Pay your own way for ‘non-essential operations’
[South Africa]
Cross-dressing and other fetishes

The Shame of Transgender Inclusion
Thank you transgender proponents; you really know how to hurt others by your forced inclusion of us under your exhibitionist and often sexual banner.
Somewhere in the USA. Many years ago I had surgery that would allow my body to conform and meld with my brain. There were no surgeons then as there are none today that could trans genders (brain) so I had to opt for Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) ... the alternative that would bring my body into focus with the reality of my basic being...female.
Transgenderism - Its Societal Impact Upon Those With HBS
Lumping people with HBS into the transgender camp has terrible consequences.
The transsexual term becomes unusable for people with a legitimate medical condition. Hence the reason why many transsexuals are discarding the term, and adopting the term HBS (Harry Benjamin Syndrome).
T is for Transsexual
"With a penis one may live as a woman, be socially accepted as a woman, pass as a woman but one is not in fact a woman." -- Suzan Cooke
Springfield, Virginia, USA. We do not oppose the transgendered. Unlike their philosophy of a single political umbrella under one big let's include the world T, we admit they exist. They can define themselves however they wish – just don't include us, the ones with Harry Benjamin's Syndrome (Transsexual Syndrome), the women and men born transsexual.