Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, março 31, 2008

Best of Times, Worst of Times: Kate Craig-Wood
Kate Craig-Wood, 31, is a finalist in the BlackBerry Women in Technology Awards and managing director of her own IT company. Born Robert Hardy Craig-Wood, she underwent gender reassignment and officially became a woman in 2006.

'It wasn't my choice to be a transgender'
William, born female, has always known he was really male.

Born a girl but he never felt right in dresses
He was born a girl but even as a young child Aram knew his brain was wired to be a man's. In 2006, Aram started the extraordinary process of "transitioning", which included taking hormones so he could finally feel at home in his own body.

Surgery can take more than year of preperation
Sex reassignment surgery never happens on a whim.
Transsexuals go through more than a year of preparation under mental-health professionals' guidance and must be deemed mentally and physically ready for surgery before transitioning from one sex to another.

[MI, USA] [Blog/People]
Julie reflects on past year
John Nemecek rocked Spring Arbor University and made national news last year when the transgender professor came out as Julie. Being fired in February 2007 from the Christian college only strengthened her resolve, and sharpened her pen.

[NY, USA] [People]
Finding Her Voice
WHEN I first met Nicole Von Valkenburg, she was sitting in front of a mirror, intent on her morning grooming ritual, which involved tweezing, applying makeup, parting her dark blond hair, and fitting her long streaked blond wig over her head. When she was finished, she emerged as another person, a diva who had stepped from a '70s movie, ready for a night out.

[Blog/Commentary] Lafferty: 'Pro-life' & 'pro-family' as long as both meet her standards
[News/Commentary] Adventures In The Bizarre World Of Transgender Confusion: So-called 'Man' Is Pregnant

domingo, março 30, 2008

O "Artista" que matou um cão à fome vai repetir o acto!

Como muitos devem saber e até ter protestado, em 2007, Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, um suposto artista, colheu um cão abandonado de rua, atou-o a uma corda curtissima na parede de uma galeria de arte e ali o deixou, a morrer lentamente de fome e sede.

Durante varios dias, tanto o autor de semelhante crueldade, como os visitantes da galeria de arte presenciaram impassiveis à agonia do pobre animal.

Até que finalmente morreu de inanição, seguramente depois de ter passado por um doloroso, absurdo e incompreensivel calvário. Quem tiver estômago que veja as seguintes imagens:


Parece forte?

Pois isso nao é tudo: a prestigiosa Bienal Centroamericana de Arte decidiu, incompreensivelmente, que a selvageria que acabava de ser cometida por tal sujeito era arte, e deste modo tão incompreensível Guillermo Vargas Habacuc foi convidado a repetir a sua cruel acção na dita Bienal em 2008.

Facto que podemos tentar impedir, colaborando com a assinatura nesta petição:

(não tem que se pagar, nem registar) para enviar a petição, de modo que este homem não seja felicitado nem chamado de 'artista' por tão cruel acto, por semelhante insensibilidade e disfrute com a dor alheia.

Hermafroditismo: dos sexos en uno
Varias asociaciones luchan para que se reconozca la condición intersexual, que abarca al 1'7% de la población mundial.

Comunidad gay lanzó canal de televisión por internet
La comunidad lésbico, gay, bisexual, trasvesti y transexual de México contará a partir de este viernes con su propio canal de televisión en internet, en el que se abordarán temas de interés para este grupo, informó su director, Rodrigo Márquez.

[USA] [Commentary]
Sex versus Gender: Exposing medical violence and dishonesty
Medical specialists complicate and erase intersex experience and visibility by insisting that sex is a biological fact and gender a social construct.

Teen Killings Tied To Sexual Orientation
A few weeks after the death of Lawrence King, daytime talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres opened her show with a message about King. "When the message out there is so horrible that to be gay you can get killed for it, we need to change the message," she said.
Shooting of gay student sparks outcry
Larry King was a gay eighth-grader who used to come to school in makeup, high heels and earrings. And when the other boys made fun of him, he would boldly tease them right back by flirting with them.
Gay Youth's Slaying Spurs Call for Tolerance
With his school uniform, eighth-grader Lawrence "Larry" King wore purple eye shadow, nail polish and pink lipstick. In the weeks before he died, he added purple boots with three-inch heels.

Provo schools will not observe 'Day of Silence'
Schools in the Provo District are not going to participate in the National Day of Silence, which asks students to give up talking for a day.
The event, slated for April 25, was created with the aim of symbolizing how students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender are forced to keep quiet about their sexual orientation for fear of abuse at school and elsewhere.

Un transexual logró embarazarse en EE.UU.
Causa polémica hombre que dará a luz en EU
El embarazo del transexual, "prueba de amor y valor", afirma la coordinadora de diversidad sexual del Conapred
'Man' says "I'm pregnant!"
Un transexual varón está embarazado de 5 meses

sábado, março 29, 2008

Como previ no meu post de 8 de Fevereiro, o julgamento do assassino de Gisberta que ainda não tinha sido julgado vai acabar de uma maneira desonrosa e descridibilizante para a justiça portuguesa. Melhor dizendo, para o sistema judicial nacional. Porque isto pode ser tudo, mas justiça?

Como eu dizia, e como qualquer pessoa com dois dedos de cabeça poderia prever, aquele do grupo dos 14 que dizia que "odiava travestis" vai ser somente condenado por omissão de auxílio, mesmo com opiniões de que foi um crime "absolutamente imoral" e explicado durante o julgamento como "de forma absolutamente irresponsável", e demonstrando uma "total descompaixão relativamente ao sofrimento humano".

Por tudo isto, por, pelo que pude ler dos depoimentos que iam saindo a pouco e pouco, me parecer que foi mesmo um ou o cabecilha do bando, o ministério público pediu como pena "meio ano de prisão, suspensa sob condição de o arguido seguir o trabalho de apoio a pessoas sem-abrigo."

14 pessoas menores torturaram durante três dias uma mulher que pelos azares da vida estava sem abrigo, caíra nas malhas da droga, era seropositiva e tuberculosa, mal alimentada logo por tudo isto fragilizada. Três dias. Não foi um impulso momentâneo. Se fosse tinha acabado num dia. Três dias. Não contentes com isto, e por a julgarem morta, tentaram queimar o corpo, desistindo e amandando-o para um fosso com águas residuais pluviais. Onde veio a morrer afogada. Como se já não lhe bastasse o que passou. E, maravilha das maravilhas, o ministério público e polícias não conseguiram provar sequer que lhe bateram. 13 dos 14 apanharam penas de "fachada", sendo obrigados a permanecer nas instituições onde já se encontravam. O 14º seis meses a ajudar às sextas-feiras os sem abrigo.

Considerando todo o fuzz-fuzz que tem gerado aquela miúda que tentou tirar o telemóvel das mãos da professora, e considerando a "justiça" que grassa, ainda bem que não irá ser julgada no ministério público. Ainda condenavam a professora a pena efectiva de prisão por ter querido roubar um telemóvel a uma menor, que ainda por cima era sua aluna, portanto que tinha confiança nela.

Afinal se o facto de 14 pessoas torturarem outra durante três dias e sendo a sua morte uma causa directa da sua actuação (tortura e assassínio) foi logo de início considerado como uma "mera brincadeira que correu mal", a professora era bem capaz de ser considerada culpada.

E assim vai a "justiça" neste país.

Pergunto-me se o caso da Luna não acabará por ser arquivado por falta de provas.

Cuba Considers Sweeping Gay Rights Bill
Excerpt: The draft legislation would make it illegal to discriminate in jobs and housing against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transpeople. It would recognize same-sex domestic partnerships, although not grant marriage or adoption rights, and it would allow transsexuals to have identity cards showing their true sex. In addition the bill would require the government health service to pay for sex reassignment surgery.

[South Africa]
Transsexual plans to take access case to court
For the first time in South African history the Constitutional Court may have to deal with a case involving a transsexual' s use of public ablution facilities.

Young boys warned not to seek early castration
Eighteen-year-old ladyboy Elle has always dreamed of having a sex-change operation, which, he believes, would be the most precious present he could give himself as it will make him a true female, both physically and mentally.

'My Mommy Is a Boy'
Figuring out that he was transgender and making the decision to take hormones to transition his body from female to male was difficult for Jace Martinez. But figuring out how to tell his 5-year-old daughter, he says, was "really a challenge."

Frederick County transgenders speak out
Many people wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her.
TerriLee Bell grew up as a man, married twice, divorced twice and fathered two children, a son and a daughter.

Shocker: Mass Resistance declared a hate group
Brian Camenker, Amy Contrada, and the rest of the anti-gay activists at Mass Resistance have finally received some long-overdue recognition. In the most recent issue of its Intelligence Report the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that tracks hate groups across the country, added Mass Resistance to its list of anti-gay hate groups. Camenker and co. join the illustrious ranks of Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church and Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.

Pregnant man is just another day in the life...

sexta-feira, março 28, 2008

Vigília pela Luna

Depois de condenação de 13 adolescentes - Caso Gisberta: Ministério Público pede que jovem arguido seja castigado apoiando sem-abrigo
O Ministério Público (MP) pediu hoje que um jovem envolvido no caso do transexual Gisberto Júnior (Gisberta) seja condenado a acompanhar o trabalho de uma instituição de apoio aos sem-abrigo, todas as sexta-feiras, durante meio ano.

Thai activists, parents urge end to underage castrations
Gay activists in Thailand said Thursday they are joining with worried parents to urge doctors to stop castrating minors who want to take the first step toward a sex change.
Latest sex-change fad poses risks
The leader of a homosexual group has cried foul over reports that doctors have been performing surgery to sever testicles of young patients.

Sex-change law questions arise after Bend man says he's pregnant

[CA, USA] [News/Events]
Transgender teen not forgotten
Palm Desert students and residents are invited to attend an April 16 vigil at Palm Springs High School to remember and honor a transgender teen who was shot last month in an Oxnard school.

Groups call for end to hate
Every year, people are killed because they refuse to identify with traditional gender stereotypes. Their stories are rarely heard, but the recent murder of an American high school student has brought the issue of violence to the forefront and created action within the UVic community.

quinta-feira, março 27, 2008

Decorreu calmamente a vigília de homenagem a Luna, mulher transexual, condenada à prostituição por uma sociedade transfóbica que teima em negar os direitos mais básicos a este grupo de pessoas, selvaticamente assassinada, o corpo abandonado dentro de um contentor.

Presentes, além dos elementos dos Panteras Rosa, entidade organizadora do evento, transexuais activistas independentes, amigos, representantes da ILGA-Portugal e representantes das Irmãs Oblata do Santíssimo Redentor.

Notou-se a falta (gritante) de elementos do Grit (que se arvoreiam como a voz da comunidade transexual em Portugal, mas não passando da(s) voz(es) de alguns elementos transexuais pertencentes à ILGA-Portugal). Pelos vistos as guerrinhas intestinais LGBT são mais importantes que a solidariedade da comunidade Transexual, e o respeito por mais uma vítima de um crime de morte.

Notícias nos media, só foram encontradas duas até ao momento: no Público de hoje, na edição impressa, à qual não tive acesso online mas em que, na parte que me diz respeito, só reparei numa "bacorada": que estou em processo há oito anos (Hihihi), e no jornal Metro.

Também só hoje descobri que existe um vídeo com pequenos excertos de algumas intervenções de activistas na primeira audição parlamentar sobre Transexualidade sob a égide do Bloco de Esquerda, o qual aqui vos deixo. A audição foi de duas horas e tal, o vídeo tem seis minutos e tal, logo está mesmo resumido, mas dá perfeitamente para se ficar com uma ideia.

Panteras Rosas de Portugal denuncia el asesinato de una mujer transexual
Los restos mortales de Luna, mujer transexual asesinada con cruenta violencia, fueron hallados en un contenedor de escombros en Lisboa hace unos días, Gisberta, también mujer transexual, perdió la vida a manos de 14 jóvenes en 2006, quienes la asesinaron a golpes con una violencia brutal. Ante el sadismo y homofobia desmedida contra personas transexuales en Portugal y la indiferencia de las autoridades, esta tarde en Madrid organizaciones lesbico-gays convocan a una concentración ante la embajada de Portugal para hacer un llamamiento internacional y exigir el cese de esta violencia.

Una transexual lleva años reclamándole al Consistorio el sueldo que dejó de pagarle
La ordenanza Cristina Rosales vive prácticamente de los servicios dela caridad desde que fue expulsada del Ayuntamiento.

El triunfo de una transexual catalana
La huelga de hambre de Marta Salvans logra que la Generalitat asuma las operaciones.

Cuba discutirá derechos gay
Excerto: En concreto se proponen tres importantes derechos: el reconocimiento legal de las parejas gay, la posibilidad de que los transexuales puedan cambiar oficialmente su nombre y el reinicio de las operaciones de cambio de sexo.

Giordano acelera esta semana los trámites para operarse
El director transexual del Ipem 315 recibirá asesoramiento para agilizar la demanda que le permitiría someterse a una cirugía de adecuación sexual.

Devido à grande polémica que se prevê com um caso desta natureza, e que como se pode ver, já está a começar, publicarei apenas os títulos com os respectivos links.
Pregnancy raises touchy gender issue
Es transexual y está embarazada de cinco meses
Thomas Beatie, un hombre de EEUU, asegura estar embarazado
Bloggers Weigh in on Transgendered Pregnant Man
Thomas Beatie, a married man who used to be a woman, is pregnant with a baby girl
Transgender Man's Baby May Have Health Problems
[Blog/Commentary] Hello media…a "man" cannot be pregnant…
[Blog/News/Video] Pregnant Man?: Find Out How It Happened

quarta-feira, março 26, 2008

Transexual: Homenagem a prostituta assassinada em Lisboa chega a capitais europeias
A associação Panteras Rosas convocou para quarta-feira em Lisboa uma vigília de homenagem à transexual Luna, assassinada em Fevereiro, uma iniciativa que já chegou a várias capitais europeias.
Vigília em homenagem à Luna – Todos contra a homofobia!
Excerto: No caso da Luna, houve indiferença. Uma semana depois do seu assassinato no dia 28 de Fevereiro, não havia informação. Há aqui o risco de banalização da morte de transexuais ou de outras pessoas marginalizadas, como as trabalhadoras do sexo, como se a sua marginalização ou a sua diferença fossem em si, uma permissão para matar.

Perfeitos exemplos da péssima (in)formação que grassa nos media portugueses (e não só). O primeiro foca a transexualidade de Luna e o facto de ter de se prostituir, como se isso se sobrepusesse ao facto de ser um ser humano. No segundo, aquele "todos contra a homofobia" já diz tudo. Não é homofobia é transfobia, além de nem sequer se saber se foi mesmo esse o motivo real deste crime. Mas como a transfobia é parte integrante de se ser transexual em Portugal, esse motivo encontra-se sempre presente, portanto aceita-se.

Up in the air as a woman
Excerpt: Today, Kiranunt flies across the country almost every single day on board an aircraft, taking care of the safety, welfare and comfort of the passengers. Well-known among fellow cabin crew members as "Nicky", Kiranunt enjoys walking up and down the aisle with baskets of snacks for passengers who are unaware that this flight attendant, wearing make-up and in a full air stewardess's uniform, was not born a woman.

Photo gallery's window smashed
A window featuring a display of photographs of transgender women was smashed early Sunday in an act of vandalism. The owner of Benham Gallery believes was committed by someone offended by the photos' subject matter.

[AZ, USA] [News/Film]
Film festival speaks for social justice
Excerpt: The last film, "I'm Not a Boy," told the story of a transgendered teenager living in New York City.
The teen faced challenges from parents, peers and his school, but was finally able to find comfort and acceptance among other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered New Yorkers.

Author Jennifer Finney Boylan emerges as public face for transgendered
Jennifer Finney Boylan never set out to be the public face for the transgendered.
But the novelist and English professor at Colby College was thrust into that role by her 2002 best-selling memoir about the transition to womanhood that freed her from the decades-long torment of being a female trapped in a male body.
With three appearances on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," two on "Larry King Live" and numerous other interviews and public appearances, Boylan, 49, has become a sunny-faced activist for the transgendered and one of the most widely recognized transsexuals of recent years.

Mixed Messages
Weeks before he was brazenly killed by his teenage crush, 15-year-old Lawrence King was encouraged to be himself. Did that lesson help send him to his grave?

terça-feira, março 25, 2008

Vigília de homenagem a Luna, Transexual assassinada em Lisboa.

4ª feira, dia 26 de Março, 19h00, Conde Redondo (esquina com a R. Gonçalves Crespo), em Lisboa.

Mais informação: CLIQUE AQUI

Los sexólogos que participarán en el Congreso Nacional de Sexología que se celebrará en León el próximo mes de abril denunciaron hoy que los transexuales siguen siendo objeto de discriminación y malos tratos en España, donde existen todavía "esquemas mentales y estereotipos sexuales y sociales cerrados".
"La transexualidad no es necesariamente una enfermedad y, menos aún, una enfermedad mental", asegura la sexóloga Miren Larrazábal, presidenta del Comité Científico del Congreso Español de Sexología, que tendrá lugar del 17 al 20 de abril en León. La aclaración es importante porque, como denuncia esta experta, "en estos momentos, y apesar del avance que ha supuesto la Ley Reguladora de la Rectificación Registral de la Mención Relativa al Sexo de la Personas, sigue siendo imprescindible el diagnóstico de disforia de sexo para que se acepte un cambio de sexo en nuestro país".

Mil travestis y transexuales de Uruguay podrían cambiar su identidad
Unas 1.000 travestis y transexuales estarán en condiciones de adherirse a la ley que, en caso de aprobarse, permitirá el cambio de nombre en la partida de nacimiento, documento de identidad y credencial cívica. La senadora frentista Margarita Percovich explicó a Índice 810 que los interesados deberán presentar testigos que certifiquen que la persona utiliza otro nombre.

Landlord Shutters Nepal AIDS Hospice
Excerpt: In 2006 police arrested 26 transsexuals in one raid. According to Blue Diamond they were taken to the Hanuman Dhoka central police station in Kathmandu where they were held for weeks without being allowed to contact anyone.

[India] [People/Television]
Man, he's shaking up talkshow scene
TOUTED as the Tamil-language Oprah Winfrey, Rose Venkatesan is making waves on Indian cable TV.
The twist? Rose was born as Ramesh Venkatesen, a former web designer with a masters degree in biomedical engineering from an American university.
On his 30-minute show Ipadikku Rose (Yours, Rose), the cross-dresser tackles topics considered to be taboo in Indian society like sexual harassment and sex workers.

Bangalore: Sexuality minorities seek social justice
Sangama, Suraksha and Samara, working for the welfare and rights of sexual minorities, organized Karnataka State Sexuality Minorities Annual Convention in Bangalore today March 23, 2008. This year's theme of the convention was "Mobilisation, Collectivisation and Empowerment" of Sexuality minorities.

[USA] [Books/People]
American author explores crossdressers and transsexuals in Get Dressed!

Crossdressers and Tranassexuals, although both under the transgender umbrella, are really very different things, which Gina Lance talks about in her new book entitled: Get Dressed!

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Labor of Love: Breaking down the gender divide
This story is truly amazing. Thomas Beatie, a transgender man, has decided to carry his child. He is quoted in a recent column as saying, "Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire, but a human desire."

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Barney Frank: Smoke it if you got it
Now that Congressman Barney Frank has lost a sizable portion of his LGBT support, he's apparently turning to pot smokers to shore up his base. The openly gay Congressman came under fire for abandoning transgender folks in an attempt to get some form of "gay rights" passed in this session of Congress. While protecting trans rights doesn't make the cut, he is willing to sponsor legislation making small amounts of marijuana legal.

domingo, março 23, 2008

Vigília de homenagem a Luna, Transexual assassinada em Lisboa.

4ª feira, dia 26 de Março, 19h00, Conde Redondo (esquina com a R. Gonçalves Crespo), em Lisboa.

Mais informação: CLIQUE AQUI

Una transexual inicia una huelga de hambre para pedir que el cambio de sexo se incluya en la seguridad social
Una transexual barcelonesa ha iniciado una huelga de hambre para pedir que la operación de cambio de sexo y el tratamiento hormonal se incluyan como prestación de la seguridad social.
La transexual, Marta Salvans, inició su medida de protesta el pasado domingo, para quejarse de que la consellera de Salud, Marina Geli, "no ha cumplido su promesa" de incluir este tipo de operaciones en la seguridad social.
Activista transexual se declara en huelga de hambre como protesta ante la Sanidad catalana
Marta Salvals, una mujer y activista transexual de 49 años, se ha declarado en "huelga de hambre indefinida" para protestar contra la actitud de la Conselleria de Sanitat de la Generalitat de Cataluña, a la que acusa de no responder al compromiso de financiar las cirugías de reasignación de sexo (CRS) y de no facilitar que se trasladen los casos a otros hospitales del país.

Un millar de transexuales se acogen a los beneficios de la Ley de Identidad
Alrededor de un millar de transexuales ha cambiado su sexo y su nombre en el DNI sin haberse operado genitalmente y sin procedimiento judicial durante el primer año de funcionamiento de la Ley de Identidad de Género, según estimaciones de la Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB).

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Trans and intersex - a forced marriage of inconvenience?
Excerpt: You know I sometimes have to keep reminding myself that I don't have a down on people who've had gender reassignment or identify as transgendered. Because believe it or not I don't.

Un trágico momento está viviendo la transexual Fabiola González, luego que en febrero pasado le amputaron su pierna derecha a raíz de una septicemia que habría sido provocada por negligencia médica del Hospital de Rancagua.

El docente que quiere ser transexual dijo estar "en un cuerpo equivocado"
Se llama Marcos Giordano y estuvo en "Chiche en vivo", el programa de Samuel Gelblung. Sufre de “disforia de género”. Pide que el gremio lo ayude a lograr la operación de readecuación.

[USA] [Blog/Health/Medicine]
The Unusual Story of the Pregnant, Bearded Man
Excerpt: Thomas Beatie is married to a woman who, due to endometriosis, cannot have children. And while Beatie is legally a man, he was born a female—uterus and all—but self-identifies as male. When he decided to make this feeling official, he had his breasts surgically removed and underwent testosterone therapy but kept the female downstairs equipment.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Dora’s Thoughts… The Reality of Being a Trans-Woman
Plan on losing 50% of your family and friends when you come out as a transsexual. Some will go as far as to say to plan on losing everyone. I have read where transsexuals have been rejected, shunned and in many tragic cases, young transgendered teens have been thrown out in the streets to fend for themselves by the very people who supposedly love them.

[USA] [Blog/History/Commentary]
Transgender Pride: It's About Time
When it comes to our rights, we transgender people cannot wait our turn. Yet that's what Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and the Human Rights Campaign told us to do when they stripped the proposed federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of protections for gender identity/expression and left in only sexual orientation.

sábado, março 22, 2008

Vigília de homenagem a Luna, Transexual assassinada em Lisboa.

4ª feira, dia 26 de Março, 19h00, Conde Redondo (esquina com a R. Gonçalves Crespo), em Lisboa.

Mais informação: CLIQUE AQUI

WWF denuncia venda de peles de urso polar pela internet
O Fundo Mundial para a Natureza (WWF, na sigla em inglês) denunciou hoje que a caça ilegal na Rússia acaba anualmente com a vida de até 200 ursos polares, cujas peles são vendidas pela internet e encontram crescente procura.

Greenpeace protesta no Itamaraty contra desmatamento
Os ativistas do Greenpeace protestaram hoje em frente ao Palácio do Itamaraty, em Brasília, durante encontro do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva como o presidente da Comissão Européia, José Manuel Durão Barroso. Uma faixa com a frase "Chega de madeira ilegal e desmatamento na Amazônia" foi estendida em frente ao Itamaraty. A União Européia é o destino final de quase metade das exportações de madeira da Floresta Amazônica, mas não tem controle sobre sua procedência.

[USA] [Health/Medicine]
Counselors Should Target Discrimination And Be Advocates For Transgender Clients
Two University of Oregon doctoral students dove into issues of transgender identities -- in the workplace and professional counseling -- and surfaced with a call for psychologists and vocational counselors to not only treat but to act as advocates for their clients -- and to help end discrimination in the workplace.

Cross-dressing inmate seeks $2.8 million for sexual harassment
An inmate who claims he has been cross-dressing since age 14, filed a federal lawsuit against the Illinois Department of Corrections alleging he is being sexually harassed by correctional officers.

Unsolved murder focus of night vigil
Under a street lamp near 35th and Glenrosa avenues, 40 people gathered Wednesday night to remember Maurice Green.
Green, also known as Melissa, was a gay 22-year-old cross-dresser who many in the gay community believe was a victim of a hate crime.

sexta-feira, março 21, 2008

Vigília de homenagem a Luna, Transexual assassinada em Lisboa.

4ª feira, dia 26 de Março, 19h00, Conde Redondo (esquina com a R. Gonçalves Crespo), em Lisboa.

Mais informação: CLIQUE AQUI

Drop-in centre targets hate crime

CRIMES against the gay community can now be reported at a special monthly meeting.
A drop-in centre for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) residents is available at West Greenwich Library in Greenwich High Road on the first Saturday of each month.
Greenwich Police's LGBT liaison team will be there between 2 and 4pm to hear the concerns of the gay community.

North Charleston murder highlights absence of state hate crime law
Currently, there are five states that do not have a law on the books which defines a hate crime: Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Wyoming.
Police have yet to identify a motive in the killing of a North Charleston transgendered teen in late January, but the circumstances of the case spotlight a hole in federal hate crime statutes that long-neglected state legislation may fill.

Slain transgender woman to be remembered
A demonstration to remember a transgender woman whose naked body was found on a San Francisco sidewalk last year will be held Friday, March 21.

Vigil Honors Hate Crime Victim
A killer is still out there and a family mourns the loss of a loved one claimed by a hate crime at a vigil Wednesday night in central Phoenix.
Maurice Dupree Green, also known as Melissa, was only 22 when he was gunned down in central Phoenix on May 21, 2006.

[USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
‘Homosexual Indoctrination’ - an Educator’s Point of View
The recent hateful rant by Representative Sally Kern hit home with me, not because of the more widespread comparison she made between gay folks and terrorists, disgusting as it is, but because of her continued rant about the public schools “indoctrinating” children as young as two years old with “the homosexual lifestyle is an acceptable lifestyle.” As a 19-year veteran public school teacher, and an Oklahoma educator at that, where do I begin?

quinta-feira, março 20, 2008

Vigília de homenagem a Luna, Transexual assassinada em Lisboa.

4ª feira, dia 26 de Março, 19h00, Conde Redondo (esquina com a R. Gonçalves Crespo), em Lisboa.

Mais informação: CLIQUE AQUI

[Iran] [Blog/News/Commentary]
BBC News published an article <> a couple of weeks ago about transition in Iran. In Iran, it is legal to change sex: if you can convince a doctor that you are a transsexual, and if they permit you to undergo GRS, then you can legally change your name and gender on your identifying documents.

Solidarity bound them together, Reema, Kajol, Pritambar, Suman and hundreds of other "sisters", who thronged the south Kolkata park last week to participate in a candlelight vigil.

Thailand's military will stop branding transsexual conscripts as mentally disturbed, and will list them in a new "third category" as neither male nor female, a senior officer said Wednesday.
Transsexuals, or katoey, will be treated with more respect when they go through the annual military conscription process. The armed forces plan to amend a regulation to do away with the offensive labelling of katoey as suffering from ''a mental disorder''.

A group of male-to-female transgender people in the western Cuban province Pinar del Rio recently have begun to educate local men who have sex with men about HIV prevention, Inter Press Service reports <http://www.ipsnews. net/news. asp?idnews= 41623> .

Newsom's commission games
Mayor Gavin Newsom didn't want Debra Walker, an artist and activist, running the Building Inspection Commission. He doesn't want Theresa Sparks, a transgender woman and community leader, running the Police Commission. And now, we've learned, he doesn't want Robert Haaland, a labor activist and one of the city's most visible transgender leaders, to serve as vice president of the Board of Appeals.
But of course, the mayor thinks it's perfectly fine to put two employees of Pacific Gas and Electric Company — an outfit that is suing the city, breaking the law, trying to subvert public power and cheating the public out of hundreds of millions of dollars a year — on city commissions.

quarta-feira, março 19, 2008

Author Arthur C. Clarke dies
-Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka at age 90, aide says
-"2001: A Space Odyssey" was perhaps his best known work
-He and Stanley Kubrick shared Oscar nomination for best adapted screenplay
-Clarke had lived in Sri Lanka since the 1950s

Heartbroken transexual's death plunge
A post-op transexual friend to the stars threw herself from a bridge days after the death of her soulmate.
Jade Sutherland, from Battersea, worked in fashion and was a friend to Kelly Osbourne and Naomi Campbell.
The 28-year-old had worked as a supermodel's assistant and had also been employed by Dior and Alexander McQueen.

Convention on Sexuality Minorities Opens in Bangalore
A 3-day convention on sexuality minorities opened on Monday at Bangalore, southern India. It has brought bring together sexuality minority communities from across the state of Karnataka to enable them articulate and share their problems and experiences.

[USA] [Television/ Media]
Barbara Walters and Israeli film get gay media awards
Television journalist Barbara Walters was honored by the gay media watchdog group GLAAD on Monday for her reporting on transgender children and she said the award was among the most important she had even received.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
HRC Brews up Instant TEA (Trans Acceptable Alternative)
In a society where controversial subjects are often ignored a disturbing new trend has manifested itself on the Transgender community. The willingness of society to except the easiest solution at the expense of truth and honesty.

[USA] [Blog/News/Commentary]
AFA’s Outdated ‘Family’ Hurts America
We really, truly don't understand the American Family Association. And we have a feeling they don't, either!
The non-profit recently launched a radio campaign against the Day of Silence <> , a national effort to raise awareness of and fight against homophobic violence.

[USA] [Blog/History]
Transgender History: Toward the Future (1996-2007)
Frequent guest blogger Mercedes Allen has written a six part history of transgender people for the Project that is running weekly on Tuesdays. A listing of the other sections is at the bottom of the post.

terça-feira, março 18, 2008

"Nunca he visto multar a un cliente, a nosotras sí"
"Prefiero trabajar en el Camp Nou porque a partir de las dos de la madrugada puedo hacer la calle libremente". Patricia, de 34 años, es transexual. Trabaja en la zona del estadio del Barça porque la Policía no le dice nada. "En cambio, cuando me quedaba en las Ramblas, venían y me ponían una multa", explica.

Un millar de transexuales han cambiado su sexo en el DNI sin necesidad de operarse
La Ley de Identidad de Género, que permite este trámite, cumple un año este lunes Las asociaciones consideran que "ha hecho justicia" con un colectivo muy discriminado.

Sex-Change Ex-Paratrooper Wants To Become A Mum
SEX swap soldier Jan Hamilton has revealed she would like to adopt a child now she is finally a woman.

New 'trans guidance' for universities
The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) has put out guidance for universities to follow when dealing with "trans people" who are changing their gender.

Transvestites and Crossdressers Key Workers Against AIDS
Activism against AIDS is uniting a group of transvestites and crossdressers in western Cuba in a project that is going beyond peer education and making inroads into the world of culture.

“Hubo un niño varón que murió en el parto”
A partir de experiencias terapéuticas con personas transexuales, la autora vincula esa construcción de género con duelos "procesados de modo psicótico", no por ellas mismas sino por quienes las criaron en su primera infancia. Estudiar estas "creaciones neosexuales" sería una alternativa a "la opción de reafirmar nuestra 'normalidad' estadística por la discriminación".

Hollywood star pays tribute to murdered teen
Actress Portia De Rossi has paid tribute to a murdered teenager in a new public service television advert broadcast in America.
Lawrence King, who was reportedly openly gay and sometimes wore 'feminine' clothing to school, was shot twice in the head while in class at the E.O. Green School in Oxnard, California last month.

State's a loser in old prison sex case
Thirteen years of legal wrangling that began after a state corrections officer allegedly sexually molested a transgendered inmate at the O'ahu Community Correctional Center may finally be over, with the result that the state will have to pay more than $90,000 to the former inmate and her lawyers.

segunda-feira, março 17, 2008

Une action internationale contre la transphobie
Après le meurtre de Luna, le collectif des Panteras Rosa du Portugal lance une action internationale contre la transphobie.

The 6ft ex-soldier who has won a personal war - by becoming a woman
A little over a year ago, Ian Hamilton was a 6ft, 16-stone captain in the Parachute Regiment – a much-decorated career soldier who had served at the sharp end of every major conflict of the past two decades, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Cross-dresser held
Jahra securitymen have arrested an unidentified non-Kuwaiti young man for cross dressing inside a famous commercial complex in Jahra.
Security sources said police stopped the youth after noticing he was a man dressed like a woman. The youth tried to evade arrest but police overpowered him and referred him to the concerned authorities.

Third sex gets official status in Tamil Nadu
So far Pooja, a 25-year-old transsexual from Salem in Tamil Nadu, had nothing to prove her existence in government records because she had refused to be identified as either a male or a female, the only two options available in the gender column of the application forms.
Finally, the state has recognized her as an individual and given her a ration card where the sex column is marked T instead of M or F.

'Eunuchs don't exist for govts'
It's not possible to determine the exact number of eunuchs in India because the state has hitherto refused to acknowledge them.

[Trinidad & Tobago]
The Difference Gender Makes
Mary and Jane don't know why they feel like women though they were born boys. Jane proffers the obviously wrong explanation that it's because they have an extra chromosome. But even the experts aren't certain about what causes gender identity disorder.

Travestis y transexuales exigen poder cambiar sus nombres
Sobre las 16 horas de este viernes un grupo de 20 travestis y transexuales realizaron una movilización denominada "Este no es mi nombre", frente a la sede del Registro Civil, ubicado en la calle Uruguay y Río Branco. Reclamaron que se agilice la discusión en la Comisión de Población y Desarrollo de la Cámara de Senadores del proyecto de ley que les permite el trámite de cambio de nombre en la partida de nacimiento, documento de identidad y credencial cívica.

La Corte despejó las trabas al reconocimiento de las travestis
El alto tribunal le concedió personería jurídica a una asociación de travestis y transexuales. Negar ese derecho, dijo, sería discriminatorio.

Una serie transexual
Por primera vez en la historia de la televisión en EE.UU., un personaje de ficción cambiará su sexo de hombre a mujer en horario de máxima audiencia familiar, en la serie de la cadena ABC All My Children.

[USA] [Commentary]
America's biggest threats: intolerance and hatred
If asked what the most harmful threat facing the United States is today, most Americans might name the Iraq war, a troubled education system, the looming threat of recession and job loss, immigration, or perhaps terrorism. The answers to the question would be as varied as the American people themselves.

Looking for Love on Logo
So I've been watching the Logo reality show, A Transamerican Love Story, which is a bachelor-style dating show featuring Calpernia Addams, a transwoman looking for love. The show is super-queer, with every sexual orientation and gender identity under the sun. There are straight men, gay men, and transmen, all fighting for Calpernia's affections.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
The little "t" in LGBT
[EDITOR'S NOTE:] This guest post is by Shannon Garcia, who is the President of TransYouth Family Allies, Inc., a business owner, and the mother of six children, including a beautiful 8 year old affirmed female daughter. She speaks at schools, social service agencies, health care facilities, universities and conferences nationwide educating and advocating on behalf of transgender and gender variant children and their families. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and family.

Planned gay vigil sparks protest in Holmen
A national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender vigil isn't something students in the Holmen School District should be participating in during school hours, three people told the Holmen School Board earlier this week.

Transgender people confront a puzzle of identity in a veil of secrecy
Transgender people have existed for at least as long as there is written history, but the term "transgender" is relatively new, coined in the 1990s.

Transgender people step out, risk ridicule, worse
Jobs, friends, families at risk, but transgender people take chance to understand themselves and be understood.

[WI, USA] [Commentary]
Time to confront causes of anti-gay bullying
Lawrence King was an openly gay 15-year-old student at E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard, CA. On the morning of Feb. 12, his 14-year-old classmate entered Room 42 and shot Larry in the head with a handgun. His father said, "If Larry had the story to write, he'd say, 'If I have to give someone a heart, I want to give it on Valentine's Day.'"

sábado, março 15, 2008

Félix Samuel Rodríguez de la Fuente nasceu na província de Burgos, numa povoação chamada Poza de la Sal, a 14 de Março de 1928. A sua infância decorreu, como não podia deixar de ser, em plena natureza, nos campos do vale de la Bureba. O seu pai, Samuel Rodríguez, notário na vizinha localidade de Oña, considerava contraproducente a escolaridade precoce, pelo que permitiu que o seu filho Félix percorresse à sua vontade os montes sem ser escolarizado até aos 8 anos.

Começou a estudar quando estalou a Guerra Civil Espanhola, o que fez com que o jovem Félix continuou a crescer percorrendo os campos próximos à sua povoação em contacto com a natureza. O que lhe provocou um sentimento de proximidade com a mesma, de amor pela vida, tanto animal como vegetal. E assimilou as relações existentes entre todos os integrantes do ecossistema.

Somente em 1938 Félix ingressou como interno o Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Vitoria, onde receberia a escolaridade básica e recuperaria o tempo perdido. O Bacharelato realizou-o no Colegio de los Maristas em Burgos.

Aos 18 anos mudou-se para Valladolid, onde iniciou os estudos de Medicina, embora continuasse com os seus passeios pelo campo para observar a natureza. Especialmente chamavam-lhe a atenção os falcões e começou a apaixonar-se pela falcoaria. Estes passeios e a influência que exerceu na sua pessoa o biólogo José Antonio Valverde, um dos artífices do Parque de Doñana forjaram-lhe a sua verdadeira vocação.

Em 1957, uma vez terminado o curso de medicina, obteve a especialização em odontologia-estomatologia, tendo ganho o Premio Extraordinario "Landete Aragó" de odontologia, e chegou mesmo a trabalhar na clínica do Dr. Baldomero Sol. Mas esta situação era muito forçada, já que a sua verdadeira vocação era a Biologia. Uma vez falecido o seu pai, que o tinha empurrado para Medicina, abandonou-a por completo e entregou-se totalmente à natureza.

Como se tinha mencionado anteriormente, Félix tinha-se convertido num perito na arte da falcoaria. Prova disso é que, enquanto cumpria o serviço mi na Residência de Oficiales de Burgos dispunha de um quarto especial para que pudesse tratar dos falcões. Félix, dadas as suas habilidades falcoeiras, passou a colaborar com o Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Caza, e conseguiu que se criasse uma estação para o estudo e preservação dos falcões.

Em 1960 viajou à Arábia Saudita , na qualidade de falcoeiro, levando dois "baharíes", falcões caçadores espanhóis, que o governo espanhol ofereceu ao rei Saud.

Na década de 60 escreveu artigos para a revista "Blanco y Negro" e apareceu em programas de televisão, sobretudo dedicados às crianças.

Em 1965 Félix aparece com os seus falcões no programa "Fin de Semana" da Televisión Española, chamando a atenção do público que insistia em vê-lo de novo. Isto mudaria a sua vida e influenciaria várias gerações de espanhóis que começariam a segui-lo nas suas aparições no pequeno ecrã.

Graças a uma doação monetária do rei Saud da Arábia e à colaboração de vários aristocratas, pode embarcar na produção do seu primeiro documentário: "Señores del espacio". O seu êxito permitiu-lhe estudar profundamente o comportamento dos temidos lobos, chegando a conviver com uma alcateia, na qual se tornou o líder. O lobo foi um dos animais favoritos de Félix, conseguindo que uma alcateia que vivia em liberdade numa grande propriedade cercada da província de Guadalajara, o aceitasse como seu chefe para poder estudar os seus hábitos, comportamentos e movimentos, participando en vários dos seus documentários.

Dirigiu a "Operación Baharí", em que pela primeira vez se usaram falcões para acabar com aves que atrapalhavam a descolagem e aterragem de aviões em aeroportos. Participou também em vários programas de rádio e televisão, entre os quais se destacou o "Planeta Azul".

Viajou para África, onde trabalhou como guia de safaris fotográficos, percorrendo o Uganda, a Somália, o Congo, a Tanzânia e o Quénia. Foi precisamente nestes dois últimos países que realizou os seus primeiros trabalhos para a Televisión Española: cinco episódios da série "A toda plana".

Convertido num símbolo do naturismo, colaborou na fundação da "Asociación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza, ADENA", a delegação espanhola do "World WildLife Fund, W.W.F." e foi membro do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

A partir de 1974 iniciou o seu projecto mais ambicioso: "El hombre y la tierra" nas suas três séries: venezuelana, ibérica e canadiana. Encontrava-se precisamente a filmar um episódio da " Serie canadiana" filmando uma matilha de cães esquimós em Shaktoolik, Alaska, quando a avioneta em que viajava capotou, caiu a pique e estatelou-se. O "Amigo dos animais" faleceu a 15 de Março de 1980, o dia seguinte ao seu 52º aniversário, nas frias terras do Alaska, junto com dois outros companheiros, comovendo o mundo inteiro. Deixou-nos um legado literário, radiofónico e cinematográfico imprescindível para o conhecimento da nossa fauna.

Foi precisamente entre 1974 e 1980 que realizou os episódios da "Serie ibérica", em que foi o realizador, guionista, apresentador e locutor. A espectacularidade das imagens e as originais técnicas de filmagem empregues converteram-na num êxito internacional. Continua hoje a ser uma das mais importantes bibliotecas gráficas do mundo selvagem da península ibérica.

Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, além de realizar programas, documentários, livros e artigos, foi um viajante incansável, que percorreu a Europa, a África e a América seguindo as pistas dos animais que amava. Mas a luta a que dedicou as suas maiores energias foi a de despertar a consciência ecológica dos seus compatriotas, conseguindo que todo um povo de costas voltadas à natureza, aprendesse a conhecer, respeitar e amar a vida selvagem do seu país.

A voz de Félix foi sempre clara e potente na hora de defender os ecossistemas da sua degradação e aos animais selvagens da sua perseguição e extermínio. Félix foi uma das figuras chave do movimento ecológico mundial e o mais genuíno filósofo da natureza que a Espanha produziu até hoje.

E foi a voz de Félix, através dos episódios de El hombre y la tierra – serie fauna ibérica, que me pregava em frente ao televisor de cada vez que passava um episódio. E foram estes documentários que me despertaram para esta realidade, que a biodiversidade no nosso planeta encontra-se ameaçada de uma maneira só comparável às grandes extinções em massa que ocorreram no passado. A diferença está em que essas extinções não foram obra de una animaizitos nativos deste planeta. Esta ameaça é. E numa altura em que cada vez se nota mais os efeitos negativos no nosso planeta de abusos em nome de um progresso está a levar a uma muito provável extinção da vida na terra como a conhecemos, que deixo aqui esta homenagem áquele que foi um dos maiores ecologistas do nosso planeta.

Trans meeting will attract activists from across Europe
The second meeting of the European Transgender Council is to be held this year in Germany, it was announced today.
The council, comprised of Transgender Europe (TGEU), the Transgender Network Berlin (TGNB) and TransInterQueer Berlin (TrIQ) will be meeting in Berlin from 2nd to 4th May, following their last successful event held in Vienna in 2005.

Woman, 32, will have to remain a ‘he’ in birth certificate
All her records list her as female, except for her birth certificate which indicates that she is a male.
And Zoila Villanueva, 32, will remain male in that document, after the Court of Appeals reversed a lower court ruling that allowed the entry in her birth certificate to be corrected to indicate that she is female.

Citizens show solidarity with the transgender community
In a show of solidarity, around 300 citizens joined a candle light procession to condemn the violence on March 9, in which three members of the transgender community were beaten up by locals of the Rabindra Sarovar area. The silent protest was held in front of the Menoka Cinema hall in South Kolkata.

Transgender Teen Tells Her Story
We were shocked by the recent murder of 15-year-old Lawrence King--a young boy who was openly gay and reportedly wore mascara, lipstick and jewelry to school. Transgender teens have been in the spotlight lately and have left a lot of parents at a loss when it comes to talking to their own kids. Rika, pictured, a 17-year-old boy who came out as a girl during her freshman year, sheds a little light on the world of transgender teenagers.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Transphobia and Radical Feminism - a challenge
Less than two years ago my "opinion" of transfolk was one of extreme othering, of downright transphobia - I didn't hate transpeople but I knew nothing about them and deemed from my place of ignorance that they were weird, freakish, incomprehensible.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Where is our outrage? Our sisters and brothers are being murdered!
"1 LGBT Person has been murdered every 8 days so far this year and these are only ones we know about." …Fight Out Loud

Gay groups protest at Naugle’s ‘prayer breakfast’
Fort Lauderdale mayor hosts anti-gay leader of Focus on the Family
Carrying picket signs with images of men and women who were killed because they were gay or transgendered and bearing placards that called for an end to hate speech by public officials, about 20 GLBT supporters protested the March 13 prayer breakfast hosted by Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle at the Broward County Convention Center.