Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, janeiro 31, 2007

Shoah, Luxuria: "Roma ricordi vittime gay barbarie nazi-fascista"
''Mi auguro che il sindaco di Roma in occasione delle celebrazioni della giornata della memoria dia una concreta indicazione per la costruzione di un monumento per ricordare le vittime gay e transessuali sacrificate durante il nazifascismo".

Sgozzata una transessuale sul Lago Maggiore
In breve la notizia e poi il commento. Una transessuale è stata trovata sgozzata nella sua villetta in provincia di Novara, sul Lago Maggiore. Aveva trent'anni, viveva da due anni nella casa dove è stata trovata morta e, come tutti, aveva degli amici (è stato proprio un suo amico ad allertare i carabinieri).

Leading US psychiatric researcher strongly criticizes such procedures
A boy of 12 began receiving radical hormone treatment to stop the natural development of male puberty and prepare his body for a sex-change operation, after doctors and psychiatrists diagnosed him as transsexual.
Sex-change child wants operation sooner
The German boy believed to be the youngest sex change patient in the world, who started hormone treatment at the age of 12, wants to bring forward the final operation by two years.
Youngest-Ever Sex-Change Patient Sparks Debate
Two years ago, a 12-year-old German boy became perhaps the youngest-ever patient to embark upon a sex change.
Christian Group 'Boggled' by 14-Year-Old's Sex Change Decision
The nation's largest Christian public policy women's organization is baffled by the news of a 14-year-old German boy who has decided,with the approval of his parents, to undergo a sex change - making him most likely the youngest patient in history to receive the procedure.
CWA: Political Correctness Endangers Child; Youngest Boy in History to Undergo Sex Change
A 14-year-old German boy has decided to undergo a sex change, making him the youngest patient in history to receive this extreme procedure. The young boy Tim, who prefers to be called "Kim," has wanted gender reassignment surgery since he was 12 and claims to have considered himself female since age two. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is saddened that doctors and parents have fostered this young boy's gender confusion and are allowing him to go forward with the surgery.
Tranny Baby Drama!
Kids these days! You guys may be interested to hear that an Austrian boy started taking hormones at twelve-years old in his effort to become a woman. Or, rather, a girl.

[Mexico] [Blogs/News]
Transgendered in Coahuila
Excerpt: Things are particularly extreme for poor transsexuals, Badillo said. Lacking money for proper operations, many will inject their backsides and chests with cooking oil. Some die in the process.

terça-feira, janeiro 30, 2007

Comment: Making people pay could 'help costs'
Excerpt: Who is to determine that a particular operation is a luxury the NHS should not pay for? While everybody might agree that tattoo removal is not an NHS priority, there would be differing views about gender reassignment (sex change) operations, or hysterectomies for painful periods. One patient's luxury is another's desperate need.

12-year-old trans case "not unusual"
A 12-year-old Austrian child has undergone gender reassignment treatment after persuading his parents and doctors that she was sure she was a girl.
The child, known as Kim, was born a boy and is currently receiving hormone treatment which will eventually lead to gender reassignment surgery.
It is very unusual for someone so young to even be considered for gender reassignment.
Persia West, who is a transgender activist, spoke to uk about the case.
"It is absolutely not unusual for trans people to know from a very early age. Being transgender is a birth condition."

segunda-feira, janeiro 29, 2007

Ainda no rescaldo do debate realizado no passado dia 20, muitas questões ficaram por fazer. Questões de alguma importância como 'Que sucede aos processos de transexuais que não planeiem fazer a CRS (Cirurgia de Redesignação de Sexo)?' O processo acaba? Só é transexual quem deseje fazer a cirurgia? E se assim for, será que @s trans que andam nas consultas não se sentirão pressionad@s a mentir para que os processos cheguem ao seu termo (diagnóstico de transexualidade)?
Qual a posição da classe médica de Santa Maria em relação às reivindicações apresentadas? Compreendem a justiça delas? Apoiar-nos-ão numa futura batalha para corrigir o tanto de errado que grassa a nosso respeito no SNS?

Podia continuar a escrever muitas mais questões, mas infelizmente outro assunto apareceu na ordem do dia. E digo infelizmente porque se trata mesmo de um assunto infeliz. No blog Fishspeaker (como já vem sendo hábito), e para finalizar os comentários sobre o debate, apareceu mais um post difamatório a quem não tenha medo de ver a realidade como ela é. Nada de especial, pois já é usual a tal L lançar farpas de raiva contra tudo e contra tod@s que não partilhem as mesmas opiniões.

O problema que se põe aqui, é que a L deixou de ser um ser anónimo a partir da altura em que aceitou fazer parte do grupo de trabalho transexual da ILGA, e estando sentada na mesa como representante desse mesmo grupo. (Uma mensagem pessoal agora: Luísa Reis, não tinhas necessidade nenhuma de mandares a Marlene por portas e travessas fazer com que eu soubesse que eras o L, autor do blog Fishspeaker. Já o sabia desde a Quarta-feira anterior. E se esperavas que com isso se iniciasse uma 'peixeirada' enganaste-te, como sabes. Fui lá discutir problemas de transexualidade não ódios e guerrinhas pessoais e mesquinhas que tenha seja com quem for).

A questão que se põe é: sendo a Luísa porta-voz do grupo de trabalho transexual da ILGA, o que posta no blog será necessariamente a posição da ILGA. E nesse caso pergunta-se para que fazer um debate supostamente aberto se depois se difama publicamente os presentes nesse debate? Ainda por cima por quem se recusa a ver a realidade, preferindo um mundo cor-de-rosa em que não existe quase discriminação, @s trans não sofrem nas escolas obrigando-as a desistir dos estudos, têm apoio da família, enfim...

Seria bom que a ILGA esclarecesse qual a sua posição em relação à transexualidade. Afinal, o documento que produziu é em nosso nome ou em nome só de alguns?
Existem muitos pontos de vista. Será a política da ILGA difamar quem os tenha diferentes?
E quer a ILGA a presença de transexuais nos debates para depois um membro da mesa os menosprezar e caluniar só porque vêm uma realidade que, pelos vistos, a ILGA se recusa a ver?

A não ser assim, será muito útil que alguém da direcção ponha cobro a esta situação, pois caso contrário não valerá a pena realizarem mais debates abertos, façam-nos à porta fechada com pessoas que partilhem de um único ponto de vista. E também terão de falar em nome d@s trans da ILGA, não em nome de toda uma comunidade que afinal desprezam.

Por melhor que saibam escrever e por melhores que sejam as intenções, a ILGA deveria pensar muito bem em quem aceita nas mesas dos debates, pois pessoas que deixam ódios mesquinhos passarem à frente dos assuntos a debater não me parece a melhor escolha, definitivamente.

Não é por se fechar os olhos que os problemas inerentes à nossa condição desaparecem. Há que aceitá-los e combatê-los, não usar-se a táctica da avestruz.

E continuo a dizer que seria de todo desejável reuniões entre transexuais que se interessem por mudar alguma coisa neste país, tal como afirmei no debate. O documento apresentado é bom, mas ainda pode ser melhorado. Espero que tenham a abertura suficiente para compreenderem...
Councils consult on gender plan
Excerpt: The councils hope it will help them find out the needs and experiences of men, women and transgender people in relation to the services they provide.

Santa Cruz Mom Questions Transgender's Death
The death of a transgender woman in a San Francisco hotel is raising big questions for her family, according to NBC11.

Anti-gay, anti-trans Inquisition in the Americas
From Indigenous oral histories, passed down through millennia, to the hostile accounts kept by colonial record keepers, a great deal of evidence exists to show that sex/gender variance and homosexuality were part of the fabric of early cooperative societies in the Americas—from pole to pole.

Directing many voices against violence
Excerpt: But she writes in other genres, too. Coming in March is the first of a new series, "Scott Free," featuring a transgender detective. He needs to solve the case at hand, she says, to afford completing the transition. In future novels, he'll be Scottie.

domingo, janeiro 28, 2007

Unhappy as a boy, Kim became youngest ever transsexual at 12
A boy of 12 is believed to have become the world's youngest sex change patient after convincing doctors that he wanted to live the rest of his life as a female.

Beauty at what price?
Excerpt: Last week, I interviewed the famous Donita Ganzon-Gold. ....That interview was a very interesting one. I couldn't help but ask about her transsexual surgery.

New gender in one go
Last week, 25-year-old marketing executive Shruti Srivastava told her family she was going out of town for a week. She lied, with reason. She went to a hospital across town to become a man. Usually done in stages, this is the first time the complete female-to-male sex reassignment surgery was done at one go in India.

[Mexico] [News/Commentary]
Mexico's Transexual Amendment?
Excerpt: It is hoped by transexual activists that other nations will follow cue in pushing for such liberal legislative action..... Conservatives, on the other hand, realize how crucial it is for nations to support biblical family values in order to maintain the backbone of society.

Parole board approves transsexual bank robber's release
The woman who became known as the ''Bookworm Bandit'' while robbing banks across Canada will be released to a halfway house soon.
Tranny robber nears release
The Bookworm Bandit, a transsexual who launched a series of bank heists almost 10 years ago in Edmonton, is to be released to a halfway house soon.

[Canada] [Books]
'Tis pity she's a whore
Excerpt: On the Stroll performs an invaluable service. Highcrest cracks wide open the stereotype of "a prostitute." She is a transsexual lesbian (a man-turned-woman who sexually prefers women); she is also politically aware and highly educated with experience as journalist.

Transgender Athletes: The Story of Stella Walsh
Excerpt: Transgender athletes are often viewed as the red headed stepchildren of the athletic realm, and are met with harsh scrutiny both from other athletes and gay people in general.

Photo: Stella Walsh

Harrassment policy to include 'gender identity'
Excerpt: The amended version of the Equal Opportunity Policy, which appears in faculty and staff handbooks, now forbids harassment and discrimination on the basis of "gender identity." In addition, the faculty approved altering the phrase "sexual orientation or preference" to read only "sexual orientation. "

Transgender issues topic of forum
Changing your gender requires cutting through a lot of red tape, and in Texas, that means defending your decision to a judge.
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and Gender, Education, Advocacy & Resources (GEAR) partnered to present the Transgender Legal Forum at the Resource Center of Dallas last week. Eight judges and several litigators joined more than 30 community folks to learn about the legal hardships that transgender people face.
Photo: Jessica Davis, a founding member of GEAR

"Gender nonconformists" try to fit in
Some young people don't comfortably fit within society's conventions of male and female - the boy who plays with dolls, say, or the girl who plays football. They may or may not be gay or transgender, but that doesn't matter to those who taunt them or assault them - or, occasionally, even murder them.

sábado, janeiro 27, 2007

Transessuale aggredisce automobilista
Ennesimo episodio di violenza ieri sera tra Ameglia e Sarzana sulle strade del sesso.

Transsexuelle will in die Politik
Lange Jahre tolerierten Vater und die Ehefrau die weiblichen Anlagen von Dominique Michel S. Doch als der Politiker-Sohn seinen Neigungen nachgab, sich entschloss, endlich eine Frau zu werden, begann ein Spießrutenlauf. Jetzt kandidiert Laura Armani (früher Dominique Michel) für den Tessiner Stadtrat.

Crisis intervention centre for transgenders
A crisis intervention centre and sensitisation programmes for district administration and police officials are among the initiatives through which the State Government is planning to support transgenders in the National AIDS Control Programme 3.

Thai band with little something extra
Tagging Venus Flytrap as "Thailand's Spice Girls" might perhaps be just a little misleading. Although they are without exception spicy and vivacious, their ID cards indicate that each of them was born a man.

Mexican lawmaker proposes giving transsexuals constitutional protection
A Mexican congressman said Thursday he will submit a bill to Congress in March that would amend the country's constitution to guarantee the rights of transsexuals and change civil laws to ensure they can legally change their name and gender.

[USA] [News/Films/ DVDs]A Nine-Disc Passport To the Land of Almodovar
Watching a Pedro Almodovar movie is like seeing a great graphic novel come to life. His camera angles are often inventive, providing the viewer with a telling perspective that reveals more than a character is letting on, or sometimes merely providing a bit of visual comic relief from a dark drama.
The nine-disc "Viva Pedro: The Almodovar Collection" ($117.95) from Sony Pictures Classics is an excellent passport to that witty, campy, involving land.
Photo: Gael Garcia Bernal plays a blackmailing drag queen in Pedro Almodovar's "Bad Education." (By Diego Lopez Calvin -- Sony Pictures Classics)

Another Transgender woman murdered?
Another transgender woman has been killed in a seedy Tenderloin Hotel.

Soldier Sex Change: "I Do My Job...So Why Kick Me Out?"
A soldier is fighting to stay in the military while having a sex change operation to turn him from G.I. Jane to G.I. Joe.

Police refuse to release Nizah Morris 911 tape
The Philadelphia Police Department has refused to release an unedited 911 tape covering a courtesy ride police gave to transgender woman Nizah Morris in December 2002.

sexta-feira, janeiro 26, 2007

[South Korea]
Excerpt: More recently, transsexual actress Ha Ri Su also filed a complaint with the police against a 30-year-old man who had been posting defamatory messages about her on her website..... The man also reportedly left messages like 'those who like Ha Ri Su are not human' on her fan sites.

When Bay Area attorney Victoria Kolakowski applied to take the bar exam in Louisiana in the late 1980s, her initial application was rejected on the basis that she was "not of sound mind." Kolakowski is a transgender woman, and as such, was thought to be inherently out of touch with reality. Thus, in addition to studying and practicing for her future career, Kolakowski had to present evidence to the Louisiana Supreme Court that she was indeed competent and capable of pursuing her career.
Administrative Law Judge Victoria Kolakowski. Photo: Cynthia Laird

The self-described transgender escort accused of murdering a local cocktail waitress appeared in court Wednesday. Raven Navajo is charged with murdering Brenda Schmalfeldt and then throwing her body in a dumpster.

quinta-feira, janeiro 25, 2007

Transsexual barred
A TRANSSEXUAL has been told she cannot attend women-only sessions at council leisure venues or use female changing facilities, despite her now being defined as a woman on doctors' records.
PHOTO: Yvonne Rhodes with partner Sue Edge.

Groundbreaking conference gathers transgender Christian advocates
In an event organizers billed as the first of its kind, about 40 transgender Christian leaders and their allies joined counterparts from other faiths for a "Transgender Religious Summit" Jan. 19-21 in California.

Dhillon Khosla, Acclaimed Author of "Both Sides Now: One Man's Journey Through Womanhood," To Keynote Gender Identity Conference
Dhillon Khosla, former federal staff attorney for presidential appointed judges and author of the critically acclaimed book "Both Sides Now: One Man's Journey through Womanhood" announced today that he will keynote the upcoming Gender Identity Center of Colorado's 9th annual Colorado Gold Rush Conference Friday, February 23, 2007 in Denver, Colorado. A renowned lecturer, outspoken advocate for true tolerance, and passionate voice for both men and women, Khosla is an expert on discussing gender relations from a spiritual, as opposed to political, perspective.
Photo: Dhillon Khosla

New life as woman brings discrimination for transgender youth
Some of the patrons at the Caribou Coffee shop in Friendly Center, an upscale retail area in Greensboro, cast uneasy and quizzical glances at Devon McCauley, whose thatch of jet-black hair extensions, scuffed boots and dual mouth piercings gave her the look of a 1960s girl-group singer with glam and punk-rock modifications.

'Transitioned' Bagger wants respect
MIANNE Bagger is a long way behind the best credentialled player at next week's 2007 Australian Women's Open.
But when it comes to attention and curiosity, she is certain to be eyeballing superstars Karrie Webb and Natalie Gulbis at Royal Sydney.
After undergoing a sex change in 1995, Bagger accepts it's par for the course for people to discuss her personal life ahead of her game.
Frustrated ... Bagger's still being stereotyped. Pic: Patrick Hamilton

Gender and the Pulpit
Workplace difficulties can arise for transgendered persons in nearly all professions, but what about those who are called to work for God?

quarta-feira, janeiro 24, 2007

Webextra: Transgendered community faces abuse, discrimination
A Winnipeg researcher who conducted a first-of-its-kind report on about 70 transgendered Manitobans paints a portrait of a community racked by higher rates of self-reported depression and sexually transmitted diseases.

Aravaanis' bid to send positive message
The transgendered community in the State will be observing January 18 as Aravaani Day henceforth. The decision was taken at a meeting of the aravaani community last January; the day will be observed across the State, along with the Tamil Nadu Aids Initiative (TAI), with outreach activities this week.

terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2007

Online suicide bid highlights trans isolation
A Welsh transsexual woman took an overdose of pills, then sent emails to health groups and media outlets, protesting at the way in which gender reassignment surgery is regarded.

Letters to the editor (Tranies)
In her letter in GLW #694, Karen Gurney wrote: "People with transsexualism seek both surgical and hormonal realignment of their physical sex characteristics with those of their brain. Their gender is fixed and they are happy with it; it's just the external body that needs rehabilitation. Transgender people have a fixed physical sex and a variable gender identity."

[India] [Films/People]
Body Search
WHENEVER Sushanto Das looked in the mirror, he loathed the reflection. He tried on women's clothes, burned the hair on the skin. Then he went for a sex-reorientation surgery. He became she, Sushanto became Tista, a girl with a nose ring, who happily wrapped a red sari and wore a bright bindi. The story reads easy but the script Tista lived out in reality was not, says Umesh Bist, a Delhi-based documentary filmmaker who captures her life in 32- minutes in Beyond Reflection.

A Proud Young Woman
I was...
I was born Vijay, to Marwari parents in Nagpur, Maharashtra. Some of the earliest memories I have are of being different from the other boys around me. At that stage, I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was that made me feel so trapped and helpless. As a child, one is not equipped to handle thoughts as mature and complex as gender or sexuality. But as I grew older and more aware of the world around me, I also became more aware of the world inside of me. And it confused me more.

New York's Allanah Starr discusses her life and fame as a Transsexual
The stunning Allanah Starr is New York City's transsexual queen of all media, starring in films, radio, television, nightlife and the Internet. From Communist Cuba to the biggest city in America, Allanah has sculpted herself a new self and an enormous niche in the TVTS community. Eros Zine asked her to take some time out of her busy schedule to tell us all about her multifaceted life.

Md. Quandary: Where To Place Transsexual Convict
Officials at the Maryland Division of Corrections say they have no policies on whether transsexual inmates should be housed with male or female prisoners.

Gender identity transformed from 'freak' into rights issue
Japan looks to respect rights of those with gender disorders, but even progress carries its own set of risks.

segunda-feira, janeiro 22, 2007

Iran's transsexuals: religiously acknowledged, but rejected
Transsexuals have a tough life in Iran. Although they are acknowledged in religious terms, there is very little tolerance shown towards them by society, not even by their own families.

Transgender community searches for a new identity
Long hair decked in flowers, bodies swathed in colourful sarees, the mandatory lipstick, bindhi and bangles and the elaborates way have traditionally identified Tamil Nadu's aravanis.

Excerpt: The incidence of HIV among transsexuals is reported to be high, with some estimates of up to 22 percent.
Photo: MERLYN SOPJAN (JP/Duncan Graham)

The new Venezuelan soap opera "The Kings" has all the most classic elements: cardboard sets, a predictable script (a beautiful, poor young woman falls hopelessly in love with a handsome, rich young man—can love triumph?) and actors not exactly subtle… But what’s causing a lot of ink to flow … is that one of the principal characters, Laisa Reyes, is a transvestite, whose role will be to draw the viewers’ attention to the problems related to discrimination.

There has been many different cases of discrimination being sent to court in the US, due to their very liberated way of living and freedom to express themselves.

LA STORIA INFINITA dell'incontro fra studenti liceali recanatesi e la trans Alessia Bellucci sembra avviarsi verso un felice epilogo.

Approvato in via definitiva anche alla Camera l'articolo 12 della legge comunitaria che nel fissare i principi della delega data al governo per il recepimento delle norme minime comuni a tutti gli Stati dell'Unione ai fini del riconoscimento e della revoca dello status di rifugiato, riconosce il diritto di asilo ai cittadini di Paesi terzi considerati sicuri o agli apolidi che in quei paesi vi abbiano soggiornato abitualmente, qualora per gravi motivi quei Paesi non possano essere considerati sicuri per alcuni cittadini o apolidi.

Vladimir Luxuria, pseudonyme de Vladimiro Guadagno (Foggia, 24 juin 1965) est une personnalité politique transgenre du Parti de la refondation communiste (PRC) en Italie.

A former San Antonio police officer has been sentenced to 24 years and four months in prison for the rape and beating of a transsexual woman.

Excerpt: The last person seen with Schmalfeldt at the bar was Raven Navajo. On an Internet site, Navajo describes himself as a transgender escort looking for admirers. ... Police describe Navajo and Schmalfeldt as friends. Now, he's behind bars for her death.

Monica Roberts gently circled a fingertip around the lip of her coffee cup, the perfect manicure a stark contrast to such large, strong hands.
"Gender is who you are," says Roberts, 42. "Sex is what you do and who you do it with."

Excerpt: With the support of her then wife, Beyer began the two-year process of changing gender.

domingo, janeiro 21, 2007

16h00. Já toda a gente se encontrava dentro do Centro Comunitário Gay e Lésbico. Como oradores Rui Xavier Vieira, Garcia e Costa e José Décio da equipa do Hospital de Sta. Maria, que trata dos casos de Transexualidade. Na plateia, também da mesma equipa notava-se a presença de Lourenço Gomes.

Também estavam presentes membros da equipa do Hospital Júlio de Matos, nomeadamente Pedro Freitas. Algumas pessoas minhas conhecidas também pontuavam. Jó Bernardo, Queli Marlene Cruz, Patrícia Ribeiro, entre outras.

O debate começou com a apresentação dos oradores pelos próprios. Nada de especial. De seguida foram confrontados com algumas questões, umas mais pertinentes que outras, às quais se foram defendendo conforme puderam.

Ou seja, saimos como entrámos. Novidades não houve. Também não se esperavam novidades. Relevante só a sensação de que as coisas começaram finalmente a mexer. Esperam-se mais debates, e desta vez era bom que houvessem algumas reuniões entre as partes mais interessadas (leia-se Transexuais), de modo a que se possam pôr questões mais fundamentadas.

Dois recados: Dr. Pedro Freitas, os processos é suposto correrem bem, por isso não se fala neles. Convém falar-se, isso sim, quando alguma coisa não corre como o esperado, precisamente para evitar futuras repetições.
Dr. Décio, quando diz que estamos em pé de igualdade com o resto da população (feminina presumo) em relação à electrólise, deve-se entender que essa população também tem problemas de hirsutismo (leia-se barba)? Não me parece. Portanto, neste aspecto em particular, estar a pôr-nos em pé de igualdade não funciona.

Ficamos a aguardar novos debates.
Teacher in sex-change drama
Janet Huang, who teaches at a Christian middle school in Chiayi County, said counselors had not been instructed to 'keep tabs' on him, despite reports. For Concordia Middle School math teacher Janet Huang, 45, there is no formula explaining why God trapped her in a man's body.

Transgendered to donate kidneys, too
Transgendered persons, (aravanis), who donated their eyes on the occasion of the 4th 'Aravanis Day' celebrations at Thudiyalur near here on Thursday, also volunteered to donate kidneys, if necessary, to save human lives.

Transgender Job Program Moves Forward
The city of West Hollywood considers the transgender community a priority population, says David Giugni, social services supervisor. Giugni and director of social services, Lloyd Long, presented the City Council during its Dec. 18 regular meeting with a recommendation from the city to approve a contract with the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center to begin a Transgender Job Training and Placement program. The recommendation was approved, though the project will start late compared to other two-year programs funded by the city.
Photo: 'We'll make it work,' Ortega says of the program's schedule and budget.

Transgender themed mural ordered destroyed
In a 6-4 vote, the city's Historical Commission last week ordered the obliteration of a transgender-themed mural that's been located at 15th and Waverly streets in Center City for about six years.
PHOTO: Michael Shur, property owner

sábado, janeiro 20, 2007

Man posing as woman sent back to U.S.
A man who came into Canada posing as a woman is being sent back to the United States after pleading guilty to using a phony passport.

Protection Against Discrimination Measure Includes “Gender Expression"
A `National Plan' for Protection against Discrimination was passed today on a Council of Ministers' session. What is extraordinary in the National Plan is that apart from all the grounds of discrimination featured in the Bulgarian law for protection against discrimination, which includes sexual orientation, the new Plan also features "gender expression".

State correction officials not sure where to house transsexual inmate for faking death
Maryland Division of Correction officials say they have no set policies to deal with transsexual inmates — though they now have one ordered to their custody.

CA's First Openly Transgender Administrative Law Judge to be Sworn-In
Transgender Law Center Board Member and long-time civil rights advocate, Victoria Kolakowski, will be sworn in as the state's first openly transgender Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) today when she will be among eight new ALJs sworn-in by Angela K. Minkin, Chief Administrative Law Judge of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

Former cop sentenced to 24 years for assault
A former San Antonio police officer learned today that he will spend the next 24 years of his life in prison for using his position to sexually assault a transsexual.

sexta-feira, janeiro 19, 2007

Transsexual Woman In Online Suicide Bid
A transsexual woman in Llanelli has attempted suicide in a desperate bid to get others in her position the treatment they need.

Canada’s health-care system ‘don’t do transexuals’
Patient turned away because of her sexual orientation

Executable offences
Excerpt: "Homosexuality is illegal, but sex changes are legal. Many men are changing their sex. The one way you can sleep with men is to change your sex."

Taiwan Probes School's Discrimination Against Sex-change Teacher
Taiwan's Education Ministry said on Thursday that it will probe a missionary school's alleged discrimination against a male teacher who wants to undergo a sex-change operation to become a woman.

[MO,USA] [News/Films]
Girls on Film
Filmmaker Lisa Marie Evans has recorded what's inside a transsexuals pants, but turning the camera on herself isn't so easy.

Transgender inmate sentenced to prison for trying to fake death
A transgender thief who was released from prison in 2005 to die of AIDS at home has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for trying to use a forged death certificate to avoid prosecution on identity theft charges.

Storme system
Storme Aerison is best-known in Colorado Springs for her eight-day stint in 1990 as a Coronado High School cheerleader — which ended in her arrest when her peers noticed stubble sticking through her thick makeup.
At the time, Aerison — who has used several aliases over the years — actually was Charles Daugherty, a 26-year-old intersexed person, or hermaphrodite, whose parents never opted for sex-assignment surgery.
Storme Aerison faces bond violation, fraud and theft charges.
Photo courtesy of El Paso County Sheriff’s Office

Reed-ing Between the Lines
Though not well-known today, female-to-male philanthropist Reed Erickson provided funding for one of the first US gay organizations and some of the earliest services for transgender people.

Series focuses on grief, suicide
Suicide, grief and the transgender experience will be the focus of a series of events at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2945 N.W. Circle Blvd., over the next three months, beginning with a seminar Saturday titled "Touched by Suicide: Beginning a Healing Conversation. "

quinta-feira, janeiro 18, 2007

Toronto Orthodox man begins new life as a woman

Mordechai's community and friends are still adjusting to his decision to become Nicole – some better than others.
When abba becomes ima: Transsexuals in the Orthodox world
Mordechai, a 31-year-old Orthodox lawyer from Toronto, gave his wife a Jewish divorce this past summer. Then he began his life as Nicole, a woman.

Monica Bauer finds her family
Monica Bauer, a cardiothoracic step-down nurse at Mt. Sinai Hospital, member of the Gabriela Coalition, and multi-media artist has just affirmed her "Filipino-ness. "

[CO, USA] [Films]
Gender-bending made easy in film
"You need a mask, you've got to wear your mask," Marieta sings in Spanish filmmaker Ramón Salazar's "20 Centimeters. " Marieta is, in fact, wearing her mask as she sings the words. Marieta, as much as anyone, needs a mask to protect her from having to stare directly into harsh reality.

quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007

Basta de Psiquiatrização Trans!

A associação ILGA Portugal prepara um debate sobre a transexualidade e a transição em Portugal. A sua lista de convidados compreende a panóplia completa da equipa médica oficial portuguesa para a transexualidade.

É evidente que cada colectivo é responsável pela sua actividade e perspectivas próprias, mas quando pensamos, como é o caso, que a perspectiva apresentada é lesiva de parte da comunidade por falta de um debate que queremos absolutamente motivar, inclusivamente com a ILGA Portugal, não devemos deixar de ter e exprimir opinião.

Convidar psiquiatras (para mais os oficiais) para falar da transexualidade é aceitar, mesmo colaborar, com a psiquiatrização forçadas d@s trans. É desinformar @s lgb que virão para se informar. É dizer que @s trans são incapazes de falar por si mesm@s e deixar aos “peritos“ o direito de nos definir.

Convidar os cirurgiões da equipa do Hospital de Santa Maria é silenciar a existência de melhores cirurgiões e o perigo desta desinformação, que é considerável para @s trans. É aceitar que estes cirurgiões continuem, a não informar ou aprender a praticar cirurgias de melhor qualidade e com menores riscos.

É aceitar que apenas @s trans “ric@s” tenham acesso à escolha de melhores cirurgiões.É contribuir para manter os preconceitos da comunidade lgb, mantendo @s trans na ideia de que são doentes, e que estão inteiramente sumetidos ao poder destas pessoas. É divulgar esta ideia.É também negar a existência de tod@s as trans que não passam pelas mãos destes “peritos”.

É esquecer tod@s @s trans que não correspondem aos critérios destas normas estabelecidas por estes psiquiatras, que são excluíd@s e que não estando recensead@s por estes “peritos” nos seus números “oficiais” chegam a suicidar-se.

É aceitar, sobretudo, que para mudar os seus documentos @s trans sejam obrigad@s a ter feito a operação de reassignamento de sexo, que sejam obrigad@s a assumir riscos imensos, e não possam escolher um cirurgião que lhes dê garantias, pois é este sistema e esta realidade que enquadra os convidados para este debate.

Merecíamos realmente que o debate sobre transexualidade na comunidade lgbt portuguesa estivesse mais aprofundado e politizado, e também mais inclusivo dos vários pontos de vista de activistas trans que já vamos tendo por cá. Merecemos começar a falar por nós.

Stef trans ftm gay (Panteras Rosa)
European Transgender Groups Unite
A new coalition of European Transgender and Transsexual Groups, TransGender Europe, has received recognition by the Austrian authorities this week.

Norwegian transsexual denied 2nd passport
A 63-year-old Norwegian transsexual who tried to apply for two different passports has had his request rejected by the Norwegian state police agency.
Transsexual denied two passports
A transsexual Norwegian wanted two passports, one as a man and one as a woman, but his request was rejected.

[USA] [Commentary]
Barbra Streisand: Lessons from a Lesbian Icon
Excerpt: What’s more, as producer and director of Yentl, Streisand didn’t just play the part. She brought the subtext (and main text) into being, and didn’t sidestep the references to lesbianism or transgenderism. As usual, she had her vociferous critics, but Yentl made her gay-friendliness part of the cultural landscape and cemented her lesbian icon status.

A habitual cross-dresser
A 17-year-old boy, who deceived the police by appearing as a woman and was recently remanded at a women's prison in St. Catherine, is actually a habitual cross-dresser.

Malaysian Court Investigating If Groom Was Once A Woman
A Malaysian national is facing a possible jail term and the annulment of his marriage, if investigators can prove that he was in fact a "she." Mohammad Sofian, 40, and Zaiton Aziz, 43, were married by an imam in western Malacca state in December 2002.

[Australia] [People/Entertainment]
Tranny role a surprise
FAMKE Janssen, star of controversial TV show Nip/Tuck, talks about playing a transsexual and being a Bond girl.
Photo: Famke Janssen as Jean Grey at the X-Men movies

Transgender People Face Violence, Obstacles
Cast to the margins of society, gender-nonconformists have always lived under the threat of harassment and brutality, but a new report and vigilant voices of resistance aim to expose and challenge prevailing social stigmas.

When Did Drag Queens Become Transgendered?
Exactly when did Drag Queens become transgendered? One day they were elaborately dressed gay men who spent hours preparing their make-up and costume before going out on the stage to entertain; the next, their gender, which most always was self-identified as male, was suddenly "trans." Was I absent from class when all this was discussed? Since when did outward presentation and performance override internal self-identification -- Was I in the women's restroom when the vote was taken?

Transmission – Kansas City Crossdressers and Friends (KCCAF)
Occasionally organizations exist for a while with very little fanfare or even notice. Kansas City Crossdressers and Friends was one of those organizations.

terça-feira, janeiro 16, 2007

Transsexual loses dismissal claim
A SEX change operation so affected a transsexual' s mind, she was unable to make rational judgements, an employment tribunal ruled last Friday.

Transsexual postal worker convicted of hiding mail
A postman who is on the NHS waiting list for gender reassignment surgery has been convicted of hiding and dumping post.

AMC's Zarf/Zoe storyline surprises
Excerpt: One, Marti Abernathey, who has a blog, is holding her judgment, but thinks the storyline was "sheer genius" on the part of AMC. ... "I think it could be a great thing to educate people to our plight," said Marti. "One thing that has been impressed upon me is how much misinformation/ misunderstanding there is about the lives of transgender folk."

[USA] [Blog Commentary]
What do I know about gender?
There's been some negative feedback (http://tinyurl. com/y59f9d) about an article I wrote for the Exodus Youth newsletter about the fluidity of gender and sexuality. Most of the quarrels people had with it were over statements I made about transgenderism; basically because I affirmed the binary gender system and used the adjective"confused."

segunda-feira, janeiro 15, 2007

Correcção à notícia de ontem:

A Associação ILGA Portugal organiza no próximo Sábado, 20 de Janeiro, um debate dedicado ao tema "Transexualidade – a transição em Portugal".

Se a inexistência de uma Lei da Identidade de Género em Portugal representa um enorme obstáculo nas vidas das pessoas transexuais, a realidade é que a situação clínica das pessoas transexuais levanta também inúmeras preocupações e questões.
É por isso fundamental debater a transição em Portugal (nomeadamente no âmbito do Serviço Nacional de Saúde) e é fundamental que possa estabelecer- se uma boa comunicação entre médicos/as e as pessoas transexuais (bem como as Associações e colectivos que as representam) , de forma a permitir identificar problemas e explorar soluções que garantam melhores condições de vida para as pessoas transexuais.

O debate decorrerá no Centro Comunitário Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa e terá início às 16h. Com a moderação de Luísa Corvo (Coordenadora do Grupo de Intervenção Política da Associação ILGA Portugal), o debate vai contar com as presenças de João Décio Ferreira (Cirurgião, Hospital de Santa Maria), Rui Xavier Vieira (Psiquiatra, Hospital de Santa Maria), Garcia e Costa (Endocrinologista, Hospital de Santa Maria), Susana Marinho (Membro da Direcção da Associação ILGA Portugal) e Luísa Reis (Membro do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Transexualidade da Associação ILGA Portugal).

Contamos convosco!

Estranha-se que não haja nenhum representante do Hospital Júlio de Matos nesta reunião, sendo neste hospital que presentemente é oferecido o tratamento mais em conformidade com os Standards of Care da World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH, antigamente conhecida como Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc. (HBIGDA), como o grupo de trabalho transexual da ILGA tão bem publicitou no trabalho publicado. (A única indicada, Catarina Soares (Psicóloga, H. Júlio de Matos) já não aparece).

Estranha-se a inexistência de algum/a transexual convidado/a a falar sobre um assunto que afinal lhes diz mais respeito, como me fez notar e muito bem o meu amigo Stef (transexual FTM).

Estranha-se a inexistência de representantes das "Associações e colectivos que as representam (pessoas transexuais)" como descrito no texto da ILGA.
Woman sues over humiliation from 'lady-boy insults'
Excerpt: The 34-year-old victim alleges her boss even set up her password as "lady boy" to access an internet site used as a tool for trainers.

Trans Mission
SEX-swap star Lauren Harries is moving in to the Celebrity Big Brother house today - followed by her mother.

In un'intervista a trapela tanta amarezza: dopo quella terribile sera ha dovuto cambiar vita: niente più clienti e niente luci della ribalta. 'Lui blocca tutto, appena può mi mette i bastoni tra le ruote... E non si è mai più fatto vivo'

Kleidung und Perücke sind auch für Transsexuelle Privatsache
Die Aufwendungen für Kleidung, Schuhe und Perücken wegen des Rollenwechsels einer Transsexuellen vom Mann zur Frau sind keine außergewöhnlichen Belastungen im Steuerrecht.

Amanda Lear
Amanda Lear, de son vrai nom Amanda Tapp, est née d'un père officier français d'origine britannique et d'une mère russo-asiatique. Outre ses deux langues maternelles (le français et l'anglais), elle parle couramment l'allemand, l'italien et l'espagnol. Amanda Lear a pu être considérée comme une transsexuelle, sans doute à cause de sa voix très grave, ce qu'elle a toujours démenti .

'I swear I am not transsexual'
Couples seeking a marriage license in Clark County must swear they aren't transsexual, even though many of them don't even know what it means.

domingo, janeiro 14, 2007

Segundo o site da ILGA-Portugal, realizar-se-á no próximo sábado dia 20 de Janeiro às 16 horas, um debate cujo tema é "TRANSEXUALIDADE: a Transição em Portugal".

Contará como convidados com as presenças de João Décio Ferreira (Cirurgião, Hospital Sta. Maria), Rui Xavier Vieira (Psiquiatra, Hospital Sta. Maria), e por confirmar Joaquim Garcia e Costa (Endocrinologista, H. Sta. Maria) e Catarina Soares (Psicóloga, H. Júlio de Matos).

O debate será efectuado no Centro Comunitário Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa, sito na Rua de S. Lázaro, 88 (Metro: Martim Moniz) (Autocarro: 790).
The transsexual postman so upset he hid delivery parcels
A transsexual postman hid hundreds of parcels at home because stone-throwing yobs were making his daily round a nightmare.
Photo: 'Michelle' Pearson, left, and right as Michael Pearson
Taunts drove cross-dressing postman to dump his mail
A cross-dressing postman who hid hundreds of parcels at home says he did it to avoid stone-throwing yobs making his life a misery.
Royal femail hid loads of letters
CROSS-dressing postman Michael Pearson hid hundreds of letters to avoid yobs on his round.

Trans-sexual's bid to gain recognition
Thirtyfour-year-old Radika claimed to be an orphan. Being a transexual, Radhika and the community were being ostracised not by society but by those attempting to exploit them.
DOOR TO DOOR: Elizabeth D. Jeffords, a transsexual from U.S. seeking voter's support for Radhika (kneeling), for local body polls, in Salem on Monday. — Photo: P. Goutham

Vigil Held For Victim In Shoplifting-Murder Case
A candlelight vigil was held Tuesday night outside a Northwest apartment to remember the life of a 42-year-old transgender woman who was found beaten to death inside.

Alleged Prostitute To Stand Trial In Cop Shooting
An alleged transvestite prostitute accused of shooting an undercover police officer was in court this morning. KDKA's Alison Morris reports 20 year-old William Scott was visibly shaken at his preliminary hearing.

Transvestite Breaks Every Taboo
Pakistani talk show host Ali Salim regularly dishes about sex when he goes on the air -- despite the fact that such open talk is banned in his country. The best part: Salim presents his popular TV show wearing make-up and women's clothing.
Photo: When he was a child, he prayed to Allah to make him a woman: Pakistani talkshow host Ali Salim. (AP)

sábado, janeiro 13, 2007

Male cross dresser held at women's prison
The Department of Correctional Services has ordered a probe into the circumstances which led to a teenaged male cross dresser being incarcerated at the island's largest penal facility for women.

Sex-change singer wants new job
A woman who had undergone a sex-change operation two years ago in Jining, Jilin Province, is trying to return to work as a white-collar professional.

Coming out transgender in same-sex relationships
Chances are one is familiar with stories like that of Roy who, in the 2003 groundbreaking film Normal, finds after 25 years of marriage that the stress of being a woman in a man's body is too much to bear. For Roy, played by Tom Wilkinson, it's not an easy transition but a necessary one. And in the end, his wife, played brilliantly by a quiet Jessica Lange, comes to accept his decision.

New Asylum Bid for Trans Mexican
A Mexican transsexual has won a new hearing on claims both for asylum and, alternately, for protection in the U.S. under the international Convention Against Torture, or CAT.

Transgender complaint filed against police
Jaci Adams, an outreach worker for Philadelphia FIGHT, a local AIDS agency, says continuous verbal abuse from some Philadelphia police officers causes her to fear for her safety.