Transfofa em Blog

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terça-feira, julho 31, 2007

Reposición de "Alondra: la historia de una transexual"

Cuatro vuelve a emitir este martes la docuserie "Alondra: la historia de una transexual", desarrollada en tres episodios de 45 minutos que narra la vida de Alberto Correa Correa.

Transexual protagonizará una serie de ficción
Carla Antonelli, conocida por su faceta de activista política, ha dado el salto a la pequeña pantalla de la mano de 'El Síndrome de Ulises', una nueva producción de Antena 3 y Ficción TV, de España.
Foto: Carla Antonelli
Carla Antonelli, primera transexual con un papel fijo en una serie
Por primera vez en España, una mujer transexual tendrá un papel fijo en una serie. La afortunada es Carla Antonelli, más conocida por su faceta como activista política, que a partir de ahora ha decidido centrarse en su carrera profesional como actriz y va a intervenir en 'El síndrome de Ulises'.
Transexual protagoniza série de ficção
A transexual Carla Antonelli vai protagonizar uma série de ficção em Espanha. ‘A Síndrome de Ulisses’, produzida pela Antena 3 e Ficción TV, deverá começar a ser gravada em meados de Setembro.
A actriz fará de ‘Glória’, uma transexual que dirige um bar e que é mãe de uma menina invisual. A série de ficção, com um total de 13 capítulos, terá um grande enfoque social e ousado, dando conta das discriminações de que são alvo os transexuais no dia-a-dia.

Baleares será la sexta comunidad que financia operaciones a transexuales
Baleares será la sexta comunidad que subvencionará operaciones de cambio de sexo en caso de que haya un diagnóstico médico favorable. Hasta el momento, Andalucía, Extremadura, Aragón, Asturias y Madrid eran las únicas que facilitaban este servicio.
La FELGT anima al resto de Autonomías a seguir los pasos de Baleares
La Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGT) celebró hoy el anuncio realizado por el Governo balear de que asumirá el coste de la cirugía de reasignación de sexo para mujeres y hombres transexuales y animó al resto de Autonomías a seguir la estela de las seis comunidades que ya financian esta operación con fondos públicos.

Los cocheros, «muy molestos» por la «generalización» en el ataque a tres transexuales
La Asociación de Coches de Caballos de Sevilla aseguró que el sector se siente "muy molesto" por la "generalización" que, a su juicio, se ha utilizado al informar sobre la presunta agresión cometida por un grupo de estos profesionales a tres transexuales en la avenida de la Constitución de la capital hispalense.

Falta marco jurídico que reconozca a quienes cambian de sexo: Sánchez Camacho
La ausencia de un marco jurídico que considere a las personas que cambian de sexo genera restricción en el acceso al trabajo, educación y salud, ya que se encuentran indocumentadas y en la mayoría de los casos se les desconoce la escolaridad y experiencia laboral.

Head of Human Relations Commission plans to fight bar ban
A bar fight is brewing between one Scottsdale establishment and the chairwoman of the city's Human Relations Commission.
At issue, a ban on transgendered people at Anderson's Fifth Estate nightclub.
Michele DeLaFreniere believes its wrong to treat gay and transgendered people differently in the City of Scottsdale. DeLaFreniere, 52, has lived as a woman since 2004.

Transgender Inmate Wins Hormone Therapy
An inmate who castrated herself with a disposable razor blade after prison officials refused to treat her for gender identity disorder should have female hormone therapy paid for by the state, a federal judge said.

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2007

New possibilities
Effeminate boys who revel in their transgender mannerisms end up in a nowhere space of sexual abuse and bleak future. An NGO in West Bengal is giving them hope by training them in alternative means of livelihood.

Treat transgendered with dignity, Chidambaram urges people
Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on Saturday appealed to the people to treat the marginalised sections, including the transgendered, with dignity, as they were also citizens of the country.

FOR years, Ms Leono Lo knew it was not going to be easy. Asking to be accepted on a personal and human level is in sync with Singapore's vision of an all-inclusive society. But somehow things are different for a sex-change individual.
Photo: Once she was Leonard, now she's Leona: Leonard (above) in a 1990 picture taken with the late Mr David Marshall, lawyer, politician and Singapore's one-time ambassador to France. Now, as Leona (below), she is a happy and confident woman.

Judy Forster & family talk about the impact of life in politics
Excerpt: Shayne is the second of Judy's two children. The 21-year-old, who used to go by the name Katherine, has been undergoing gender reassignment for the past year and a half. ..."He's always felt he's been a male in a female's body," Judy says. "Lately I've noticed a whole transformation in his personality because he really feels this is who he is... He's confident and I'm really proud of him - he's incredibly courageous."

Hate Crimes on Wikipedia: Nizah Morris
The Nizah Morris entry on Wikipedia has been nominated to appear on the front page under "Do You Know?".

domingo, julho 29, 2007

"Lo más duro es la humillación de que te traten como algo raro"

"Más que los palos, lo que más me duele es el daño moral. Ser transexual ya es difícil de llevar, y si encima te pegan por serlo se hace bastante duro". Éstas son las palabras que Mónica, una transexual malagueña de 26 años, expuso ayer a este periódico refiriéndose a la agresión que sufrió la tarde del miércoles en el centro de Sevilla.

La mente de un transexual
Aproximadamente uno de cada 13 mil hombres y una de cada 15 mil mujeres sufren un Trastorno de Identidad de Género (TIG) y en más de la mitad de los casos solicitan una operación de cirugía plástica, reconstructiva y estética de cambio de sexo, para completar su tratamiento de reasignación sexual.
Foto: Más del 50 por ciento de las personas que sufren trastorno de identidad piden cirugía para cambio de sexo
(Interessante. Segundo os últimos números a que tive acesso, eram um em cada 25 mil homens e uma em cada 50 mil mulheres. Afinal existem muitos mais trans do que se pensava...)

First insurance scheme for transgenders, sex workers
Malavika, a transgender from Salem had never visited a doctor out of fear of being turned away without treatment or being insulted. Similarly, Malathi, a "marginalised woman" from Seelanayakanpatti village in Salem district, had always worried about how she would face a huge, unexpected medical expense. Today, both are proud beneficiaries of a medical insurance scheme that promises to change the health seeking behaviour of transgenders and commercial sex workers.

O'Donnabhain Trial Wrap Up
Yesterday was the final day of trial (for a while) in GLAD’s case representing Rhiannon O’Donnabhain in U.S. Tax Court. And that has meant that for the first time ever in tax court there was a rich and full discussion about transgender identities.

sábado, julho 28, 2007

Já há muito tempo que tenho andado a matutar no(s) significado(s) destas duas expressões. Ambas têm vários significados, conforme a pessoa que as aplica. Nenhuma delas é consensual, eu própria não me sinto à vontade por ser chamada de Transexual. Afinal, eu não transito de um sexo para outro, a minha identidade de género está definida (aliás, sempre esteve). Na minha opinião, eu simplesmente corrijo a minha parte física. Mas isto é outra história (ou outro post...).

O que eu queria focar aqui é a incompreensível necessidade que toda a gente tem de nos enquadrar sempre como sendo Transgéneros, sendo esta uma das razões por que nos confundem quase sempre com Travestis. A população Intersexual, a nível mundial, está a sair do Transgenderismo, por causa da sua problemática específica. Em muitos círculos já se usa, por exemplo, a sigla LGBTI. Noutros já se usa LGBTTI, sendo neste caso Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Transgéneros, Transexuais e Intersexuais. Ou seja, está-se a começar a separar as águas.

Assim, pela Transexualidade ser o único conceito que lida com a identidade de género, provocando obviamente problemas específicos na quase totalidade das vertentes de um ser humano, eu também advogo a separação da Transexualidade do Transgenderismo. Tal como as outras comunidades LGB, apesar de terem siglas separadas, lutarem unidas por uma sociedade melhor, também não considero que a separação da Transexualidade do Transgenderismo tenha alguma coisa a ver com discriminações ou com um afastamento. É mais uma clarificação de uma comunidade muito peculiar com problemas comuns com as outras, mas com muitas mais especificações próprias.

Tal como um/a Transexual não gosta de ser confundido/a com Travestis, acredito que nenhum Travesti goste de ser confundido com um/a Transexual, por exemplo. Ou mesmo Transexuais que sejam heterossexuais não apreciem serem confundidos/as com Gays ou Lésbicas só por serem Transexuais.

Portanto, para ser coerente comigo própria e com a minha linha de pensamento, vou passar a utilizar a denominação LGBTTI. Temos a obrigação de acompanhar o evoluir dos tempos e gostaria que este acrónimo passasse a ser utilizado sempre em vez do ultrapassado LGBT. Sei que vão haver sempre pessoas que não concordam e outras que concordam. Gostaria que, seja qual for a posição, a explanassem nos comentários.

Lowell men plead not guilty to alleged hate-crime attack
Excerpt: Nickola, who is transgender and was wearing a pony tail and women's jeans, became nervous. A native of the Centralville neighborhood, Nickola knew there was a police station a short distance up Bridge Street.

sexta-feira, julho 27, 2007

Detenido tras agredir a tres transexuales en Sevilla

Tres jóvenes transexuales han sido agredidas e insultadas esta tarde en pleno centro de Sevilla por varios individuos, uno de los cuales ha sido detenido por la policía local.

Si sposa con una donna per la cittadinanza, trans brasiliano in manette
Espulso dall'Italia perché clandestino, un viado brasiliano più volte sorpreso a prostituirsi alla Mandolossa ha cercato di ottenere la cittadinanza del nostro Paese sposando una sua connazionale, che nel frattempo era diventata cittadina italiana. Ma gli uomini della questura lo ha smascherato.

Transgenders protest delay in sex-change surgeries
A group of transgenders staged a demonstration in front of the Government Medical College hospital near here, protesting the "inordinate delay" in conducting sex-change operations. The transgenders along with volunteers of a social service organisation 'Wheel', shouted slogans in front of the hospital yesterday.

Unusual baby draws crowds, worshipped as divine
Hundreds are flocking to a house in Orissa's Balasore district to glimpse and even worship a baby born with both male and female genitalia, being described as an incarnation of Hindu gods Shiva and Parvati.

Kathmandu police assault transgenders, effeminate men for carrying condoms
Police in Kathmandu, Nepal, have admitted that they target effeminate males and transgender people (both known as metis) for the apparent crime of carrying condoms.

Buscarán incluir a transgeneros en leyes de protección contra violencia
Según cálculos del INEGI en México existen alrededor de diez mil ciudadanos que son forzados a elegir entre M de masculino o F de femenino en los diferentes papelos que llevan a cabo como parte de su vida diaria.
Estos diez mil, son parte de una comunidad que no encaja dentro de los límites socialmente aceptados, de ser hombre o mujer, son transexuales o transgénero.

[Puerto Rico]
Sex-switch candidate named to ballot list
A Puerto Rican transsexual said yesterday her candidacy for a seat in a municipal assembly is a sign the island territory has become more tolerant.
Transexual optimista con su candidatura PNP en Carolina
Bárbara Santiago Solla, una transexual que aspira a la Legislatura Municipal de Carolina por el Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), ve con optimismo el que Puerto Rico haya avanzado hasta el punto de permitir que una persona que ha cambiado de sexo física y legalmente figure en la papeleta de un partido político.

Transcendental Rock
''I remember being [pegged] as a dyke or a bitch for liking loud, aggressive music,'' says Lucas Silveira, about his days as a teenage metal head. But Silveira was neither a dyke nor a bitch, so he overcompensated, turning to softer folk music. ''I wanted people to like me for being a girl, because I was so scared of who I really was.''
Photo: The Cliks

Former trans prisoner's trial opens
Alexis Giraldo, the recently paroled transgender prisoner who is suing the state for failing to protect her from sexual assault while she was incarcerated, took the stand last week in a San Francisco courtroom and described in detail the alleged rapes that she endured.

Experts at tax trial explain gender identity disorder
Attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) spent the second day of a trial in which a transwoman is suing the federal agency for the right to deduct her medical expenses related to treatment for Gender Identity Disorder (GID) trying to make the case that sex-reassignment surgery is a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical necessity.
Photo: Rhiannon O’Donnabhain speaks to a reporter in her lawyer’s office Boston, Thursday, July 12, 2007. (Source: AP/Josh Reynolds)

quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007

Criança só em «família tradicional»
Tribunal retirou a guarda de filha ao pai por este ser homossexual. Juízes consideram que «uma criança não deve crescer à sombra de situações anormais». Tribunal Europeu classificou decisão de «discriminatória» e condenou Estado português.

‘I was a boy that turned into a butterfly’
CELEBRITY transsexual Lauren Harries is unveiling an extra layer in an in-depth documentary to be screened next week.
The eccentric 29-year-old from Cardiff will bare all in a frank and open insight into her life in the hope that it will help her to be better understood.

quarta-feira, julho 25, 2007

Festival gay e lésbico de Lisboa muda de nome e apresenta 88 filmes

A 11ª edição do Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa decorre de 14 a 22 de Setembro no cinema São Jorge, com 88 filmes programados e uma retrospectiva da cinematografia gay portuguesa dos anos 70.

Terceiro Concurso Miss Transex Internacional 2007 no Porto
O Terceiro Concurso Miss Transex Internacional 2007, é promovido pelo Pride Bar.
Esta iniciativa, que se realiza pela terceira vez no Porto, no dia 28 de Julho, tem a participação de transexuais vindas de todo o mundo e tem lugar no PRIDE BAR ( Rua do Bonjardim 1121 à PRAÇA DO MARQUÊS.)

Juiz investigado por discriminação sexual
Um juiz espanhol está a ser investigado por ter recusado a custódia de duas crianças à mãe por esta ser lésbica, advertindo mesmo na sentença que a mulher tinha que escolher entre as filhas e a parceira, noticia a Lusa.

Demandan transexuales y transgénero igualdad de derechos
Especialistas en Derecho afirmaron que la iniciativa de ley para las personas transgénero y transexuales debería contemplar apartados separados para ambos grupos, ya que aseguraron, tienen necesidades diferentes.

Una prestazione sessuale ritenuta troppo onerosa scatena una lite finita nell'accoltellament o di due transessuali. Quattro rumeni sono stati denunciati a piede libero mentre i due trans sono stati ricoverati all'ospedale Umberto I in osservazione. Guariranno in una decina di giorni. Sul posto sono intervenuti gli agenti di due volantidi Santa Chiara.

Allahabad College in dilemma over a student's claim of change of sex
Authorities at an Allahabad college are facing, perhaps, the most unexpected dilemma of their career following one of the students claiming change of sex after undergoing an operation recently.

Travestis se quedan donde están
Ante la protesta de transexuales, travestis y organizaciones sociales, el gobierno porteño anuló este lunes una polémica medida dictada el pasado viernes que prohibía la oferta de sexo en El Rosedal, un espacio verde ubicado en el barrio de Palermo.

Vida libre de violencia para mujeres transexuales: PRD
Frente a la trayectoria mundial, México está en pañales en relación a la protección jurídica de las personas transexuales y transgéneros, quienes viven sin identidad propia en el país que las vio nacer, expuso el abogado Víctor Hugo Flores, especialista en la defensa legal de la identidad de género, en el marco del Encuentro Laico Internacional sobre Diversidad, Sexualidad y Familias, celebrado la semana pasada en la Cámara de Diputados, informó NotieSe.
Promueven Ley para Personas Transgénero y Transexual
Las personas que deciden cambiar de sexo enfrentan el problema de estar indocumentadas y la mayoría de las veces no se les reconoce su escolaridad ni experiencia laboral debido a la ausencia de un marco jurídico que regule esta situación.
El secretario de la Comisión de Atención a Grupos Vulnerables de la Cámara de Diputados, David Sánchez Camacho, dijo que de ahí que promoverá una Ley para Personas Transgénero y Transexual, para facilitar su reconocimiento e integración social.
(Nesta última notícia, se tiverem pachorra, vejam a foto que a ilustra, que tem tudo a ver com transexualidade, está-se mesmo a ver.)

[Puerto Rico]
Transexual aspira por la Palma
Al partido Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico (PPR) se le hizo tarde porque la mujer transexual, Bárbara Santiago Solla -mejor conocida como Soraya- radicó el viernes sus documentos para aspirar a legisladora municipal del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) en Carolina.
Foto: Bárbara Santiago Solla

Interview with GLAD Attorney on IRS Trans Medical Deduction Denial Case
GLAD goes to trial in U.S. Tax Court tomorrow (July 24) on behalf of Rhiannon O'Donnabhain, who is challenging the IRS' decision to deny her a tax deduction for her sex reassignment surgery.
Trans tax challenge trial begins
Rhiannon O'Donnabhain "lived in anguish" as a male, struggling with the sense that she was, in fact, a female.

'Trans'-forming Corporate America
From General Motors to Google, more companies are agreeing to protect transgender people from discrimination. Fortune's Marc Gunther reports.

Evaluation to come at state’s expense
State taxpayers will pick up the tab for a hermaphrodite suspected of theft to be evaluated by a private psychologist, her attorney said Monday.

Pair hopes to start support group for transgendered
Vanessa and Tom Webster are an unlikely family.
She is helping him with his health issues.
He is helping her become a woman.
Together, they're trying to start a group to help others dealing with transgender issues.

terça-feira, julho 24, 2007

Perdeu custódia das filhas por ser lésbica
Juíz disse-lhe para escolher entre as filhas e a companheira.
Fernando Calamita, foi o juiz espanhol da região de Múrcia que decidiu tirar as filhas à mãe por esta ser lésbica, e entregou-as ao pai.

A transsexual is seeking thousands of pounds in damages after claiming he was forced out of his job as a truck driver when he started dressing as a woman.
Vikki-Marie Gaynor, 37, who was born a man, claims bosses started cancelling his shifts when he dropped his old name, Mike, and started wearing women's clothes, earrings and make-up to work.
Photo: Woman's world: Mr Gaynor as Vikki-Marie

[USA/Kuwait] [Blog/People]
A few weeks ago, I talked to a Kuwaiti transsexual who agreed to be interviewed for this website. Now that we’re done with the process it’s time for us to share the result! So, below you will find an interview with a transsexual in the Gulf, something you never see in the Arab (or regional) media.

Quote: "We will do everything we can to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities, rights and obligations, regardless of sexual orientation, gender affiliation or expression of gender." -- Sören Juvas of the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL).

segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007

Transgendered; A look at the lives of two individuals who have a strong desire to become members of the opposite sex
Photo: Vincent Bolt (left) has been living as a boy for four years and dating Megan Miller (right) for the same time. Born Veronica, the 18-year-old has longed to be male since kindergarden. ; Both Vincent Bolt and Starr Danyals were referred to the gender identity clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, formerly the Clarke Institute in Toronto.; Vincent Bolt has been living as a boy for almost four years. Born Veronica Bolt, the18-year-old attends Sudbury Secondary School.; Starr Danyals came out as a woman early this year. She wants to pursue sexual reassignment surgery, starting with hormone therapy. Danyals said it's a daily struggle being a transgendered person in Sudbury. She started a transgendered support group a few weeks ago.

Why Hate Shouldn't Be a Crime
Excerpt: I am against hate crimes, but I also am against hate crime laws for three reasons. First, they criminalize thought, not behavior. Second, they do not protect individuals, but rather select classes of people. Third, they actually encourage hostility towards one group of people, Christians.

Transgenders Criticize LGB Choice of Film for Festival
This Saturday, July 21, Outfest is showing the controversial new film, GENDERCATOR at the Village, 1125 N. McCaden Pl, Hollywood, @ 6 pm. It has been labeled alarmingly transphobic (towards trans men) by many, and was even pulled from San Francisco's film festival, Frameline.

domingo, julho 22, 2007

La gloria la de la judoca hermafrodita
La judoca brasileña de Edinanci Fernandes da Silva conquistó la medalla de oro, dejando en el camino a la argentina, Lorena Briceño. Luego de una infancia sufrida, logró reconocimiento por su excelencia deportiva.
Una campeona diferente de todas
Edinanci Silva era el centro de las burlas en su colegio, allá en Campiña Grande. Con la maldad que a veces pueden tener los niños, se mofaban de su problema sin solución: era hermafrodita. Tenía órgano sexual masculino, pero se sentía mujer; de hecho, sus órganos internos eran femeninos. Sufrió toda su adolescencia por esa situación. Y aún hoy lo recuerda con algo de dolor la brasileña, subida al podio, tras haber ganado la categoría de judo de hasta 78kg femenino.

Candidatura de travesti é vetada
Autoridades partidárias da província de Jujuy, Argentina, informaram nesta quinta-feira, 19/07, que a travesti Verónica Aragón, que aspirava ser candidata a governadora, não conseguirá fazê-lo.

Promoverá PRD ley para transgéneros y transexuales
La fracción del PRD en la Cámara de Diputados promoverá la Ley para Personas Transgénero y Transexual, a fin de garantizar la personalidad jurídica de aquellas personas que decidan cambiar de sexo.
Esta Ley contemplará el derecho al trabajo, educación y salud, así como a cualquier trámite legal que requiera un transexual o transgénero.

Pese a la prohibición, sigue la oferta de sexo en el Rosedal
A pesar de la polémica resolución que declaró al Rosedal "espacio público no autorizado" para la oferta de sexo, ayer las travestis volvieron a ofrecerse en ese sector del Parque Tres de Febrero. Mientras, la validez y legitimidad de la medida firmada por el subsecretario de Areas Protegidas de la Ciudad, Javier García Elorrio, fue puesta en duda.

Jail guard arrested on sex charges
A Santa Clara County correctional officer was arrested Thursday on suspicion of engaging in consensual sexual activity with an inmate.

Transgendered ex-inmate sues prison
Alexis Giraldo was born a man but lives life as a woman. She takes hormones to feminize her appearance, a fact she says prison officials did not care about even as her male cellmate raped and beat her repeatedly.

sábado, julho 21, 2007

Morreu mulher que foi general
Maria Teresinha Gomes, que durante 18 anos se fez passar por general Tito Paixão Gomes, foi encontrada morta na sua casa, em Carambancha de Cima, Alenquer. No início do mês, o seu corpo, já em avançado estado de decomposição, foi descoberto pela família. Depois de conhecer o resultado da autópsia, que aponta para morte por causas naturais, a PJ descartou a possibilidade de homicídio.
Portugal's cross-dressing 'general' dies after 20 years as a man
The protagonist of one of Portugal's most gripping courtroom dramas has died after almost 20 years in which she fooled everyone, including her live-in companion, that she was actually a male army general.

Transsexual Shumail Raj seeking illegal ways to escape abroad
Transsexual Shumail Raja and Shahzina are seeking illegal ways to escape from the country after the Supreme Court has acquitted them. The marriage between Shumail and Shahzina proved to be same-sex, but they did not qualify to be punished under section 377 of the PPC (unnatural act) .

Transgender Lawsuit v. MTA Goes Forward
Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Sylvia Hinds-Radix denied a motion July 11 to dismiss a lawsuit versus the Transit Authority and one of its workers over the harassment of Tracy Bumpus, a transgendered woman who is a case manager at Housing Works, the AIDS services group.

Discrimination surprised bar patron
Michele de LaFreniere, the transgender woman who filed a complaint against a Scottsdale nightclub that refused her admittance, said she is used to being stared at but is not used to discrimination.

sexta-feira, julho 20, 2007

El Supremo dice que el cambio de sexo debe estar recogido en la ley para ser financiado
El Tribunal Supremo determina en una sentencia que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social o a fondos estatales si no aparece recogida en las correspondientes normas de prestaciones sanitarias, como ocurre en algunas comunidades autónomas, sin que ello suponga «ninguna» discriminación.
El Supremo descarta la financiación de los tratamientos a transexuales
El Tribunal Supremo ha anulado una sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias por la que se condenó al Instituto Madrileño de la Salud (IMSALUD) a asumir el coste de una operación de cambio de sexo contra una mujer transexual, según consta en una sentencia hecha pública.

Colega lanza una campaña en favor de los transexuales
Con el lema La transexualidad no es una enfermedad. La transfobia sí, la Confederación Colega de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de España ha presentado en Málaga una campaña dirigida a lograr la desclasificación de la transexualidad como enfermedad mental. La Federación Española de Sociedades Sexológicas colabora como encargada de coordinar las contribuciones científicas que argumentan esta reivindicación desde la psicología y la psiquiatría.

Who's your daddy?
You're strolling through the park and you happen upon the intimate scene of a mother breastfeeding her baby under a tree. How sweet, you think, and before looking away - because your mother always told you it's not polite to stare - you notice the cropped hair and full beard. Seems mommy is actually a daddy. Breastfeeding his baby.
This isn't the only awkward type of scenario to arise when a female-to-male (FTM) transsexual decides to have a baby.
Photo: Clever '70s marketing isn't so far from today's reality for some FTM transsexuals

Bar vs. transvestites: AG looks into complaint
The Arizona Attorney General's Office is investigating a civil rights complaint against a Scottsdale bar owner for alleged discrimination against transgender or transvestite patrons.
Transgender patron files complaint over bar ban
Scottsdale bar owner Tom Anderson believes he was doing the right thing when he banned several transgender patrons from the club after women complained about cross-dressing men using the women's bathroom.
Transgender Woman Files Complaint Against Scottsdale Club
Michele DelaFreniere, is transgender and is furious she got the boot from Anderson's Fifth Estate in Scottsdale. So much so, she's filed a sex discrimination complaint with the attorney general's office.
Photo: Michele DelaFreniere

[NY,USA] [News/Commentary]
Pride Agenda Needs Focus on Gender Rights
After reading the recent Letter to the Editor from Alan Van Capelle, executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda ("Enough GENDA Frustration to Go Around," June 28-July 4), I have no doubt that the group is sincere in its support of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA). Nevertheless, I believe that the persistent failure of GENDA to advance in the State Assembly, even as a marriage equality bill with fewer co-sponsors succeeded in winning passage last month, raises some questions that have to be seriously addressed.

quarta-feira, julho 18, 2007

Eunuchs castrate 24-yr-old
A 24-year-old resident of Kot Mit Singh Colony was allegedly castrated by his eunuch friends of eight years after plying him liquor. When Jaswinder Singh gained consciousness, he found himself at the local multi-specialty Guru Nanak Dev Hospital. Doctors said they did not have the amputated part, otherwise they could have reattached it.

“Transphobia refers to various kinds of aversions towards transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people, often taking the form of refusal to accept a person's expression of their internal gender identity (see Phobia - terms indicating prejudice or class discrimination). Whether intentional or not, transphobia can have severe consequences for the object of the negative attitude. Many transpeople also experience homophobia from people who incorrectly associate the medically recognized condition of gender identity disorder as a form of homosexuality”.

Prostitution charge cut for transgender female
The first person to be charged with felony prostitution in Pima County was sentenced to 1 1/2 years in prison on a reduced charge Monday.
As part of a plea agreement, Sable Rose Taylor, a 45-year-old transgendered person, pleaded guilty earlier this year to attempted possession of narcotic drugs and attempted aggravated prostitution.
In doing so, Taylor avoided prosecution for aggravated prostitution, a charge he originally faced under a new law that makes prostitution a felony if the suspect has three or more prostitution convictions.

terça-feira, julho 17, 2007

Banco Provincia incluye a una transexual en su publicidad
El Cielo Buenos Aires creó una nueva campaña para Banco Provincia compuesta por dos spots, "Fábrica", y "Don Luis y Perla".
Penso que em relação a este assunto, o último post da Lara no seu blog diz tudo o que me passa pela cabeça depois de ver este spot: "Parece mentira, mas não é. Vou deixar-vos com um anúncio publicitário de um Banco argentino em que a Transexualidade é tratada com todo o respeito e compreensão, e que tem percorrido o mundo como um exemplo a seguir.
Podem achar que estou a brincar, realmente, mas é a mais pura verdade. Num país altamente católico e em que o preconceito e a discriminação são tão grandes, é de ficar de boca aberta.
Terceiro mundo? Não. Portugal comparado com a Argentina é que se mostra um país de terceiro ou quarto mundo, de tal forma que nem sequer imagino esta publicidade a passar cá."

Captain Jan, the transsexual Para, sues the Army for unfair dismissal
The first transsexual officer in the Armed Forces is set to sue the Ministry of Defence for unfair dismissal and sexual discrimination.
Jan Hamilton, a former male captain in the Parachute Regiment who is now living as a woman, will lodge court papers claiming she was sexually discriminated against and unfairly dismissed in April from a £45,000-a-year post.
PHOTO: Captain Jan: The transexual Para

[Iran/Turkey/Canada] [Blog/Interview]
Interview with an Iranian transgender
My name on my ID is of no importance, but I'm known as Sayeh. I'm 26 years old and I'm a transsexual. I left Iran a year ago and I now live in Turkey. Could you please give me a tranquilizer please? I can't think clearly. I am angry, I'm confused.

Trans youths beaten for carrying condoms
Four transgender youths in Nepal have become the latest victims of institutionalised hate directed against sexual minorities in the country.
Five Nepalese transgender youths, known as meti, were brutally beaten, sexually abused and insulted by police in Kathmandu on the night of July 14th.

TN transvestites demand ‘promised cut’
Almost seven months after the Tamil Nadu government's revolutionary order offering free penile amputations for aravanis (as they are referred to here), members of the community are fuming as doctors refuse to wield the scalpel, citing medical ethics.

Same-sex marriage case: Transsexual Shumail Raj freed on bail
Shahzina's father threatens to 'teach the couple a lesson'.

Summary Of Transgender Law Center Report 'Peeing In Peace: A Resource Guide For Transgender Activists And Allies'
Excerpt: Transgender madness and the idea of "gender identity disorder" as being normal will be embedded in federal law if three key bills are passed by Congress: Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 2015); The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1592 ); Clarification Of Federal Employment Protections Act (H.R. 2232).

Photo Show Shows Trans Struggle, Strength

IRS Sued Over Sex-Change Deduction
After a tormented existence as a father, a husband, a Coast Guardsman and a construction worker, a 57-year-old suburban Boston man underwent a sex-change operation. Then she wrote off the $25,000 in medical expenses on her taxes.
But the IRS disallowed the deduction - ruling the procedure was cosmetic, not a medical necessity - in a potentially precedent-setting dispute now before the U.S. Tax Court.

A personal journey of self-discovery: Football player becoming a woman
Greg Pingston was a star linebacker for Merritt Island High School's unbeaten state championship team in 1972.
Gina Duncan, at her College Park home in Orlando recently, will undergo the final step to becoming a woman by having sexual-reassignment surgery next spring.
PHOTO: Gina Duncan, formerly known as Greg Pingston, began living as a transgendered woman last November.

sábado, julho 14, 2007

PAULA Vendyback is a post-op transsexual who was born a boy called Paul. Here Paula, 40, from Leicester, tells how changing gender has meant sacrificing a lot more than the obvious...

The Matilda's Corner Police are probing an alleged hate crime in which a suspected homosexual was killed and his body dumped in the St. Andrew Central Police division on Wednesday.
The dead man is unidentified.

The U.S. Senate was expected to take a pause in its debate on the Iraq war this week to allow Sens. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) to offer a gay - and transgender - inclusive hate crimes bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.
Excerpt: "You're essentially creating a civil right based on immoral and changeable behavior, and that's a bad precedent to set in the law," said Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth.

If you grew up a good ol' boy from Mississippi, a NASCAR career may have been high among your dream achievements -- especially if you wanted to make your racing-hero dad proud.

It can be tough getting through your teenage years. So try to imagine the stress facing someone who feels like a boy trapped in a girl's body.

sexta-feira, julho 13, 2007

Los transexuales quieren que la OMS deje de considerarles enfermos
La Confederación de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de España (Colegas) lanzó ayer una campaña, con el respaldo de la Federación Española de Sociedades Sexológicas, para promover la desclasificación de la transexualidad como una enfermedad mental por parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Bajo el lema «La transexualidad no es una enfermedad. La transfobia sí», también pretende concienciar al ciudadano para evitar la discriminación.

Turkish LGBTT Group Faces Closure in Istanbul, Turkey
Below is a press statement about attempts to close another Turkish LGBTT Group (Lambda Istanbul) in Istanbul.

Lanzan plan para mejoras en la atención a personas trans en centros de salud porteños
Por muchos motivos la epidemia del VIH-sida puso en evidencia que la sociedad en la que vivimos es infinitamente más compleja de lo que creemos en general. En las últimas décadas llegaron a los medios masivos de comunicación realidades y noticias que antes sólo eran conocidas por sectores particulares.

Seeing the 'T' in GLBT
If you haven't been to Unity Fellowship Church in Northwest in the past two weeks, you might not know that it's Transgender Awareness Month. But for those in the know, including local transgender activist Toni Collins, it's a positive effort to bring the GLBT community closer together by building awareness about its transgender members.

Trans Discharge Appeal Nixed
Joanne DeGroat, a woman dismissed from the Air Force with the rank of major in 1989 for being transsexual, suffered a setback in her legal battle challenging her discharge on July 5 when a federal judge in Ohio ruled that the district court there could not provide any remedy.

Self-emasculating inmate sues for female hormone treatments
An Idaho inmate who claims to be a woman trapped in a man's body - and who performed a self-castration while in prison - is suing the state in federal court to get female hormone therapy for purported gender identity disorder.

quinta-feira, julho 12, 2007

HC orders compensation, action in transgender's suicide case
Madras High Court today asked the Tamil Nadu Goverment to pay a compensation of Rs five lakh to the petitioner in a case in which a transgender committed suicide after he was harassed by the police and directed discipilnary action against the erring officials.

More than 1 million at Europride Pride celebrated worldwide
The annual Europride parade, held this year in Madrid, saw a turnout of more than 1 million people June 30.

FEATURE Follow-Up: More Info for Gender Variant Children and TheirParents
this week's cover feature by Lauren Smiley ("Girl/Boy Interrupted --A New Treatment For Transgender Kids Puts Puberty On Hold So That They Won't Develop Into Their Biological Sex"), parents with gender variant children can access a growing number of resources:

[MA,USA] [News/Commentary]
Murder Should Not Buy A Sex-Change At Taxpayer Expense
I am against prison inmates being provided sex change operations at taxpayer expense. I couldn't possibly be more against it, even if I were asked to do the surgery myself.

Transgender inmate sues state for hormone therapy
An Idaho inmate who considers herself a woman trapped in a man's body -- and who castrated herself while in prison -- is suing the state to get female hormone therapy for gender identity disorder.

quarta-feira, julho 11, 2007

Un transexual logra por primera vez en Andalucía que cambien el nombre de su DNI
Jessica Carranque es la segunda persona en España en alcanzar este logro tras más de un año de reclamaciones y trámites burocráticos.

Suicide due to Police harassment: High Court asks TN to act
Excerpt: According to the petitioner, police had named Pandian in the FIR in a theft case. Under the guise of interrogation, they took Pandian who was later remanded to custody. Later, Pandian was enlarged on bail. As part of fulfilling the bail condition, the transgender had to appear before the Vyasarpadi Police Station everyday. Whenever the transgender appeared, police attacked and sexually assaulted Pandian, the petition charged.

Sobre lo LGBT...
Cuatro letras. Una sigla –a veces– imposible de pronunciar, de verbalizarla por sí misma. ¿Será por eso de que cuesta hablar de las minorías sexuales, de sexualidad en general? ¿O justamente para brindarle un estatuto único, primordial e individual a cada letra, que representa en sí misma una palabra?
LGBT: cuatro palabras: Lesbianas Gays Bisexuales Trans; cada una de ellas designa una (id)entidad propia, una determinada subjetividad que se forja en vidas, historias, ideas, sueños, devenires, desenvolvimientos, factores, modos de estar y ser diferentes y únicos.

Girl/Boy Interrupted
A New Treatment For Transgender Kids Puts Puberty On Hold So That They Won't Develop Into Their Biological Sex.

State won’t fund new mental appraisal
Psychologists from the state mental hospital in Pueblo found a Colorado Springs hermaphrodite competent to stand trial on theft charges, prompting her attorney to ask the judge to have the state pay for an independent evaluation.
Defense: State Should Pay For Mental Evaluation
Colorado Springs Woman Is A Hermaphrodite.

terça-feira, julho 10, 2007

Breast enlargements in just over an hour!
Women in the UK could be getting breast enlargements in their lunch time as soon as 2008, reports Lisa Melton in Chemistry & Industry, the magazine of the Society of Chemical Industry.

Cuba surpasses world on same-sex, trans rights
The Communist Party of Cuba has welcomed an update of the revolutionary Family Code to include same-sex and trans rights, reported National Center for Sexual Education (CENESEX) Director Mariela Castro Espín at the 5th International Culture and Development Congress held in Havana on June 11-14.

Transgender Singer Makes Statement
Lucas Silveira wears his heart on his tattoo sleeve.
The frontman of Toronto rock band The Cliks bares a turbulent tapestry on his arm: a dragon leaping through flames and waves, two guns bearing wide wings, and the word "Survivor."

[USA] [Books]
San Francisco stories
Excerpt: The transsexual Anna [Madrigal] (whose name is an anagram of "a man and a girl") was in some ways the central consciousness of the series, but in its finale, that role devolves upon Michael, who is also the novel's narrator.

Trouble At Delaware Psychiatric Center
Excerpt: "After nine years there I walked away with significant emotional scars," Hurst said. "It was so homophobic. I watched people abuse homosexuals and transgenders there. Because I advocated for them, I paid. It was the worst part of my life."

[USA] [Blog/News]
National Statistics on Transgender Unemployment
Richard Juang, a respected scholar and activist, has posted some national statistics on transgender discrimination. He cites studies showing a 35% unemployment rate and 60% earning less than $15,300, as well as high rates of workplace termination, denial of employment and harassment. It's interesting to compare these to the statistics in the general US population.

segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

El Supremo dice que es necesario una norma común para financiar el cambio de sexo
El Tribunal Supremo ha anulado una sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias por la que se condenó al Instituto Madrileño de la Salud a asumir el coste de una operación de cambio de sexo a una mujer transexual, según recoge una sentencia.
El Supremo sentencia que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social
El Tribunal Supremo ha sentenciado que una operación de cambio de sexo no es financiable con cargo a la Seguridad Social. Según la sentencia del Alto Tribunal, sólo existe una salvedad: que exista un grave riesgo para la vida del paciente.
El Tribunal Supremo rechaza que el Estado financie el cambio de sexo
Una sentencia determina que este tipo de operaciones deben estar recogidas en una normativa sanitaria para ser subvencionadas.
Activista transexual cree sentencia T.Supremo es discriminatoria e inválida
La activista transexual Carla Antonelli se manifestó hoy 'desagradablemente sorprendida' por la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo sobre una operación de cambio de sexo, que 'discrimina' a los transexuales y es 'inválida' porque 'no se fundamenta en el marco jurídico actual'.

What God didn't give them, ebay will
Excerpt: One of the reasons put forward for the dearth of Scottish drag events in recent years is an infamous incident outside Glasgow's Club X in 1994, where a transsexual was supposedly beaten to death by two transvestites. It was the sharp end of a scene that was already spiralling towards heavy drug-abuse and aggression.

The prisoner using taxpayers' money to sue for a sex change
A burglar is claiming taxpayers' money to sue the Ministry of Justice for refusing to release him from prison for sex-change treatment.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Trans hate crime is "justifiable"?
This is one of those cases that'll just make you seethe with anger. A trans woman is horribly beaten in Palm Springs, Florida and the judge decides it wasn't a hate crime, but instead commented, "In many ways it appears from the testimony that was presented here that there are two victims in the case."

Christian, Pro-Family Groups Stand Up Against 'Criminalizing' Right to Speak Truth
Excerpt: "The Hate Crimes Act will be the first step to criminalize our rights as Christians to believe that some behaviors are sinful," Dr. James C. Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action, said in a message for a petition to oppose the bill. ..."Pastors preaching from Scripture on homosexuality could be threatened with persecution and prosecution, " he noted.

domingo, julho 08, 2007

Hoje (ontem) foi um dia mágico, 07/07/2007. Muita coisa sucedeu neste dia. Como principais acontecimentos, temos o Live Earth, com uma série de concertos a nível mundial para uma melhor gestão dos recursos naturais deste pequeno planeta em que vivemos, e que começa a estar em grande perigo. Espécies animais e vegetais são extintas diariamente. Infelizmente não acredito que sirva para alguma coisa, pois quem mais polui, as grandes potências industriais, não querem saber, e as outras ou poluem ou não podem competir com os gigantes da economia mundial. Enfim...

Foram também escolhidas, uns dois mil e duzentos anos depois, as novas 7 maravilhas do mundo. Além da única sobrevivente das originais 7 maravilhas, as pirâmides de Gizé, maravilha honorária, as novas maravilhas são: a grande muralha da China, única construção humana que se vê do espaço, apropriadamente apresentada pelo primeiro homem a pisar o solo da Lua, Neil Armstrong, a cidade de Petra, na Jordânia (onde foi filmado grande parte do filme Indiana Jones and the last cruzade), Machu Picchu a fabulosa cidade situada no Perú, a antiga cidade templo dos maias, Chichén Itzá no México, o Coliseu de Roma (toda a gente sabe esta penso eu...) em Itália, o Taj Mahal na Índia, mausoléu também conhecido como a maior prova de amor do mundo, e o Cristo Redentor do Brasil, sendo esta a única que me deixou muitas dúvidas, considerando que ficaram de fora outros monumentos como a Statue of Liberty nos Estados Unidos, ou a Torre Eiffel em França...

Aproveitou-se e escolheu-se também as 7 maravilhas de Portugal (No coments) que são: o Mosteiro de Alcobaça, o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, o Palácio da Pena, o Mosteiro da Batalha, o Castelo de Óbidos, a Torre de Belém e o Castelo de Guimarães.

Também sucedeu neste dia a 2ª Marcha LGBT do Porto, que nos nossos meios televisivos não deu lugar a nenhuma reportagem (pelo menos que eu visse), o que me faz pensar no que vale a segregação e a discriminação sofridas por meia dúzia de gatos pingados face a tanta maravilha em Portugal e no mundo. Aqui fica o que consegui apurar:

Diario Digital
Porto: Mais de 200 pessoas participaram na II Marcha LGBT
Mais de 200 pessoas participaram este sábado na II Marcha LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transsexuais) do Porto, com o lema «Queremos Igualdade, Exigimos Oportunidades», sob o olhar atento de dezenas de mirones.

Jornal de Noticias
Marcha gay no Porto juntou 200 pessoas
"Ainda são precisas máscaras", diz a comissão organizadora.

Agencia Lusa
Porto: Mais de 200 pessoas participaram na II marcha LGBT da cidade
Mais de 200 pessoas participaram hoje na II Marcha LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transsexuais) do Porto, com o lema "Queremos Igualdade, exigimos oportunidades", sob o olhar atento de dezenas de mirones.

Jornal SOL
Duas centenas de participantes na 2.ª marcha LGBT
O Porto acolheu hoje a 2ª Marcha Lésbica, Gay, Bissexual e Transexual onde os participantes exibiram cartazes com slogans alusivos à Igualdade como «Casamento civil para gays e lésbicas: mesmos deveres, mesmos direitos» e «Igualdade, aqui e agora!».

Correio da Manhã
Desfile a favor da igualdade de direitos: Gays com máscaras
A jornalista Fernanda Câncio, namorada de José Sócrates, foi a grande ausência da segunda marcha do Orgulho Gay, que ontem se realizou no Porto.

Transvestite beaten in ‘stalker’ mix-up
A CROSS-DRESSER mistaken for a stalker will be scarred for life after his nose was cut and broken during an assault.

Britain's vanished Tour de France champion reappears - as a woman
Known as "King of the Mountains", cyclist Robert Millar was Britain's best performer in the Tour de France and an inspiration to a generation of fans.
Photo: Then: Robert Millar during one of his epic Tour de France rides, Now: Philippa York pictured near her home this week

Pakistan's Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of a transman and his wife jailed in May for perjury.
Female-to-male transsexual Shumail Raj, 31, and his wife ShahzinaTariq, 24, were sent to jail when a Lahore court ruled Raj was still biologically a woman despite two surgeries.

Miss Tonga New Zealand South Seas is Air New Zealand Miss Galaxy
Last night at the finale of the Air New Zealand Miss Galaxy pageant for 2007 � 2008, Miss Tonga New Zealand South Seas, Miss Rasa Maya Douglas Tania (pictured left with 2006-2007 Queen Miss Coco Chandelier of New Zealand), was crowned the new Queen by Hon. Salote Maumautaimi Tuku'aho.

RIGHTS-CUBA: Dissident Group Sees No Improvement
Excerpt: Although the government is showing no sign of changes in its relations with dissidents, important steps have been taken in recent months to promote the rights of sexual minorities, including the gay, lesbian, transvestite, transsexual and transgender communities.
A draft law presented to the highest levels of the governing Communist Party includes legal recognition of same-sex unions, the right of same-sex couples to adopt children, and the right of lesbians to use assisted reproduction services.
Meanwhile, a current government strategy is attempting to guarantee social equality for transvestite, transsexual and transgender persons, including changes of identity where necessary, and access to hormonal treatments and to sex change operations.

Suspension Of SF Cop Who Make Homophobic Racist Videos Overturn
Excerpt: On one tape a police officer appeared as a transsexual. The "bigger than life" performance mocked transgender women.

AMA Adopts Trans-Inclusive Nondiscrimination Policy
The American Medical Association (AMA) amended its nondiscrimination policies to include transgender persons at the annual meeting of the AMA House of Delegates in Chicago, which ended on June 27.