Filmes, papeis trans e genitalocentrismo
Ao longo dos últimos 20, 30 anos, muitos e muitas foram os actores e actrizes que desempenharam papeis de pessoas trans. Ultimamente, e devido ao facto de um actor ter ganho praticamente tudo o que havia para ganhar ao desempenhar um papel de uma mulher trans, várias questões se levantam: porque é que nunca uma actriz trans ou actor trans ganhou um Óscar, porque é que os papeis de pessoas trans nunca são desempenhados por pessoas trans, e porque é que, regra geral, os assuntos focados nestes filmes são sempre e invariavelmente, underground?
Transexual baiana é assassinada na Zona Sul de São Paulo
A transexual baiana Giovana Souza Silva, de 33 anos, foi assassinada a tiros na Zona Sul de São Paulo na noite de quinta-feira, 28.
Segundo informações da 27ª Delegacia de Polícia, onde foi registrado o boletim de ocorrência, o crime aconteceu por volta das 21h30, entre a rua Campina da Taborda e a Avenida Indianópolis, no bairro Moema.
De acordo com a polícia, Giovana era natural de Jucuruçu, mas a família dela reside na cidade vizinha de Itamaraju (distante a 751 km de Salvador), na região sul da Bahia.
Travesti é espancado e morto em rua do Colinas do Sul, em João Pessoa
Um travesti, aparentando 29 anos, foi encontrado morto após ser espancado por várias pessoas na Rua Guardência, próximo a Praça Esperança, no conjunto Colinas do Sul, em João Pessoa, na noite da sexta-feira (29), segundo informações da Delegacia de Homicídios da capital. A suspeita da polícia civil é a de que, além de espancada, a vítima tenha sido atingida por golpes de arma branca devido às perfurações que os policiais encontraram no corpo.
Corpo de travesti é encontrado enterrado a um quarteirão de casa
O corpo de Marcos Vinicius Machado, 20 anos, foi encontrado enterrado em um sítio sem cercas a um quarteirão da própria casa, em Vitória Brasil.
Ele, que era travesti, estava desaparecido desde terça-feira passada (dia 18). O Diário publicou, na edição do último domingo, sobre o desaparecimento da vítima, conhecida como Nicole.
Despenalização da homossexualidade e "apagamento" da transexualidade
Activistas LGBTIQ rejubilaram com a notícia que a homossexualidade deixou de ser ilegal no Líbano. Uma sentença em tribunal aboliu um caso contra uma mulher trans - acusada de ter “relações sexuais homossexuais com um homem” - estipulando que a homossexualidade já não pode ser considerada um crime porque “não é anti-natural”. A lei libanesa só proíbe actos sexuais “contradizentes com as leis da natureza”.
Policía asesina a transgénero porque le cobró caro sus servicios sexuales
El detective mostró inconformidad con el monto, le reclamó al transexual y le pidió que se bajara de su carro
A los 25 años dejó este mundo aunque no la lucha la performer Elizabeth Chorubczyk. Mañana sábado entre las 17 y las 21 se realizará en su nombre un encuentro y un homenaje en Tierra Violeta (Tacuarí 538).
Amigos, já mandei o perfil do Daniel antes, mas até o momento a postagem da morte dele não foi feita nesse site. Ele voltava de uma festa no dia 16 de março de 2014, de madrugada e foi assaltado, levaram o tênis dele. Bateram muito no rosto dele, e deram mais de um tiro. Vítima da homofobia e latrocínio.
Transgender woman claims State failed to enact laws recognising her rights
A transgender woman claims the State continues to fail enact laws recognising her rights as a transgendered person despite a declaration six years ago that such failure breached human rights, the High Court was told.
A night with transgender sex workers in Windhoek
The shadowy figure moves gracefully towards the right front door of my parked car. I look up and see the person smiling and staring down at me. “I am glad you made it. This is going to be the best night of your life,” a voice, which I recognise as belonging to Mama Africa, tells me. - See more at: http://www.namibian.com.na/indexx.php?id=11143&page_type=story_detail#sthash.f0BhEh2H.dpuf
Israeli Health Ministry clears HMO funding for genital reassignment surgery abroad
In order get HMO support for patients requesting surgery, health officials had to deem the surgery treatment for a 'birth defect.'
Transgender students fight discrimination in school
It started in Grade 10 with a haircut.
No one was that surprised. People cut their hair short all the time. But a year later, Bailey Lindsay began asking students and teachers to change pronouns, from "her" to "him."
From Dee to Patti: Transgender Women Fighting Back Against Sexual Assault in Detention
Imagine how scared you would be if you were taken into custody by the police and told repeatedly that you are not who you know yourself to be. You are already afraid and the process is out of your control. You want to at least be kept safe while you are in custody, but officers ignore your pleas.
TUSD: Transgender students allowed to use whichever bathroom they identify with
A workshop on gender identity was held Wednesday night at Anna Henry Elementary.
Parents fired up over bathroom incident at TUSD school
Parents outraged after Arizona school allows boys and girls to use whichever bathroom they choose
TUSD adds transgendered to its non-discrimination policy
Bill to Ensure Accurate Gender Reflected on Transgender People’s Death Certificates Moves Forward on Bipartisan Committee Vote
The Respect After Death Act (AB 1577), authored by Assembly Speaker-elect Toni Atkins and sponsored by Transgender Law Center and Equality California, passed the Assembly Health Committee today by a bipartisan provisional vote of 17-1. The bill is designed to help ensure transgender people have their authentic gender identity reflected on their death certificates.
Center plans for trans visibility, Soiree events
The LGBT Community Center is preparing for its inaugural Transgender Day of Visibility event next week and looking ahead to next month when it will celebrate its 12th anniversary.
Transphobic Coalition Files Lawsuit Against Calif. Secretary of State
Despite repeated set backs along the way, Privacy for All Students continues their attack on a California law.
Chico celebrates transgender diversity
Chico is recognizing that transgender people deserve equality and consideration this week.
Investigation: No Discrimination Found Against Transgender Police Officer
A city investigation has determined that there is no evidence to support a claim by Officer Francesca Quaranta that she was discriminated against by the police department after she revealed that she was transgender.
City of Orlando to issue Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation
For the first time ever, the city of Orlando is issuing a proclamation in recognition of the International Transgender Day of Visibility – a day to celebrate and raise awareness about the transgender community.
UPDATE: 35-year-old woman pleads not guilty to molestation of teen
A transgender woman pleaded not guilty Friday to engaging in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old boy during a Columbus Recorder’s Court hearing.
Maryland House advances transgender rights bill
A bill that would prohibit discrimination based on gender identity is headed to a final debate and vote in the House of Delegates.
Public restrooms debated during Md. House measure to stop transgender discrimination
Maryland Republicans signal fight on transgender-rights bill
Maryland Transgender Rights Bill Heads to Governor for Signature
NCTE Welcomes Passage of MD Transgender Discrimination Bill
Adidas quietly allows 'gay' and 'lesbian' on customisable trainers, but still bans 'bi' and 'trans'
A month on from criticisms faced for banning the words “gay” and “lesbian” from its range of customisable trainers, Adidas has allowed them, but still bans “bi” and “trans” from being used.
Travesti é executada com tiro na nuca dentro de casa em Iguatu
Caiu morto sobre a cama de seu quarto o jovem Marciano Ricardo da Silva, de 22 anos, residente na Rua do Arame, bairro João Paulo II, na cidade de Iguatu. O crime aconteceu na tarde desta segunda-feira (24) e ainda está envolto de mistério.
Ex-participante do Big Brother revela ser mulher transexual e faz mídia escorregar na transfobia
Em 2009, um brasileiro fez sucesso no Big Brother Britânico e chamou atenção da revista Gay Times ao posar com o bumbum de fora. Nessa terça-feira, 25, foi noticiado no Huffington Post que a celebridade em questão assumiu ser uma transexual há dois anos, tem o nome social Rebeca Lopes, acaba de passar por uma cirurgia que colocou 440 ml de silicone nos seios e enfrenta dificuldades para adentrar no mercado formal de trabalho.
RTÉ under fire over ‘transphobic’ new sitcom
Irish broadcaster RTÉ has received complaints over the negative portrayal of a transgender sitcom character.
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ receives 24 complaints over transgender character in new sitcom ‘The Centre’
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ airs new sitcom 'The Centre' which mocks transgender people
The joke's on us with RTE's latest comedy
Indian transgender community not keen on voting
Most members of India's transgender community are not keen on voting in the upcoming parliamentary elections despite winning the right to vote. Activists say this reflects their lack of trust in the electoral system.
For This Transgender, Election is a Step Forward
Trans Indians mocked and left to die by health workers
Transphobic health workers mock their patients and even put their lives at risk through their negligence, report says
Transgender plans to be atop Everest
Manoj Shahi Monika, 35, who describes herself as a transgender, has announced her plan to climb Mt Everest soon.
Intersex advocates address Parliament on involuntary sterilisation
In thirty historic minutes in the Commonwealth Parliament on 25 March 2014, senators from each of the three main political parties spoke on intersex health issues to mark World Health Day 2014. OII President Morgan Carpenter reports.
Historic intersex rights inquiry in Senate
'My daughter was born a boy'
The mother of a transgender daughter has opened up about her experience and initial shock after finding out her son identified as a woman.
Gender identity amendment in Mental Health Bill passed
An important amendment was passed by the Victorian lower house as it debated the Mental Health Bill (2014) this week stating that refusal or failure to express a particular gender identity does not constitute mental illness.
Should sex be taken off of birth certificates in Saskatchewan?
A Saskatchewan mom wants a person's sex to be taken off birth certificates. We speak with a transgender person, activist Christin Milloy about the idea, and we take your calls. Milloy says, 'To a person who is not trans, it seems like a no-brainer. You're M or your F and if you forget you can check your pants, but it's not that simple.'
Mother of transgender child wants sex removed from birth certificates
Victoria hosts first conference on archiving trans history
Organizer Aaron Devor has been building archives for almost a decade
Ken Norman wants Saskatchewan laws to protect gender expression
Former Human Rights commissioner says laws here lagging behind
Opponents of transgender rights law ask court to certify referendum for California ballot
Opponents of a new California law that provides transgender students certain rights in public schools are challenging the secretary of state's finding that they failed to gather enough voter signatures for a referendum to repeal the law.
Opponents Of California Transgender Student Protections Law Take Repeal Fight To Court
California transgender law opponents file suit against Secretary of State
Lawsuit Asserts Enough Signatures For Co-ed Bathroom Bill Referendum
Trans* events to mark diversity
This coming weekend will see two important trans*-related events in Chicago—and the genesis of these happenings is pretty intriguing.
Maryland House committee approves gender identity bill
The Maryland House Health and Government Operations Committee passed SB 212, a bill that would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, credit and public accommodations based on a person's gender identity or expression, by a 13-9 vote Tuesday, sending the measure to the floor to be debated by the full chamber later this week.
Md. House committee advances transgender rights bill
Maryland House committee approves transgender rights bill
Virginia school removes 8-year-old for 'non-Biblical' gender expression
A Christian school in Virginia has removed an 8-year-old who cut her hair short and dressed in boy’s clothes, because her gender expression isn’t ‘Biblical’.
WATCH: Va. Christian School Rejects 8-Year-old Tomboy, Citing 'God-Ordained' Gender Role
Virginia Christian school asks 8-year-old girl to leave for not dressing feminine enough
Little Girl Taken Out Of Christian School After Told She's Too Much Like A Boy
[El Salvador]
Transgender people voted for the first time in El Salvador's history
With victory in tow, rights groups now push new president to end violence, corruption and discrimination.

Hallan cadáver de un transexual en el río Medellín
El cadáver de un transexual fue recuperado por Bomberos de Medellín en la mañana de este miércoles en aguas del río Medellín a la altura del Puente del Mico.
Según indican las primeras versiones, el hallazgo lo hicieron habitantes del sector que avistaron el cadáver a las 6:00 de la mañana de este miércoles y avisaron a las autoridades.
El propio cuerpo nunca puede estar equivocado
Celebramos hablando en primera persona. ¿Hasta cuándo el discurso de las personas trans será mediatizado por la mirada de los demás? Celebramos sin entrevistas ni veredictos. Pablo Gasol, director de teatro y hombre trans, elige algunos episodios de su vida como quien se responde a la pregunta “qué se siente”. Las activistas Silvana Daniela Sosa, Ornella Infante y Nadiha Molina cuentan cómo les cambió la vida la militancia. Diana Sacayán, sin dejar de ser nunca una chica del mal, inaugura aquí sus columnas románticas.
Bouncer banned for barring transsexuals
A landmark trial in Spain has seen a Barcelona judge revoke a local doorman's licence for a year after he prevented two transsexuals from entering the discotheque he was working at
Vandalised transgender memorial restored
A vandalised memorial to remember victims of transphobic hate crime has now been restored in Manchester.
The National Transgender Memorial, located in the city’s Sackville Gardens, was unveiled as part of the Sparkle weekend, a national transgender celebration, in August last year.
However, after dedicated volunteers had put hours of work into the garden, it was vandalised by unknown assailants just days after it was unveiled.
Miss Coventry 2014: Transgender contestant Jordan Davis pulls out of contest
A transgender contestant in this year's Miss Coventry beauty contest withdrew from the final at the last minute after she suffered excessive online bullying.
Seventeen-year-old Jordan Davis, who would have been the competition's first transgender contestant, had suffered "horrendous" bullying at the hands of online trolls, organisers said.
"Trans people must be able to benefit from their right to vote"
Counseling Center for Transgender People (T-Der) made a call regarding trans people whose gender identity does not match the color of their ID before the local elections to be held on March 30.
Trans[ition] in Iran
When Shadi Amin was growing up in pre-revolutionary Iran, she began experiencing sexual feelings toward other girls. “I thought there was something wrong with me,” she says. “I thought, maybe I should change something.” By “something,” Amin was referring not to her identity or lifestyle, but to her gender. “If I was that young girl living in Iran today, I would have considered having a sex change operation,” even though she has never identified with being male.
India's hijras remain on the political edge despite electoral reform
For the first time, India's transgender community is to be officially recognised in the country's electoral process.
India's transgender community gets official recognition in country's electoral roll
Warrandwood mum of transgender daughter inspired by experience to support others
LYN McDonald thought her world had come crashing down 17 years ago when her son said he was a woman.
The Warranwood mother of three said she didn’t know where to turn.
Gender identity no longer a mental illness in Victoria
An amendment to Victoria’s Mental Health Bill (2014) to ensure the expression of of any particular gender identity is not defined as a mental illness has been passed in the state’s parliament tonight.
Mom of transgender child wants ID rules changed
The mother of a transgender child wants the Saskatchewan government to remove any record of a person's sex on birth certificates.
Transgender Teacher Returns to School a Woman
A California high school science teacher gave students and colleagues a new lesson in biology Monday, showing up for the first time as a woman a week after her plans to switch genders became suddenly public.
City-Funded Transgender Surgeries A Smashing Success
SF Examiner's Chris Roberts blows a blast of fresh air into an otherwise listless Monday with a great piece regarding sexual reassignment surgery in San Francisco for low income and uninsured patients. See, over the last nine months, fifteen people have reaped the benefits of sexual reassignment paid for by the Department of Public Health, and it's proven to be a great success.

Polícia apura se corpo esquartejado é de travesti
Tronco estava enrolado em vestido vermelho, segundo delegado.
Pedaços estavam em sacos deixados no domingo em Higienópolis
A Polícia Civil investiga se as partes de um corpo encontradas em sacos plásticos no entorno do Cemitério da Consolação, em Higienópolis, são de um travesti. Elas foram achadas em três pontos do bairro na manhã de domingo (23).
Corpo esquartejado pode ser de travesti
Uma das primeiras transsexuais do PI morre de pneumonia, aos 68 anos
O Grupo Piauiense de Transsexuais e Travestis está de luto pela morte de uma das primeiras transexuais do Estado, Katia Beckman. Ela foi vítima de pneumonia e estava internada no Hospital de Urgência de Teresina desde a última quinta-feira (20).
Travesti é preso por furtar celular e dinheiro de caminhoneiro encontrado morto em Coxim
Um travesti, identificado apenas como “Gil”, de 19 anos, foi preso por volta das 10h30 deste sábado (22), por furtar o celular e o dinheiro do caminhoneiro Marcio Gomes Freitas, de 32 anos, encontrado morto no início da manhã, embaixo de uma carreta num posto de combustíveis, localizado na BR-163 em Coxim.
Not many 'Others' filling the voter rolls
With 6,630 voters in Uttar Pradesh enumerated as “Others,” the State has the highest number of third-gender voters. Andhra Pradesh comes second with 4,421 followed by Karnataka with 3,233.
[New Zealand]
Ellis "humbled" to be Labour candidate
Kelly Ellis says she feels incredibly humbled to have been selected as Labour’s candidate in Whangarei.
Labour selects transgender candidate for Whangarei
Transgender high school students speak out against discrimination
High school students had their say on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) rights and equality at the 17th annual Breaking the Silence conference in Saskatoon.
Pride Coallition at UCF kicks off Transgender Visibility Week
Events give insight into ‘invisible’ LGBT minority group
Maryland lawmaker: trans bill would 'normalize abnormal behavior'
A Frederick County Republican has told her constituents a bill that would ban discrimination against transgender Marylanders would “normalize abnormal behavior.”
Local lawmaker sees problems with bill to prevent discrimination against transgender people
The boy who grew up to become a woman of terror
Debbie Vincent, one of Britain's leading animal rights extremists, has been found guilty of conspiracy to blackmail. But who exactly is Miss Vincent? Here we reveal her intriguing, and at times disturbing story
When former soldier Paul Rogers married his sweetheart in the fishing port of Falmouth 26 years ago their wedding guests might have hoped they would go on to lead a happy, and probably unremarkable life together.
Víctima de homofobia pide quedarse
Transexual hispana dice que su vida corre peligro si es deportada a Honduras
El miedo y las amenazas de muerte que la impulsaron a huir de Honduras y emigrar a los Estados Unidos hace casi ocho años constituyen ahora la única esperanza que tiene una mujer transexual hondureña para evitar su deportación y quedarse en el país.
Transgender surgeries funded by San Francisco called successful
San Francisco's foray into paying for sexual reassignment surgery for the poor and uninsured is so far a success, officials said.
Carol Marra: Transgender Model Making Waves In Brazilian Fashion World
Carol Marra has a list of accomplishments that place her among an elite group of Brazilian models — she has walked at Fashion Week in Rio, opened her own lingerie line, and even filed two mini-series for major Brazilian television stations.
[South Africa]
"Cisgender and Transgender Women Have A Lot in Common"
HeJin Kim is from Gender DynamiX in Cape Town, South Africa. The organization is the first African-based group solely focusing on the transgender community.
Transgenders Sign Up for Voting in a Big Way
As many as 3,233 people from the transgender community have signed up to exercise their franchise in the Lok Sabha polls in Karnataka. This is an increase of around 10.5 per cent from last year’s number of 2,919.
A community whose votes no politician wants
Boy made transgender, court books 13
Kidnapped as a boy and transformed into a transgender, he was compelled to walk the first steps of adulthood as a prostitute. Brutalised and battered for three years, he sought justice and a city court on Friday framed charges against 13 accused.
'Aum Neko' to be summoned on lèse majesté charge
Aum Neko, a transgender student at Thammasat University who last year stirred a debate about compulsory student uniforms, is to be summoned next week by the police over a lèse majesté charge.
Sandy Rios Wants 'Disordered' Gays And 'Trannies' Banned From The Military
American Family Association radio host Sandy Rios said yesterday that she wants to restore the ban on gays in the military because gay people are “disordered” and won’t be able to “provide strong defense for our nation.”
WATCH: Ark. Trans Woman Fired For Using Women's Restroom
An Arkansas trans woman claims to have been fired from a local McDonald's for using the women's restroom.
Fresno teacher will return to class as a woman
After spring break, 24-year Yosemite High School science and multimedia teacher Gary Sconce will return to teach as her true self, she says: Karen Adell Scot.
Victory for Transgender Workers in California
Last week, in a case of first impression, Sacramento Superior Court Judge David Brown held that California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits employers from requiring transgender workers to use restrooms and locker rooms based on their assigned birth sex.
Transphobic Md. Lawmaker Fears 'Men in Dresses' Will Take Advantage of Nondiscrimination Bill
Despite the overwhelming bipartisan support for a bill that would outlaw discrimination against transgender people in Maryland, some conservative lawmakers are digging in their heels and trotting out tired, transphobic excuses to justify their opposition.
School reverses decision to ban 9-year-old boy from wearing My Little Pony bag
A North Carolina school that ordered a 9-year-old boy to stop wearing a My Little Pony bag because it caused bullying has reversed its decision.
Denial of transgender name change overruled by Oklahoma appeals court
Judge Bill Graves' denial of the individual's request for "fraudulent" reasons is overruled
UKIP Councillor: Bisexuals and trans people are 'part time homosexuals'
A UKIP councillor has labelled bisexuals and trans people ‘part time homosexuals’.
Act Legislative Council amends Births, Deaths and Marriage Act for greater recognition of trans and intersex people
The ACT Legislative Council has voted through amendments to the Births, Deaths and Marriage Act 1997 (ACT) to provide better legal recognition for trans and intersex people.
ACT approves new gender identity birth certificate rules for trans and intersex people
More Than 47,000 Petition White House to Recognize Nonbinary Genders
Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition urging the Obama administration to legally recognize nonbinary genders.
Yosemite High School teacher undergoing gender transformation
Families in the foothills are reacting to news of a high school science teacher with plans to unveil his new gender identity after spring break.
Referendum drive possible if transgender rights bill passes
Opponents of a bill to include gender identity in Maryland’s anti-discrimination laws are warning it could be challenged in a referendum if the measure passes this session.
Department of Education Issues New Transgender Guidelines
After decades of dragging its feet on LGBT inclusion, the New York City public schools –– the nation’s largest school district –– took two big public steps forward in recent weeks in tandem with a hearing in the City Council Education Committee led by its new chair, Daniel Dromm, a veteran out gay Queens public school teacher.
First transgender mayor in America auctioning off shoe collection for charity
Stu Rasmussen, the openly transgender mayor of Silverton, Oregon, plans to auction off his women’s shoe collection for charity to raise money for his city
Yobs throw glass bottle at woman in hate crime
A transgender woman was verbally abused and had a glass bottle thrown at her in a hate crime in Abbots Road.
Transgenders to Attempt 60-Hour Cultural Record
Guess who is gearing up to entertain Chennai for three days of non-stop cultural extravaganza? It’s the city’s transgenders, who, for the first time in Indian history, have gathered together to set a record. They are planning to exhibit their cultural talent for 60 hours straight.
Canberra's transgender and intersex community heartened by change to birth certificate laws
Canberra’s transgender and intersex community are overjoyed at new laws to be passed on Thursday in the ACT Assembly, saying they will finally have official recognition in the mainstream.
Landmark victory for ACT trans* and intersex residents
MQFF celebrates Priscilla anniversary
The Melbourne Queer Festival is marking the anniversary of a queer classic with special screening of a new, digital print.
U of S changes policy to protect transgender people
The University of Saskatchewan has decided to change the school's discrimination and harassment policy to protect transgender people.
Pvt. Manning seeks formal name change to Chelsea
The Army private who was tried and convicted as Bradley Edward Manning for leaking U.S. secrets to WikiLeaks is petitioning a Kansas court for a name change, to Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.
Openly Transgender soldier speaks to Vocativ magazine
Jake Eleazer, an Army drill instructor, spoke to Vocativ online magazine about being transgender in the military. Jake has been an exemplary servicemember for the past 8 years but since coming out his military career is uncertain as the administrative separation process has begun.
Transgender Comedian Shares Challenges
Comedian Alison Grillo discussed the challenges and reality of being a transgender woman to UCA students on March 13.
Transgender Woman Claims She Got Fired For Using Women's Bathroom
A transgender woman says she was fired from her job at a Mcdonald's in Star City because she used women's restroom.
Vallejo schools mull transgender student law
The Vallejo school board delved into the complex issue of gender identity Wednesday as it discussed the implications of a new law guaranteeing the rights of transgender students.
Yosemite High science teacher changing gender to 'authentic self'
After spring break, 24-year Yosemite High School science and multimedia teacher Gary Sconce will return to teach as her true self, she says: Karen Adell Scot.
Cape sheriff slams inmate sex surgery
Cape Cod’s sheriff is weighing in on the Michelle Kosilek prison sex-change federal appeals case with an amicus brief saying court-mandated prison surgeries could be a budget-buster and a security threat to county jails, as the state claims they will be for prisons.
Trans Woman Denies Involvement in Murders, Blaming Former Self
A transgender woman is using an atypical defense against charges that she committed a string of murders in Washington State.
Se conmemora el primer Día de los Derechos de las Personas Trans
Es en homenaje a la muerte de Claudia Pia Baudracco, una de las fundadoras de la Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Transgéneros de Argentina y luchadora de los derechos de género. La ley fue promovida en la Legislatura porteña.
Se conmemora por primera vez el Día de la Promoción de los Derechos de las Personas Trans
Porteiros da discoteca Get Back de Barcelona em julgamento por transfobia
Dois anos e meio após os factos sentam-se no banco dos réus os porteiros da discoteca. Da parte dos agredidos só compareceram um casal trans, outras duas trans femininas, por medo, não apresentaram denúncia.
Neglected 'Others' want to shun elections
Transgenders (hijra community) may have voting rights with 2014 Lok Sabha elections creating history by introducing a separate column — other — for their enrollment, but sadly just four out of the more than 2,000 transgenders in the Port City have received voter ID cards with almost two-thirds complaining that they are yet to get their cards though they had applied for it months ago.
India's forgotten third sex
Trans* and intersex in ACT set for a landmark win
Trans* and intersex residents of the ACT are set for a win tomorrow when the territory’s government is expected to pass laws that will allow them to officially change their gender without requiring reassignment surgery.
ACT to debate amendment to improve rights of transgender and intersex people
[New Zealand]
Work needed on gender identity equality
A Christchurch Pride Rainbow Politics event has heard New Zealand still has a long way to go to address inequalities around gender identity
University of Saskatchewan expands discrimination policy to include gender identity
Advocates for equality are praising the University of Saskatchewan for amending its discrimination and harassment prevention policy to include transgendered, transsexual and two-spirited people.
Transgender rights not protected, prof says
Transsexual woman at 63: 'It's about being ourselves in our lives'
Nanci Blu was a man until her late 50s and now, at 63, she feels she's simply evolving
Facebook Expands Gender Options
In mid-February, social media giant Facebook made a big change. The popular website added 56 new gender options, as well as a choice of preferred gender pronouns, for its United States users.
Long Beach school board revises non-discrimination policies to include transgender youth in accordance with AB 1266
The Long Beach Unified school board voted unanimously Tuesday to enact policies to protect transgender youth from discrimination.
'Orange is the New Black' actress discusses 'gender police,' struggles faced by transgender people
Laverne Cox felt like she was being policed.
Transgender Defense: 'Donna' Says 'Doug' Is the Spokane Serial Killer
A transgender woman accused of being a serial killer is blaming the 1990 murders of three prostitutes in Washington State on Douglas Perry, the person she identified as before her transition.
Perry makes first appearance on cold case murders
Suspected Serial Killer Donna Perry Makes First Appearance In Decades-Old Killings
Transgender woman reportedly blames serial killings on former male self: Legit legal defense or splitting hairs?
Homicídios investigará morte de jovem às margens do Parnaíba
A Delegacia de Homicídios vai investigar a morte de Paulo Roberto Lima dos Santos, 19 anos, que foi encontrado às margens do rio Parnaíba, na região da Santa Maria da Codipi e que a princípio teria morrido por overdose.
Scottish Prison Service providing 'cushy' life for sex-swap killer Paris Green, family claim
The family of a man murdered in Glenrothes by a sex-change killer have expressed anger after it emerged the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) will allow men who express transgender identities to move prisons at will.
Passports set to mention third gender
The government is all set to amend the existing laws to provide passports to sexual minorities mentioning their gender-identity.
Unequal treatment: Transgenders accuse police of torture
Speaking to journalists, Haripur Shemale Association General Secretary Stylish Bibi and Arsalan alias Chahat said they were on their way home from Khalabat Township after attending a wedding on Sunday evening when policemen intercepted them near Sheranwala Gate and dragged them out.
[Hong Kong/China]
Continúa la pesadilla de Eliana en Hong Kong
El pasado 20 de febrero Sentiido publicó la historia de Eliana Rubashkyn, una colombiana atrapada en Hong Kong. Ser una mujer transgénero la convirtió en una suerte de sospechosa a la que era imposible autorizarle un libre ingreso a dicho país con el ánimo de renovar su pasaporte en el consulado de Colombia.
Another challenge to transgender law
Opponents of a new law that allows transgender students a choice of which restroom and locker room to use are scouring thousands of signatures that were tossed out in San Diego County and elsewhere, hoping to uncover enough evidence to prove that their referendum should be placed on the November ballot.
School bans 9-year-old boy from wearing My Little Pony bag
A North Carolina school has ordered a 9-year old boy to stop wearing his My Little Pony bag, as it makes him a target for bullies.
Donna Perry denies her role in 1990 slayings
A woman suspected of killing three prostitutes in 1990 when she lived as a man in Spokane denies she committed the homicides as a woman, but hedged during an interrogation about the guilt of the man she had been before a sex-change operation.
NEW DETAILS: Triple Murder Suspect Donna Perry Told Cellmate She Killed 9
Court Docs: Suspected Serial Killer "Used Sex Change to Control Violence"
Trans Visibility Day is marked by victories
Today, January 29, is Trans Visibility day. This date is a historic mark for the movement of transvestites and transsexuals in the fight for rights and citizenship, and represents the confrontation of the vulnerabilities associated with sexual orientation and gender identity, emphasizing dignity and equality in health.
Comunidad trans celebra la promoción de sus derechos
Los integrantes de la Oficina de la Diversidad bandeña, junto a organismos afines crearán un petitorio para luchar por los que aún faltan conquistar en la provincia.
Proper study on LGBTI community sought
In lack of proper study and records, serious difference has surfaced among the organizations working for sexual and gender minorities regarding the number and identity of the members of the community.
Transgenders Oppose Government Report
The recent report by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to tackle issues faced by transgender people has not gone down well with certain groups of transgender people in the country --- the oft-neglected trans masculine community who call themselves a minority within the sexual minority community.
MOI denies removing gender from ID cards
The Ministry of the Interior yesterday rebutted a media report that said it plans to cancel the gender category on national ID cards soon, saying that it was a suggestion made by academics researching the issue, but the ministry is not considering doing so any time soon.
Transgender people will be able to alter birth certificates
Transgender people in Canberra are set for a landmark win this week when the ACT government passes laws allowing them to change the sex on their birth certificate.
To date, a birth certificate can only be changed where someone has had sexual reassignment surgery.
B.C. man alleges health ministry discriminates against transgender patients
A transgender B.C. man is alleging that the province discriminates against people seeking gender-reassignment surgery by forcing them to ask the Ministry of Health for approval before they can go under the knife.
Transgender author, advocate to speak at IU East
Author and professor Jennifer Finney Boylan will discuss “Transgender Identity and the American Ideal of Equality Under the Law” when she visits Indiana University East later this month.
Inmate's surgery case gets an assist
Advocacy group backs sex change
“A sociedade não nos considera gente”, diz ativista transexual
Desde 2004, quando um grupo de ativistas de transexuais e travestis ocupou o Congresso Nacional para lançar a campanha “Travesti Respeito”, a data 29 de janeiro foi instituída como símbolo da luta trans em todo o Brasil. E é inegável que entre as letras LGBT, as travestis e transexuais são as principais vítimas de machismo, transfobia e invisibilidade social.
A week of progress for transgender rights across Asia
Hong Kong, Taiwan and India look set for important changes
Imphal stages first pride to fight discrimination
In the capital city of Manipur, a small but diverse group of people show up in the march
Transgender people in Canberra will be able to alter birth certificates
Transgender people in Canberra are set for a landmark win this week when the ACT government passes laws allowing them to change the sex on their birth certificate.
[New Zealand]
MoH confirms MtF surgeries are on hold
The Ministry of Health has confirmed gender realignment surgeries are back on hold due to the retirement of one of the country’s three specialists.
Laverne Cox Is The Woman We’ve Been Waiting For
“It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.” Orange Is the New Black’s breakout star is ready for her close-up.
Expert Commission: Military Policies on Trans People Not Based on Science
A national commission chaired by a former US Surgeon General and a former health and safety director for the Coast Guard released a major report this week, finding that US military policies on transgender service members are not based on sound medical science and should be revised. The commission found that the ban on service by transgender people is “an expensive, damaging, and unfair barrier to health care access for the approximately 15,450 transgender personnel” who currently service in uniform.
Trans Contestant is Miss Congeniality at Calif. Beauty Pageant
Addie Vincent is the first transgender contestant of the Miss Delta Queen competition, a pageant and fundraiser at the Christian-affiliated Chapman University in Orange County.
Former US Prisoner To Face Spokane Murder Charges
A woman who recently completed her sentence on a federal weapons charge is back in Spokane to face charges she killed three women in 1990.
At the time of the killings, Donna Perry was a man named Douglas Perry. She was booked into the Spokane County Jail on Friday and will face a judge next week.
Transgender Models Prosper in Brazil, Where Carnival and Faith Reign
As a young boy in Brazil’s heartland, Carol Marra watched her parents politely correct strangers who said what a pretty daughter they had. In her teenage years, she coveted the boyfriends of her female classmates and tried out androgynous outfits, dutifully changing back into a young man’s clothes in her car before returning home.
Travesti é morto com pelo menos 15 tiros
Um travesti foi executado no meio da rua com pelos menos 15 tiros. Câmeras de segurança registraram quando um carro passou e atirou contra a vítima.
[New Zealand]
Long wait for sex changes
Sex-change surgery is effectively on hold across the country as one of the three specialists who performs the operations retires, leaving a Hamiltonian who's waited years for surgery crestfallen.
Barred from competition, Los Gatos transgender woman fights back against Scotts Valley fitness company
From a young age, Chloie Jönnson felt something like a disconnect between her brain and her body.
Transgender teen takes softball field with all the other California girls
New California law allows transgender students to play school athletics, but some parents worry about the locker room
GLAD Urges 1st Circuit to Affirm Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Prisoner
GLAD submitted a brief today to the First Circuit Court of Appeals in the case Kosilek v. Spencer, supporting the right of an incarcerated transgender woman to receive medically necessary care to treat her severe gender identity disorder (GID).
Courthouse protesters demonstrate against transgender-phobia
About a dozen people demonstrated against transgender-phobia outside the Regional Justice Center in downtown Las Vegas Friday.
Sophia Hawes Wants to be Utah's First Transgender Legislator
If elected to replace outgoing Democratic House member Rep. Lynn Hemingway, D-Salt Lake City, Sophia Hawes could make history for her community and for Utah. After a legislative session where a non-discrimination bill for LGBT Utahns was not even heard once on the hill, Hawes would not only put a face to Utah's trans community but could also share her own story of workplace discrimination.
As aparências desiludem
O que interessa são as aparências. Não aquilo que tu és, mas aquilo que pareces ser. Nunca, como hoje, o mundo gira à volta desta aparente dualidade. Se eu sou linda, mas burra que nem uma porta ondulada, acabo por ser valorizada por essa suposta beleza e não pela pessoa, pelo ser humano que sou. Se eu tenho a ousadia de me mostrar como sou, sou total e completamente ostracizada.
Corpo de travesti é encontrado carbonizado no Entorno do DF
Vítima estava sem documentos e foi levada ao IML para reconhecimento de familiares
O corpo de um travesti foi encontrado carbonizado na madrugada desta sexta-feira (14) em um terreno abandonado no Jardim Ingá, bairro de Luziânia (GO), região do Entorno do DF, segundo informações preliminares da Polícia Militar de Goiás.
Lithuania 'gay propaganda' bill fails to get the votes
Bill is just one of several proposals intended to curtail the rights of the LGBTI community the parliament will consider this spring
Lebanon Just Did a Whole Lot More Than Legalize Being Gay
LGBTQ rights supporters rejoiced on Thursday with news that homosexuality is no longer illegal in Lebanon. A court ruling abolished a case against an unnamed transwoman – accused of having a “same sex relationship with a man” – stating that homosexuality can no longer be considered a crime because it is “not unnatural.” Lebanese law only prohibits sexual acts “contradicting the laws of nature.”
Nepal encara una nueva identidad
“Me miro al espejo desnuda y no entiendo cómo una parte tan insignificante de mi cuerpo ha determinado tanto mi vida”. Sirju Margar deja sobre la mesa el documento de identidad de Kumar, el hombre que no quiere ser. “Estoy cansada de esconderme. Cuando vuelvo a visitar a mis padres tengo que travestirme de quien no soy”, explica mientras descubre su pelo largo bajo el pañuelo tradicional nepalí (kurta).
Expert panel wants transgender declared third gender
Asks government to prepare a law to prevent discrimination and atrocities against them
Independent commission finds no justification for military's transgender ban
There is no compelling medical rationale for banning transgender people from serving in the American military, an independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general and retired admiral concluded in a study released Thursday.
Ex-surgeon general promoting transsexuals in military
Study Urges U.S. Military to Reconsider Ban on Transgender Personnel
Former US Surgeon General and new report slams military's ban on transgender members
Limbaugh Attacks And Mocks New Report On Transgender Military Service
Transgender Military Service Backed by Study
Los Gatos transgender woman speaks out on fight to compete in CrossFit competition
Just like countless other exercise fanatics, Chloie Jonsson wanted to test herself in a CrossFit strength competition. The increasingly popular fitness events culminate each summer with the crowning of the "Fittest Man and Woman on Earth."
[Photo: Chloie Jonsson, a transgender woman who lives in the South Bay, wanted to compete in a CrossFit strength competition, but the fitness company, which licenses popular gyms across the country, said she would have to register as a man. Jonsson, who has sued CrossFit, speaks from her attorney's office in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday afternoon March 13, 2014.]
City defends treatment of trans worker
City attorneys last week filed a lengthy brief denying any wrongdoing in the case of Bobbie E. Burnett, a transgender city employee who alleges pervasive workplace bias.
Honey Andrews, Transgender Woman, Allegedly Barred From Performing Selena Tribute
An annual tribute to slain Latina superstar Selena in Corpus Christi, Texas, is coming under fire after organizers allegedly told a woman that she is not allowed to perform because she is transgender.
Transsexual Selena impersonator denied access to tribute for Tejano star, sparking outrage
Designan a nuevo director de Diversidad Sexual en Neuquén
Luego de la salida de Victoria Arriagada de la Dirección de Diversidad Sexual, el cargo quedará en manos del psicólogo Carlos Ignacio Somoza.
European Parliament adopts new data protection laws protecting LGBT people
The European Parliament has adopted new data protection laws that seek to better protect the private information of an individual pertaining to their sexual orientation and gender identity, the Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT rights announced today.
Uganda and Nigeria: European Parliament calls for targeted sanctions over new laws
Today, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning new laws to imprison lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals in Nigeria and Uganda. The resolution calls on the European Commission and Member States to take immediate action in the fields of political cooperation, aid, and asylum.
Lithuanian lawmakers will vote on 'homosexual propaganda' bill today
Lithuanian lawmakers will vote today on a bill that would ban all public expression of LGBTI identity and impose fines on those who broke the law
Trans woman aims to make history by climbing Mount Everest
A 35-year-old from Nepal hopes to be the first known trans person to reach the peak, aiming to prove LGBTI people can conquer any challenge
Researchers examine experiences of transgender patients in emergency department
A new study out of Western University (London, Canada) has found the majority of transgender patients have had a negative experience when it comes to receiving emergency department (ED) care. The findings, by first author Greta Bauer, PhD, is in press at the Annals of Emergency Medicine, the official publication of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and is now posted online.
21 Times Actors Who Aren’t Actually Transgender Have Played Trans Characters
Despite Laverne Cox’s success on Orange Is The New Black, Hollywood still has a lot of work to do regarding trans visibility.
'Tranny Awards' Changes Its Name, Not Its Nature
After pushback from transgender people, the controversial awards show is finally changing its name, but is it enough?
Panel Urges End To US Ban On Transgender Troops
The United States should join the dozen other nations that allow transgender people to serve in the armed forces, a commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general said in a report released Thursday that concludes there is no medical reason for the decades-old ban and calls on President Barack Obama to lift it.
In Their Own Terms: The Growing Transgender Presence in Pop Culture
The first time Rhys Ernst saw Zackary Drucker was in 2005 at a bar in the East Village.
Trans actress set to speak in San Francisco
Laverne Cox, an actress who has made a name for herself in the LGBTQ community and beyond in recent months, will be speaking in San Francisco next week, where she'll draw from her own story as an African American transwoman from a working class background to discuss how the intersections of race, class, and gender shape the life experiences of trans women of color.
Bay County, Mich., votes down anti-discrimination measure
Leaders in Bay County, Mich., have rejected a measure to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Trans students grapple with insurance
The U’s plan is one of few that cover gender dysphoria treatment.
Miss. House passes anti-gay 'religious freedom bill'
The Mississippi House voted 80 to 37 Wednesday evening to approve a dramatically altered “religious freedom” bill that simply calls for a joint House-Senate Judiciary committee to prepare a report “regarding proposed legislation that protects the religious freedoms of the citizens of the State of Mississippi.” The report is due Dec. 31.
Trans se sometió a cirugía para retirar silicona de su cuerpo
La hinchazón en párpados, producto de la sustancia que tenía en la frente, alertó a Dianne Rodríguez de posibles afectaciones en su salud.
Preocupación por la Dirección de Diversidad Sexual
El Municipio de Neuquén definió no renovar el contrato que tenía Victoria Arriagada la primera funcionaria transexual dela Patagonia.
Travesti é encontrado morto com dois tiros em avenida de Boa Vista
Um travesti de 16 anos, identificado como 'Vitória', foi encontrado morto com dois tiros, no bairro Cambará, zona Oeste de Boa Vista, na madrugada desta quarta-feira (12). Segundo informações da Polícia Militar, o corpo do adolescente foi localizado por uma equipe do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu). Nenhum suspeito foi detido.
Columnist Julie Burchill: Trans women are just 'big white blokes who have cut their cocks off'
Columnist and writer Julie Burchill has caused offence to the trans community yet again by taking to the comments section of an article to claim that trans women shouldn’t call themselves women.
Lithuanian Parliament to vote on Russian style anti-gay "propaganda law"
Despite the international pressure and concern, tomorrow (13 March) Lithuanian Parliament will vote on the draft amendment to the Code of Administrative Violations No. XIP-4490(3) which seeks to introduce administrative liability for any public defiance of the constitutionally established family values. According to the proposal, such actions as carrying out public speeches, demonstrating goods, posters, slogans and audio-visual means, as well as organizing public events such as gay prides would result in an administrative fine ranging from 1000 to 3000 LTL (corresponding to approximately 300 to 900 Euro) and in case of repeated violation – from 3000 to 6000 LTL (900 to 1800 Euro).
[Democratic Republic of Congo]
Congolese MP pushing to outlaw homosexuals and transgender people
An MP with the Parti Travailliste Congolais wants the Democratic Republic of Congo to jail homosexuals for up to 5 years and transgender people for up to 12 years – with minimum sentences of 3 years in jail for both
Goa Su-Raj Party focuses on transgenders' issues in manifesto
Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) has taken up the issue of transgenders on its election manifesto, stating that poverty and neglect by the society was forcing them to beg and indulge in prostitution in the coastal state.
Transgenders to figure in GSRP's election manifesto
Transgender Enters Polls Via EC Option
Bharathi Kannamma (53), a transgender who was not allowed to contest the Mayoral polls, is contesting from Madurai Parliamentary constituency as an independent candidate without compromising her gender identity, thanks to the EC for introducing ‘Other Category’ in the Elector’s Photo Identity Card.
Norrie case gets big law backing
DLA Piper is acting for a transsexual named Norrie whose fight to be recognised as being of non-specific sex has made it all the way to the High Court.
Suspicious weekend death in Edmonton deemed homicide
The death of Demetrios Karahalios on Saturday afternoon has been deemed a homicide, marking the city's fifth of the year.
Weak DHS Rules Underscore Need to End Detention of Transgender Immigrants
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the Transgender Law Center (TLC) express disappointment in the final standards published today by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to address the severe problem of sexual abuse in immigration detention. While the final standards contain some valuable provisions, they fall short of the minimum steps needed to address the ongoing crisis of sexual abuse in immigration detention. In particular, the standards–which are, in key respects, weaker than those adopted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2012 for prisons and jails–lack critical protections for transgender immigrants, who are among the most highly vulnerable to sexual abuse.
The Tranny Awards Are Getting a Less Offensive Name
The "Tranny Awards" are officially changing their name in light of advancements made in the transgender community (via Nerve). Originally a small, online-only awards show designed to celebrate transgender erotica, it has since grown into a full awards show extravaganza, honoring models and performers in 21 categories and attracting attention from outside of the trans community. Not wanting to spread the use of what many consider a derogatory term for transgender people, creator Steven Grooby decided it was time to change the name.
Experts, officials address concerns over transgender student athletes
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the Azusa High girls softball team took the field for its first preseason game. It wasn’t perfect, with all the excitement and errors that come from first-game jitters. But a lopsided score — 22-2 — gave the Aztecs’ and their friends and family members plenty to cheer about.
Districts see little reaction to transgender law
For many local school districts, the response to the new state transgender law has been surprisingly quiet since going into effect this year.
Transgender advocate and actress Laverne Cox to speak at Grand Valley State University
Laverne Cox, most known for her role in Netflix original "Orange is the New Black," will visit The Eberhard Center to speak about issues facing the transgender community.
Nation's Largest School District Adopts Transgender Guidelines
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) Encouraged by New York City Department of Education Move, But Recommends it Go Further to Protect Transgender Youth
NYC Department of Education posts guidelines for transgender students
New York City Issues Trans-Inclusive Student Policy
Pide transexual respeto a las adopciones gay
“Ella” destacó que el amor que se puede brindar a un menor no lleva preferencias sexuales, pues se inculcará el respeto por los seres humanos