine hate crime
Prefeitura de Porto Alegre inicia trabalho com travestis e transexuais
O Centro de Referência às Vítimas de Violência -CRVV, da Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Segurança Urbana irá, a partir da próxima terça-feira, 14 de setembro, acolher um grupo semanal com travestis e transexuais.
Esse grupo tem por objetivo dar visibilidade às necessidades sociais de travestis e transexuais, discutindo questões como autocuidado, direitos humanos, sexualidade, violência e todas as questões que permeiam a vida de travestis e transexuais.
[UK] [Commentary]
'I'd always hated my facial hair'
As Juliet Jacques continues on her journey of gender reassignment she says goodbye to a powerful sign of masculinity: her facial hair. It's a process that stings, both physically and financially.
Gov. Paterson Signs Antibullying Bill
Students in New York State who are bullied in schools will have a little more protection after Gov. David Paterson signed the Dignity for All Students Act into law Wednesday.
Nikki Araguz and an Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Diagnosis
Although many newspaper accounts have all but completely ignored the fact that Nikki Araguz was likely born with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), whether or not she was born with this genetic intersex condition could become an important, even essential, aspect of her defensive response to the probate lawsuit filed against her by Heather Delgado, her late husband's ex-wife, and Simona Longoria, her late husband's biological mother. Ample supporting and contextual evidence that Nikki Araguz was born with AIS has been presented in the media, with the possibility that historical medical records will follow later, along with DNA analysis to confirm what already seems apparent.
The Morning Blotter: Bigots Hurl Rocks, Epithets At Transgendered Woman On Capitol Hill
Seattle police are investigating another case of malicious harassment—Washington's hate crime statute—after a group of men hurled epithets and rocks at a transgendered woman on Capitol Hill last week.
SeattleCrime: Rocks thrown at transgendered woman in Pike/Pine hate crime
quinta-feira, setembro 09, 2010
Projeto que permite que transexuais mudem seu nome no registro civil é tema de enquete
A Agência Senado quer saber a opinião dos leitores a respeito do projeto PL 72/2007 que permite às/aos transexuais alterar o registro civil para que o nome usado socialmente conste na certidão. Este é o tema da enquete promovida durante o mês de setembro em parceria com a Secretaria de Pesquisa e Opinião do Senado.
Fallece mujer transexual histórica del Movimiento LGTB italiano; Marcella Di Folco
Ha fallecido Marcella Di Folco, foto, una mujer transexual histórica del movimiento LGTB italiano.
Tras el rumor de que en Miss Italia participa una mujer transexual se abre debate de cambio reglamento
La polémica vuelve a estar servida en el concurso de Miss Italia. Según varios diarios italianos se han comenzado a oír rumores de que una de las 60 finalistas es una mujer transexual. Dada la noticia no han tardado en surgir todo tipo de opiniones entre los que están a favor y en contra de la participación de esta candidata, de la que no se ha revelado la identidad. El concurso de Miss Italia 2010 se celebra el próximo 13 de septiembre.
Egyptian transsexual battles to become a doctor
Sally Abdullah Mursi walks into a room with an air of confidence, clutching a leather handbag in one hand and holding a pink mobile telephone in the other.
Legalize Trans Campaign Kicks Off
A new public education campaign, Legalize Trans, has launched with the goal of drawing increased attention to transgender people and their issues.
The campaign, created by activists Asher Kolieboi and Brian Murphy, is selling T-shirts, buttons, and other merchandise bearing the message “Legalize Trans,” a response to what they see as a lack of trans inclusion in American Apparel’s Legalize Gay campaign and in the gay rights movement generally, says Kolieboi, who earlier this year was codirector of the Soulforce Q Equality Ride and one of the young activists featured in The Advocate’s Forty Under 40 issue.
The transfan in popular culture
In my article on crossdreamers and the fascination for "shemales", crossdressers and transwomen, I looked into the psychology of what drives a transfan (also called a transsensual or a tranny chaser).
Transgender Tennis Player Wins Yet Another U.S. Open Due to Lack of Competition
Michael-Michelle Johnson found itself holding yet another U.S. Open championship cup above its head yesterday in Flushing Meadows. Johnson, who may be the most dominant athlete of any sport in history, claimed a 234th straight inter-gender tennis title, making even Roger Federer's accomplishments look tame.
While the men's and women's divisions in tennis get most of the press, Johnson has quietly carved out a career for the ages. It has yet to play an actual opponent, spending most of his/her practice time hitting against a wall, but was nonetheless proud of yet another victory. It was a tearful scene on the illustrious court 52, as it got another trophy.
Police investigate transgender attack on Broadway
Two transgender women had rocks thrown at them on Capitol Hill after four suspects yelled hateful insults at them, according to police.
One of the victims told police that she was inside a Capitol Hill business about 3:15 a.m. Sep. 2 when she asked a woman her name. The woman refused to give her name.
Police were told someone with the woman made a comment about the victim's legs and "stated that the four suspects were trying to talk" with the victim "to hook up," according to an incident report.
Transgender group seeks support
The first time Bree Sutherland talked to a therapist, it changed her life.
In 2008, Sutherland, a transgender woman, was living as a man and trying to ignore her feelings. “At the time, I knew I was a girl, I knew the way I felt, but I didn’t want to accept it,” she said. “I decided to go to a therapist to have her tell me I’m not trans.” She made an appointment with a trans woman therapist in Missoula.
Sutherland walked out of that first session an hour an a half later with “a million pounds let off [her] chest.”
Since then, she’s become a trans activist and started sponsoring her own Missoula transgender support group, which is just part of the resource network for Montanans struggling with identity issues. “There’s roughly 750 transgender individuals in the city, as of last year,” said Sutherland. She estimates that about 150 trans individuals are on campus.
NY Governor David Paterson Signs Gay, Trans-Inclusive Anti-Bullying Bill
New York Governor David Paterson has signed an anti-bullying bill that includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
Paterson, a Democrat, signed the bill this morning at a ceremony held at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center in the city's Greenwich Village.
The Dignity for All Students Act won the overwhelming approval of senators in June after the Assembly had approved the bill nine times since openly gay Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell first introduced the bill in 2002.
Transohio launches statewide needs assessment for the Ohio transgender community
TransOhio has launched a first of its kind needs assessment for the Ohio Transgender community. The needs assessment will serve as a snapshot of the Ohio Transgender community, including those individuals who were born in Ohio, but now reside elsewhere.
Con tres homosexuales asesinados en una “campaña de limpieza social” son ya al menos diez las víctimas en una semana en Colombia
La Policía ha dado cuenta del asesinato de tres homosexuales en la ciudad colombiana de Cúcuta, capital del departamento de Norte de Santander. El coronel Jorge Iván Flórez, comandante de la Policía de Cúcuta, ha precisado que los tres hombres fueron asesinados en una calle del centro de la ciudad. Según el alto oficial, “se pudo tratar de una mal llamada “campaña de limpieza social’” puesto que en los últimos días han circulado en la ciudad octavillas “en las que desconocidos amenazan a ladrones, expendedores de droga y a trabajadores sexuales”.
¿Travesti fue el que rompió el hogar del “Toro” Acuña?
La ex esposa del pelotero le incineró al futbolista en los estrados judiciales ventilando supuestos amoríos. Electra aparece como “la otra”.
Encarnizada está la demanda de divorcio entre Miguel “El Toro” Acuña y su esposa Deborah Torres, el futbolista del club Rubio Ñu había pedido romper el matrimonio legal a petición de ambas partes, pero su doña ni que torero le dio unas estocadas terribles a su “mediacostilla”.
Posiblemente es la primera vez, especialmente entre famosos, que se alega como causal de adulterio la ¡bisexualidad! y como rival de la esposa a un travesti, en este caso a la ya tan famosa Electra.
Ni al baño de chicos ni de chicas, al de transexuales
Ni al baño de chicas ni al de chicos, sino a otro distinto. Esto es lo que propone para los transexuales y travestis una edil de una localidad argentina, como si estas personas gozaran de un género diferente de los dos existentes.
La polémica idea se concreta en la creación de un tercer baño para estas personas. Dicha medida ha sido lanzada al aire en la ciudad de San Martín por una concejala y no ha habido que esperar mucho tiempo para recoger las reacciones de distintas asociaciones de transexuales y travestis.
"La edil debería informarse y legislar para conseguir más integración, no para dividir a la sociedad”, sostiene Marcela Romero, presidenta de la Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Transgéneros de Argentina (ATTTA). La dirigente de esta organización considera que este caso es “un ejemplo de la transfobia de muchos gobernantes”.
[Opinion] Propuesta de baños separados para personas transgenero: “Lo que busca es castigar en vez de construir ciudadanía”
Transexuales argentinas también ponen el grito en el cielo por creación de baño solo para ellas
Projeto que permite que transexuais mudem seu nome no registro civil é tema de enquete
A Agência Senado quer saber a opinião dos leitores a respeito do projeto PL 72/2007 que permite às/aos transexuais alterar o registro civil para que o nome usado socialmente conste na certidão. Este é o tema da enquete promovida durante o mês de setembro em parceria com a Secretaria de Pesquisa e Opinião do Senado.
Fallece mujer transexual histórica del Movimiento LGTB italiano; Marcella Di Folco
Ha fallecido Marcella Di Folco, foto, una mujer transexual histórica del movimiento LGTB italiano.
Tras el rumor de que en Miss Italia participa una mujer transexual se abre debate de cambio reglamento
La polémica vuelve a estar servida en el concurso de Miss Italia. Según varios diarios italianos se han comenzado a oír rumores de que una de las 60 finalistas es una mujer transexual. Dada la noticia no han tardado en surgir todo tipo de opiniones entre los que están a favor y en contra de la participación de esta candidata, de la que no se ha revelado la identidad. El concurso de Miss Italia 2010 se celebra el próximo 13 de septiembre.
Egyptian transsexual battles to become a doctor
Sally Abdullah Mursi walks into a room with an air of confidence, clutching a leather handbag in one hand and holding a pink mobile telephone in the other.

Legalize Trans Campaign Kicks Off
A new public education campaign, Legalize Trans, has launched with the goal of drawing increased attention to transgender people and their issues.
The campaign, created by activists Asher Kolieboi and Brian Murphy, is selling T-shirts, buttons, and other merchandise bearing the message “Legalize Trans,” a response to what they see as a lack of trans inclusion in American Apparel’s Legalize Gay campaign and in the gay rights movement generally, says Kolieboi, who earlier this year was codirector of the Soulforce Q Equality Ride and one of the young activists featured in The Advocate’s Forty Under 40 issue.
The transfan in popular culture
In my article on crossdreamers and the fascination for "shemales", crossdressers and transwomen, I looked into the psychology of what drives a transfan (also called a transsensual or a tranny chaser).
Transgender Tennis Player Wins Yet Another U.S. Open Due to Lack of Competition
Michael-Michelle Johnson found itself holding yet another U.S. Open championship cup above its head yesterday in Flushing Meadows. Johnson, who may be the most dominant athlete of any sport in history, claimed a 234th straight inter-gender tennis title, making even Roger Federer's accomplishments look tame.
While the men's and women's divisions in tennis get most of the press, Johnson has quietly carved out a career for the ages. It has yet to play an actual opponent, spending most of his/her practice time hitting against a wall, but was nonetheless proud of yet another victory. It was a tearful scene on the illustrious court 52, as it got another trophy.
Police investigate transgender attack on Broadway
Two transgender women had rocks thrown at them on Capitol Hill after four suspects yelled hateful insults at them, according to police.
One of the victims told police that she was inside a Capitol Hill business about 3:15 a.m. Sep. 2 when she asked a woman her name. The woman refused to give her name.
Police were told someone with the woman made a comment about the victim's legs and "stated that the four suspects were trying to talk" with the victim "to hook up," according to an incident report.
Transgender group seeks support
The first time Bree Sutherland talked to a therapist, it changed her life.
In 2008, Sutherland, a transgender woman, was living as a man and trying to ignore her feelings. “At the time, I knew I was a girl, I knew the way I felt, but I didn’t want to accept it,” she said. “I decided to go to a therapist to have her tell me I’m not trans.” She made an appointment with a trans woman therapist in Missoula.
Sutherland walked out of that first session an hour an a half later with “a million pounds let off [her] chest.”
Since then, she’s become a trans activist and started sponsoring her own Missoula transgender support group, which is just part of the resource network for Montanans struggling with identity issues. “There’s roughly 750 transgender individuals in the city, as of last year,” said Sutherland. She estimates that about 150 trans individuals are on campus.
NY Governor David Paterson Signs Gay, Trans-Inclusive Anti-Bullying Bill
New York Governor David Paterson has signed an anti-bullying bill that includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
Paterson, a Democrat, signed the bill this morning at a ceremony held at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center in the city's Greenwich Village.
The Dignity for All Students Act won the overwhelming approval of senators in June after the Assembly had approved the bill nine times since openly gay Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell first introduced the bill in 2002.
Transohio launches statewide needs assessment for the Ohio transgender community
TransOhio has launched a first of its kind needs assessment for the Ohio Transgender community. The needs assessment will serve as a snapshot of the Ohio Transgender community, including those individuals who were born in Ohio, but now reside elsewhere.
Con tres homosexuales asesinados en una “campaña de limpieza social” son ya al menos diez las víctimas en una semana en Colombia
La Policía ha dado cuenta del asesinato de tres homosexuales en la ciudad colombiana de Cúcuta, capital del departamento de Norte de Santander. El coronel Jorge Iván Flórez, comandante de la Policía de Cúcuta, ha precisado que los tres hombres fueron asesinados en una calle del centro de la ciudad. Según el alto oficial, “se pudo tratar de una mal llamada “campaña de limpieza social’” puesto que en los últimos días han circulado en la ciudad octavillas “en las que desconocidos amenazan a ladrones, expendedores de droga y a trabajadores sexuales”.
¿Travesti fue el que rompió el hogar del “Toro” Acuña?
La ex esposa del pelotero le incineró al futbolista en los estrados judiciales ventilando supuestos amoríos. Electra aparece como “la otra”.
Encarnizada está la demanda de divorcio entre Miguel “El Toro” Acuña y su esposa Deborah Torres, el futbolista del club Rubio Ñu había pedido romper el matrimonio legal a petición de ambas partes, pero su doña ni que torero le dio unas estocadas terribles a su “mediacostilla”.
Posiblemente es la primera vez, especialmente entre famosos, que se alega como causal de adulterio la ¡bisexualidad! y como rival de la esposa a un travesti, en este caso a la ya tan famosa Electra.
Ni al baño de chicos ni de chicas, al de transexuales
Ni al baño de chicas ni al de chicos, sino a otro distinto. Esto es lo que propone para los transexuales y travestis una edil de una localidad argentina, como si estas personas gozaran de un género diferente de los dos existentes.
La polémica idea se concreta en la creación de un tercer baño para estas personas. Dicha medida ha sido lanzada al aire en la ciudad de San Martín por una concejala y no ha habido que esperar mucho tiempo para recoger las reacciones de distintas asociaciones de transexuales y travestis.
"La edil debería informarse y legislar para conseguir más integración, no para dividir a la sociedad”, sostiene Marcela Romero, presidenta de la Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Transgéneros de Argentina (ATTTA). La dirigente de esta organización considera que este caso es “un ejemplo de la transfobia de muchos gobernantes”.
[Opinion] Propuesta de baños separados para personas transgenero: “Lo que busca es castigar en vez de construir ciudadanía”
Transexuales argentinas también ponen el grito en el cielo por creación de baño solo para ellas
quarta-feira, setembro 08, 2010
Changing sex and pensions
It is proposed to increase the ages for both sexes in the future, a decision criticised by employers who believe that it will hamper the efforts of businesses to recover from the recession and cause a rift among staff.
Marcella Di Folco, le foto di una vita.
La fondatrice e presidente del movimento italiano transessuali Marcella Di Folco è morta a Bentivoglio, nel bolognese: aveva 67 anni ed era stata colpita da una malattia incurabile. (Foto)
Miss Italia - the mystery of the transsexual
The Italian media have dubbed the affair “the mystery of the transsexual”: for several weeks there have been rumours that there is a transsexual who has not had sex change surgery among the 2010 Miss Italia finalists and, as the contest nears its final stages, the speculation is reaching fever pitch.
Cross-dresser in Dubai seeks acquittal of charges
The 23-year-old student's lawyer Yasser Al Naqbi on Monday asked the Dubai Cassation Court to cancel his client's one-year imprisonment and dismiss his charges.
La lucha de una mujer transexual egipcia por ser medico en un país ultraconservador
Sally Abdullah Mursi, foto, entra en la sala como si fuera un huracán, con un aire de suma seguridad en sí misma, agarrando firmemente un bolso de cuero con su mano derecha y un teléfono móvil con la izquierda. (Foto)
Patong Police Pounce: Katoeys in Mass Arrest
PATONG police are warning tourists to beware of ladyboy katoeys. Eleven were arrested last night for minor offences, including loitering.
Australia's Stupid Requirement Trans Men Turn Vaginas Into Penises to Become Women
I continue to be amazed that a human being actually needs to ask somebody else, let alone a government body that is a man-made construct, to be allowed to be a certain gender. Like the two trans men in Australia who have to sue their own government in order to be considered male, because after winning in court the right to check "M," the attorney general got worried that somebody who is male could still bear children, and that would confuse everyone, so the office appealed and was shot down, sort of, by the Court of Appeal, which said fertility isn't a factor, but having male genitalia is, and because the two trans men didn't have below-the-waist surgery, they're still women. So unless they pay, like, tens of thousands of dollars, they must just … deal.
WA gender change battle set for High Court
Celebrity Transgender Roles
A look at some famous transgender characters.
Becoming Miles: The Journey Of Changing Sexes
Megan Taylor grew up feeling she was living in the wrong body. In her 20s, she decided to do something about it. First, she changed her name to Miles. Miles began taking testosterone, scheduled a double mastectomy — part of sex reassignment surgery — and began changing his body into one that felt right. The hardest part was telling his parents.
Through it all, he kept an audio diary.
Review: Two Spirits
Last Friday, a friend and I attended a free screening of the documentary Two Spirits at the local office of the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado. This deeply affecting documentary, now a few years old, follows the story of Fred Martinez, a Navajo teen who lived near Cortez, Colo. Fred, who also went by F.C., was an openly transgendered individual who presented as female, and sometimes male.
Transgender inmate sues sheriff in Jacksonville, Fla.
A transgender woman is suing the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office for not giving her the proper medication while in custody.
Michael Maier had a sex change several years ago, and still needs hormone shots and other treatments to sustain the surgical procedure.
Transgender Inmate Sues JSO
Asesinan a tres mujeres transexuales el sábado en Colombia, señalan puede ser acción "limpieza social"
La muerte violenta de tres mujeres transexuales en un céntrico sector cucuteño, Colombia, pudo tratarse de una acción de limpieza social, alertó la fundación para la Protección de la Vida (Provida).
Edila propone que los boliches tengan baños para los travestis
El proyecto de ordenanza para crear un tercer sanitario en esos sitios de diversión pertenece a una joven concejala de San Martín. Ya generó dudas e ironías. Dicen que busca protagonismo.
Proponen que boliches tengan un tercer baño para travestis
El Inadi le "bajó el pulgar" al proyecto del baño transexual en San Martín
Instituto Contra Discriminación Argentino rechaza la pretensión de crear una baño solo para transexuales
Changing sex and pensions
It is proposed to increase the ages for both sexes in the future, a decision criticised by employers who believe that it will hamper the efforts of businesses to recover from the recession and cause a rift among staff.

Marcella Di Folco, le foto di una vita.
La fondatrice e presidente del movimento italiano transessuali Marcella Di Folco è morta a Bentivoglio, nel bolognese: aveva 67 anni ed era stata colpita da una malattia incurabile. (Foto)
Miss Italia - the mystery of the transsexual
The Italian media have dubbed the affair “the mystery of the transsexual”: for several weeks there have been rumours that there is a transsexual who has not had sex change surgery among the 2010 Miss Italia finalists and, as the contest nears its final stages, the speculation is reaching fever pitch.
Cross-dresser in Dubai seeks acquittal of charges
The 23-year-old student's lawyer Yasser Al Naqbi on Monday asked the Dubai Cassation Court to cancel his client's one-year imprisonment and dismiss his charges.

La lucha de una mujer transexual egipcia por ser medico en un país ultraconservador
Sally Abdullah Mursi, foto, entra en la sala como si fuera un huracán, con un aire de suma seguridad en sí misma, agarrando firmemente un bolso de cuero con su mano derecha y un teléfono móvil con la izquierda. (Foto)
Patong Police Pounce: Katoeys in Mass Arrest
PATONG police are warning tourists to beware of ladyboy katoeys. Eleven were arrested last night for minor offences, including loitering.
Australia's Stupid Requirement Trans Men Turn Vaginas Into Penises to Become Women
I continue to be amazed that a human being actually needs to ask somebody else, let alone a government body that is a man-made construct, to be allowed to be a certain gender. Like the two trans men in Australia who have to sue their own government in order to be considered male, because after winning in court the right to check "M," the attorney general got worried that somebody who is male could still bear children, and that would confuse everyone, so the office appealed and was shot down, sort of, by the Court of Appeal, which said fertility isn't a factor, but having male genitalia is, and because the two trans men didn't have below-the-waist surgery, they're still women. So unless they pay, like, tens of thousands of dollars, they must just … deal.
WA gender change battle set for High Court
Celebrity Transgender Roles
A look at some famous transgender characters.
Becoming Miles: The Journey Of Changing Sexes
Megan Taylor grew up feeling she was living in the wrong body. In her 20s, she decided to do something about it. First, she changed her name to Miles. Miles began taking testosterone, scheduled a double mastectomy — part of sex reassignment surgery — and began changing his body into one that felt right. The hardest part was telling his parents.
Through it all, he kept an audio diary.
Review: Two Spirits
Last Friday, a friend and I attended a free screening of the documentary Two Spirits at the local office of the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado. This deeply affecting documentary, now a few years old, follows the story of Fred Martinez, a Navajo teen who lived near Cortez, Colo. Fred, who also went by F.C., was an openly transgendered individual who presented as female, and sometimes male.
Transgender inmate sues sheriff in Jacksonville, Fla.
A transgender woman is suing the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office for not giving her the proper medication while in custody.
Michael Maier had a sex change several years ago, and still needs hormone shots and other treatments to sustain the surgical procedure.
Transgender Inmate Sues JSO
Asesinan a tres mujeres transexuales el sábado en Colombia, señalan puede ser acción "limpieza social"
La muerte violenta de tres mujeres transexuales en un céntrico sector cucuteño, Colombia, pudo tratarse de una acción de limpieza social, alertó la fundación para la Protección de la Vida (Provida).
Edila propone que los boliches tengan baños para los travestis
El proyecto de ordenanza para crear un tercer sanitario en esos sitios de diversión pertenece a una joven concejala de San Martín. Ya generó dudas e ironías. Dicen que busca protagonismo.
Proponen que boliches tengan un tercer baño para travestis
El Inadi le "bajó el pulgar" al proyecto del baño transexual en San Martín
Instituto Contra Discriminación Argentino rechaza la pretensión de crear una baño solo para transexuales
terça-feira, setembro 07, 2010

"Big Bro ruined my life" - Trans star
The transgender winner of the UK’s Big Brother in 2004 says that a second stint on the show this month leading to boos from the live audience has left her feeling “in the gutter and completely distraught.” (Photo)
‘I feel betrayed by Channel 4′ says Ultimate Big Brother’s Nadia Almada
BB: ‘Suicidal’ Nadia was fit
Ultimate Big Brother Host Davina McCall Says Sorry To Nadia For 'Cruel' Jibes
Ultimate Big Brother: Davina McCall 'apologises' to Nadia
Davina is sorry for Nadia joke
Nadia Almada scares Brian Belo in Big Brother Come Dine With Me
Now You See It, Now You Don't: Thai Sex Changes
In Bangkok, making yourself into what you want to be takes on a whole new meaning
Making an outie into an innie has long been a hallmark of Thailand's thriving sex change industry, but doing the opposite – making a woman into a man – is difficult and it will cost about US$12,000 an inch, at least for the first inch, says Thailand's most famous transgender surgeon.
Assigning a gender to be appealed
Two transgender people who lost the right to be considered male will appeal against the decision in the High Court.
[Commentary] Gender Reassignment Board’s decision to be appealed

Transgender Woman Files Suit
Woman Claims She Was Denied Proper Care Needed In Jail
Michael Maier had a sex change several years ago, to become a woman. Now she is suing the city of Jacksonville for what she says happened during incarceration in the Duval County Jail.
"I was placed into a solitary confinement cell," said Maier. "Not given any medication because I'm a post-op transgendered person." (Photo)
Norfolk Virginia Police Officer Arrests 66 YO Transgender Elder After Diabetic Attack
Dawn is a sixty-six (66) year old Transgender woman. She is a dear friend of mine who was arrested on September 4, 2010. She was charged to be in violation of: Section 18.2-57 - Assault and batter of Norfolk Police Officer R.D. Glaubke knowing or having reason to know that such person was a law enforcement officer, as defined in subsection E of paragraph 18.2-57, engaged in public duties. (Photo)
Transgender Woman Battles Sexism in Cuba
In a documentary that premiered in mid-August, a transexual who was the first to undergo gender reassignment surgery in Cuba in 1988, highlights how, more than 20 years later and after a lot of struggle, there has been a positive change for trans people in the country but how she now feels trapped and must battle against the ingrained sexism that still lurks in Cuban society, thus providing a rare glimpse into the problems of gender inequality.
Cuba's First Gender Reassigned Transexual Battles Sexism

Asesinados tres presuntos homosexuales en Cúcuta
Tres supuestos miembros de la comunidad LGBT fueron asesinados en el centro de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Las primeras hipótesis hablan de posibles venganzas, según lo indicó el coronel Jorge Iván Flores Cárdenas, comandante de la Policía Metropolitana.