[Iran] Iran's transsexuals: religiously acknowledged, but rejectedTranssexuals have a tough life in Iran. Although they are acknowledged in religious terms, there is very little tolerance shown towards them by society, not even by their own families.
[India] Transgender community searches for a new identityLong hair decked in flowers, bodies swathed in colourful sarees, the mandatory lipstick, bindhi and bangles and the elaborates way have traditionally identified Tamil Nadu's aravanis.
[Indonesia] Excerpt: The incidence of HIV among transsexuals is reported to be high, with some estimates of up to 22 percent.
Photo: MERLYN SOPJAN (JP/Duncan Graham)
The new Venezuelan soap opera "The Kings" has all the most classic elements: cardboard sets, a predictable script (a beautiful, poor young woman falls hopelessly in love with a handsome, rich young man—can love triumph?) and actors not exactly subtle… But what’s causing a lot of ink to flow … is that one of the principal characters, Laisa Reyes, is a transvestite, whose role will be to draw the viewers’ attention to the problems related to discrimination.
There has been many different cases of discrimination being sent to court in the US, due to their very liberated way of living and freedom to express themselves.
LA STORIA INFINITA dell'incontro fra studenti liceali recanatesi e la trans Alessia Bellucci sembra avviarsi verso un felice epilogo.
Approvato in via definitiva anche alla Camera l'articolo 12 della legge comunitaria che nel fissare i principi della delega data al governo per il recepimento delle norme minime comuni a tutti gli Stati dell'Unione ai fini del riconoscimento e della revoca dello status di rifugiato, riconosce il diritto di asilo ai cittadini di Paesi terzi considerati sicuri o agli apolidi che in quei paesi vi abbiano soggiornato abitualmente, qualora per gravi motivi quei Paesi non possano essere considerati sicuri per alcuni cittadini o apolidi.
[Italie] Vladimir Luxuria, pseudonyme de Vladimiro Guadagno (Foggia, 24 juin 1965) est une personnalité politique transgenre du Parti de la refondation communiste (PRC) en Italie.
A former San Antonio police officer has been sentenced to 24 years and four months in prison for the rape and beating of a transsexual woman.
Excerpt: The last person seen with Schmalfeldt at the bar was Raven Navajo. On an Internet site, Navajo describes himself as a transgender escort looking for admirers. ... Police describe Navajo and Schmalfeldt as friends. Now, he's behind bars for her death.
Monica Roberts gently circled a fingertip around the lip of her coffee cup, the perfect manicure a stark contrast to such large, strong hands.
"Gender is who you are," says Roberts, 42. "Sex is what you do and who you do it with."
Excerpt: With the support of her then wife, Beyer began the two-year process of changing gender.