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sábado, maio 31, 2014

Culpan a Conchita de las terribles inundaciones en los Balcanes
Clérigos de Serbia y Montenegro dicen que son un castigo divino contra la mujer barbuda
Las peores lluvias torrenciales en más de un siglo dejan ya decenas de muertos
Council of Europe official says Conchita Wurst win good for European gay rights

Are you ready for Glamazon? Manchester’s first monthly trans night is here
Manchester’s first monthly transgender night for trans people, their friends and admirers is opening tomorrow.
Glamazon club night will burst onto the scene on May 17 and hopes to provide a fun and safe environment for the city’s trans community.

NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty
Treatment with controversial drugs is for youngsters trapped in wrong body
Monthly drug injections into the stomach stop puberty and may do harm
Trial in North London was completed - and is set to be rolled out further

Government to propose Gender Identity Bill
Marking the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, government reflects on Malta’s inroads in civil liberties landscape.

Police arrest 77 in gay crackdown in Egypt
Egyptian activists report increase in LGBTI arrests, particularly targeting gay men and trans people, and stories of torture and mistreatment by police

Thai Lady Boys Ask For Justice on Transsexual Rights
Many Thai lady boys had made a statement on IDAHOT day to ask the Thai government to change the law on certain points to give them equal rights.

Transgender people clamor for equal rights
The transgender community organizes a Santacruzan in time for International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Clinic refuses blood donation from Canadian trans woman
Clayre Sessoms said she tried to give blood in Vancouver, but her blood was rejected after nurses found out she is trans

California’s Respect After Death Act Passes Assembly
Yesterday, California’s Respect After Death Act (AB 1577) passed in the Assembly by a bipartisan vote of 61-3, and will now head to the Senate. The bill will help ensure transgender people have their authentic gender identity reflected on their death certificates. It was authored by Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins and sponsored by Equality California and Transgender Law Center.

Encabeza transgénero oficina de diversidad sexual
Jessica Galguera Salinas, directora en San Pedro Pochutla, señala que el ayuntamiento de su municipio es incluyente

Por qué Argentina lidera la revolución trans en el mundo
En la Sala Ocho, un pabellón de paredes altas y grises en el Hospital de enfermedades infecciosas Muñiz de Buenos Aires, se reúnen cada lunes Yesica, Hannah, Carla y Valentina.

sexta-feira, maio 30, 2014

"As loucas de 73": luta T no Chile

Este ano o 25 de Abril fez 40 anos. No Chile a 11 de Setembro fará 41 anos que o regime democrático constitucionalista de Salvador Allende foi derrubado num golpe de estado pelo general Augusto Pinochet, junto com outros oficiais da marinha e exército chilenos, apoiados militar e financeiramente pelos Estados Unidos da América através da CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) e por organizações terroristas chilenas, como a Patria y Libertad, de tendências nacionalistas-neofascitas. Estes factos são facilmente confirmados em qualquer busca na net.

O que talvez não seja tão fácil de descobrir é que uns meses antes, a 22 de Abril deu-se um acontecimento que ficou conhecido como “As loucas de 73” (Las Locas del 73) e que é nada mais nada menos que o primeiro protesto conhecido no Chile da população LGBT. Protagonizado por quem? Pela população T, claro está.

Nesse dia, um domingo à noite, na Plaza de Armas de Santiago, um grupo de uma dúzia de jovens trans, trabalhadoras sexuais, enfrentando preconceitos e superando o medo de reacções adversas, manifestou-se exigindo direitos e liberdades. A polícia, surpreendida, não reagiu logo de início, embora depressa iniciasse uma intensa caçada às valentes “loucas de 73”.

Neste mesmo dia, o grupo de extrema direita Patria y Libertad fazia explodir uma bomba numa estátua de Che Guevara em San Miguel. Assim, enquanto as atenções se concentravam no atentado terrorista, a imprensa sensacionalista deleitava-se com os pormenores de uma manifestação pública jamais vista numa sociedade homotransfóbica.

“REBELIÓN HOMOSEXUAL: LOS RAROS QUIEREN CASARSE”, foi a manchete sensacionalista da revista VEA, enquanto o popular e democrático diário Clarín escrevia transfóbico e incendiário: “Ostentar os seus desvios sexuais foi o que fizeram os “maracos” na la Plaza de Armas. Como éguas soltas, loucas perdidas, ansiosas de publicidade, reuniram-se para exigir que as autoridades dêem espaço aos seus desvios. Entre outras coisas os homossexuais querem que se legisle para que se possam casar e “pintarem a manta” sem perseguição policial. Que iria acontecer. Não admira que um velho propusesse regá-los com parafina e lançar-lhes um fósforo aceso. A revista Paloma, pró comunista, falava até de “50 anormais reunidos na Plaza de Armas”.

Não se encontrou informação sobre o destino destas corajosas mulheres, mas acossadas de todos os lados e com o golpe ditatorial de Pinochet meses depois, imagina-se que não terá sido agradável. Fica aqui a memória de mais um episódio protagonizado pela população trans, na altura apelidada de “homossexuais”.

Dedicado às “locas del 73”: Raquel, Eva, Larguero, Romané, José Caballo, Vanesa, Fresia Soto, Confort, Natacha, Peggy Cordero, Gitana e Katty Fontaine.

Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization
Like any other contraceptive method, sterilization should only be provided with the full, free and informed consent of the individual. However, in some countries, people belonging to certain population groups, including people living with HIV, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, and transgender and intersex persons, continue to be sterilized without their full, free and informed consent.

Int’l Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia observed around the globe
LGBT rights advocates and allies will observe the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (or IDAHOT) in more than 100 countries around the world on Saturday.
Supporters mark global day against homophobia, transphobia

Travesti é morto a tiros em Porto Alegre
Um travesti foi morta a tiros no início da manhã desta quinta-feira, na esquina da rua Paraíba com a avenida Farrapos, no Centro de Porto Alegre. De acordo com a titular do 2ª Departamento de Homicídios e de Proteção à Pessoa (HDPP), delegada Jeiselaure Souza, a vítima teria sido executada com um tiro na cabeça.

Anti-gay group takes aim at ‘boys in skirts’ campaign against sexism
The largest group opposed to same-sex marriage in France has now taken aim at a campaign attempting to challenge sexism by encouraging boys to go to school wearing skirts.

Pakistan's Transgender Community Is Hiding Out in a Hostile City
"My father used to beat me and ask, ‘Why do you have to go around pretending to be a girl?’”
Now at 35, she says her cheeks burn and fists tighten if anyone refers to her as a man.

India party that wants gay sex to stay illegal wins election
LGBTI rights activists warn under the new government, homosexuality could stay illegal for another five years and the persecution of the community can only increase

O’Malley signs Md. transgender rights bill
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on Thursday signed into law a bill that bans discrimination against transgender Marylanders.
Md. Gov. Signs Trans Nondiscrimination Bill Into Law
Maryland Senate Candidate Celebrates New Transgender-Rights Law
Residents React to New Transgender Equal Rights Law
Governor Signs Senate Bill 212

How Conservatives Are Trying To Derail Houston’s LGBT Nondiscrimination Ordinance
Last month, Houston Mayor Annise Parker introduced a sweeping equal rights ordinance (ERO) that included protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Despite being the fourth most populous city in the country, Houston is one of the only large cities that doesn’t have any municipal nondiscrimination protections. On Wednesday, the Houston City Council delayed voting on the ordinance, reflecting the impact conservative opposition is having — particularly in regards to transgender protections.
Transgender bathroom access removed from Houston city anti-LGBT discrimination ordinance

quinta-feira, maio 29, 2014

International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia 2014: Right to Freedom of expression continues to be violated
At the occasion of IDAHOT 2014, together with LGBTI human rights activists across the world, ILGA-Europe expresses concerns about the ongoing violation of the right to Freedom of Expression.

Algumas razões para uma presença trans na MOL 2014
Exigimos uma lei integral despatologizante de Identidade de Género, que pode ser igual e/ou semelhante à Argentina, bem como a fiscalização das avaliações a que as pessoas trans são forçadas a submeterem-se de modo a que sejam regidas não pelos preconceitos pessoais dos avaliadores, como acontece em demasiados casos, mas pelos últimos avanços científicos nestas matérias, enquanto durarem as avaliações forçadas.

‘Boys in skirts' campaign sparks protests at French schools
Education authorities in the city of Nantes in western France have come under fire after critics suggested a schools campaign against sexism meant 27 high schools in the Nantes area were inviting male pupils to wear skirts to classes Friday, May 16.

Madras Christian College, Bharathidasan University introduce third gender option in application forms
It's that time of the year when board exam marks restrict students' choices of higher studies, but when it comes to something more personal like gender, two Tamil Nadu campuses have shown their liberal side. Madras Christian College in Chennai and Bharathidasan University in Trichy now offer 'transgender' as a third option for applicants.

The army “saved my life,” says trans* Lt Col Cate McGregor
The highest ranking trans* member of the Australia Defence Force said the positive reception she received from senior colleagues after she revealed her gender transition plans saved her life, which had been “hanging by a thread.”

Transgender woman turned away by Canadian Blood Services in Vancouver
Clayre Sessoms just wanted to donate blood to help others. But the Vancouver resident says Canadian Blood Services turned her away because she is transgender.
Sessoms told the Georgia Straight that the incident left her crying on the street. Now she wants an apology from CBS and is considering filing a human rights complaint.

Supporters applaud Vancouver School Board transgender policy
Medical expert calls updates ‘sensible, logical’
Vancouver school board’s proposed trans policy update draws fire
Vancouver transgender school policy that would discourage sex-segregated activities goes too far: opponents
VSB’s transgender rules explained
School Board Hosts Emotional Hearing on Transgender Policy

Jailed Connecticut transgender teen ‘deteriorating’ despite move within prison, lawyer says
An attorney for a transgender teenager being held at a Connecticut prison for women says her recent transfer to another part of that prison has not improved her situation.

Atherton OKs transgender non-discrimination policy
Before a divided crowd of several hundred students, parents and advocates, Atherton High School's site-based council on Thursday approved a new non-discrimination policy sparked by a controversy over a transgender student's access to a girls' bathroom.
Atherton takes first policy step to protect gender identity
Transgender teens push for gender identity policies after Atherton decision

quarta-feira, maio 28, 2014

As duas vidas de uma trans
Há muito tempo que penso no assunto, e acontecimentos recentes fizeram-me revoltar ainda mais contra a transfobia e transmisoginia de que sou vítima, bem como muitas outras mulheres trans que conheço (e não só). Como não posso falar por ninguém a não ser eu própria, vou reflectir um pouco sobre o facto de, após a minha transição, uma esmagadora maioria de pessoas não só me continuarem a tratar no masculino (algo que nunca fui) e, tão ou mais grave, me chamarem pelo nome de baptismo.

Travesti é degolado no Alvinópolis
O travesti Emerson Góes, a Bruna, de 38 anos,foi encontrado morto degolado na manhã de domingo em Atibaia. O corpo foi encontrado atrás do Cemitério do Alvinópolis por volta das 8h. Segundo a Polícia Civil, ele tinha cortes profundos no pescoço e nos pulsos.

Austrian schools can issue new transcripts to transgender persons reflecting sex preference
Austria's education minister has instructed schools to re-issue grade transcripts to transgender persons who have requested that they be identified by another sex.

‘We oppose bearded men in dresses,’ say bearded men in dresses
Russian Orthodox Church is being ridiculed by social media users for opposing Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst

In Conversation With A Transgender Activist And World's First Transsexual Film Star
Kalki Subramaniam is an actress and makes short documentary films.She is also the editor of the Tamil magazine for transgender women called 'Thirunangai'. Kalki is the Founder of ‘Sahodari Foundation’ an organization working for the social, economic and political empowerment of transgender persons in India. Here the superwoman pours her heart out on the recent SC judgement empowering transgenders and many important issues...

My Experience Working With Jakarta’s Transgender Community
Transgendered people have a long climb ahead toward acceptance in Indonesian society.
Transgender, unrelated to sexual orientation, is a gender identity expressed by individuals who do not identify themselves as members of their biological sex.

Six-year-old takes control of her identity
Recently, great strides have been made for transgender people and the LGBTQ community at large... but the person behind the progress may be younger than you'd think. Proud wife, mother and blogger Debi Jackson wrote on earlier today about her daughter A.J. who, at only six-years-old, officially decided to complete her transition that began when she was three. While others identified her as a male until she was about four, A.J. did not hesitate to tell her mom that she knew she was a girl at a young age.

Chelsea Manning could finally be allowed to transition
Jailed US WikiLeaks mole could be allowed to transfer to a civilian prison in order to receive gender treatment
Pentagon weighs Manning’s request for transfer, gender treatment
Chelsea Manning's Attorney Accuses Pentagon of 'Strategic Leak'

Fox News Attacks "Special Treatment" For Transgender Prisoners
Fox News continued its transphobic attacks on Private Chelsea Manning, deriding her fight for hormone therapy as a bid for "special treatment" and suggesting that "he" had "already cost us enough" while ignoring expert opinion that hormone therapy is essential for transgender people.

Historians seek LGBT POC, bi, and trans persons
Researchers mapping San Francisco's LGBT past are seeking help from people of color, bisexuals, and transgender members of the community so that their histories are recorded.

CeCe McDonald Shuts Down 7 Lies We Tell About Trans Women
On a recent spring evening in New York, people gathered at an underground venue in SoHo to hear Laverne Cox (of Orange is the New Black fame) and transgender activist CeCe McDonald discuss art as a vehicle to transform culture, especially in relation to the criminal justice system and transphobia.

Protesters Take Stage at Health Conference Because NY’s Trans Healthcare Failure is Inexcusable
This morning, members of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, including SRLP membership director Reina Gossett, took over the stage at the HxRefractored Conference in New York City to demand that the New York State Department of Health repeal the 1998 regulation barring transgender people from accessing healthcare through state Medicaid coverage.

Equal Rights Ordinance Changes Section Regarding Gender ID and Bathroom Access (UPDATED)
After some weeks following her announcement of a proposed city ordinance to combat discrimination, Mayor Annise Parker is expected to give a major announcement today regarding the aptly titled HERO proposal.

terça-feira, maio 27, 2014

Report: More Than 100 Instances of Antitrans Violence This Year
A report of the year's first four months serves as a reminder of the alarming rate at which trans individuals — particularly transgender women of color — are murdered worldwide.

Report: Anti-LGBT violence, discrimination pervasive in Asia
An International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission report released on Tuesday indicates discrimination and violence against lesbians, bisexual women and transgender people remains pervasive throughout Asia.

Falece Maria Du Bairro, Artista Caricata na noite LGBT de São Paulo
A noite de São Paulo está mais triste e carente, perdemos Maria Du Bairro, artista caricata que arrancou muitos aplausos e alegria pelo palco paulistano.

Transvestite knifed while Soliciting Sex
A transvestite nicknamed “Serap” (real name initials KY), who engaged in sex acts for money, was wounded in her right leg by an unidentified person in Antalya yesterday. KY, who was stabbed twice in her right leg, screamed “don’t shoot this; you unbalanced lot” at the journalists trying to photograph her.

Israel to allow sex-change surgery from age 18
Policy shakeup follows years of complaints about humiliations in the run-up to approval for sex-change operations.

Kuwait's vice squad raids 'gay' party
Special Kuwaiti police have arrested 32 people after they raided a livestock farm to bust an alleged “gay” party.

WATCH: Malaysia's Battle for Transgender Rights
Often deprived of health care and legal recognition, Malaysia's transgender population is mounting a legal challenge against laws that prohibit their self-expression.

Transgender Teen at York Moved to Different Part of Prison
A 16-year-old transgender girl who has been detained at the state women's prison for more than a month has been moved to another location at the prison.

SPLC threatens to sue state of Georgia on behalf of transgender inmate
The Southern Poverty Law Center is threatening to sue in federal court if Georgia prison officials don’t provide hormone treatment for a transgender inmate.

Attorney: Civil rights complaint against CPCC filed with U.S. Education Department
Civil rights complaint stems from alleged treatment of transgender student

segunda-feira, maio 26, 2014

TGEU Legal Practitioners Seminar
On May 12 & 13 18 lawyers and legal experts from across Europe, who are taking trans-specific cases, met in Malta for the first time.

Mail, Telegraph, Sun, Mirror and Record admit wrong to mention transgender status of stag attack victim
Six national newspapers have acknowledged it was not relevant to state that a Cambridge academic who was attacked by a charging stag was transgender.
Stag attack victim Dr Kate Stone celebrates removal of trans references from newspaper articles
Six British papers forced to admit mistake to trans woman

Sunday People mocks Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst: ‘She’s a bloke
Newspaper the Sunday People has mocked Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst, claiming it is “nonsense” to refer to her as female because “she’s a bloke”.

Man jailed over blackmail threat to reveal transgender woman's background
A taxi passenger tried to profit from the chance find of a mobile phone by threatening to make public the owner’s transgender history.
But Jamie Devlin’s attempt to coerce the owner into paying £200 for the return of the phone landed him behind bars, after he fell for a police trap.

What is it like to be LGBTI in... Denmark?
Conchita Wurst triumphed in Copenhagen, but what does that say about the rest of the country?

En Suecia el activismo GLBTI ecuatoriano se fortalece
Incrementar la visibilidad de las organizaciones LGBTI y una movilización para asegurar los derechos de las personas con una orientación sexual o identidad de género diferentes, a nivel regional e internacional, es el objetivo que busca la Federación GLBTI Sueca que ha seleccionado cerca de 25 líderes a nivel mundial para este fortalecimiento.

Israel allows sex changes for 18-year-olds
Israel has lowered the minimum age to be approved for a sex change from 21 to 18.

Armed Groups in Ukraine Target Gays, Journalists, Minorities, and Anyone Who Speaks Up
Human rights violations, including killings, beatings, harassment of minorities, and abductions of journalists and activists, are escalating in Ukraine, according to a report released this weekend by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The growing tension, the report says, is fueled primarily by the DIY armed groups and self defense units that have sprung up around the country.

Court to Rule on Transgender Rights
Transgender women in Malaysia have filed a groundbreaking court case challenging a law that prohibits them from expressing their gender identity, Human Rights Watch said today. On May 22, 2014, the Putrajaya Court of Appeal is expected to hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the laws.

Enforced gendered school uniforms harming trans*, gender-diverse students
Strictly-enforced gender requirements for school uniforms are having a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of trans* and gender diverse students, according to leading advocacy organisations.

Victorian community comes together for IDAHOT
Community groups around the world are gearing up to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) on Saturday, May 17.

Discrimination case pits transgender rights against those of a religious school after teacher fired for changing gender
On the matter of whether it was discrimination, there’s no real debate.
Substitute teacher Jan Buterman was fired when she became a he over the summer of 2008.

TESA wanted different change to gender-identity act
The Trans Equality Society of Alberta thinks the wrong changes are being made to the future of the Vital Statistics Act.

State Working to Move Transgender Teen
For the second time in two weeks advocates rallied outside of DCF headquarters in Hartford calling on the state to release Jane Doe, 16, from York Correctional Facility in Niantic.
Jailed Conn. teen’s advocates concerned about isolation

Transgender woman accused of administering fatal black-market silicone injection surrenders to NOPD
A transgender woman surrendered to authorities Monday, nearly a week after New Orleans police announced she was wanted on a charge of negligent homicide in the death of another transgender woman who received botched black market silicone injections last year.

Lesbian Houston Mayor Promotes Ordinance to Allow Men in Women’s Restrooms
The Houston City Council is currently considering an ‘equal rights’ ordinance which would allow men and women to use restrooms and shower rooms designated for the opposite sex, as long as they identify with the opposite gender.

Press Release: Transgender Education Network of Texas Withdraws support for Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
Proposed Houston Equal Rights Ordinance contains discriminatory language

Destacan la importancia de la ley de Identidad de Género
A dos años de sancionada la Ley de Identidad de Género en el país, más de 6000 personas han accedido al real reconocimiento de su identidad; La normativa garantiza el derecho a la identidad a personas trans por medio de un simple trámite administrativo; En este marco, La Secretaría de Niñez, Familia y Discapacidad de la provincia celebra el segundo aniversario de la aprobación de esta ley
Celebran dos años de la ley de identidad de género pero demandan que se reglamente un artículo

Prostitution Is Argentina's Last Hurdle for the Equality of Trans People
For the last couple of years, Argentina has been the only country in the world where you can legally change your gender identity without any medical sign off, surgery or hormone treatment.

domingo, maio 25, 2014

Ativistas dão a sua opinião sobre Conchita Wurst
Muito se tem escrito sobre a vencedora da eurovisão e nós,, fomos perguntar como viam esta vitória.

Transsexuals listed as mentally ill by council officials
Thousands of Camden residents recieve housing forms which lists transsexualism as a 'mental illness'
Trans people listed as ‘mentally ill’ by London council

Britain's Oldest Transsexual Ruth Rose Backs Right For Trans People to Get New ID
A new global report aimed at giving transgender people the right to a new ID has been welcomed by Britain's oldest transsexual.
Ruth Rose, 81, who is having a gonadectomy in July, is backing the report, License to Be Yourself, released today by the Open Society Foundations.

Avşa’s Letter: Transsexuals and Turkish Prisons
“Homosexuals are denied work in prison workshops; they are denied visits to the clinic; as well opportunities to exercise, go to the library, seek religious instruction, access theater, concerts or classes.Homosexuals are denied the right to breathe…”
Trans Inmate Funda’s Letter on Prisons in Turkey

Shariah Law Amendments
Courtesy of Buzzfeed, here’s a detailed description of Brunei and its draconian new Islamist shariah law legislation.
An anti-sodomy (liwat) provision punishes gay male sex with stoning to death, as well as straight anal sex:

Sydney drag queens fight trans-gender warrior Indiana Kelly Edwards over right to use the word tranny
There’s nothing quite like a drag queen with a bouffant blonde mane and a pink faux Chanel suit to brighten up a quiet suburban pub.

[New Zealand]
Submission guide: Bill to protect trans rights
Rainbow Labour has put together a guide for making a submission on the Statutes Amendment Bill (No. 4), which includes an amendment from Louisa Wall which would fully protect trans rights.

Transgender Teen Asks Governor Malloy For Help
It's been one month since a 16-year-old transgender teen was sent to York Correctional Institution after DCF told a court she was too violent to remain in its custody.

Transgender D.C. Police Sgt. Jessica Hawkins opens up about transition
For D.C. Police Sergeant Jessica Hawkins, this is not an easy story to tell.
Continue reading
“Nothing else has scared me more than coming out to all of my friends and family," she says.
Engulfing fear forced her to live as a man for 40 years – but now that time is over

Transsexual wanted for homicide after killing another man with black market silicone injections
New Orleans law enforcement is asking for the public’s help in hunting down a transsexual who is wanted on charges of negligent homicide after a man he injected in the hips and buttocks with black market silicone slipped into a coma and died.

Court hears more arguments in sex-change inmate case
Attorneys for a convicted killer serving a life sentence were in court Thursday as state prison officials argue that taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for a sex change operation.
Judges hear arguments in state appeal against gender reassignment for trans prisoner

N.Y. Lawmaker Looks to Simplify Name Change Procedure for Trans Residents
In most states, transgender individuals are required to publish a public notice in a local newspaper prior to legally changing their names. One legislator hopes to remove this burden for trans New Yorkers.

Ore. Bar Owner Accused of Antitrans Discrimination Running for Office
Former business owner Chris Penner is looking to unseat the commissioner of the state's labor bureau, which found Penner guilty of antitrans discrimination in 2012 and ordered him to pay $400,000, although Penner has thus far refused to pay the fine.

El Tribunal Constitucional de Perú niega a una mujer transexual el cambio de sexo en su DNI, aunque admite el cambio de nombre
Decepcionante decisión del Tribunal Constitucional del Perú, que ha declarado infundada la demanda de amparo interpuesta por una mujer transexual contra el Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil de ese país (RENIEC). La mujer, que en el pasado se sometió a cirugía de reasignación y a la que otro tribunal ya concedió el cambio de nombre, solicitaba que le fuera reconocido además el cambio de sexo en su Documento Nacional de Identidad y en su partida de nacimiento. El alto tribunal peruano niega el cambio entre otros motivos porque ello supondría “admitir el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo”.

sábado, maio 24, 2014

Sábado dia 24 de Maio pelas 18h na Pensão Amor, Rua do Alecrim 19 (ao Cais do Sodré), Lisboa.

Gender Recognition Scheme to be Discussed in the Dail
Tomorrow, 9th May at 12pm, the report on the Gender Recognition Scheme that was published by the Committee on Education and Social Protection in January will be debated in the Dail.
Dáil to debate gender recognition law for first time in history

Officer fights dismissal for dressing as a woman
A police officer from Venice who was fired in 2006 for dressing as a woman may soon be able to return to the force, as well as claim damages, after a court ruled he was suffering from a “disease”.

Penang rep forced to withdraw transgender rights committee motion
Tanjung Bungah state assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu has been forced to withdraw his motion for a transgender rights committee because of a lack of support.
Teh still plans on bringing up transgender rights in near future

BREAKING: Orange Is the New Black's Lea DeLaria Withdraws From MichFest
Responding to Twitter questions about her decision to perform at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, which does not admit transgender women, out actor Lea DeLaria announced that she will not participate.

New Study Finds Increase in Number of Top Companies and Federal Contractors with Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Policies since 2010
Ninety-eight percent of the country’s largest companies now prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and nearly 85 percent prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, according to a new study from UCLA’s Williams Institute. The study also finds that 86 percent of the top 50 federal contractors prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and over 60 percent prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. Combined, these contractors represent 48 percent of all contracting dollars awarded by the federal government—over $218 billion in spending.

Manning Prepares Suit for Hormone Therapy
Awaiting word on her request for hormone therapy, Chelsea Manning may have to sue, but the law is on her side, the transgender WikiLeaks source said in an interview through her liaison.

Battery Charges Dropped Against Calif. Trans Student
A victim of chronic bullying, Jewlyes Gutierrez was charged with battery following a physical altercation with her tormentors. After being placed in a restorative justice program, charges were dropped.

At Osceola High, a transgender student makes a run for prom king
Concrete, coveted Osceola High, with its demerit system and monthly parent meetings and ban on flip-flops, is the only fundamental high school in the state of Florida. Fundamental schools, to borrow a phrase from Pinellas literature, are "like schools used to be." Cut off from Lake Seminole by a forest of pines, Osceola promises a top-tier public education with no disruptions getting in the way, no distractions tolerated.

EXCLUSIVE: Victim’s Family Reacts To Silicone Arrest Warrant
Police say her son’s death was caused by complications from illegal silicone injections. Now that mom is talking about the arrest warrant issued for the accused killer.

Hospital Las Higueras de Talcahuano es el único en el país con protocolo para atender transgéneros
La Organización de Transexuales solicitó que más hospitales de Chile cuenten con un protocolo para atender a los pacientes trans, pues hasta ahora sólo un recinto ha adoptado la medida.

sexta-feira, maio 23, 2014

Activists ‘gobsmacked’ after Camden Council lists ‘transsexualism’ as a ‘mental illness’
Campaigners in Camden’s LGBT community were outraged after it was revealed that “transsexualism” had been listed alongside mental illness on Camden Council housing forms.
LGBT campaigners ‘gobsmacked’ as Camden Council lists ‘transsexualism’ as mental illness

Depathologising gender variance in ICD-11
The new 11th release of International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is coming soon. Diagnoses related to gender variance are those that are likely to be altered in this version. Despite wide acceptance among trans* community that these diagnoses must be changed, there's a big diversity in opinions on how exactly this should be done.

Transgender crew talk about belting up
Transgender crew tell motorists to strap on their seat belts — and the message hits home

Penang govt keeps transgender issue at arm’s length
A motion to build a transgender institute will be tabled in the next sitting of the Penang state legislative assembly

Provocative’ transgender awareness campaign launched by PFLAG Canada
'The Me Inside' targets often misunderstood aspect of transgender identity

Controversy Over Title IX Protecting Transgender Students
The Department of Education declared that transgender students are protected under Title IX. But there are questions about how that will work on campuses, and what the legal complications might be.

Hercules: Charges dropped against transgender teen caught battling bully on video
A transgender student will no longer face a battery charge for a fight caught on video at Hercules High School last year, officials decided last week.
Charge Dropped Against Transgender Student, Restorative Justice at Work
Prosecutors drop battery charges against bullied trans teen in California
Charge dropped against Hercules teen

Leaked documents shed new light on Kayla Moore’s in-custody death
Police Review Commission unanimously finds that one officer did not continually monitor Moore's vital signs

UPDATE: Arrest Warrant Issued for Suspect in Transgender Woman’s Death
An arrest warrant has been issued for a transsexual pageant queen accused of illegally injecting silicone into a transgender woman who later died.
Arrest warrant issued for transgender performer accused of negligent homicide in silicone injection death

Parents stress tolerance after child's gender identity change
A child previously known as a boy should now be known as girl, according to a letter sent home to some Raytown School District parents.
Mo. School District Outs Trans Student to Classmates' Parents
Elementary student’s gender identity transition resonates with KC couple

Charlie Marion Kerr scores legal victory in name change battle
A 22-year-old Bed-Stuy student who had language inserted into a name change indicating that the court order "does not constitute proof of change in gender," has won the right to have the language deleted and not to be singled out as a transgender person.
NYC trans woman wins name-change legal battle
Name Change Victory for Transgender Woman in New York City

University Council revises non-discrimination policy to include gender identity and expression
Virginia Tech’s University Council passed a revision on Monday to update the college’s Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy to include both gender identity and gender expression in its list of protected orientations.

Reina LGBTI cumple charlas preventivas
Una campaña de información para prevenir las infecciones de transmisión sexual es la primera labor que lleva a cabo Verioska Betancourt, quien fue elegida reina de Cuenca LGBTI, que representa a la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, trans e intersex.

¿Se asocia el suicidio a la cirugía de reasignación de sexo en personas transexuales?
La cirugía de reasignación sexual, no basta con ser transferida desde FONASA a un Hospital. Estos centros deben contar con un equipo multidisciplinario que no se enfoque en la cirugía, sino en la persona.

quinta-feira, maio 22, 2014

Gay man and trans woman go on trial in Uganda, face life in jail
Two Ugandans have been held in prison since January charged with the crime of being a gay couple 'posing' as a husband and wife
Potential life sentence for LGBT couple in Uganda
First LGBT Ugandans to Face Trial for 'Sex Against the Order of Nature'

Taking the SC Judgment on Transgenders Forward
Leaders from the transgender community, activists and government representatives from various parts of the State came together in Chennai on Tuesday to take forward the Supreme Court judgment passed on April 15 this year, on recognising transgenders as a third gender.

Vietnamese transgenders seek back-alley silicon shots
A man lies flat on the floor of a small room littered with bottles, bandages and syringes.
Whimpers come softly from his pale face which pours so much sweat that his hair sticks to his head.

Vancouver Parks adopt sweeping changes aimed at accommodating transgender people
At its meeting last week the Vancouver Park Board unanimously approved a sweeping list of recommendations aimed at using taxpayers' money to make "trans and gender-variant" people feel "more comfortable" in the city’s parks and recreation facilities.

Transgender community disappointed with changes to birth certificates law
The province is moving ahead with proposed amendments it says will make it easier for people to change the sex on their birth certificates, but a local transgender advocacy organization says the changes don’t go far enough.

Local organizations promote understanding of transgender residents with billboard
In an effort to help raise awareness and visibility of the transgender community, a billboarding featuring Adam O’Brien, senior in fine arts, was constructed alongside K-177 by Sunflower Pets.

Appeals court to hear appeal against gender reassignment for trans inmate
A federal appeals court is set on Thursday to hear arguments from prison officials in an appeal against a ruling that an inmate must be given gender reassignment surgery.

Raytown school notifies parents about student's gender change
Counselor says students who deal with issue at early age often adjust better

Transgender child returns to elementary school as a girl
Parents of students at an elementary school in Missouri got a letter informing them a student previously known as a boy will now be recognized as a girl.

US man guilty of shooting trans woman he met on Craigslist
After leaving his wife, Jason Roy Borkowski went on Craigslist and met a trans woman who he shot after sexual activity

Transgender Falls resident wins court fight over free name change
A Niagara Falls resident with disabling health problems who is hoping for a sex change operation was able to win a name change last month without having to pay a court filing fee.
Niagara County Transgender Woman Secures Name Change After Judge Initially Denies Request to Waive Court Filing Fee

Judge Orders State to Resume Hormone Therapy for Trans Prisoner
A transgender woman receives a favorable ruling in her Eighth Amendment lawsuit.

Salvation Army Refuses Housing Shelter To Transgender Woman
Back in March, Jodielynn Wiley fled her life in Paris, Texas. Because she is transgender, she had received death threats and had found dead animals left on her front porch. When she asked the police for help, they told her, “Being the way you are, you should expect that.” Wiley landed in Dallas, where she found emergency shelter at the Carr P. Collins Social Service Center, run by the Salvation Army.
Trans Woman Claims Housing Discrimination by Salvation Army

Peru rejects change of gender for transgender individuals on national identity document
The Peruvian constitutional court (referred to in Spanish as the “Tribunal Constitucional,” or TC), has struck down a transgender woman’s request that she be allowed to change her gender from male to female on her national identity document (DNI).

quarta-feira, maio 21, 2014

5ª Marcha Contra a Homofobia e Transfobia de Coimbra
Realizou-se ontem a quinta edição do evento que assinala o 17 de Maio em Coimbra.
O programa de este ano foi composto por vários momentos, tudo começou com a inauguração da exposição de fotografia de Pedro Medeiros, “Aguarela”. É uma exposição inserida no plano de iniciativas para o Combate à Discriminação pela Orientação Sexual e Identidade de Género, e que aproveitando o Dia Internacional de Luta Contra a Homofobia e Transfobia abriu ontem as suas portas no Circuito de artes Plásticas de Coimbra, onde estará presente até 28 de Junho.

Fotografia com foco nas questões LGBT em Coimbra
Exposição de fotografia de Pedro Medeiros no espaço Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra.
Pedro Medeiros em conjunto com a Saúde em Português, desenvolveu um trabalho fotográfico com ativistas pelos direitos humanos com foco nas questões LGBT, pessoas, homens e mulheres que marcam pela sua postura na sociedade desenvolvendo trabalho em busca de uma sociedade melhor, mais respeitadora da diferença que a todos assiste.

Suspeito pela morte de travesti está foragido
A Polícia Civil de União da Vitória identificou um dos suspeito pela morte do travesti Maikon Sidnei Penha, 24, morto a facadas por dois homens na madrugada de quarta-feira, 14, no centro de União da Vitória. Segundo o Delegado da 4ª SDP, André Vilela, foi representada pela prisão de um dos autores do crime, Tiago Ricardo Alves de 25 anos, que se está foragido.

EELV, PPL et associations T : pourquoi créer des ghettos ?
Le 14 mai 2014, Mme Esther BENBASSA, sénatrice EELV, présentait à la presse sa proposition de loi N° 216 (PPL) enregistrée à la Présidence du Sénat le 11 décembre 2013.

Health service may offer free sex change surgery
Gender reassignment surgery is being evaluated by a government committee that will make recommendations on whether to offer it as part of the national health service.

Transsexuals excluded from debate about discrimination
Transsexuals demonstrated outside a TV studio in Georgia on Saturday because they were not allowed to take part in a debate about a new anti-discrimination law.
Georgia passes modified anti-discrimination bill

Federal appeals court in Boston set to hear Massachusetts inmate sex change case
A federal appeals court is set to hear arguments from Massachusetts prison officials challenging a court order to provide taxpayer-funded sex-reassignment surgery for an inmate serving a life sentence for murder.

Man jailed for shooting trans woman he met on Craigslist
A Florida man has been jailed for four years and nine months, after he shot a transgender woman six times with a pistol.

Salvation Army refuses to house homeless transgender woman because she hasn’t had surgery
A Dallas woman who was left homeless last month has claimed the Salvation Army refused to house her because she is transgender, and hasn’t had surgery.

terça-feira, maio 20, 2014

Travesti é assassinado em Palmares, PE
Um homem foi morto a tiros às margens da BR-101 em Palmares, na Mata Sul de Pernambucano. O crime ocorreu na madrugada de sábado (17) para domingo (18) e teria sido praticado por dois homens, porém, a Polícia Civil ainda não identificou os suspeitos nem há hipóteses da motivação do homicídio.

VU refuses to treat 250 transgenders
Since December, around 250 transgender people considering undergoing gender reassignment surgery have gone to the VU medical center in Amsterdam for treatment. This comes from a letter to Minister Edith Schippers of Public Health by the Netherlands Care Authority (NZa) on Thursday.

Next step is Gender Identity Bill, says Minister Dalli
Speaking to the Fifth European Council on Transgender issues, which is meeting in Budapest, Minister Helena Dalli announced that following the Civil Union bill and the bill that amended the Constitution against any type of sexual discrimination, the next step is a Gender Identity Bill, which is still being studied by the Consultative Council of LGBTI .

[Saudi Arabia]
Transgender surgery procedure set forth
The Ministry of Health will determine which transgender patients are eligible for gender reassignment surgery (GRS), said a recent ministry circular.

Third gender taboo continues, of 235 only one turns up to vote
Despite EC registering third gender voters under ‘Others’ category, out of 235 such voters, only one turned up to vote.

'Others' make heads turn at beauty contest
It had lights, camera, music, glamourous participants, a packed open air auditorium - everything that one expects of a fashion show and beauty contest, yet it was a show with a difference. The 18 beautiful participants from all over India, who walked the ramp on a glittery Friday night in the city, were all members of the 'Others' community.

Miss Tiffany Universe 2014
The finals of the Miss Tiffany Universe 2014 beauty pageant got underway at Tiffany Show Pattaya on the evening of Friday, 2nd May.

Transgenders seek black market sex changes amid Vietnam ban
Tram Anh is closer than ever to realizing his dream of becoming a woman.
After over a year of female hormone injections, his muscles have loosened, his skin has whitened and his facial hair has stopped growing. But the 21-year-old Hanoian says each injection is a terrible experience.

[New Zealand]
New Zealand trans teen makes history in beauty pageant
A New Zealand trans teen made history when she became the first trans competitor in a national beauty pageant.
Amy Brosnahan almost wasn’t allowed to compete in the Battle of the Babes, but took the case to the Human Rights Commission and competed in the national finals

Obama administration says Title IX anti-sex discrimination law covers transgender people
In the latest of a series of moves to promote the transgender political agenda through the use of executive powers, the Obama administration has said that the federal Title IX civil rights provisions intended to stop discrimination against women programs apply to transgender people.

Orange Is the New Black triumphs at GLAAD Media awards
Orange is the New Black has triumphed at the GLAAD Media Awards, taking home the prize for outstanding comedy series.

Trans Orgs Blast Fort Lauderdale for Anti-Trans Ordinance
What does public indecency have to do with cross-dressing? Nothing according to prominent transgender rights organizations. So why then is it a part of Fort Lauderdale’s public indecency ordinance?

Attackers record beating of man dressed like woman in Daytona Beach
Channel 9 spoke to a Daytona Beach man who said he was brutally attacked at a gas station because he was dressed like a woman.
The victim, William Jackson, said he wants the men responsible arrested, but also wants the beating to get attention because he doesn't want others like him to become victims.

Denied Hormone Treatment, Ohio Trans Prisoner Files Lawsuit
A transgender woman serving a three-year sentence is suing the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction after being denied medically necessary hormone treatments.

City settles trans case for $382k
City officials have agreed to pay $382,500 to settle the federal antibias lawsuit filed by transgender city worker Bobbie E. Burnett.
The settlement was reached April 29, after the involvement of U.S. Magistrate Judge David R. Strawbridge.

Transgender woman files discrimination complaint against Dallas Salvation Army
Jodielynn Wiley says she was turned away for a 2-year housing program at the shelter because she hasn’t had gender reassignment surgery

Klingenschmitt: Transgender Teacher Is A 'Pervert' Who Trying To Recruit Kids 'Into Sexual Perversion'
Last month, a transgender teacher in Texas was removed from the classroom after parents complained and, predictably, "Dr. Chaps" Gordon Klingenschmitt fully supports the move because there is no reason to allow "transgendered perverts to stand in front of children and recruit them into sexual perversion."

segunda-feira, maio 19, 2014

Photo flash mob for depathologisation of transgenderism
On May 17th, LGBT-community celebrates depathologisation of homosexuality, however it's rare that anyone mentions that gender variant people are still regarded as mentally ill. Trans* people are required to prove being ill with "transsexualism" in order to be eligible for legal gender recognition or operations. Trans* activists from post-soviet countries held a photo-flashmob to remind LGBT-community that the fight for our rights shouldn't stop until all LGBT people are free from pathologisation.

Ex-Kabukicho clinic chief charged after patient dies during sex-change operation
Tokyo Metropolitan Police announced on Thursday that the former female director of a clinic in Shinjuku Ward who committed suicide last year has been charged with medical malpractice after a patient died during a sex-change operation, reports the Sankei Shimbun (May 1)

Vancouver park board approves recommendations for increasing trans inclusivity
On April 28, the Vancouver park board unanimously approved 77 recommendations to make its facilities more inclusive for Vancouver's trans and gender-variant communities.

Abusan policías de gays
Agresiones verbales y discriminación por parte de policías municipales ha recibido la población homosexual y transexual en Saltillo, al documentar más de 10 casos en los que los elementos han recurrido incluso al soborno para no realizar detenciones.

Comunidad muxhe firma convenio con Fiscalía de Delitos
Integrantes de la comunidad muxhe en el Istmo de Tehuantepec en la que se incluyen travestis, transexuales, homosexuales y lesbianas, firmaron un convenio de colaboración con la Fiscalía para la Atención de Delitos contra los Integrantes de la Diversidad Sexual con sede en la capital oaxaqueña.

Tatiana Piñeros Laverde, Transgéneros al poder
Tatiana se convirtió en la primera mujer transgénero en asumir un cargo público en Colombia. La entrevistamos en agosto pasado, cuando llevaba cuatro meses desde ser nombrada por el ex alcalde Gustavo Petro a cargo de la gestión corporativa de la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social (SDID) de Bogotá.

Frente Amplio de la Diversidad Sexual y Parlamentarios entregan apoyo a Concejala de Lampa discriminada por su identidad de género
Esta mañana del 21 de abril de 2014, la Concejala de la Lampa, Alejandra González, interpuso una denuncia hacia la alcaldesa de la comuna, Graciela Ortúzar (RN) y otros funcionarios del municipio, amparándose en la Ley Antidiscriminación, por las constantes vejaciones vividas en la alcaldía de parte de este grupo, debido al hecho de tener una identidad de género distinta.

Zuliana Araya, la primera concejala transgénero de Chile:”¡El circo de los travestis se calcinó! Las chicas están en la calle”
Zuliana Araya es la concejala rockstar de Valparaíso. Le tiran flores en las redes sociales por su trabajo con los damnificados del feroz incendio que arrasó con los cerros del puerto. Ha removido escombros, descargado mercadería al hombro y se transformó en la “comandante” del albergue de la Escuela Grecia. Sin embargo, el día que comenzó el incendio, intentó coordinar la ayuda con la Intendencia Regional, pero le cerraron la puerta en la nariz y se burlaron de ella: “A mí la gente me eligió y merezco respeto. Así que tomé la iniciativa no más y filo con los malos tratos homofóbicos”.

Indecopi confirmó fallo en contra de discoteca Gótica por discriminar a ciudadana transexual
La última instancia de Indecopi ratificó la resolución de primera instancia que halló responsable a la discoteca Gótica por la infracción de varios artículos del código del consumidor: la discoteca condicionó el ingreso de Godfrey Arbulú Grippa al pago de una suma mayor debido a su condición de transgénero.

La CHA destacó “este es el primer caso de un asesinato de una persona trans en llegar a juicio”
Lo señaló Marcelo Suntheim de la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA), que llegó con sus referentes a Río Grande para tomar vista del juicio oral y público por el crimen de Laura Aguilar, primer persona fueguina en lograr el cambio de identidad de género.

sexta-feira, maio 16, 2014

LGBT people in Crimea and Ukraine fear persecution under Russian anti-gay law
Concerns have been raised for the safety of LGBT people in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia amid a crisis in the area.

Transgender Europe: IDAHOT Press Release: May 1st 2014
Alarming figures: Transgender Europe’s Trans Murder Monitoring project unveils interactive map of more than 1,500 reported murders of trans people since January 2008

Travesti é morta a facadas por causa de dívida
Uma travesti foi morta na madrugada desta quinta-feira, 15, por volta de 1h30, na rua Nilo Peçanha, no bairro da Calçada.
A vítima, Sued José Nascimento Lima, de 39 anos, estava devendo dinheiro para outra travesti, conhecida como Patrícia Bracinho, segundo informações da Superintendência de Telecomunicações das Polícias Civil e Militar (Stelecom).

Trans Tory candidate and NHS diversity advisor opposes lesbian fertility rights
A Conservative Party Candidate and equality and diversity advisor to the National Health Service has taken to Twitter to voice her opposition to lesbian couples using sperm banks to have children.

Education Department moves to protect transgender students from discrimination
Transgender students are protected from discrimination under the same federal law that prohibits sex discrimination, the Department of Education announced Tuesday.

Man pleads guilty to shooting transgender woman six times
A Florida man was convicted Tuesday of charges that he shot a transgender woman he had met on Craigslist six times within days of leaving his wife and arriving in Kernersville.

Transgender inmate sues over hormone treatments
A transgender prison inmate, serving a sentence on theft on forgery charges out of Hamilton County, wants a federal judge to order the state to allow her hormone treatments to continue, saying she suffered a medical setback including facial hair growth and depression when the treatments stopped.

Fired Texas trans teacher rehired to avoid lawsuit, but still barred from classroom
A Lumberton, Texas substitute teacher was fired by the Lumberton Independent School District when a parent complained that she is transgender. The Advocate reported that Laura Jane Klug was suspended earlier this month when a parent complained that her trans status was a distraction to students.

Milwaukee County bans discrimination based on gender identity
Milwaukee County in Wisconsin has banned discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and expression.